How's this?

Andrew stands at 5'6, considerably shorter than the rest of his peers - and is reminded about that very frequently. Andy weighs in at about 62kgs, with a build much like any sedimentary teenage boy: lean and weak. He sports a crew-cut, glasses and usually wears sweaters and trousers for comfort.

A simpleton from Hartford, Connecticut - Andrew grew up quite the oddball. The boy almost never spoke unless spoken to. Even as a baby the boy posed as a miracle in disguise, despite his parents' frustration and anticipation over when he would finally utter his first word. The boy was never fond of crowds. During his childhood years, he was often the last sibling to get into the car, while his parents scoured the vicinity for their wandering son. Andrew grew up being the "quiet" kid. As a teenager, he was the type of guy you'd see rushing down the hallways to get to class as soon as the bell rang just to avoid the oncoming student body herd. Typical grade A student too - attending all his lectures on time and an over-achiever in eight out of nine classes. Academically, Andrew dominated. Mentally, he was just as powerful. Socially? ...let's just say he was the type of guy who could effortlessly dive into an in-depth conversation on neuroanatomical considerations all by himself in the cubicle down the hall.
He wasn't a loner, per se. Throughout his entire life growing up, he managed to score himself two warm bodies he could sincerely call 'friends'. It wasn't that he was necessarily bad at the art of friendship - but merely the fact that he was more of a cynic than anything else. After spending years and years at highschool, he figured he learned enough to know how the human mind works. Sometimes they just don't.
As he spoke less and listened more, he took notice of how everyone intermingled around him. Lying, slandering, exploitation, rumors, and gossip - a whole shitload of it. The conversations that managed to reach his ears (despite his efforts not to let them) all proved to be laced with some varying degrees of bullshit. Nothing would have been able to move Andrew back then. This in turn made the boy distrustful of others, always questioning their motives behind every gesture, every word. There was something about people that made him believe that almost nothing was genuine, up until he met those two. He'd run into them at a gaming convention about a year before he transferred to college. The three connected instantly and sparked fireworks right in front of a stall dedicated to Battlefield 4. They splurged on their love for the games they all shared, and eventually grew on each other enough to start sharing ideas of the world and the people around them. They shared dreams of what they wanted to be, how they wanted to change the world. The trio supported each other every step of the way - things friends usually do.
Needless to say, they restored some of his faith in the human race after their fateful meeting. Andrew moved to college with a renewed sense of belonging and a refreshed mindset. He was going to try socializing. He was actually going to try talking to people without reading between the lines. Friendship was a drink he'd just gotten a taste of, and he was thirsty for that warm, fuzzy feeling. Two years into college life, he'd managed to make an adequate amount of acquaintances, all the while still maintaining the best scores in the entire area. Andrew felt unbeatable.
Of course, that was up until the world started shitting bricks on itself.
Of course, that was up until the world started shitting bricks on itself.

Andrew is quite the decent guy, save for the know-it-all attitude that comes with an exceptional brain capacity. Sarcasm and crass humor is his second nature. The boy prefers being honest over anything else, and will not stand to tolerate any amount of bullshit.
Usually, he's more on the neutral side when it comes to dealing with problems, often serving as the mediator. After all, panicking is merely a waste of time. A logician and aspiring chemical engineer-to-be, Andrew has quite the knack for figuring out what to do in times of desperation. The boy is resourceful - his practiced introverted nature allowing him to tune out his unnecessary noise and hone in on his surroundings to search for solutions to certain problems and whatnot. During his two years at college, he learned to encapsulate the masterful techniques of the budgeting college student.
Basically, he makes killer ramen.
Usually, he's more on the neutral side when it comes to dealing with problems, often serving as the mediator. After all, panicking is merely a waste of time. A logician and aspiring chemical engineer-to-be, Andrew has quite the knack for figuring out what to do in times of desperation. The boy is resourceful - his practiced introverted nature allowing him to tune out his unnecessary noise and hone in on his surroundings to search for solutions to certain problems and whatnot. During his two years at college, he learned to encapsulate the masterful techniques of the budgeting college student.
Basically, he makes killer ramen.