Avatar of Leon5431
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  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
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Telmeck nodded in compliance to Rareth's request, "I'll be there." He confirmed. The remainder of the flight back to the ship was spent for the most part in silence, something Telmeck was rather unaccustomed to. His old team would always be talking when they were out of the field. They had all grown to be close friends over their many years of serving together and because of this it felt strange for him to have to sit in silence when in the presence of squad mates. But this was a different situation. These were no longer close friends serving alongside him, no these were strangers and in honesty Telmeck found it hard for him to fully relax around many of them. He casually glanced over the members of their team. 'So many foreign faces with nothing more then names and records to put to them. If Rareth's guess is right and we will be remaining teamed after this mission, then I should really take the time to get to know more of them.' He thought to himself before turning his gaze to his rifle as he began inspecting it. Soon enough the Hummingbird arrived and set down in the ships hanger, the ramp lowered and everyone began to take their leave. Telmeck grabbed his helmet and made his way down the ramp glancing toward Rareth and Shiva, who were leaving for the medical bay accompanied by a medical team. He followed after them with a slightly quickened pace. Telmeck could help but feel a slight sense of déjà vu, just on their last mission he was heading towards the infirmary for his old squad leader Zyku, now he was heading in for Rareth. It's a dangerous line of business that they involved themselves in. He knew that, he had always known that, but it was moments like this where the gravity of it truly weighed upon him. 'I should have been there to help. It may not be life threatening. But things could have been different if I was there.' He thought to himself a little angrily. He tried his best to push that thought away, he shouldn't think like that, it would only do more harm than good. The door to the medical bay slid open before him. He quickly spotted Rareth and Shiva at one of the nearby cots. Shiva seemed to have already set to work on healing Rareth or at least what Telmeck could only assume was healing Rareth. They seemed to be doing something and talking while doing it. As for what exactly 'it' was Telmeck had little more than a general idea, the only real knowledge of magic he had was the most basic it could be. With a quickness to his step he made his way over to the pair, slowing as he approached as to not interrupt their conversation with his arrival. He arrived just in time to hear Rareth ask Shiva how much she knew about the Rahn'Masser. "I Thought I would come by and see just how hurt you got yourself." Telmeck quickly said in order to announce his arrival, trying not to interrupt their conversation too much as he did. He slowly looked Rareth over before his eyes shifted to Shiva's hands. They hovered just above Rareth's newest scar and to him seemed to be doing nothing but sitting there, but he knew better then that, magic was surely at work. He couldn't help but wonder at the utility of magic. It was truly one of the most powerful things in the universe. It had the capability of teleporting a person from one place to another, healing wounds setting things alight and countless other things, all through the use of neutrium. Magic was certainly something a "non-magic user" like himself could be envious of, especially when one begins to contemplate the plethora of uses it presents. But still, he felt no jealousy over not having any magical abilities. Even with all his powers a "magic user" could still be ended by someone with a gun. But Telmeck could not deny that he enjoyed watching magic be used, even if in some cases it was only to see the end results.
Aren't there ways of canceling out magic? Or more so of blocking the use of magic? Like through the use of magic canceling/blocking fields? By the way, I am in the process of making a post.
Sorry for not posting over the weekend, this was a rather busy weekend with work, but I will be getting a post up tonight.
Once everyone was safely magnetized Telmeck turned and drew his rifle making sure to keep an eye out for hostiles while they waited for the ship to depressurize, even with the attack from the fleet going on experience has taught him that being extra cautious on the exfil never hurt anyone. "Alright, well even then, good thing Doctor Shiva was on duty to help keep you up and kicking for a few more centuries." Telmeck remarked into the radio in a somewhat lighthearted tone in response to Rareth. A moment or so later his gaze turned to Shiva, "Good work Shiva, it's definitely comforting to know we have a skilled medic with us." He said, nodding to her appreciative before returning back to keeping watch as the ship finished depressurizing. Once the door opened Telmeck remained out watching their backs until most everyone was on before he boarded, replacing his rifle on his back as he took his seat. He watched as the door silently shut assuming soon after the ship would take off. His gaze switched over to all the members of the team that had arrived on the gunship. They all seemed like they were in fairly good condition, to his immediate knowledge Rareth was the only one to be wounded, something he wasn't too overly fond of hearing. But, he was admittedly glad no one else was hurt with her. As the room depressurized Telmeck lifted his wrist and unsealed his suit allowing air to pass in and out freely before removing his helmet. He rolled his head around enjoying the freedom of having no helmet on. As Rareth spoke up he looked over to her and listened quietly. "Over all, I'd say it was a good first mission with everyone on the team. At least, from what I can gather here it seems to have worked out well, we're all still alive, so that's a plus." He commented jokingly after Rareth had finished.
