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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Once she accessed the terminal, there was little she actually had to do herself, as she had been given a program to search automatically for the proper data. The owners of the station were obviously familiar with its own system architecture, so it quickly searched through the database and pulled up information it thought might be relevant. All Rareth had to do was to was look over the information the program found to see if it contained hostage locations. It was less than a minute before she finally found what they had been looking for. As she suspected, the hostages were being held in makeshift prisons scattered across the station. There was no way for a single team to recover them all at once, but that was what the fleet was for.

"Alright, I have the locations, I'm marking them on the map now, along with the Hummingbird's location, and ours. I'm going to have to deactivate the radio jammer to send this to the fleet, so be ready." Rareth explained. With the press of a button on her own computer, she sent out the deactivation signal for the radio jammer, which opened up communications once more. Just as she did this, one of the others was getting ready to bind one of the prisoners, a Masulu man. He wore civilian clothing and did not seem to be armed, but as soon as he saw what Rareth was doing, he seemed to snap.

"You'll never stop us!" He shouted. All of the sudden, he teleported straight out from in front of Shuo and onto Rareth, tackling her to the ground. With telekinetically enhanced force, he thrust his head spike through her armor and into her chest, but just as he used magic to attack, so too did she to defend. She fought back with her own telekinesis to slow the spike to the point that it did not pierce any vital organs, then reached out and grabbed it with her own hands. She could outmatch him for strength, so he could force the spike no further into her, but the others could not safely shoot without a high chance of hitting her. As the others were rushing to help, she managed to teleport out from under him, taking herself just a few feet away. The others were clear to fire, but as they fired their first volley, he teleported out of the room, but in what direction they could not know.

Rareth was on the floor, her armor green from the bleeding wound in her chest. It was painful, but what was more disabling was the degree of magical exhaustion she was facing. She had poured a lot of effort into resisting the Masulu's strike, which, combined with the quick teleport, left her alarmingly fatigued. "Ah, this...someone, hurry and message the fleet. It should be ready to send on the terminal." She ordered, trying to keep her focus on the mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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The man's outburst was not something that any in the team seemed to be immediately prepared for. When he spoke, Shiva discouragingly levelled her pistol at him, right before he disappeared in a puff of dark vapour. Shiva looked briefly around the room to try and see where he went, but the sounds of a scuffle behind her quickly drew her gaze to where he was tangled on the floor with Rareth. "Shit!" Shiva shot when Rareth was clear, but only succeeded in leaving some plasma burns on the floor. She took a moment to glance around the room, but it appeared as though the man had escaped. Rareth lay out of the way with a sizable hole in her chest from where the man's head spike drove into it.

Why didn't we bring more damned handcuffs? Shiva thought frantically as she holstered her pistol and knelt down beside Rareth. She knew what her job was, someone else could take care of the terminal. "Stay still, Rareth," Shiva said firmly, placing a hand over the wound and attempting to diagnose it. "You are one lucky little lizard, my friend. If that went any further, you wouldn't be able to breathe," Shiva remarked, somehow keeping her habit of being demeaning to patients despite the anxiety over healing a friend for the first time in decades showing in her face and movements.

Seeing as she could, Shiva took the time to remove Rareth's chest armour, before her regular routine of disinfecting the wound, then repairing it. "This might tickle," Shiva commented before resetting Rareth's rib. Ribs were always quite painful to put back in place for the patient, but Shiva always thought it better to get it out of the way quickly. Sealing the flesh and the skin was trivial, apart from the pattern on Rareth's scales being slightly scarred by the puncture. Shiva was not practised enough with the Rothian epidermis. The scar was there to see by keen eyes through the hole in her armour when Shiva replaced it. No matter, they had bigger worries.

Shiva took a relieved breath after finishing up, then stood up and offered a hand to Rareth. "You're fixed, ma'am." She exchanged glances with the rest of the squad, "Was anyone else hit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Shuo was standing behind the Masulu and being a good half a foot taller than him in his armor made him feel very much not at threat. He had had him put his hands behind his head as he approached him earlier with rifle drawn. But even with his rifle on his back and pistol on his hip he felt very in control of the possible threat. He began pulling his hand down behind his back when he disappeared in a cloud. It only took him a second to register that he was no longer there and for him to drop to his knee and draw his pistol. He was near the other prisoners at that moment so he decided to sweep over them and then towards the controls in the room. As he move around he noticed the Masulu had Rareth pinned. In tandom with Shiva he tried to get a shot on him but he figured his odds of not hitting Rareth rested somewhere around 70% as he moved forward and attempted to keep the shot lined up. "Get off the lizard! I will put you down!" Shuo put out over his speakers as he began to close in and thus stopped attempting to aim.

