Avatar of Leon5431
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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I'm good, i'm good.

I have been seriously missing role playing for a while now and have been hoping to get back into the old RPs I was in.
Hmm, I am surprised how little this OOC has progressed.
I will get a post up when I get home, sorry or my absence in been a busy couple of days.
I will try and work on a post before I go to work. Unless of course I could play destiny...whereas then I will be playing destiny...I have my priorities...
My IC posting pants are firmly on my lower body, though sadly I forgot my OOC post belt.
Telmeck smiled and laughed at Rareth's comment, "That's good and maybe we could skip on letting the others know about that politician bit. They may end up getting the wrong idea, though, I am sure they will love the whole beheading part, you should focus on that one." He joked back with a cheeky smile.

Eventually the whole group arrived in the common room, they were quite an odd bunch with a varied type of personalities, skills and backgrounds. A good amount seemed military, others seemed to be mercenaries, one or two even still stood out from those two groups looking almost civilian. It's going to be interesting getting to know all of these people, even more so finding out which of them are trustworthy. He thought to himself as his eyes unintentionally skimmed over the two Sovereignty members.

Eventually the group began to shuffle into the lift and made their way down to the floor the meeting was to take place on. The elevator was rather silent, aside from a few people who were making conversation, the air became warm with everyone so pressed together and Telmeck couldn't help but feel bad for any who were claustrophobic. Finally the melodic ring signaled their arrival to the floor, some tension cloud be felt in the air as the doors slowly slid open. Some of the members were made less then comfortable by the idea of meeting with some representatives, which was understandable, politicians had a talent of making you feel as though you did something wrong even when you hadn't.

The group made their way out of the elevator and was led to the meeting room by a receptionist. The rooms bland features did little to provide anything close to a welcoming feeling instead in just seemed to add to the mono-toned serious nature of this building. If only we were meeting with some generals or something, they are so much more predictable, politicians are just, sneaky, feels like they are always up to something or trying to get you to let loose some secrets you have hidden away. Telmeck thought to himself as he admired the view from the large windowed wall.

As the clock struck the time for the meeting to begin the politicians made their entrance almost in perfect sync with the clock. Creepy Telmeck joked to himself as they did. Each one of them took their seats and as they did Telmeck looked over each of them, the female human, the Tempu woman, a Masulu male and a male Rothian. As they all got into their seats each one activated their own personal holographic screen. It was the Rothian rep to first speak, moving his screen to the side before addressing them. He listened as the representative spoke and asked if they had any questions. Telmeck himself had nothing he wanted to ask, at least, nothing that he was sure wouldn't be answered shortly, so he took the chance to gaze around the room to the members of his new squad to see if they had anything to ask.
There fixed.
cqbexpt said
Uh Leon? Shuo wasent on the last mission that we have all been vaguely referencing.

Hmm alright, my bad I will edit it when I get home and I will also be posting.
Agent Telmeck Rorta...yeah still going to have to get used to that. Telmeck thought as he stretched his arms, one over the other stretching his muscles after the morning routine he had just finished. About half way through he had received the scheduled alert for the meeting with the reps. He had dismissed the alert and went through finishing the rest of his workout, which was rather simple, primarily focused on cardio, it wasn't a way to grow stronger it was just a way to keep fit and sometimes to help wake up. Unlike the other mornings here, this time he was not alone. The Masulu, Shuo was in the gym as well, doing an exercise of his own. Telmeck made no attempt to open up conversation with him, instead just nodding his head in greeting as they made eye contact. The two continued their routines until Shuo finished, having started his before Telmeck and took his leave. Somewhere close to twenty minutes after Telmeck finished his own workout and prepared to take his leave

Telmeck scanned over the gym making sure he hadn't left anything out of place before he made his way to the exit of the gym. Once out he proceeded to take the stairs down to the floor their suites were one, as he did, he gave himself a chance to let his mind drift back to the past two days. His mornings had been mostly the same, he would wake up quite early, eat a breakfast, then go for his morning workout. Often times he would be one of the first up and would leave only to return by the time most of the others were awake. The first day he had a few thing to deal with regarding his recent promotion which had him back and forth between here and the Rothian military district, which left him little time to chat with his new teammates. The second day was much more calm, though still, aside from Rareth, he barely shared more then casual a greeting or short conversation with some of the other members. There were some familiar faces from the last mission like the human, Ashley and of course Rareth.

