Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlaying


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So my characters got the okay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Tiberious
Gender: Male, 25 Years Old
Race: Human
Alignment: Mage
Covenant/Affiliation: Member of the Unholy Hand of The Beyond. The true purpose of this rogue magic Covenant is unknown, many believe they are trying to figure out the meaning of The Beyond and how to harness it.

Personality: Tiberious is quiet fellow who does not speak more than he needs too. Glares and gestures are used in place of talking, for he deems few worthy of even acknowledging. Many believe Tiberious is crazy, madman willing to do anything and is overheard having conversations with himself. Though no one is ever sure because of his connection with The Beyond. He enjoys playing mind games with his opponent, leaving a glimmer of hope before crushing his prey. The few that do know Tiberious know him as a courageous, determined, fellow who loves a challenge but knows when he is out classed. He is loyal to himself and those who have earned it; which you could count on one hand. The only person he had a connection to was his Master. He has not always been like this, but no one knows when this change happened however.

Power Description: Tiberious' magic energy stems from his own body, like a second heart beating magic through him. It is strengthen by a connection with The Beyond. He uses that connection sparingly, knowing what could happen if he kept that connection for too long.


Small traveling Alchemy set


Name: Saberia
Gender: Female 21 Years Old
Race: Human
Alignment: Mage
Covenant/Affiliation: Maiden for the Witch of the Black Forest

Personality: Saberia is a cheerful character who is outgoing and sweet. Having been under The Witch since she was 5, Saberia is helpful and obedient, and always trying to look at the bright side of things. Sometimes she seems too happy though, making it hard to read into what she is really thinking. Never really being in contact with other humans, Saberia has a hard time communicating feeling or understanding what others are feeling. This makes her seem cold or dense, though she really wants to learn more about the world so she can be "normal".

Power Description: Saberia does not know her source of power, just that she can feel in inside her and reach in to tap into it.


Small traveling Alchemy and Medical kit

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Appearance: a narrow face, with square jaw, clean shaven, with short cut brown hair and eye’s
Name: Idron Boje
Gender: male

Alignment: mercenary
Covenant/Affiliation: a mercenary guild

Personality: Boje is money-loving soldier he will always pick the higher paying job, he also enjoys fighting, is ruthless, has a short temper, loves to drink and gamble
Biography: A former member of the army he eventually quit because as he said “the pay was bad.” Boje soon join up with a mercenary guild. He spent years with them guild training, taking jobs, and even occasional joining witch hunts.
Power Description: none

- Mastery of his favorite weapon a longsword
- Proficient in light and medium armor he can easily move around
- knows unarmed combat
- Proficient in thrown weapons i.e. throwing knives
- has good cardio

Other skills: knows basic blacksmith techniques to repair his armor and weapons, and can correctly guess the amount of money in any container
Other: Is 29 years old.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharnid


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Yeah I think I'll submit a CS when I finish a few things for school. Expect it later tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@Roleplaying: Yup.

@Tiberious: Could you explain Torture Room in more detail? Is it just a non-corporeal illusion, which can be simply walked through? Something with no practical use except for intimidation? Or is it an actual physical structure? In that case, it's not even an illusion, and is way too strong for an initial spell. Overall though, everything seems perfect. Keep in mind though, that Tiberious gains new powers, that The Beyond is all about remaining in control, or being consumed by it - mind and body.

@eemmtt: If you insist. Though if you don't mind, Idron should gain some kind of powers of his own as this RP progresses. Maybe instead of direct powers, long lost and powerful artifacts?

I do believe that after we get a few more paladins, IC can and will be started. I am still considering which storytelling method would be utilized best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Made change, let me know. I have a few other spells I can put in place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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This RP look like it could be lot of fun, expect a paladin CS from me tonight or tomorrow. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Made some minor edits to my character's "Cloak of Light" spell. And I was just thinking that increase in his skill/"Level" will increase the strength/intensity of these spells. And perhaps he could gain new abilities that are still centered around enchanting objects with Light as he progresses =). And yes, we need more Paladins. We've already got 3 Mages in here XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

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I was thinking Paly but this morning playing Dark Souls 2, a great mage idea hit me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Name: Zander Parliah

Gender: Male

Alignment: Paladin

Personality: Zander is a ruthless sadist who doesn't show any mercy to any one who had magical power. He speaks his mind and he doesn't care who hears. Saying he is dedicated to his job is an understatement, Zander takes his job very seriously and is commitment to destroying mages is controversial to some. At times, Zander can be nice and sympathetic, but that is a sight seen only by the hills.