Then Rareth teleported out from underneath the Masulu and Shuo opened fire. Plasma rained on the position and scorched nothing but ground and air. Shuo's eye twitched as he looked over Rareth quickly and saw her bleeding. But it only took him a moment to realize what the wounded Rothian was going to say. The prisoner locales were still in play. He ran over to the console withlist holstering his pistol and began the upload to Joint Field Command. He looked back to Shiva as she was administrating field medicine. He smirked for a second, he guessed she ended up getting to use her talent after all. However he quickly turned back to the console and began looking through security feeds. He specifically looked around the control room, he did not like what he saw. There were easily 30 plus traitors moving on their position. It was time to leave, especially considering their job was done. "Alright we have a significant enemy force moving on our position, we need to circle out to a hanger or the Hummingbird. Either way we can't stay here anymore. Shiva grab Rareth a to-go bag and let's move people!" Shuo put the terminal into lock down and drew his rifle and made his way over to the now standing Rareth. "And you'r kind wonders why we engage in sharpening them." Shuo said with a near tone of sarcasm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Once Rareth was able to distract herself from the pain of the wound, she noted how skilled Shiva was with her healing. The ability to use magic for that purpose was far quicker than any normal method of dealing with wounds, but even so, Shiva's treatment was more effective than any field healer she could recall meeting. Granted, she still felt some pain and soreness in her chest, especially when she moved, but Shiva had only really had time for a quick field treatment to get her moving and out of danger. She could receive some more fine and detailed treatment later. For now, Rareth stood up, coughing as she tried to catch her breath. She drew her pistol, which by this point was on its last magazine, as well as her blade. "Alright, let's get moving, but we can't go too far. We need to stay within proximity of our current location, or we might get caught in the fleet's attack. When Bit collapsed the hallway behind us, it made a hole in the floor as well, Let's get back there and climb down to the lower level." She said, taking the lead out of the data center.
Outside the station, close to the other side of the planet above which they were orbiting, the joint Assembly fleet received their message, and acted immediately. There were six ships in all, three Human, two Sovereignty, and one Rothian, the largest of which was the cruiser-class Rothian vessel. One of the Sovereignty ships was a cruiser-sized carrier for fighters, bombers, and so on, while the rest of the ships were frigates, apart from a Human heavy frigate. Overall, it was a force that was far larger than necessary to handle a group of rebels in a civilian mining station, but it served as an impressive and intimidating show of force. Even just one of the vessels would likely be able to handle the situation alone.

The fleet jumped into FTL for the smallest fraction of a second, calculated perfectly to bring them back to subluminal speeds directly outside the station. Even if the team had not already disabled exterior defenses, the station would not have been able to react. Immediately, the fleet launched their first barrage. The Sovereignty vessels' plasma cannons first focused on key external hardpoints, while the Human and Rothian vessels followed through with precisely and meticulously aimed missile attacks. Most of the missiles were designed to pierce through into the interior of the station before detonating, and since the station was not particularly well-armored, it was an easy enough task to accomplish. Explosions shook the entire station, each finely aimed to damage specific systems. Shields, weapons, hanger bays, control centers, all but one of the power generators; each location was specifically targeted to irreversibly cripple the station, and therefore the rebels inside. The only vital system not targeted was life support so as not to harm the hostages, which were able to be avoided in the barrage thanks to the information from the team inside. Following the initial strike, the fleet scrambled fighters and dropships to board the station through exterior breaches and recover the hostages.
The team had managed to make their way down to the floor beneath the data center before the enemy force arrived, though with communications back up, they could not afford to run into any more rebels. Fortunately the allied force struck before they could be found. The explosions ripping through the station shook it enough to knock all of them off of their feet, which was followed quickly by complete darkness, then a feeling of weightlessness. The low-level emergency lighting kicked in a few seconds later, revealing that they were all floating in the middle of the corridor. With the station now operating on very minimal power, even the artificial gravity had been taken offline.

Rareth still felt quite exhausted from her prior magical exertion, but it did not take much telekinetic force at all to stabilize herself int he weightless environment. "Looks like the fleet has arrived. Now we can get back to the Hummingbird." Rareth said, now through the radio, which included Ashley, Telmeck, and Srath back in the hanger. "I hope you're all trained in zero-G."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Shuo felt the first wave of the conglomerate of fire impact on the station in his thick boots. He grabbed onto a nearby support beam. Then the gravity switched off and the lights went off for a moment. Shuo quickly engaged his head mounted lights. He had the feeling of his stomach falling and he looked down as he began to float upward. It was still dark so he could only see what he was looking at dead on. He felt the superstructure of the station rattle again through his hand and into his chest. Then the emergency lights activated so Shuo turned off his own lights. Luckily their section didn't depressurize as that would have pulled them out of the rupture. He was glad the fly boys did their job correctly. Shuo grabbed onto the ceiling and pointed himself down the hallway and activated his thrusters on his back. It wasent anything terribley powerful so he didn't slam his neck into a wall and kill himself.

