A low thud resonated throughout the large high rise apartment followed by a series of similar thuds. The apartment was rather luxuries, it's main door led into the living room where there was a fine sofa and a pair of arm chair pointed towards a television that took up a good chunk of the right wall. In the middle of the chairs there was a wooden coffee table with a built in holographic display in it's center. On the far side of the room there was a large window over providing a beautiful view of the city. Also on the far side of the room were a pair of stairs that led down a short ways to small area with four arm chairs gathered around another table with a holographic display built in and a television on the wall in between the stairs. Built into the window on this level was a automatic glass door that led out to a patio with some more furniture set out a few of the chairs facing away from the apartment looking out over the city. Also on the patio was a medium sized pool that had a panel that could be activated to slide over and cover the pool making it look as if there were nothing there but empty patio.
Back inside to the left of the living room was a kitchen outfitted with all the modern kitchen appliances one could ask for. On the same side of the room as the entrance was a small mini bar stocked with a wide variety of alcohol from multiple different planets and civilizations. To the right of the television set and furniture in the living room was a door that led into a private office with it's own desk with a built in holographic display, a television multiple shelves and a window overlooking the expanse over the city below. Back in the living room and to left of the kitchen a little ways, was a staircase that led up to the second floor where upon ascending you would be immediately met with a room with another sofa and a pair of arm chairs facing a television set to your right and a rather large holographic set up to your left. To the right of the holographic setup was a pair of doors that led to two guest rooms each room outfitted with a bed, a table with a holographic display built into it and a pair of arm chairs around it as well as a dresser, nightstand and Television set. Back in the main room of the second story and to the left of the furniture and tv was a door that led to the master bedroom. The master bedroom had a window that overlooked the city below and carried over to the right wall and overlooked the patio below. The room had a rather large bed that was currently unmade at the moment, a walk in closet, a television set with some arm chairs and a table-holographic display, two dressers and a large shelf unit.
Back to the main area of the second story and opposite of the stairs that led up to it was an open door that led to a personal gym, the current source of the repetitive thuds that reverberated throughout the apartment. In the middle of the gym hovered a heavy punching bag made of a foam material that could be set to multiple different density settings. Standing opposed to the punching bag was a male Rothian with black and white scales wearing nothing in terms of clothing. The Rothian stood in a offensive stance with his fists raised and rapidly struck out at the punching bag before him, each punch created another dull thud that reverberated throughout the room and apartment.
"You haven't done anything wrong or anything to piss off the brass, right?" Asked a voice from a portable holographic display, the small orb hovered around the Rothian displaying the image of another Rothian this one distinctly female. As could be seen she had dark green scales on the top of her head and yellow scales along her neck and chin. The top of her military uniform could barely be seen at the angle she was at.
"No I haven't done anything that I know of to piss anyone off." Replied the male in a steady and calm voice. "Has Zyku said anything about this?" He continued to ask. All the while his gaze never shifted from the bag in front of him.
"No, if he knows anything he hasn't said a single word. Though now that we are at base I will get a better chance to actually talk to him about it before we get shipped back out. We will only be here for the next two days." The girl said her attention seeming to be grabbed by something off screen.
"Alright, well, I don't think I am in trouble, I am probably just being reassigned to another squad or who knows maybe even promoted." The male said shrugging slightly as he did. As he finished speaking he went into a series of quick jabs that made a rather rapid series of thuds as his hands hit the bag once her finished his barrage he stood up straight and rolled his shoulder then neck before looking over towards the holographic display that settled in the air to his left.
"You promoted? Yeah right, don't make me laugh." She said with a teasing grin across her face.
"Oh yes cause me being promoted is such an unthinkable thing." He replied sarcastically.
"There is no way you are getting promoted before me. I have been here longer then you have and I haven't gotten a promotion, you can wait your turn." She joked back her grin never fading as she spoke.