Life has been treating me well, how about you? And yeah I have no excuse for my vanishing back there, but this time, I am here to stay, I have missed this way too much.
Hello again all
Telmeck waited quietly in his hidden position in the blacked out cargo bay, there had been one other patrol that passed through the area, they put up a little more fight then the last but eventually fell. It felt like hours had passed, all the while he had been sitting there staring down the entrance to the room through the scope of his rifle. Years of training had given him almost endless patience in this regard as he lay there watching. Then he heard it, voices, several of them approaching the door. He took in a deep breath and held it for several seconds as the door automatically slid open at their presence revealing a squad of four rebels. He slowly released his breath as the door shut and he activated his low light vision. These men seemed more prepared then the others and their talk suggested that there had been more rebel casualties in other sections of the station. A slight smile slid across Telmeck's face, 'Looks like the others are making progress.' He thought to himself. Telmeck silently pulled himself up to his feet and climbed down from the crate he had been laying on. Several moments passed and he silently lowered himself to the floor and began re-positioning behind the rebels. As soon as he was in position he lined up his shot towards the rear-most rebel and fired, bringing the Human to a quick end. Shouts rang up as his comrades spun around and sent a volley of fire down onto several different locations. Quickly Telmeck relocated again and sent off another volley taking the life of yet another Human leaving one Masulu and another Human. It was then that the radio's reactivated, shortly after Telmeck heard the voice of one of the remaining rebels, "We need reinforcements to the cargo bay next to hanger 7. We have hostile contact, two men down, I repeat we need reinforcements!" The human shouted over his radio. Telmeck growled in frustration, 'That wasn't supposed to happen.' He thought to himself annoyed. Quickly he began flanking the position the two rebels had set up, but Telmeck was knocked off his feet when a tremble rocked the entirety of the station. There were shouts of surprise as the rebels lost their footing aswell. Telmeck could hear shouting from over the soldiers radios. 'Seems the others have done their job.' Telmeck thought to himself as he got back to his feet. He noticed the rebels just getting back to their feet and quickly brought his weapon to bear, with four clicks of his trigger the human collapsed dead. But the Masulu was able raise his weapon and fire back at Telmeck. The first two rounds impacted on Telmecks shields and before they could be broken Telmeck dived into cover. Using his wrist computer Telmeck activated the lifter from earlier causing the Masulu to become distracted for a second giving Telmeck the chance to secure the kill. After a short burst of fire the rebel collapsed dead with a hole burned through his head. "Rebel bastards." Telmeck commented before moving towards the center of the room. More chatter sounded from one of the rebels radios, "All hands enemy drop ships have been deployed, they are attempting to board, move troops to hangar areas and prepare to defend. Reinforcements have been routed towards hanger 7, secure it and defend against the oncoming enemies." "Well, it can never be easy can it? Hopefully the others get here before these reinforcements do." He growled. 'Time to buy some time.' He thought to himself, looking around the room for ambush positions. Then came another terrible tremble that shook the station making Telmeck dabble as he tried to stay standing. Then all of the sudden, everything in the cargo bay began floating upwards. Telmeck smiled as his body lifted off the ground. "Alright, I can work with this." He said as he used his grappling hook to pull him back to the ground and activate his magnetic boots. Then over his comms he heard Rareth's voice, "I hope all of you have been trained in zero-g.” Using the zero-g environment to his advantage, Telmeck began assembling several traps for any troops that should come this way. He moved the lifter directly in front of the entrance and placed an explosive upon it. He made his way towards the now floating bodies of the rebels and looted any explosives he could from them before spreading his own remotely detonated explosives around the room. Once everything was ready he returned to his position atop a large container near the top of the room, magnetizing himself to it, he placed his rifle on his back and began his wait. He would need to wait until as many rebels as possible were in the room, for once the explosions started going off everything in the room would get sent flying in every direction and any more would be mad to enter until things begin to settle down. Ashley had passed on the word that the Hanger had depressurized and in order for him to enter he would need to seal his suit and depressurize the room, but by doing so he would force all the air in the cargo bay to be sucked out into space, this includes anything that isn't magnetized or blotted down to the floor, if