Name:Guillermo Espinosa Gutierrez
Powers:Melee:Eagle Fists. His fists are pretty wimpy by the beggining, but as he gains damage, he get's more powerful. He gains this by absorbing the damage and taking it as power instead. These are the one and only boxing gloves his dad used when he was still in a fighting career, as his mother says, these still contain some of his dad heart and passion.
Guns:He also has a few guns, his favorite one being the AK-47. He doesn't bring a lot of ammo, so he wastes them pretty quick and doesn't use them that much.
Intelligence:Not that this is a weapon, or a power. But his intelligence can lead him to cracking codes and be pretty helpful when it comes to technology. His dad's mask gives him this power, as he is sharing his intelligence and power with him.
Cape:This cape, made out of pure sweat of his father, protects Mostachio. He uses this as a shield. From the looks of it, this looks like a normal cape, but it's actually a metal cape that acts like a normal cape.
Appearance:White mask, pretty big mouth and cartoony eyes. He doesn't wear a shirt, and wears a red cape. He also wears boxing gloves, some pants and his shoes. Both white. He is bald. Pretty common design to say the least.
Born in Mexico, on a little town with no energy for most of the time, comes Guillermo. or Mostachio
Guillermo lived a rough life in his little town, as he was sent to do a lot of stuff. He had to get the wolves and burglars out of the sheep cattle, which nearly made him lose an arm once because a pretty big wolf herd attacked him. One day, even a gang that was stealing animals from cattles once came at started beating up Guillermo because he tried defending it. He also didn't have a proper education, since he was poor and their parents didn't have money for the school materials. It wasn't until he was 12 years old, he finally got a work at a pretty small shop and earned more money than they did with the cattle. He finally went to school and his father got a job when he started his boxing career. And this was just the beggining. As his life was going to get better. Just kidding, worse.
His life went okay for some time, until his dad died because of diabetes. He was depressed to the point of suicide, he eventually got recovered after his father death.
But as for now, he was wondering. What is he going to do with his life now? The shop he used to work on is closed forever.
Then something popped up on his head. Become his dad succesor. He took the mask, the cape and the boxing gloves, then became the new Horstachio, or as he calls himself, Mostachio Pistachio
After that, he wanted to be in a relationship with a girl that he knew for a while now. Her name was Liliana. She trained Guillermo when he was just a novice. She trained him over 7 years, before he could finally tell her he was in love for her. Liliana rejected him, as he told him that he didn't want to go as far as being in a relationship. She just said she wanted to be friends only. Sad, depressed and lonely Guillermo decided it was time to retire.
He then decided to become a hero. As he could see his force can be useful to the town he lived in. The police department was not happy for this, as they called him crazy and stupid by wearing his mask. But he proved he was an actual hero by going into a burning building and getting everyone out of there. He lost an arm due to an explotion in there. He just recovered when he turned 23.
Not long after the Teen Titans called him to join them, as they saw his potential as a good teammate and saw his actions on his little town. Rejected again., as they were not interested anymore. He decided he wanted to go solo, and he did just that before trying to form an team. Now, he goes around in Mexico City walking around, watching out for any criminal who wants to break the law.