And so, a fragile truce was born. The clown, with those goddamn annoying bells was watching Maldron, a lot. It was faint, but Maldron could notice the clown's suspicion. No, it was no suspicion. It was something more. The way he spoke around the assassin. But it didn't matter. The clown gains nothing from hostility.
They followed the Black Knight, Maldron was impressed by the man's endurance and sheer force of will. Impressed? That was not quite like him. Reflecting on all that he still remembers, Maldron realized just how much he was changing. From his memories of life, he was an ultimate weapon, unburdened by emotion. For a killer, feelings and emotions dull his edge. But this land, this hellish oblivion, and the loneliness and desolation that Maldron experienced changed him. He began to crave social interaction, he become curious of this land. He became interested in his... companions. At the very least, he was going to have a plan to kill everyone he meets, while also being polite and efficient.
"Funny, isn't it." Maldron broke the silence, following the knight. "Now that I have absolute freedom here, I am without a purpose." He shrugs. "In life, all I knew or cared about was my next target, the means to fulfill my assignment, and... And... There is something important I am forgetting!" He raised his voice a bit. Was it anger, frustration he felt? Why? Why must this land dull the blade that he is? His memories it can take away. But not his skill, his cutting edge which let's Maldron fulfill his purpose. "I was raised to feel nothing, to be the ultimate weapon." This... confession certainly made things easier for his mind. Or was it the social interaction that he craved, in any form? "And this place is hell bent on making me lose my edge." He was frustrated, but trying to hide that. He could not appear weak. Or was he already weak, needing to talk, needing a goal, needing anything? A sword should not care for anything. A sword should only carry out what the hand that wields it wishes. Anything else is a liability. "But then again, hell needs no assassins..."
The knight has shared some insight about the mountain. The cold tried to bite Maldron, but it's bite was too weak for Maldron to care. He felt it though, the biting cold, even through this warm leather and his cloak, which hid his projectile weapons. But he simply did not care that much. It was uncomfortable, but nothing too lethal. This new information, a new lead, it needs to be rationally analyzed, discussed. "When we die here, we lose a memory before being reborn again. That much we all know." Maldron clears his throat. "It is reasonable to assume that we all been there at the mountain, once. But most of us can't remember it. We're also all drawn towards it, like moths to a flame." The words he was to speak next made him uncomfortable. He cared little for matters of faith, but this land, and the knight's experiences made Maldron question some concepts, and entertain others. "What if the mountain is paradise, and this is hell. And we, the wicked, were kicked out - unworthy." Deep down inside him, this thought terrified him, though he knew such was his fate, if gods did exist. "I spent so much time trying to find a rational explanation for this irrational place, but it seem another approach needs to be considered. I know I killed a lot of people, and even more that I probably don't remember anymore. It makes sense I was thrown here, if it is indeed hell." He turned to the rest of the group. "What about you?"