I haven't done text rp before, but it seems fun. If you're cool with a noob. Ik she'll probably need some culling, so feel free to tweak as need be, GM!

Harkness is arrogant, often mocking her opponents, to her detriment and has a unending hunger for power. Harkness possesses a sense of justice within herself, though she has no problem with deceiving people to achieve her goals. Nevertheless, Harkness is heavily obsessed with power, and would not hesitate to become the most powerful sorceress, resorting to dark magic to achieve it. Harkness values her magical knowledge and prowess greatly.
Agatha is old enough to remember 500 years before the sinking of Atlantis and has died twice over, being resurrected through different means each time. For a long while, she was the leader of the New Salem Coven, before reforming and becoming the governess to some mutant children. She was murdered in cold blood and since she has come back has had an unending thirst for power.
And regarding my favorite superpower, I am all for transmutation. It can be flavored so many different ways and can be either busted or useless depending on the universe. Great opportunities for storytelling, ya know?
Agatha Harkness

"I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing. You're clearly in over your little red head. So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself."
- Name: Agatha Harkness
- Nicknames/Titles: Agnes, Tiger, Auntie Agnes, Magical Girl, The Nosy Neighbor
- Age: Unknown, but archaic
- Gender: Female
- Affiliation: Villain
Harkness is arrogant, often mocking her opponents, to her detriment and has a unending hunger for power. Harkness possesses a sense of justice within herself, though she has no problem with deceiving people to achieve her goals. Nevertheless, Harkness is heavily obsessed with power, and would not hesitate to become the most powerful sorceress, resorting to dark magic to achieve it. Harkness values her magical knowledge and prowess greatly.
Agatha is old enough to remember 500 years before the sinking of Atlantis and has died twice over, being resurrected through different means each time. For a long while, she was the leader of the New Salem Coven, before reforming and becoming the governess to some mutant children. She was murdered in cold blood and since she has come back has had an unending thirst for power.
Powers & Skills:
- Binding: Agatha is able to use her magic to bind her targets from moving.
- Energy Projection: Harkness is able to fire mystical blast to attack her enemies.
- Elemental Control: Agatha Harkness has shown to be able to magically control and manipulate the elements.
- Aerokinesis: Her magic allows her to manipulate the air.
- Electrokinesis: Her magic allows her to manipulate electricity.
- Hydrokinesis: Her magic allows her to manipulate water.
- Pyrokinesis: Her magic allows her to manipulate fire.
- Experience Manipulation: Agatha can manipulate the experience of herself and others.
- Flight: As a witch, Agatha can engage in self-propelled flight.
- Force Field: Agatha is capable to create force field in a certain area.
- Fusionism: Harkness can merge herself and others into one, though she needs to make a mystic circle and uses incantations.
- Illusion Casting: Agatha Harkness has the ability to cast illusions for many purposes. She has used an illusion to disguise herself as a young beautiful woman. Not only that, she can also use this ability to attack her targets or to defense herself and others at the same time.
- Longevity: Agatha lives much longer than a normal human.
- Magical Awareness: Agatha Harkness is able to sense magic and to be aware of anything that effects her and her surroundings.
- Magic Negation: Agatha has the power to negate magic and nullify spells.
- Magic Reflection: She also has the ability to reflect and deflect magical attacks back at the user, as she did against Necrodamus.
- Mystical Invulnerability: Agatha Harkness has resistance against mystical attacks.
- Purification: Agatha is able to purify and clean away objects or magic from evil and sins.
- Scrying: By using her crystal ball she can view and observe people's location.
- Sealing: Harkness can seal or imprison person or object within another person or object as she pleases.
- Soul Manipulation: Agatha has demonstrated the power to animate inanimate object. She also has resurrected herself from the dead and is capable to project her astral form.
- Telekinesis: Agatha can use her magic to move, destroy, and manipulate objects. For example, she was capable to break metal restraints with a gesture.
- Telepathy: Harkness has displayed the power to manipulate, interact, and control the mind of others. She was able to mentally communicate with other person in a long distance and capable to paralyze her targets completely. Agatha has shown capable to read mind a large group of people in an instant while in the astral form. She also has proven to be able to manipulate the memory of others, she can put anyone to sleep and she can protect her mind as well as her allies from psychic force.
- Teleportation: Agatha has proven to be able to transport herself and others from one place to another. She was able to teleport several people from another dimension at once to her location and teleport away person or object from her location. She was also able to open portal so that she can travel and transport from one dimension to another different dimension. If it's needed, she could travel as a streak of flame.
- Transmutation: Harkness can transmute and turn anything into anything else.
- Voice Manipulation: Agatha Harkness has displayed the ability to manipulate voice. She has projected Reed Richard's voice across the entire planet in every language.
- Witch Sight: As one of the most powerful witch on the planet, Harkness can see things beyond what normal humans can such as the aimless ones.
- Magical Knowledge: Agatha has a vast knowledge of magic, spells, and magical items. She has been practicing magic for thousand of years.
- Transformation: Ebony possessed the ability to transform into a wildcat.[1] While in this form, Ebony gains superhuman condition and healing factor. Her durability massively increases to the point that she is unaffected by gunfire from a pistol. And her claws are razor sharp.
- Mystical Senses: Ebony has the ability to sense and to be aware of anything that affects her and her surroundings.
And regarding my favorite superpower, I am all for transmutation. It can be flavored so many different ways and can be either busted or useless depending on the universe. Great opportunities for storytelling, ya know?