Avatar of Leon5431
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 811 (0.20 / day)
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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Ryonara said
Something about Leon's character talking to your character. It was a bit flirty, but after that I was caught up with some other business.

Welcome to the birth sign the lover or perhaps just to Kayal. ;P
Crossark said
God dammit, Free.I need some time!Migraine!

Dude...I feel bad for you...migraines are terrible.
By the way, any update on the such and so I messaged you guys about?

Also I'm always here. Even before when I wasn't here I was actually here. Just no one saw me XP
Such an odd person Samuel is, why would he ever want to make sure someone lived?
Aye mind if I join in? the Wintercrest reps need an entry.
Nice post Elite, I will probably respond tomorrow, i've got finals, but on the bright side I'll be home earlier than usual.
The New Yorker said
Kayal has some skills. How old is he again? Sarel is probably going to want to talk about his style.

He is into his late twenties, he has built up some experience, fighting is a common thing for hi. And both Kayal and Sarel can learn from each other, maybe we could look into them becoming sparring partners at a later date?
Sharee slew the first guard with ease and grace, soon after another guard was felled by another crew member, shouts began to erupt from all over the ship, many of them were in warning or anger but, just as many were in confusion. The initial surprise gave them a chance to take multiple lives before the enemy were fully prepared. Kayal himself rushed towards a nearby guard slashing the guards throat as he jumped past him. A grotesque sound came from the mans throat as he tried to breath but was met with nothing but blood. The man fell to his knees grabbing his throat as crimson leaked between his fingers. He was soon ended completely as another crew member drove his axe into the back of the guards head.

Quickly Kayal rushed onward, he closed the distance on a guard that was fumbling for the cutlass at his side. He managed to draw the blade just as Kayal reached him. In the same motion he slashed out towards Kayal but met nothing but air as Kayal hopped backwards and balanced on one foot letting the blade rip through the air before him. As the blade passed by Kayal launched forward slashing the guard across his chest. Continuing with the momentum from his strike Kayal spun around and slashed his blade across the guards throat. The guard collapsed back bleeding and soon to be dead.

Then out of the edge of his vision he noticed a pair of guards rushing towards him with their weapons drawn. Kayal turned to face them, disbanding his spell as he did and removing his knife from his sheath. He twirled the knife before bringing it to a stop where the blade was angled downward. As the first guard neared him Kayal quickly paired his attack and slashed him across the chest with his knife as he stepped past the him. With how he attacked he came to a stop with his back facing the approaching guard and the wounded guard standing to his right while his sword was raised over his right shoulder. Looking over his right shoulder Kayal saw that the approaching guard was aiming to bring his sword straight down on Kayal and slash him down his back, to guard himself from this attack Kayal quickly moved his blade till it was resting across the back of both his shoulders.

He got the blade just into position before the enemies strike came down, instead of hitting his body it collided with his blade producing a loud ringing sound but leaving him unaffected. Just then Kayal thrusted his knife backwards stabbing the guard in his stomach then he pulled his blade out and stabbed it into the guard again then again then again before spinning around and slashing the guard with his longsword finishing the guard off. As the guard fell backwards the first one managed to recover and turned to face Kayal.

Kayal spun around to face him and slashed at him but was met by the guards blade as the guard parried his strike. Kayal then slashed with his knife cutting deeply into the guards arm. Then he slashed again, but once more the guard managed to parry the strike. As he parried the strike Kayal stabbed him through his arm with his knife. The guard hollered in pain before Kayal knocked his sword to the side easily and stabbed the guard through the stomach.

As Kayal pulled his weapons from the guard and let him fall to the ground he noticed another guard approaching from his right. As he turned to face the guard he heard someone cry out in rage from his left, his head shot around towards the source only to see another guard charging at him. He was caught in a tricky situation once more there was two enemies but this time they were coming from different directions. He needed to do something.

Running off instinct and quick thinking Deven spun his dagger till it was facing upwards where he then raised it and threw it towards the approaching guard on his left. The knife flew through the air and hit its target stabbing into the guards shoulder. The guard cried out in pain and stumbled losing his momentum and buying Kayal sometime. Then came the second guard whose strike Kayal parried and held as he kicked out the guards knee forcing the guard to fall back. The guard grunted in pain and fell back to the ground. With time running out Kayal quickly slashed the fallen guard ending him before turning just in time to see the first guard nearing him.

The guard slashed vertically at Kayal, but he was able to dodge it just in time. With the guard's wounded shoulder slowing his reaction time Kayal took the opportunity and slashed at the guard cutting deep into the guard's side as he stepped around him turning as to keep facing the guard. As the guard stumbled from the slash Kayal reached around and tore his knife from the guards wound and kicked out the back of his knee forcing the guard to his knees. Before he could react and slash at Kayal or do anything of the sort Kayal dragged his dagger across the guards throat, slicing his throat open as he did.

The guard collapsed forward in a gurgling mess as he slowly began to wither away. So far things were going well for him, these East Empire guards were not all too skilled being little more then hired mercenaries given the title of guardsman.

A little ways behind him closer to where they had boarded from, Kayal saw Zana finishing off a guard she was fighting delivering a deadly blow to his stomach region and stabbing her second sword through his chest. Close by stood Nalla was was caught in a fight with a guard, the two exchanged blows parrying each others strike until Nalla managed to fake the guard out and land a blow to his waist area. With a wound having been sustained and a bad one at that the guard easily fell after two more strikes.

They all seemed to be fairing rather well, but that could easily change, nothing is certain while in the heat of battle..
Sorry about that, I completely forgot I was going to be going to see some family. Anyway, well I am home now, so I can get to posting.

So in a little over an hour.
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