It was odd getting used to calling these new-faces teammates. For years he was with his scout squad, they had all grown so close that they were practically family. A fact which only served to make this switch to a new squad even odder. He wasn't upset about the switch, it was just different then what he was used to and was certainly going to take time before he was entirely comfortable with them. He was a little annoyed with himself that he hadn't taken more time to get to know them, but went with the thought What's done is done, now it's a matter of finding the time to make friends with them instead.]

As he continued down the last few stairs he spared himself a glance to his wrist computer. He would have liked to have been able to inform Terra and the others about the promotion he had received, if they didn't already know, but apparently, they had been called out on a mission head of schedule and he likely wouldn't be able to talk to them for some time. Those assholes better not get themselves into trouble. I'll never let them live it down. He thought to himself before he reached his floor.

He stepped into the hallway and made his way down to his suite. The door slid open at his arrival and he was immediately greeted with the sounds of laughter from the kitchen. He smiled to himself as he heard it, "Well i'm glad to see everyone is getting along." He said silently to himself before stepping into the suite, the door sliding shut behind him. By the sound of the voices it seemed Rareth, Shiva and Shuo were talking in the kitchen. By the time he reached the main room he had been greeted by something else, a mixture of smells from the kitchen, one of the smells was rather appealing and was much stronger then the other, while the other was much more unappealing, whatever it was it had been cooking recently and was yet to be completely gone. Choosing not to interrupt their conversation Telmeck continued past until he reached his room stepping in as the door slid open at his presence. As the door slid shut he thought about how he should have said something to announce that he had arrived, but just shrugged the thought away.

Telmeck slipped out of his workout clothes and pulled his military uniform from it's place in one of his drawers, setting it out on the dresser. "Should probably clean myself before I dress, especially if it's a meeting with some politicians.[/I] He thought to himself as he stepped out of his room clothes-less. Still he could hear the voices from the kitchen but he still payed no mind, he made his way to the bathroom where their shower was, stepping in and not caring to put a lock on the door, it wasn't like he had to worry about being indecent. He stepped up to the shower and fiddled with the temperature, setting it to a rather hot temperature before he stepped in. The water heated up almost instantly and soon there was a fair amount of steam filling the room. It didn't take much to clean himself the majority of the time was just him enjoying the heat from the water. By the time his shower was finished and he was completely dry the laughter had subsided to small talk shared by the inhabitants of the suite.

Telmeck stepped out and made his way to his room, saying hello and nodding his head in greeting to whomever's gaze turned his way. When he reached his room he stepped in and began getting dressed slipping into his military uniform and replacing his wrist computer on his left arm. As Telmeck dressed, he let his mind wander to this squad. It was quite an odd bunch they had gathered together, from a variety of backgrounds and personalities, there was no way of telling how well they would match and work together. But certainly he saw some chances for tension, humans and Sovereignty tended not to mix very well especially if either of the two knew how to hold a grudge.

Telmeck fiddled with the marks and awards on his uniform as he spaced out only coming back to reality when his eyes passed over his wrist computer and he saw the time for the meeting was drawing near. He stepped out into the now empty and silent suite, which was only offset by his own presence and the sound of the door sliding closed behind him. "Time to appease the politicians." He sighed to himself as he made his way out of the suite and into the common area where the others were already mostly gathered. The door opened just in time for him to hear Shiva pose her question as to how the morning has been in everyone's suite. Seeing as the question was directed to the people from the other suites he elected not to answer, even if his morning had been spent out of his own. Telmeck stepped over next to Rareth and spoke up as he did, "Sorry i'm late, hope I didn't miss too much of the fun." He said a little sarcastically as an aside to her alone.
Aright home from work, time to finish this post.
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