All around the ship the fighting began to die down as the guards fell one by one, until only a few remained, scattered, divided and for the most part doomed. One of which a rather seasoned looking imperial guard was fighting off two recruits at the same time. Wielding his dual cutlasses he was able to hold his own even wound one of his assailants with a deep slash across his chest while he himself stood lacking any fatal wounds.
The unharmed recruit rushed after the soldier, his scimitar in hand. The Redguard slashed at the guard's stomach but was easily parried by one of the guards blades, he was exposed and would have fallen then and there if the other recruit hadn't blocked the guards retaliating strike. For countless moments if fell down to the trio exchanging blows with one another. Finally the two recruits rushed forward at the same time, having eventually gotten it into their heads that it was smarter to use teamwork then to go at it alone. The guard barely managed to parry the attack and exploiting the wounded recruits lack of reaction time kicked the recruit in his gut before rushing the second recruit. The guard slashed both his blades at the recruit and just barely in time were they parried. But with each parry the recruit was forced to take a step back, by the end of the second blow the recruit found himself with his back pressed up against the side railing of the ship.
The Imperial smiled monstrously and prepared to launch a second barrage of blow, but the recruit took the initiative, he rushed forward and tried to slash the guard but only met with the guards blade and was given a deep slash across his gut. The recruits eye shot open wide and they dropped down to where he had been wounded. He looked down in shock at his wound and did nothing as the guard plunged his blade through his chest. The recruit collapsed back lifeless as the guard turned to face down the already wounded recruit.
Around him the guard saw more of the invaders catching notice of him putting him in their ire. He knew they would come after him and he would surely die, he was outnumbered and perhaps even outmatched against some. He would die this day, he would never surrender to these...pirates. The least he could do is some of them with him, starting with this pitiful weak whelp before him.
The guard raised his cutlasses and charged the remaining recruit. The recruit was only able to block three attacks before his guard was broken. The guard smiled again as he saw the end of this whelp's life drawing closer, he readied his cutlass to drive it through the recruits chest and shouted, "Get off our ship your worthless scum!". But before he could stab his sword forward their was a sharp pain in his shoulder and he had to fight to stop himself from crying out. He spun around catching a glimpse of the knife in his shoulder as he did.
As he spun around he saw a swirling ball of fire come flying through the air right at him before exploding on his chest burning his clothes and flesh alike. He screamed out in pain as he toppled back onto the floor wounded terribly but alive. He gazed up towards the sky admiring for what would be the last time the beauty of a open sky before the figure of the wounded recruit from before stepped over him and slowly slide it's blade into his neck starring grimly down at him as it did.
Kayal watched from a foot behind as the recruit slowly stabbed through the guards throat, as the recruit pulled his blade free Kayal kneeled next to the quickly dying guard. "No my friend, you get off our ship." He said with a grim smile before retrieving his knife and standing up one more.
All around the ship the fighting had ended and he heard Sharee shouting orders to a pair of Khajiit. As the two began to go about their task Kayal looked to Nalla who was staning nearby him, "Go help them too, just to be safe." He said before looking to Zana, "And you, go help the land party, make sure this ship stays in our hands, I am going to go with Sharee and the others." He said in the much more serious tone he usually used while in dangerous situations such as these. Zana nodded towards Kayal before speaking up, "Alright, just be careful." She warned. He smiled back at her, "You know me." He said in response before the two turned their separate ways.
Kayal followed after Sharee taking up a place just behind her, soon the female Breton from the beach took point wielding a silver shortsword, Kayal thought he saw something glisten on her blade but he was not sure quite what it was. Soon they came across an enemy who she gracefully dispatched with a stab from her blade, as the guards body went stiff and collapsed to the floor Kayal realized that she must have been using some form of poison and assumed that is what he had caught a glimpse of on her blade. From what he could tell she was rather skilled and her poison seemed to be rather effective, as was proven as she dispatched an Orc guard wielding a war hammer, he decided to make a mental note to speak to either her or Sharee about getting his hands on some of their poison, it never harmed to have an extra edge on your foes when in a fight.