Avatar of Leon5431
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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So I am guessing Khan is in no condition to speak with anyone really, so who would the Wintwrcrest reps be directed to in his stead?

Also I may have lied...I ended up playing The Forest and building the most bad ass camp any forest has ever seen. I would like to see some of these cannible maniacs come at me now.
Two down in such a close time frame, ouch, well, my farewells to both of you. Hopefully we may see you return here some time in the future.

Well, time for me to finish my post I was typing up, then also to get back to Terror and finish those CSs, they have kinda been put on hold sadly. :/
Hey Luna.
Away from the turmoil and chaos of the college the winter night rolled ever onward uncaring to the struggle of those living in the college. Icy winds came down from the mountains and into the land surrounding the college sending up whirls of loose snow into the air before for eventually dying out and settling back into the eerie calmness that settled over the land. This calmness only off set by the glow from the distant fires ate away at the great Twilight College.

Running in a long winding stream of stone away from the college and hidden under layers of white was one of the many roads leading both to and from the college. This one road which was once abuzz with the many travelers looking to arrive at the college for it's annual Winter Solstice. Had now died down into a nearly empty path hidden by the snow. At times one would be able to see bits of stone through the sheets of white, these little brief windows through the blanket of snow that covered the land served as a means to see if one had yet lost their way. Whatever path through the snow that had been carved by the travelers before had long since been hidden away once more by the snow.

But, at a point where the roadway led down from a mountain and into the college valley, a band of travelers made their way through the bitter winter mounted upon snow coated horses. This group of twenty travelers were bundled in winter coats in their desperate attempt to keep warm in the cold. Some had cast unused cloaks over the flanks and necks of their steads in an attempt to help keep their mounts from freezing in the bitter cold, others covered themselves in all the warmth they could find.

Every so often worried eyes would lift up from the road ahead and settle upon the orange glow of the college in the distance. The fires stood out drastically in the dark of the night and this band of travelers had noticed the fires when they first began to descend on the road from the mountain pass. Eventually these worried looks would return to the road or sometimes be shared between other members of their band. Even at this distance it was clear something bad had happened and this revelation had only served to quicken the bands pace.

In the lead of the band a cloaked figure mounted atop a black coated stead pushed ever onward in his journey, a hood pulled over his head and cloth pulled over his mouth and nose leaving only his eyes exposed to the bitter cold. Eyes that starred ahead towards the fiery silhouette of the college in the distance. His eyes were a mixture of worried and scared, not scared for himself but for the inhabitants of the college. For several long moments his eyes hung on the college before a voice behind him cursed bitterly drawing his attention.

"Fuck!" The voice exclaimed as their cloth fell from their face and two shivering hands rose to fix it. "I can't get this damned mask to stay in place, my nose is freezing!" The voice complained as the cloth was barely worked back into place.

"Try tying it tighter in the back, it should help to keep it from falling." Another voice said from behind.

The frustrated travelers eyes shown of his annoyance as he looked back to where the second voice had come from, he was about to speak when he was cut off by the leader of their band. "Come on, we need to hurry, things don't look good at the college." The voice said before he pushed his stead to move faster. The other members of his group quickly followed in suit.

The band continued on down the mountain at a faster pace then before, their pace matching their desperation to figure out what had happened and if there were still people alive in the great school of magic. The winter wind nipped at the travelers as they rode on, each one somewhat protected thanks to their cloaks on which the insignia of a wolf was inscribed.
After Leith literally carried away the barrel in one hand leaving Deven partially stunned at his strength, he quickly followed after. But before long he heard a voice in his head, it was extremely odd to Deven to have a thought that was not his own go through his head but he did his best to ignore it and do as he was told moving in to a position near to Jenna and began slicing at any bat that tried going near her or any other archer. On multiple occasions a bat would swoop down at him and swipe at the visor of his helmet blocking his vision, but the bats could do little more them that against his armor. He had managed to cut down multiple bats but for each one he killed there seemed to be a dozen more, but he did not falter, it seemed as though their was a plan in motion, even if he did not know the details of this plan he knew his role, and he would fulfill his role to the best of his ability, especially if it meant keeping Jenna and many others safe.

