Name: Tiberious
Gender: Male, 25 Years Old
Race: Human
Alignment: Mage
Covenant/Affiliation: Member of the Unholy Hand of The Beyond. The true purpose of this rogue magic Covenant is unknown, many believe they are trying to figure out the meaning of The Beyond and how to harness it.
Personality: Tiberious is quiet fellow who does not speak more than he needs too. Glares and gestures are used in place of talking, for he deems few worthy of even acknowledging. Many believe Tiberious is crazy, madman willing to do anything and is overheard having conversations with himself. Though no one is ever sure because of his connection with The Beyond. He enjoys playing mind games with his opponent, leaving a glimmer of hope before crushing his prey. The few that do know Tiberious know him as a courageous, determined, fellow who loves a challenge but knows when he is out classed. He is loyal to himself and those who have earned it; which you could count on one hand. The only person he had a connection to was his Master. He has not always been like this, but no one knows when this change happened however.
Tiberious never knew his parents. His first 7 years on this world were spent at his Grandmas. She was an ex-farmer who's husband, a mage, died many years ago. He was never told much about his Grandparents, only that they met many years ago and had one kid. His Grandma died before he could find out anything about his parents. After she died, Tiberious got sent to a foster home where 6 other kids who came from all different backgrounds. Two girls and four boys, all 5 to 7 years old. The two foster parents were kind, middle aged couple who were unable to have children of their own. So they took to helping kids without parents.
For 3 years, Tiberious felt like he had a family, growing to love the foster parents and the other kids. But the kids always wondered where their parents got money to care for all of them. They found out on one bloody afternoon. The kids spent a lot of their time in the woods near the house, and coming home one day, they arrived to a seen of horror. Four Paladins stood outside the farm house, behind their foster parents who tied up, face down. A fifth Paladin stood in front of them, laughing, a white tipped spear pointed at their foster parents. The kids stood, dumbfounded as to what they were seeing. Tiberious took a step forward, and yelled, "Hey... What are you... D..Doing?", fear lingering in his voice. The Paladins all turned, confused looks on their faces. The lead Paladin said something to his comrades, and they headed for the kids. Fear instilled into the children, not sure what was going on or why they men were after them. Their foster mother managed to get on her feet and screamed for them to run. As she did, her face begin to twist in pain. A white light began to grow from her chest. The lead Paladin pushed his spear farther, till it was halfway through her chest. Tiberious stood still, an unknown feeling creeping through his body. As the Paladins closed in, the foster father let out scream and a blight yellow light began to emit from him. Tiberious blacked out after that, unsure of everyone's fate.
TIberious awoke in a dimly lit room, his body soar and weak. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed movement in the room. A cloaked figure sit at a desk, writing in a large, black book. The cloaked figure heard Tiberious begin to wake up, and made his way over to him. "You're awake, good. I have some news for you before we move out," a deep, male voice spoke. Confused, Tiberious tried to sit up, but the room started to spin. The cloaked man placed his hand on the boy's chest, "Stop, you'll black out again," he spoke, "Now, unfortunately, your family was killed by a group of Paladins. We arrived as one man let out a great amount of magical energy. As far as we know, no one but you survived." Shocked, Tiberious began to tear up as he spoke," Ho..ow did I live?" The cloaked man shook his head," We don't know... How long have you had access to magic?" The boy was stared, not sure what he meant. "As I thought, in that moment, I guess it most have awaken and protected you. But we will figure that out later, we must leave. Take this." The man handed Tiberious as bottle with a green liquid inside. The smell from the bottle was strange, foreign to him. He drank it and started to feel light, like his pain was leaving him. "It will help you travel, now I'll give a few minutes, then we leave," the man paused," Paladins are sick, twisted folk, and show no mercy for mages like myself... and you now. We can teach you how to harness your power, and use it against these fiends." Tiberious coughed," We?" The man laughed,"Haha, yes we. The Unholy Hand."
From that day forward, Tiberious has trained with Unholy Hand under the cloaked man, who he referred to as Master, and worked his way up and grew in strength. Several years ago, his Master died, giving him his Black Book and personal weapon, The Sword of a Fallen King. He now is one of the inner members, and one of their leader on the battlefield. That day changed Tiberious, killing his soul along with his family, and implanted a hatred for Paladins. His goals are simple. Discovering the secrets about The Beyond, ridding the world of Paladins, and how to unlock the powers hidden within his Masters equipment.
...Though, sometimes Tiberious wonders if he could ever find his soul again
Power Description: Tiberious' magic energy stems from his own body, like a second heart beating magic through him. It is strengthen by a connection with The Beyond. He uses that connection sparingly, knowing what could happen if he kept that connection for too long.
Torture Room: An illusion spell which tricks the mind into thinking they are in a10x10x10 space, and makes all within the space believe they are in room with solid stone walls. Example: If thrown at the wall, the person believes that they actually hit a stone wall, though no physical had been done. Everyone outside the room just sees people standing about. Tiberious can choose what is in the room like chairs, candle, etc. The spell can be held for about 10 minutes with up to 2 other people. Tiberious has a sense of what is going on outside the spell. Interfering with the spell or its participants can alter or even break the illusion.
Dark Mana: A black energy that can be implanted into any object to strengthen it, making it sharper, more durable, or hit harder. It can also be used in reverse to weaken an object. Tiberious can also form this energy into solid mass, like a dagger or arrow being the largest object he can create.
Crack into The Beyond: Tiberious ability gather energy from The Beyond to use on his Spells and Abilities in place of his own. Used sparingly.
Swordsman: Trained by the Unholy Hand to use one handed swords with deadly effect.
Alchemy: His master's best skill, train for 10 years before his master's death. Though many of his Master's best potions are hidden within his Master's book. Ability to use many ingredients and combine them into something new.
Stealth: A standard skill for Unholy Hand members. By no means is Tiberious a master thief or assassin, but he knows how to get in and out without being seen and how to hide and use the shadows to his advantage.
Battlefield Strategist and Tactician: Spending his first few years under his master's watchful eye, Tiberious studied magic, Paladins, and how to win on the battlefield. Book after book about old wars and how the winners won. What they did, what sacrifices they made to reach their goal and who he could use that to help him. After his initial training, Tiberious was sent on numerous, high risk missions with a low chance to succeed to test his skills.This training readied him physically and mentally, preparing him to lead his men into battle and win, no matter the cost.
Equipment:Small traveling Alchemy set