Once he got to the end of the corridor and reached a T section he looked back at the group and then down each hallway. He then orientated his feet to the floor and magnetized his boots and fell onto the floor. He then called out over the coms that it was clear." Rareth, are you still rated for space?" Shuo said as he pulled his weapon off his back and held onto it as floated around in his hands a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Things got rather more exciting once the data had been uploaded to the fleet. There were shudders throughout the entire station as it was bombarded. All the more lucky for the severity of Rareth's injuries, else Shiva wouldn't have quite as steady a platform to treat her. If they finished up this operation quickly, then Shiva might have had more time to tie up loose ends with Rareth's injury. Shuo's orders were as clear as Rareth's, they were getting out of there.

The squad ran, and Shiva would have preferred that they continue to run, but her feet lost traction as she accidentally pushed herself off the ground...or was it the ceiling now? Shiva made a short, surprised noise that she would never admit to being a shriek, but she flailed for a handhold to stabilise herself. A pipe sufficed and she grunted in frustration as her body halted itself against the wall. "Zero-G is for space marines, not ground troops!" Despite her unheeded protest, Shiva struggled as best as she could and climbed her way along the corridor with the others. The last time she was weightless was in basic training, or strapped into a seat already.

What Shuo insinuated with his next words, however, made Shiva a little incredulous. "We aren't going EVA, are we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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While it was much easier to navigate in a weightless environment using telekinesis, Rareth avoided using her magic as much as possible in order to give herself a chance to recover from her prior exertion. She stopped maintaining her barrier and relied strictly on momentum to push her through the corridors. With the chaos the sudden attack had created, any pursuers which had been sent after them had likely abandoned the search or been diverted to some other objective.

The team encountered no resistance for some time as they made their way back to the hanger through an alternate route, near the outer edge of the station. There were no more station rattling explosions, but there were undoubtedly battles occurring across the station, as after rescuing the hostages, their forces were tasked with clearing out the station. Eventually, Shuo asked about her spaceworthiness, and as she rounded the corner, Rareth could see why. A blast door was locked down in front of them. Given that the rebels had been given almost no opportunity to react, it was likely an automated response to depressurization in the chamber just beyond.

"I'll be fine. My wound is closed, and my suit is skintight. It doesn't need a seal to provide pressure As long as nothing actually punctures my scales again, there will be no issue." Rareth explained, taking position by the manual release on the blast door. Like Shuo, she magnetized her boots to the floor and instructed the others to do the same. "Get ready, make sure your oxygen levels are fine."

Once everyone signaled they were ready, Rareth opened the door, sending a sizable rush of air out into the vacuum which lasted for several seconds before a blast door behind them locked down as well. She felt her suit rapidly constrict around her as the pressure dropped, eventually bringing her back to the same equilibrium as before. Before them was a very sizable breach, one that stretched several floors above and below them, and was just as wide. It looked to be one of the impact sites from a plasma cannon, which opened up the breach to allow the missile strikes to penetrate deep within the station. There was a field of debris, from small particles to large metal plates, scattered in the empty space between them and their destination on the other side.

The group pushed off in as straight of a line as possible towards the opposite door, though it would require some maneuvering to get through the debris. However, Rareth caught a light out of the corner of her eye which captured her attention. Looking over, she could see the helmet lights of another group about their size coming from deeper inside the station to their left. From their armor, they were not part of the Assembly force.

"Get to cover!" Rareth shouted immediately through the comms, which was quickly followed by gunfire from the direction of the hostiles. Given that the blast of air has pushed away much of the debris nearest the door, she had to rush to find suitable cover. Since Shiva's suit did not seem to possess thrusters, Rareth grabbed onto her arm and telekinetically pulled her towards a large, slightly spinning piece of the station's hull. As soon as they were close enough, they grabbed on, and Rareth used her telekinesis to stabilize its spin. It was still drifting slightly, but it was still a mostly stable platform for the moment. While Rareth had rested enough to regain some energy, she needed to be conservative with her magic in this fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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As the air rushed out of the room Shuo walked through the breach weapon in one hand looking around for a path that would allow him to get to the other side of the gap. Shuo immediately went on alert when Rareth yelled over the comms to prepare for engagement. He quickly spotted them coming out from above them off towards the rest of the station. Shuo quickly glanced around for a defensible piece of real estate. It only took him a moment when he noticed a part of a floor above them had been burnt in a favorable way for him to duck behind. He pointed himself at the area and then turned off his boots. He put out a low thrust and quickly reached the location. He stopped himself by simply grabbing onto the ledge next to the piece of cover pulling himself into position. Once he activated his boots he realized he was parallel with what had been the floor.