Biography: In the heart of Meldiniar, Zander grew up in an old home fit for those with little money. His mother had passed away giving birth to him, making his father the only relative Zander had. Zander's father was a raging alcoholic bent on making life hell for Zander. His father had multiple ways of striking fear in the heart of his only son, but the most effective way was the use of magic. His father would throw spell after spell at Zander, making Zander resent him more and more. Zander couldn't do anything about it, Zander was weak then and he hadn't the skill to fight his father. Day after day Zander wished for his father to accidentally choke on his breakfast or cast a spell that would misfire, but nothing happened to him. Nothing bad ever happened to the one person making Zander's life hell, and he felt hopeless.

14 brutal years of torture and unnecessary punishment Zander had to live through. On Zander's 18 birthday he moved out. His dad furious that he no loner had a punching bag. Zander, forever plagued by his hatred for his father and how he abused his magic, decided to rid the world of anybody who has the potential to turn out like his father. This obviously included all mages. Zander joined the ranks of the paladin, doing any means possible to vanquish the fear of becoming slave to magic as he once was. This meant being as heartless as an assassin, and as merciless as the desert's sun. 10 years flew by quickly after moving out from his dads house. Now he is on the road in search of mages and other magic users.

Power Description: Zander has the unique ability to transform his divine power into barriers of light to attack, defend and aid him in combat. This ability ranges from making a wall of light to block/stop incoming attacks, all the way to creating table sized squares of light that can be launched at his enemies. There is a limit to how strong these squares can be, but there isn't a limit to how big they can become. The rule of his divine power is this; The bigger the barrier, the weaker it is. and vice versa

Impending Divinity- This creates four barriers on each side of the mage, entrapping both Zander and his opponent inside. This makes fighting inevitable, and the use of magic more restricted. the only downside to this ability , is that there isn't a top barrier, making escape from the ceiling ideal. assuming you can jump or fly over the barrier.

Persisting Light- This is a basic projectile attack,. This allows Zander to launch squares of light at his enemy. the size Zander throws varies on his opponent. The stronger the opponent is, the smaller this squares of light become. The smaller projectiles fly faster through the air, but the bigger ones cover more space and don't hit as hard.

Steadfast Light- This is another basic ability that molds Zander's divine power into a shield like barrier. It's created about 2m in front of Zander and is the size of a king-size bed. This is used when Zander s put on the defense, which isn't very often.

Other Skills: Zander, when not fighting with divine power, goes into battle with a war axe. Nothing significant, but could deal quite the amount of damage if a proper strike is landed on his opponent.

Other: You can tell if Zander hadn't had his cup of coffee in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Oh snap. Looks like Mages are gonna have their hands full with this Paladin XD. Zander may or may not get along well with my character, depending on his methods of tackling enemies
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nice. Can't wait to throw down with this "square"...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@RiteousTurtle: Wow... Just wow. Really, kudos. Great character. I can't wait how he will deal with what the events that are to come, esp. one plot twist. This oughta be interesting.

@Tiberious: Much better. If I were to nitpick, however, you could add a small description on how it would be possible for the victim to break the illusion. It doesn't need to be obvious or easy, however.

@Rultaos: Everything checks out with the edit.

As for the general storytelling plan, I gave it some though. First and foremost, I would be that sort of "Dungeon Master", which throws the main events in action in my posts, or make something happen near a character/characters. Other than the initial "nudge" of direction, the plot is yours to create and amongst the grander things that will unfold. While Mages vs Paladins will remain the central conflict, over time, a lot more variables will be thrown into the mix.

Now I just wonder should I create characters of my own, or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can't wait to get this started =). And Laue, might I suggest a character list on the OP of the OOC? Just so we can easily access the characters and remember who's got their hat in the ring
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Yeah, I was actually just thinking the same thing Rultaos was.

Laue, I think you should make characters of your own, because so far we only got 6.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Rultaos said
Can't wait to get this started =). And Laue, might I suggest a character list on the OP of the OOC? Just so we can easily access the characters and remember who's got their hat in the ring

Good idea. I'll get right on that.