"Sorry Terra, I guess command just knows I am the better soldier, I think I heard they wanted to send you back to basic training." He retorted seeming completely serious as he spoke.
"You know being big headed won't get you any closer to finding out why it is you have been reassigned Telmeck." Terra said in mock annoyance.
Telmeck smiled and rolled his eyes before responding, "Or maybe I am being reassigned because I am not big headed enough." He joked.
"You're an idiot." She replied in a bland annoyed tone.
"It takes one to know one." Telmeck replied using an age old quote and grinning childishly.
Just then the sound of a door sliding open came through on Terra's side and her eyes turned away from the screen. A voice quickly spoke up soon after, "Terra, Zyku want's to see you it has something to do with our next mission." Said the voice.
Terra nodded her head before responding, "Alright, be right there." She said before looking back to Telmeck. "Alright stupid, duty calls, we can't all enjoy some extra leave time like you." Terra joked as she sat up in her bed. "You take care of yourself, I will try to talk to you again tomorrow." She said as she stood up.
"Yeah yeah, you take care of yourself too and watch your back out there i'm not around to drag your ass out of trouble if you get yourself into a mess." Telmeck replied.
"You and I remember our times in the field distinctly different." Terra commented with a skeptical and teasing expression. "Alright talk to you later." She said as she grabbed some things off screen.
"Take care of yourself and good luck." Telmeck replied before the transmission ended the holographic display vanished just as an automated voice announced that the transmission had been terminated.
"Yeah yeah yeah." Telmeck said to the device as he reached out and grabbed it switching powering it down before turning to the punching bag. He activated the display and sent the hovering bag to deactivated. The bag then spun around and floated to a corner of the room where four more bags of it's kind were lined up, as it reached it's spot in the line the device deactivated and the bag slowly lowered to the floor.
Still holding the hologram projector in his hand Telmeck stretched his arms first one arm over the other in front of him and then one arm after the other behind his head. As he did he felt the tightness of his muscles, it was a pleasant sensation it was not as much as it would have been if he had actually come in to workout instead he came in for his morning routine. As he finished stretching he began to make his way out of his gym tapping a few keys on the keypad on his way out so the door would slide shut behind him before stepping over and setting the hologram projector in its place by the main holographic display system he had set up.
He then turned and made his way down the stairs into the main room then down the second set of stairs and out to the patio. Once outside he stepped over to the pool and jumped in. As he broke the waters surface droplets were sent in every direction, the warm water rushed in on him in an instant bathing him in a pleasant relaxing sensation as it did. He held under water for several seconds before breaking the surface of the wavy water once more. With a deep pleased breath he filled his lungs and opened his eyes looking out at the view before him.
It was a beautiful sight, the morning sun shown brightly on the horizon bathing the city in it's light and painting the sky a beautiful orange as it slowly made its ascent. The cities hundreds of tall towers reflected the sunrise with every correctly facing window. Less vehicles then usual made their way through the streets as they went about their mornings, for some they were finally returning home for others they bid their home farewell and went out to begin their day. As most of the cities this day and age it seemed it's "streets" never slept, at all times there would be some type of vehicle soaring through the spaces between the rising towers.
For several long moments Telmeck was captivated by the beautiful view, this was one of his favorite things about both his apartment and waking up this early, he had a front row seat to one of natures greatest beauties. Eventually he forced himself to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out. Once free from the waters pleasant embrace he walked over to the railing of the patio and leaned on to it.
When he was in the field there was never any time for him to admire the sunrise or sunset of a foreign world, his gaze was never fixed on the nature of the world but rather those that inhabited it. But here, here he was able to take all the time he wanted to stop and stare to get lost in the beauty of a peaceful world where not everyone in sight was an enemy. He could breath easy and relax. It was nice but it felt foreign, he had become so used to the day to day stress and toil that came with his position as a soldier let alone a spec ops. He had grown so accustomed to it that his time almost felt wasted and he felt a constant air of unease that there was something important he should have been doing. This feeling was only amplified by the fact that he was pulled from his squad and put on leave early, he couldn't help but feel uneasy and anxious.