He quickly made his gun change forms and aimed "up" at the hostiles. He remembered that all he needed to do was puncture their suits, from there space would kill them for him. He quickly fired 3 rounds at a Masulu figure and watched as their shields dropped and the last round went through their helmet. The Masulu was moving forward and he guessed that their thrusters were mechanical and thus he kept going away from his group as his corpse began to float off into space. He quickly turned his attention back to what he guessed was a large human and began firing again. Though this time one of his shots went astray and he only managed to put a bolt through the humans arm. They quickly took cover and most likely covered the exposure fast enough to survive. Then shots began raining on his position aswell and he finally pulled himself down into cover. He then called out over the comms."I'm gonna call in a fire mission everyone stay where you are!" Shuo quickly began his uplink with the fleet and began setting up priority. Luckily it would only really be them calling for it, that would mean a prompt response.

" This is 5th Echelon Shuo of the Assembly task force, I'm requesting danger close fire support on my location. Targets will be marked via HUD uplink, data will be transmitted to fleet. How copy over?" Shuo said as a fusion bolt impacted the cover next to him.

A Tempu female voice came over the comm."Your request is granted, fighters will be inbound shortly. Make sure any and all locations are marked quickly. ETA 40 seconds." Shuo smiled with his mandibles and popped up over his cover. He started marking locations via neural uplink as fast as he could confirm targets. Hopefully this ended this engagement quickly as he was out of back up charges and was hovering around 80% with his weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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It was with some nervous haste that Shiva stuck her boots to the ground, activated the magnets to hold herself in place, and went over her EVA drill. Visor down, seal up, check levels, pressurise, pray. It made for a far easier to remember rhyme in the main masulu language. Once the blast door opened, it was moments before all Shiva could hear was the comms and her breathing.

The jump-off was well enough executed, even if it still quietly freaked Shiva out. She wished she had thrusters, or telekinesis, or anything really to make her stop imagining herself hurtling out into space with no control or hope for rescue. Rareth's call of contact flooded her mind with the second big concern she had about space walking. Luckily enough, Shiva was facing the correct way to line up her weapon in the enemy's direction, but even shooting off a few silent plasma rounds pushed her off-course slightly. She was about to shoot in the opposite direction to correct herself before Rareth took her arm.

"WoaaAH! Shit!" Shiva shouted in alarm as she flailed at the sudden change of course. Looking around, she promptly realised the tactic and was quick to magnetise her boots to the large chunk of debris. She then squat and leaned her torso forward over the debris to send more plasma in the enemy's direction. It was nice to have some more control again. "Thanks for that, Rareth!" Shiva spoke through the comms for the first time since depressurisation.

Unfortunately, for the distance between the groups, the disorientation, and the unwieldiness of Shiva's weapon in weightlessness meant that Shiva wasn't exactly hitting anything. Her shots were keeping the militia pinned, though, and drawing their attention. The glowing killshots were mostly coming from Shuo, with his much more precision-oriented shifter rifle. Every few moments, Shiva had to lean back out of the firing line to recharge her shield. Forty seconds, just have to hold out for forty seconds. Shiva leaned over the debris to start firing again. Once her shields had been clipped a couple more times, she leaned back again. Barely seven seconds have passed, Might as well be forty years!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Though Rareth had managed to get Shiva and herself to a relatively safe and stable position, there was little she could do from there. Normally, she was quite proficient in zero-G combat, as her telekinesis allowed her more fine maneuverability than was possible with thrusters. However, her current level of magical fatigue placed her in a difficult situation. She needed to keep her barriers up, or one shot could mean death, but at the moment, she could not keep her barriers and perform complex telekinesis at the same time. It was difficult enough to keep the piece of debris she and Shiva were using for cover stable. As a result, she was forced to stay put, peering over her cover to take shots at the enemy. At the very least, the fact that one shot could also potentially kill them kept them cautious as well.

At the range they were engaging, and with the debris floating between them, it was difficult for either side to land hits on the other. Rareth heard Shuo announce that a Sovereignty dropship was inbound, so all they needed to do was stall for time. Rareth was almost out of ammo for her pistol, so she switched to single fire and tried to be conservative with her shots, but even so, the forty seconds could not seem to pass more slowly. Each shot she fired was simply meant to suppress her foes, though two did hit the shields of two separate enemies. A small light on the back of her weapon indicated to her that she was drawing close to an empty magazine, so she saved her last shot and held herself behind cover, drawing her blade on the off-chance that the enemy decided to advance. She could do almost nothing more to help in the fight, apart from keep their cover stable, but looking back outside the breach, she could see the dropship approaching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Shuo's shields popped with a loud ringing noise that in basic was the same noise they used to train you that you were dead in war games. He supposed it made sense, after all if your shields had been dropped in actual combat you needed to get down or you were dead. He quickly looked at the top of his HUD to find his charge. 47% left, If this fight lasted long enough his suit could charge the weapon back up but that would require him turning off his shields. He leaned against the wall and crouched down and walked "up" towards the once ceiling of the building. He had been using the same location for longer than he would have liked but zero-g warfare was not his area of expertise. What he wouldn't give for a naval marine detachment right now.