timed right it could be used to his advantage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several minutes of agonizing silence passed until the door slid open revealing two rebel soldiers floating in the door way, they flicked their lights on then signaled for the others to enter. One by one rebels began to pass into the room until there was around 16 of them floating towards the other door. The second the door they had entered through slid shut, Telmeck grabbed four of the grenades he had looted off the rebels and primed them before sending them off in the direction of the rebels. As soon as he did he took cover entirely behind his container and held his hand over the detonator. As soon as the explosions went off Telmeck activated the detonator causing his for remote activated explosives to explode. Telmeck had positioned himself so the container he was on would be far away from the source of the explosions, but still the shockwaves were enough to send the container spinning around and floating towards the wall. Quickly Telmeck raised his arm and fired off his grappling hook latching on to something and deactivated his magnetic boots. His grappling hook attached to the ceiling and began pulling him towards it. Due to the force that was exerted on him from the container ad the explosion Telmeck slammed against the wall some ways away from where the grappling hook had landed, the second he did he threw the palm of his hand against the surface and magnetized his hand, stopping him in place. He regained his focus just in time to see another smaller crate come hurtling towards him. "Shtara!" Telmeck swore as he pushed off the wall breaking his magnetic hold on the ceiling dodging the crate by only seconds. As Telmeck floated towards another of the rooms walls he took this chance to scan about the room, it was pure chaos, crates debris and bodies were flying in every which direction, whoever of the rebels that entered the room that were still alive were now struggling to keep themselves from being smashed by all the debris and crates. It felt like ages before the crates began to slow down to the point where they could no longer kill on impact, at which point Telmeck and the few remaining rebels were able to steady themselves and get a grasp on their situation. There were only five rebels left of the group that had come in, and by now they had noticed their Rothian companion and were beginning to bring their weapons to bear. Telmeck had steadied himself next to the door into the hanger and at this point he magnetized both his feet to what used to be the floor and his left arm to the wall the doors controls were on, with his last free arm he shot his grappling hook towards a nearby crate and pulled it towards him rather then pulling himself to the crate. The crate reached him just as the first rounds impacted on his shield. Telmeck magnetized his hand to the crate and used it as a shield between him and the rebels as he crouched behind it. He demagnetized his left hand and began setting to work on opening the blast door that separated him from the hanger. As soon as the door opened there was a terrible whooshing sound as all the air was sucked into the hanger, only thanks to his magnetized boots was Telmeck able to stay standing in the now mostly empty room. Several large crates had been sucked towards the door and were now blocking the entrance to the hanger, but with enough force the crates drifted away giving Telmeck free access into the hanger. The five remaining rebels had been pulled into the hanger at such a strong force that when they collided with floating crates of any of the walls the impact was enough to break bones, effectively killing them. Letting out a sigh of relief only he could hear he demagnetized himself and pushed off into the hanger in the direction of the Humming bird. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a gunship approaching the Hanger, his instinctual reaction of seeing the ship approach was to grab his rifle, but just as his hand curled around it's handle he recognized the ship as Sovereignty and saw the others holding on to it. Relaxing he returned his hand to his side as he drifted towards the Humming bird. “Glad you guys could join us.” Telmeck said into the radio. As soon as he was close enough Telmeck magnetized his hand to the hull of the Humming bird, using the ship to change his direction before pushing off again. He managed to land just a little ways away from the arriving Gunship. After standing himself up he then offered assistance to anyone else who may need help grounding themselves. He then heard Rareth's request of Shiva and looked towards her, his concerned expression hidden beneath his helmet, "You've been wounded? How bad is it?" He asked as he continued to offer assistance to the others.
Thanks you two, it's good to be back. How have you been?
That's good, my semester started a week ago, so far it's gone fairly well, at least, as well as the first week can go. How would you feel about me working my way back into the DoD? I have already read up on where you guys are at, seems the mission is just about to be over? AKA: All aboard the Hummingbird.
How goes it Elite?
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