His mind drifted as he stood on that ledge, the water on his scales slowly drying in the morning sun. What if the others get hurt and I am not there to help them? What if something with the mission goes wrong and they get trapped or worse. They will be down a man and their possible deaths would be because of me because I wasn't there to help them or die along side them. He thought nervously. The images of all of those soldiers he had watched die in the many years of his life slowly blinked through his mind in some form of heart wrenching slideshow. This was part of his life, it was something every soldier had to accept, that comrades will die, sometimes no matter what you do, it is a cruel and bitter thing to know that a comrade died even when you tried to help them, even more so when you start thinking of how you could have better helped them. That was a line of thought every soldier should avoid even in some places a line of thought everyone should avoid.
He had lost enough comrades in his long existence to know that should the worst come to worst he would eventually come to terms with it. Though he was confident, they were a skilled team, they were all spec ops for a reason and would not go down easily.
Telmeck let out a long sigh as he pushed his thoughts back to the hear and now. He pushed himself off of the rail and made his way back inside. By this point he was completely dry so he made his way to his room where he began the process of finding some clothes to wear. He stepped into his walk in closet and began looking over every last available outfit for him.
"One annoying part about being on leave...having to find legitimate clothes to wear. I can't just go around in my uniform or armor like I could when on duty. No now it was either clothes or no clothes, but I always get odd looks from non-Rothians when I wear no clothes so I would rather wear something." He said aloud to himself as he looked.
His wardrobe was less like that of the usual Rothian society, instead of the flashy and expensive clothing that usual Rothians wore he stuck to a more subtle style of clothing. He ended up selecting a pair of dark grey wants with a white long sleeve shirt. When he was clothed he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up till they were slightly longer then that of a normal shirt. Once pleased with his outfit he collected his wrist computer and went down stairs.
As he reached the base of his stairs he glanced over to his kitchen and thought about grabbing a bite to eat but decided against it, he would be able to make some food where he was going. As he made his way to the exit he opened up his wrist computer and made sure to seal the pool deactivate any lights he had left on and lock any doors he had left unlocked. Once done he made his way out the front door locking it behind him before heading towards one of the buildings many elevators. He then took the elevators down to a sort of parking hanger where the building residents stored their vehicles. After finding his own he climbed in and set a course for his destination.
Being still fairly early he was able to make it to his destination in a goof amount of time, the serious morning traffic was just beginning to settle in. His vehicle landed on the private landing pad and he climbed out. He then made his way over to the apartment's entrance and was scanned just as he always was. Upon completion of the scan the door opened for him and he stepped in being greeted by the voice of the apartments AI.
"Good morning, Telmeck." The voice said in greeting. "I should inform you. Master Rareth is presently still asleep. Shall I wake her?" The AI asked.
Telmeck smiled lightly and shook his head, "Hello Thavrin. That will not be necessary, I can wake her." Telmeck answered
"As you wish sir, she is currently asleep in the living room." Thavrin said before falling silent once more.
"Thank you Thavrin." Telmeck said before making his way from the front door heading further into the apartment. Eventually he reached the darkened living room where he spied the sleeping form of Rareth on the couch. Telmeck smiled and chuckled softly, "Looks like someone had a late night." He said quietly before making his way towards her as silently as he could. As he reached her side he slowly crouched down beside her softly placing a hand on her shoulder he then gave her a few shakes being as gentle as he could while still being enough to wake her.
As she began to stir he smiled softly, "Come on sleeping beauty, you'll sleep the morning away at this rate." He said teasingly.
"Thavrin, go ahead and set the windows to a medium tint so we can get some light in here." Telmeck requested.
"Yes sir." The AI responded before manipulating the polarized windows until they were tinted enough to let a small amount of light in.