That was when he heard the comm call out's "This is Aereo 2-5, I have a targeting solution on all individuals. Looks like I'm pulling your ass out of the fire." The female voice was being rather sloppy with radio discipline but he supposed he couldn't say a damn thing right now. Shuo sighed and pinged the gunship to begin opening fire."Standby." promptly went out. He watched as the two weapons mounted on the chin of the gunship began silently firing and releasing gas at the base of them. They tracked around fast to multiple positions, the AI was most likely handling the shots and it didn't miss. Then a large blob of plasma erupted from one of the wing mounted weapons. He assumed it was firing one of the extra-small plasma torpedoes at it's disposal. He watched as blue light suddenly bathed the ship and the surrounding area. The guns continued tracking for a moment and then the female came over again. "All vector's neutralized. I'm authorized to tow your team over to your ship if you wish." It occurred to Shuo that she didn't really care about any further maybe even unnecessary damage to the station. After all this was a private mining organization why should we care? Shuo smiled to himself, that is why he loved his statesmen so.

"I think we will take that ride Aereo. Get near the one I'm marking for you for pick up. The rest of us will jet over." Shuo said as he placed a green outline around Shiva with his thoughts. The gunship couldn't carry them in any hold but there were hand holds for just this situation located around the hull. Shuo deactivated his boots and jumped out towards the now sideways gunship. His stomach dropped for the moment he was not holding onto anything and being subject to nothing but momentum. He reached his hands out and grabbed onto two handholds near the cockpit of the ship. It quickly thrustered to compensate for his energy being added to the ship. He watched as they inched closer to Shiva who would now be able to grab rungs near the wing. Hopefully they could get out and back to the Humming bird quick. He didn't like this floating around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Shiva kept up her suppressing fire for as long as it took for the gunship to fly by. The glowing torpedo flying past was her signal to take cover before everything was either bright blue or shadowy black for a silent second. After that, the radio came through confirming the success of the sweep. "Oh, thank Shen!" Shiva said without any irony in her voice. She was still breathing heavily and less than comfortable with floating on an unsecured chunk of metal. Even with Rareth around for telekinesis.

As the ship came by, Shiva reached for it very cautiously, almost tearing her arm off as she forgot to disengage her magnetised boots after getting a secure grip. Once she found handholds, she slammed her boots against the hull and re-engaged them. Only then did she exhale steadily.

Now all that was left was for Rareth and the others to secure themselves. Shiva held out a hand for any who needed it. "Come on! let's go before I throw up in my helmet!" Shiva said frantically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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It was quite the relief to see the gunship arrive, and with the accuracy of its targeting computer, it was easy enough for it to finish off their foes. With how far any of them were from an entrance to the interior of the station, they did not have the time to escape. Once the gunship was in a stable position and Shiva had grabbed on, Rareth pushed off from the debris and grabbed on to one of the holds nearby. Though they were still technically in a combat zone, the immediate danger to them was now significantly less than it had been. for the past hour or so. Now, they were essentially in the clear.

After each member of the team found a place to grab hold, the gunship took them the relatively short distance to the hanger through which they had originally arrived. Rareth radioed ahead to Ashley that they were inbound, but even still, she managed to take a few moments to take in the sights from the outside. The station defenses were disabled, so it wasn't as if there was a space battle around it, but the damage to the station was extensive, and impressive. Large holes and gaps in the station's hull had been created by plasma and explosions alike, sending pieces of debris floating out into space just beyond. As tragic as destruction tended to be, it almost had a sort of beauty to it.

It was only a minute or two before the gunship made it to the hanger, the door of which was now locked in an open position, exposing it to the vacuum. Like the rest of the station, it was also devoid of artificial gravity, so the Hummingbird was being held in place by its own magnetic clamps. Rareth pushed away from the gunship and planted her feet on the hanger floor, once again using her magnetic boots to keep her in place. Her steps towards the heavy and slow, but completely silent to all but herself. They had to wait a few moments for Ashley to depressurize the interior so she could open up the loading ramp, so Rareth gave a nod to Shiva and spoke to her through the radio. "So, once we get a moment, do you think you could take a closer look at me? The pain in my chest is still a bit concerning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