Between slashes at the swarming bats he watched as the gathered archers moved into random positions and began picking off random targets, they seemed to be refusing to fire at the demonmancer, something that annoyed and worried Deven. [I]Have they given up on attacking him with arrows? Are they really just going to leave him be?[I] He wondered to himself. Part of him wanted to yell out to the archers to focus fire on the demonmancer but before he even began to open his mouth the archers all almost at the same time aimed for the demonmancer and let volleys of arrows loose at him.

It seemed not even a single one was blocked by the demonmancer as dozens of arrows met their marks, a smile spread across his face as cheers erupted from nearby guards and students alike. He even let out a cheer himself as the swarm of bats began to break apart, "Yeah!!!" He cheered as the demonmancer collapsed to his knees before calling out towards them. "Not today." Deven said to himself after the demonmancer finished. "Not today.".
Jenna managed to loose a few other arrows before the bats came upon her, she raised her left arm to shield her face and used her bow to swat at the bats only connecting with a few before a gust of wind cleared the bats off her. She lowered her eyes and saw the armored form of Ssarak standing before her. She smiled and was about to thank him when she heard something in her head, it was a thought that was not her own that told her to gather all the archers she could. She quickly realized it was Ssarak that was speaking to her telepathically using his blood.

She nodded to him before speaking up, "Alright I will." She said before hopping down off her table and rushing about the room looking for anyone holding a bow or with a quiver on their back.

It took sometime and no small amount of swatting bats but she eventually found a good amount of archers telling them to grab as many arrows as they could and come with her. Eventually she returned to her position with a band of both students and guardsmen following behind her. As she arrived she once more heard that voice in her head delivering her more instructions. The other archers did as they were told and made their way to other positions just as she climbed back onto her table. She turned back to the fray only to see Deven take up position nearby and begin fighting of anything that came near, be they demon or bat.

She sent a few of her arrows flying towards some lesser demons picking them off before they could do much harm until she heard the order to focus fire on the Demonmancer, as the order went through her eyes narrowed on the demonmancer and a grim smile spread across her lips. Everything seemed to slow down as he hand reached back for the arrow, pulling it from her quiver before nocking it on her bow. She let out a calm steady breath before she spoke, "Block this bastard." She said as she let the arrow loose.

Quickly she grabbed two more and sent them quickly after the demonmancer, just as more and more arrows met their marks on him. And as he fell to his knees she almost couldn't believe that they had done it. They had killed him. cheers erupted from all across their ranks including one from Deven just in front of her. "Next time don't mess with the Twilight College you bastards!" She joined in, before preparing more arrows for the remaining demons.
Hey guys so I am back from California, had a great trip and really managed to get my mind off of things and take a break from a lot of stressful things. Now I am back home and will be posting shortly.
Hey guys so I am back from California. Sorry for my absence, I tried to get a post up in the OOC saying I will be out of town for a bit but my phone decided to be an ass. Sorry, but I am back now and will try to post soon. I certainly need to.
Alright, girlfriend is on her way back home and now its time to get back to CS work. I want to get these done, to be honest, I definitly spent way longer then needed deciding what planet(s) they will be from, but I am rather satisfied with my choice(s).
Sorry about my random absence guys, I had an Uncle that passed away and for the last several days I have been up in Montana dealing with everything. But, I am back now and things should be clear for the njext few days before I am dragged out of town. I will have, iffy access to computers when out of town so dont depend on posts out of me, but this is not until Saturday.

Anyway, I will be getting back to my CSs ASAP
Sorry about my random absence guys, I had an Uncle that passed away and for the last several days I have been up in Montana dealing with everything. But, I am back now and things should be clear for the njext few days before I am dragged out of town. I will have, iffy access to computers when out of town so dont depend on posts out of me, but this is not until Saturday.

Anyway, I will be getting to posting shortly. Once more sorry.
Sorry about my random absence guys, I had an Uncle that passed away and for the last several days I have been up in Montana dealing with everything. But, I am back now and things should be clear for the njext few days before I am dragged out of town. I will have, iffy access to computers when out of town so dont depend on posts out of me, but this is not until Saturday.

Anyway, I will be getting to posting shortly. Once more sorry.
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