Name: Adrian van Erhenst
Gender: Male
Age: 24
(Please ignore the watermark, I've pulled this from deviantart)
Affinity: Gravity
- Weight of the World (Instant Cast, Somatic Component, Verbal Component) - Increases the force of gravity in an area. Though meant to mainly slow down and tire out pursuers, in some places it can have a devastating effect.
- Feathergrace (Instant Cast, Somatic Component, Verbal Component) - Decreases the force of gravity in an area. Mainly used to perform normally impossible acrobatics, soften falls and generally make impossible escapes. Though there are opportunities to use this to a much more lethal effect.
- Force Barrier (Sustained Somatic Component, Channeling) - Creates a bubble of protection which deflects gravity-affected projectiles away. Projectiles launched from within the bubble are not affected. The barrier itself is rather frail, and can't last long under constant assault. Moreso, anything heavy will straight up shatter it, or just walking through it. Potentially could be mastered to not only deflect, but redirect projectiles back at their origins.
- Force Redirection (Somatic Component, Verbal Component, Channeling)-Changes the direction of gravity in a small area. Can only be directed towards surfaces. If no surface other than ground is present, Redirection can be used to suspend objects mid-air temporary. Especially useful in bypassing environmental hazards, traps or to temporary halt and confuse opponents.
- Telekinesis (Sustained Somatic Component, Channeling)-The power to manipulate the position of objects with one's mind, and hand gestures. The reach of telekinesis is limited to Adrian's line of sight. Heavier objects are much harder to move, and living beings even harder. While telekinesis can be used to easily move a rather large rock, one that you would need to be quite strong to effortlessly carry around, it could barely move a cat, as erratic movement makes it much harder to "grasp" objects. Stopping objects in motion and/or changing their directions is also much harder than moving an initially stationary object.
Personality: A playboy by all accounts, Adrian has and knows how to use his silver tongue to get what he wants. Coupled with his total disregard for the feelings of others, especially those of females. Always in a seemingly mischievous mood, Adrian almost becomes a different person when things get serious, though he prefers and actively tries to deescalate potentially dangerous situations. Completely selfish, untrustworthy and honorless individual who enjoys being the center of attention, Adrian is extremely loyal to his true friends. Unfortunately for most of Adrian's acquaintances, very few have earned Adrian's true friendship. And deep down inside, Adrian is just looking for true love and friendship, that one thing he never had.
Background: Born a 4th son to rather minor noble, Adrian's life opportunities seemed rather bleak. As the youngest brother, he always got the short end of a stick, moreso that his brothers were just better at nearly everything, except fencing and charisma. His parents, only concerned with the next heir and the battlefield achievements of their three eldest sons, never payed much attention to the fourth. While Adrian's brothers were marrying beautiful foreign princesses, fighting in glorious battles and getting their own fiefs, Adrian roamed the land, courting ladies in other courts, only to leave them heartbroken, starting petty duels and generally being an annoyance.
The noble drama that he caused, however, aided his family, and as such, his father left him to do his thing, even encouraged it. And with a little guidance, Adrian became a sort of spy. Happy to finally gain some approval from his father, Adrian continued to sow drama and break hearts amongst other noble courts, which earned him quite a lot of enemies and challenges to a duel, which he always won. Eventually, even assassins started coming after him, which actually nearly succeeded. Coming back to his home for safety, he learned that his family officially disowned him, and that he was nothing than a tool for his father, ready to be discarded. Left without a home, in a world full of enemies, Adrian accidently discovered the power he has, which saved his life from a band of hired thugs who ambushed him. With nothing but clothes on his back and his trusty rapier, the ex-noble joined a band of mercenaries, where he refined his mastery over his new powers. As useful to his unit as he was, many others with similar powers began popping around the world, and so, he was sent away.
But Adrian did not resist that. In fact, he liked the idea. A group of exiles, starting anew, in a foreign land where nobody will disturb them. A chance to start again. Of course, he was wrong about the "undisturbed" part.
Skills: Non-Magical:
- Duelist - Adrian is very proficient in one on one combat, with a variety of weapons. If armed with a rapier, however, there are few who could best Adrian in a straight-up duel, regardless of Adrian's opponent's weapons. His dueling expertise only works well against a single opponent, and requires plenty of open space.
- Silver tongue - Adrian is very charismatic. While effective on some, his slyness and chatter will just annoy and agitate others.
Likes and Dislikes: There is nothing Adrian enjoys more than lulling people into doing what he wants, and seducing pretty females is one of those applications, or making someone look like a fool while in an argument. However, there is nothing more annoying than those serious, honorable types, which Adrian generally tries to avoid, or just make them look like a fool to others.
Description of Magic: Adrian's power, first and foremost, requires line of sight. Verbal Component means that Adrian has to say the name of the spell, as he found it easier to use them when he named them. Somatic requires a specific gesture, sometimes it has to be sustained to maintain the spell, such as "directing" the object with hand motion during telekinesis. Channeling means that Adrian has to stay very focused to maintain the spell, though he can do other things meanwhile, as long as his main focus is on the maintaining the spell. Breaking his concentration, or casting another spell will break the channel. Moreover, some of his spell can be made stronger by reducing their area of effect, or vice versa. Due to the nature of Adrian's magic, Adrian's true weapon is the environment, which he loves to use against his opponents.