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Telmeck waited quietly in his hidden position in the blacked out cargo bay, there had been one other patrol that passed through the area, they put up a little more fight then the last but eventually fell. It felt like hours had passed, all the while he had been sitting there staring down the entrance to the room through the scope of his rifle. Years of training had given him almost endless patience in this regard as he lay there watching. Then he heard it, voices, several of them approaching the door. He took in a deep breath and held it for several seconds as the door automatically slid open at their presence revealing a squad of four rebels. He slowly released his breath as the door shut and he activated his low light vision. These men seemed more prepared then the others and their talk suggested that there had been more rebel casualties in other sections of the station. A slight smile slid across Telmeck's face, 'Looks like the others are making progress.' He thought to himself. Telmeck silently pulled himself up to his feet and climbed down from the crate he had been laying on. Several moments passed and he silently lowered himself to the floor and began re-positioning behind the rebels. As soon as he was in position he lined up his shot towards the rear-most rebel and fired, bringing the Human to a quick end. Shouts rang up as his comrades spun around and sent a volley of fire down onto several different locations. Quickly Telmeck relocated again and sent off another volley taking the life of yet another Human leaving one Masulu and another Human. It was then that the radio's reactivated, shortly after Telmeck heard the voice of one of the remaining rebels, "We need reinforcements to the cargo bay next to hanger 7. We have hostile contact, two men down, I repeat we need reinforcements!" The human shouted over his radio. Telmeck growled in frustration, 'That wasn't supposed to happen.' He thought to himself annoyed. Quickly he began flanking the position the two rebels had set up, but Telmeck was knocked off his feet when a tremble rocked the entirety of the station. There were shouts of surprise as the rebels lost their footing aswell. Telmeck could hear shouting from over the soldiers radios. 'Seems the others have done their job.' Telmeck thought to himself as he got back to his feet. He noticed the rebels just getting back to their feet and quickly brought his weapon to bear, with four clicks of his trigger the human collapsed dead. But the Masulu was able raise his weapon and fire back at Telmeck. The first two rounds impacted on Telmecks shields and before they could be broken Telmeck dived into cover. Using his wrist computer Telmeck activated the lifter from earlier causing the Masulu to become distracted for a second giving Telmeck the chance to secure the kill. After a short burst of fire the rebel collapsed dead with a hole burned through his head. "Rebel bastards." Telmeck commented before moving towards the center of the room. More chatter sounded from one of the rebels radios, "All hands enemy drop ships have been deployed, they are attempting to board, move troops to hangar areas and prepare to defend. Reinforcements have been routed towards hanger 7, secure it and defend against the oncoming enemies." "Well, it can never be easy can it? Hopefully the others get here before these reinforcements do." He growled. 'Time to buy some time.' He thought to himself, looking around the room for ambush positions. Then came another terrible tremble that shook the station making Telmeck dabble as he tried to stay standing. Then all of the sudden, everything in the cargo bay began floating upwards. Telmeck smiled as his body lifted off the ground. "Alright, I can work with this." He said as he used his grappling hook to pull him back to the ground and activate his magnetic boots. Then over his comms he heard Rareth's voice, "I hope all of you have been trained in zero-g.” Using the zero-g environment to his advantage, Telmeck began assembling several traps for any troops that should come this way. He moved the lifter directly in front of the entrance and placed an explosive upon it. He made his way towards the now floating bodies of the rebels and looted any explosives he could from them before spreading his own remotely detonated explosives around the room. Once everything was ready he returned to his position atop a large container near the top of the room, magnetizing himself to it, he placed his rifle on his back and began his wait. He would need to wait until as many rebels as possible were in the room, for once the explosions started going off everything in the room would get sent flying in every direction and any more would be mad to enter until things begin to settle down. Ashley had passed on the word that the Hanger had depressurized and in order for him to enter he would need to seal his suit and depressurize the room, but by doing so he would force all the air in the cargo bay to be sucked out into space, this includes anything that isn't magnetized or blotted down to the floor, if timed right it could be used to his advantage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several minutes of agonizing silence passed until the door slid open revealing two rebel soldiers floating in the door way, they flicked their lights on then signaled for the others to enter. One by one rebels began to pass into the room until there was around 16 of them floating towards the other door. The second the door they had entered through slid shut, Telmeck grabbed four of the grenades he had looted off the rebels and primed them before sending them off in the direction of the rebels. As soon as he did he took cover entirely behind his container and held his hand over the detonator. As soon as the explosions went off Telmeck activated the detonator causing his for remote activated explosives to explode. Telmeck had positioned himself so the container he was on would be far away from the source of the explosions, but still the shockwaves were enough to send the container spinning around and floating towards the wall. Quickly Telmeck raised his arm and fired off his grappling hook latching on to something and deactivated his magnetic boots. His grappling hook attached to the ceiling and began pulling him towards it. Due to the force that was exerted on him from the container ad the explosion Telmeck slammed against the wall some ways away from where the grappling hook had landed, the second he did he threw the palm of his hand against the surface and magnetized his hand, stopping him in place. He regained his focus just in time to see another smaller crate come hurtling towards him. "Shtara!" Telmeck swore as he pushed off the wall breaking his magnetic hold on the ceiling dodging the crate by only seconds. As Telmeck floated towards another of the rooms walls he took this chance to scan about the room, it was pure chaos, crates debris and bodies were flying in every which direction, whoever of the rebels that entered the room that were still alive were now struggling to keep themselves from being smashed by all the debris and crates. It felt like ages before the crates began to slow down to the point where they could no longer kill on impact, at which point Telmeck and the few remaining rebels were able to steady themselves and get a grasp on their situation. There were only five rebels left of the group that had come in, and by now they had noticed their Rothian companion and were beginning to bring their weapons to bear. Telmeck had steadied himself next to the door into the hanger and at this point he magnetized both his feet to what used to be the floor and his left arm to the wall the doors controls were on, with his last free arm he shot his grappling hook towards a nearby crate and pulled it towards him rather then pulling himself to the crate. The crate reached him just as the first rounds impacted on his shield. Telmeck magnetized his hand to the crate and used it as a shield between him and the rebels as he crouched behind it. He demagnetized his left hand and began setting to work on opening the blast door that separated him from the hanger. As soon as the door opened there was a terrible whooshing sound as all the air was sucked into the hanger, only thanks to his magnetized boots was Telmeck able to stay standing in the now mostly empty room. Several large crates had been sucked towards the door and were now blocking the entrance to the hanger, but with enough force the crates drifted away giving Telmeck free access into the hanger. The five remaining rebels had been pulled into the hanger at such a strong force that when they collided with floating crates of any of the walls the impact was enough to break bones, effectively killing them. Letting out a sigh of relief only he could hear he demagnetized himself and pushed off into the hanger in the direction of the Humming bird. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a gunship approaching the Hanger, his instinctual reaction of seeing the ship approach was to grab his rifle, but just as his hand curled around it's handle he recognized the ship as Sovereignty and saw the others holding on to it. Relaxing he returned his hand to his side as he drifted towards the Humming bird. “Glad you guys could join us.” Telmeck said into the radio. As soon as he was close enough Telmeck magnetized his hand to the hull of the Humming bird, using the ship to change his direction before pushing off again. He managed to land just a little ways away from the arriving Gunship. After standing himself up he then offered assistance to anyone else who may need help grounding themselves. He then heard Rareth's request of Shiva and looked towards her, his concerned expression hidden beneath his helmet, "You've been wounded? How bad is it?" He asked as he continued to offer assistance to the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Shuo breathed heavily as the ship flew silently through space. The shear silence really bothered him which caused him to toggle on his helmets attempt at making sound in space a thing. It played audio files to the best of it's ability for things it knew about. The gunship was easy and even his weapon could easily have sound played for them. Though if he got into a firefight it would not work as he would either have to know that something is happening or physically be able to see it. He had it off most of the time as friendly chatter was enough to keep him sane. Though the ride was quiet as the squad road back in silence. He toggled on what fleet chatter he was authorized for and listened to progress reports from Sovereign soldiers that were currently clearing the station. He heard weapons fire in the background of several of them but it was quickly snuffed out. It seems the fleet had done it's job to great affect and killed most of the rebels with their salvos. Shuo toggled off the fleet reporting as they approached the hanger the hummingbird was docked in. As they pulled next to the hummingbird and people began deboarding Shuo made sure he was the last one off. Just before he deactivated his boots he banged on the hull twice. He felt a prompt single hit back through his feet. This gave him a smile as he kicked off the side of the gunship towards the hanger. "We're all clear Aereo, thanks for the lift. Happy hunting." Shuo said as he was then greeted by a few seconds of clicking. "Oh I will, Aereo returning to station." The female said over the comms. The ship then promptly fired a dorsal thruster and then accelerated away. Shuo grabbed onto the top of the hanger and then angled himself down and pushed off the ceiling. He made sure to start a rotation too so when he hit the ground he activated his boots with a satisfying bzzzt. Shuo kept his weapon in hand as he walked back over to the hummingbirds entrance. Shuo keyed his comms. "We'll do a damage assesment on the ship. I'm sure fleetcom would like to talk to us before we head back to PAX."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Shiva was very cautious in her approach to disembarking. All her movements were deliberate, double checked, and never without either a handhold available or her feet secured. She could hear the struggle in her own breath greater than anything else as she navigated the zero-g environment to the hangar floor with the others. Only once two seconds had passed since her boots engaged did she wave to Telmeck, who greeted them on arrival. "Not as bad as it could have been, Telmeck," Shiva said over the comms to calm his concern, "A rutting man charged her with his horn, you can thank your Rothian armour that it didn't get to her lungs, or even hit her heart." Shiva's mention of a 'rutting' man was meant more as a joke, referring to how emotionally immature Masulu men brawled with their little except their horns. "Well, that and luck. She wasn't beyond a field treatment." With that, Shiva addressed Rareth's original question. "Of course. If I can get you prone and get a better look at the wound, I can help sort it out properly. The fuse and set I did on your rib before wasn't flawles-" Shiva stopped and grunted, putting a hand to her stomach. After channeling some magic to relax her stomach muscles and prevent an incident in her helmet, she continued. "Sorry. As I was saying, the treatment wasn't flawless. You may have knocked it out of position slightly. Just breathe slowly until we get on board." Shiva was glad that the mission was wrapped up before her nausea worsened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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"Don't worry about me. It was survivable to begin with, and Shiva's aid was fast and effective. I'll probably be fine even without more help." Rareth answered Telmeck before giving a quick glance to Shiva. "Not that I don't still want it, of course." Once the hold's depressurization was complete, Ashley opened up the cargo ramp, allowing the team to get inside and take their seats. Only the Hummingbird's hold was depressurized, since the captive they had rescued earlier was still aboard in another room, but it would still take a few moments to repressurize it completely. Given the chaos aboard the station, however, Ashley did not wait around for the process to finish. Instead, she closed up the loading ramp and took off without a moment's delay. Taking Shiva's advice, Rareth breathed slowly and moved little as they waited for the pressure to return to the hold. With no one saying anything through the radio, the only thing she could hear for a few moments were her own, slightly irregular breaths. Eventually, sounds from outside her suit started to return as the pressure normalized, until the point where Rareth was finally able to remove her helmet safely. Rareth took a deep breath of the fresh air, or at least fresh compared to the recycled air of her suit. As many times as she had walked into danger, it was always a relief to be out of it. While she imagined that no sentient being particularly liked putting their lives on the line, Rothians in particular held an aversion to danger. "Perhaps not completely ideal, but a success nonetheless. At least, we all accomplished our objectives. It's up to the rest of the fleet to recover the hostages safely. Hopefully, they will also be able to capture a few of these rebels for interrogation. But we've done our part. You all performed admirably." Rareth commented. Looking down, she started to run her hand over the fresh scar of her wound. Now that they were not in a vacuum, her suit was no longer constricted over it, and it was once again visible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