EDIT: Well, this will take a bit longer than I hoped for. Let's just say that hider nesting is very touchy.
EDIT 2: In fact, you simply cannot put a hider inside a hider. A shame really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Met is gonna make a character that's kinda' out there.

Dunno if this is acceptable or not.

Guess we'll see.

Name: Zinzie Searoby
Gender: Male

Alignment: Mage

Covenant/Affiliation: King of the Wandering Nation

Personality: Zinzie is a colorful man. He's kind, generous, and devoted to his people. His attitude is almost always upbeat, cheerful, and humorous. Charming, if you will. He was raised to see all men as equals, no matter their affiliation, background, or strife.

Power Description: Zinzie is particularly gifted at vocal enchantments and potion making. He can enchant a person or animal by singing to them, usually telling them what he wants them to do in his song.
His potion making abilities are more straightforward. If given proper ingredients, he can whip up an array of potions for anything from growing hair to curing certain illnesses.

Because of his singing enchantments, Zinzie is very skilled at coming up with songs off the top of his head. He sings fairly often, whether or not he is enchanting.

His enchantments are used to persuade others to do what he wants. He could tell them not to hurt him, to give him money, to go to sleep. However, he cannot force someone to do something that they are too completely against. He can't make a person kill someone, or commit a crime, or something of that nature.

His potion making abilities are limited to what ingredients are available. Most potion ingredients are expensive or rare. Without proper equipment, he can't do much.

Other skills:
Zinzie enjoys cooking.

Other: Zinzie knows that mages are hunted for using magic, but he himself has never been persecuted for it. He may soon find that claiming to be the king of a mythical nation will not grant him immunity.

Appearance: Zinzie is a tall and lanky man, standing at 6'5". He's not particularly strong or muscular. His skin is an olive tone, his hair dark brown and curly. His eyes are brown and slightly slanted. Zinzie's clothing style is loose and colorful. He likes shiny jewelry and trinkets. Scarves and feather. Beads and rings.

History: Zinzie hails from a long line of vagabond kings. His father and his grandfathers before him were all kings of the Wandering Nation. When his father passed, it became his duty to lead his people. So far, he's done pretty well. His subjects adore him and the way his treats them. He sees his people as equals. He eats the same food they eat, sleeps in the same dirt they sleep in. He doesn't hold himself any higher than they. Like his father before him, he's a humble leader.

His leadership skills came to be tested fourteen months ago, when a band of thieves attacked his nation. The thieves had clearly been planing for months. They came in hoards, hoping to capture the alleged treasures the nation possessed. His people fought back, but when Zinzie saw his people dying, he had to take action. He ordered them to flee. His mages put their abilities together in order to make the entire caravan disappear in the blink of an eye. Half a million people were gone in the blink of an eye. However, it was too late for their king, who had been captured by the thieves.

Zinzie was drug back to the thieves' base, far from where his people had been. They locked him up and tried to torture the location of his people out of him, but to no avail. They kept him under lock and key, with hope that he would someday crack and tell them. With fourteen months past, Zinzie holds his silence. He will manage to escape, at the beginning of the RP for the record.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@Metronome: A small nitpick about the legend of the wandering nation. Paladins cannot quit their jobs. A paladin becomes one for life. The Inquisition makes sure of that, and that's one of their main functions - maintaining the status quo. In fact, some paladins fear the Inquisitors more than any evil mages. The second main function of the Inquisition is to hunt down Paladins who decided to quit. Though there may be those who evaded the Inquisitors, but there would be very, VERY few.

As for his powers, they are fine as long as persons with strong willpower, or special training could resist it. In fact, powers like that will be very useful, pretty much from early on.

Though the legend has been put under "Terminology", I would like you to edit yours based on points above, so I could paste it into the main post.
And as requested, all characters are added in the original post. However, since you cannot nest hiders, they do look a little more ugly than you have intended. Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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I'll just put witchhunters then =P The point is that people who would be enemies is other circumstance come to this nation and thrive in relative peace.

And yes, if someone has enough willpower, or even earplugs, they can fight his enchantments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Don't worry Laue, it's looking quite alright XD. And alternative list could just be hyper-linking all of the characters to their respective posts. Though I'm not saying it should be changed, as the list you made is more convenient than hyperlinks =).

@Metronome: If that's his limits, then good luck trying to get Varkasan under Zinzie's enchantments XD
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