The signature weapon of Tiberious. No much is known about the blade or where it came from. All that is known about the sword is that it belonged to a powerful, ancient king and its powers locked when the king died. Given to him by his master before he died.

This is Tiberious' Master's spell book given to him when he died. Though having it for a few years now, he was only tapped into this books power
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name: Saberia
Gender: Female 21 Years Old
Race: Human
Alignment: Mage
Covenant/Affiliation: Maiden for the Witch of the Black Forest
Personality: Saberia is a cheerful character who is outgoing and sweet. Having been under The Witch since she was 5, Saberia is helpful and obedient, and always trying to look at the bright side of things. Sometimes she seems too happy though, making it hard to read into what she is really thinking. Never really being in contact with other humans, Saberia has a hard time communicating feeling or understanding what others are feeling. This makes her seem cold or dense, though she really wants to learn more about the world so she can be "normal".
Saberia's was 5 when she was brought to The Witch, though she has no memory of her life before this. The Witch told her that her parents were both mages who could not raise her, so they offered their child to The Witch. Her life with the Witch was not the most exciting, mostly training and serving. Anytime the Witch would travel, Saberia was right there with her, acting in her place at times. Though the Witch hardly ever left the Black Forest, leaving Saberia with training and taking care of anyone getting to far into the forest. (More to be revealed in RP)
Power Description: Saberia does not know her source of power, just that she can feel in inside her and reach in to tap into it.
Repair: Saberia taps into her powers and extends it from either hand. Magical tentacles reach out a few inches from her hands and begin to repair damage done on the surface. This helps stop bleeding and dull pain, though any damage done internally are out of her reach at this time. Mostly used as a quick fix in fights
Vines: Attached to Saberia's outfits are many tiny vines, there place or origin unseen. These Vines have many uses as they, though the use of magic, can grow in length and width, dig themselves in non metal surfaces, or even move on their on, off of Saberia's body. Techniques Saberia uses are forming the Vines around one hand into a point and strengthening their cells, allowing her to slab and slash. Or, in combination with her dagger, create a whip like arm to stab, slash, and strike with. She will also, from a good distance away, extend her Vines to hold her prey in place, or even bury the vines into their flesh; destroying veins and even taking control of a body part.
Healing: Saberia was taught about the human body and many different injuries and illnesses. When magic cannot heal something, with the proper tools or ingredients, she can take care of severe wounds and deadly diseases.
Alchemy: Being trained under the Witch, Saberia can create many potions and poisons, and can make the same effect with different ingredients.
Stealth: Having lived in the Black Forest most her life, she was taught how use her environment to hide her presence. She can also use her vines to cover her body, though is only works in areas with trees and plants
Magic Locator: Saberia has the ability to sense nearby magic within a 100 yard radius. This can include items, spells, or people. Though it confuses her, she can also sense Paladins
Equipment:Small traveling Alchemy and Medical kit

The outfit is dark green.