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Once everyone was safely magnetized Telmeck turned and drew his rifle making sure to keep an eye out for hostiles while they waited for the ship to depressurize, even with the attack from the fleet going on experience has taught him that being extra cautious on the exfil never hurt anyone. "Alright, well even then, good thing Doctor Shiva was on duty to help keep you up and kicking for a few more centuries." Telmeck remarked into the radio in a somewhat lighthearted tone in response to Rareth. A moment or so later his gaze turned to Shiva, "Good work Shiva, it's definitely comforting to know we have a skilled medic with us." He said, nodding to her appreciative before returning back to keeping watch as the ship finished depressurizing. Once the door opened Telmeck remained out watching their backs until most everyone was on before he boarded, replacing his rifle on his back as he took his seat. He watched as the door silently shut assuming soon after the ship would take off. His gaze switched over to all the members of the team that had arrived on the gunship. They all seemed like they were in fairly good condition, to his immediate knowledge Rareth was the only one to be wounded, something he wasn't too overly fond of hearing. But, he was admittedly glad no one else was hurt with her. As the room depressurized Telmeck lifted his wrist and unsealed his suit allowing air to pass in and out freely before removing his helmet. He rolled his head around enjoying the freedom of having no helmet on. As Rareth spoke up he looked over to her and listened quietly. "Over all, I'd say it was a good first mission with everyone on the team. At least, from what I can gather here it seems to have worked out well, we're all still alive, so that's a plus." He commented jokingly after Rareth had finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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After walking up the ramp Shuo found a nice looking bar to use as a hand hold as the door closed. He turned towards the door and watched as it made full locking position with the ship and white mist began shooting out of the floor. With this in the background Shuo connected to fleet comm chatter again and went a step further this time. He requested access to helmet cams on the ship. Some AI gave him access to atleast the Sovereign force's one. He checked the status of the other requests and they continued to pend. He brought up a random feed of some troops clearing a large hallway. He quickly turned the sound down so he could still listen to fleet chatter. He watched as they came to a door and stacked up on it. One of them placed a breaching charge on the door and everyone darkened their visors. The charge went off in a flash of light and the camera quickly compensated. As the last one in the room he watched as they kicked in the metal door that was now missing a large chunk of it'self. But when they came into the room they didn't find anyone. Well anyone alive anyways. The room was full of bodies floating around in large floating globs of blood. As they panned around the room everyone had committed suicide in some way. One had even plunged a blade into his intestines and was still magnetized to the floor so his organs were simply floating up and out. He sighed, these rebels were too dedicated. It had been awhile since he had seen a group of fanatics like this. It didn't help that evidence was mounting that these rebels were not contained to just here. Not only were they too dedicated for that but they were too well funded. He sighed and kept watching the feed for a moment but switched once he heard them call out over the comms that they were holding for someone to come and investigate. He switched over to an active firefight in which it looked like both sides had taken casualties though it seemed most were the rebel's. When he heard talk of Shiva's ability he pulled himself away from the feed for a moment. Shuo elected to keep his helmet on however. He realized he was conflicted for a moment. Having a medic meant you anticipated getting injured but at the same time it was useful as they could keep you fighting in spite of injuries. He decided to avoid it entirely and simply said. "All of you fought well today. All of your magics proved useful in the end." He said through his speakers rather coldly.
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