Avatar of Leon5431
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  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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Telmeck chuckled at Rareth, "No, no, I didn't mean literrrallyyy magical, I meant like fig-uhm..figativ-err figura-ahh...figuratively. Wow...words are hard....but yeah...like...they can do lots of stuff and stuff... I know...their not magical...I was just saying magical in a non magically magic way." He paused as he tried thinking over what he just said. "Wait a second..." He said as he furrowed his brow and starred intensely at the floor his inebriated brain struggling to make sense of the sentence he had just said.

Just then Rareth spoke up and Telmeck lost track of what he was thinking about as he looked at her again smiling dumbly as she warned Shuo not to fall asleep only to be doing so herself. As he voice died down she soon relaxed and seemed to have fallen completely asleep. Shiva spoke up announcing Rareth was asleep, Telmeck smiled and shook his head at Rareth, "And then there were three." He said before looking up towards the others. They seemed to be awake for the most part, about as awake as he was.

Shiva spoke up once again with a mischievous grin asking if anyone had any ideas of what they could do to her. He thought for few moments before answering, "Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe we could carry her to the hanger and put her in the cargo hold of the Hummingbird?" He said with a shrug looking down and Rareth as she snuggled his tail. He was tempted to tickle her noes with the tip of his tail, but decided it was best he didn't if they actually did want to move her to the Hummingbird.
yeaaaaaahhhh I dont really have any ideas, I suck at pranks of any type XD
<Snipped quote by Leon5431>


What happened to you? RL swallow you up?!?

Yeah, just about every inch of me. But now things are simmering down, I've got my head above water and same for my hands, so I feel it's time to get back to writing.

I'd love to be back if you guys would have me?
That's good, I gue-oh dear god!

*gets pounced*

Hey Fallen, long time no talk!

@Lucius Cypher
I see you're still terrorizing the souls of your followers Lucius.
Telmeck watched Shiva as she eyed him over her shoulder with a tense and nervous posture. But he was surprised by a light smack that came from below him. He flinched as Rareth smacked his muzzle and he proceeded to stare as best he could at the tip of his muzzle with wide eyes as he tried to process what had just happened.

As Rareth spoke up his confused stare became one of mock annoyance. He rolled his eyes before responding. "I know, I know, it's just...sometimes I forget about it. With how long I've had it no pain has become about as normal as feeling pain. But, I promise you I will go to the med bay tomorrow, if too late it is to go tonight." He said before pausing and furrowing his brow as he tried to decipher what he had said.

Then he heard Shiva speak up again and he glanced up to her with a confused expression, not actually remembering exactly what it was she was talking about. He knew there was something...something that he was doing something about or trying to find something out about something....or something like that...he wasn't sure, he was still mostly caught up on what he had said a few moments ago. Was he going to go to the med bay tonight tomorrow or some other time.

Then he saw Shiva put her hands up and heard her say something about surprise. Though her tone did not quite enforce the words, Telmeck, being in the drunken state he is, still managed to get excited and glance around the room with something that could possibly be considered a smile.

Seeing nothing involving a surprise he frowned and looked back to Shiva disappointed. "You're terrible at surprises." He commented with a forced disappointing glare. He kept up the charade for a moment or two before smiling drunkenly and saying, "But it's okay, I forgive you, no harm here." He said smiling happily. In his current state it hadn't occurred to him that Shiva could possibly misconstrue the things he was saying and doing.

Then he heard Rareth speak up and he looked down at her, he watched as she reached down and grabbed his tail before bringing it up to her chest and closing her eyes. He smiled endearingly down at her and couldn't help but admire how cute she looked right now. Gently he brushed her cheek with his hand smiling at her all along.

Then he was knocked out of his endearing trance by Shiva who spoke up from across from them. She was now seated in her chair munching on some sort of meat thing that he had no chance at identifying from this distance. She said something about implants and was looking at Shuo as she did so he assumed she was asking him about his implants but he wasn't entirely sure it was the best guess he could make in his current state.

As Shuo attempted to stand and only succeed in floping back down in the chair Telmeck chuckled, he looked like an animal he had seen ages ago in a human zoo. He had no chance at even recalling the name of the animal, all he remembered was it had a big shell, scales and walked on all fours.

Then as Shuo answered Shiva, Telmeck's attention was knocked away from the animal and instead brought to the topic at hand. As he named all the things that could happen if he turned his implants off Telmeck frowned. "Implants are magical things aren't they?" He commented not really sure if that sentence would be relevant.
Telmeck chuckled at Shiva's offer, "No...no thanks I think I'll pass there...I've felt one or two in the past...though...it usually hasn't gone over well for either party." Telmeck said chuckling lightly as he did.

After Rareth also corrected him on his description of head-stinger, Telmeck jokingly rolled his eyes,"Okay okay it's a head-tail, dagger, stabby, stinger thing." He joked before downing the remainder of his glass.

As Rareth got up and walked back to the cabinet, Telmeck watched her go out of the corner of his eye shamelessly admiring her as she did. He continued to follow her until she announced they were out of wine by which point he turned his gaze back to his empty glass and frowned. "Aww...the wines gone...feels like we just got it..." He whined along with Shiva.

Then he heard Shuo respond to his comment about the head spikes asking him what it was like to have a tail like his own. To which Telmeck with a furrowed brow looked down at his tail wiggling it side to side as he did contemplating Shuo's question before eventually losing track of that thought and just staring at his tail as he wiggled it.

He was knocked out of his sort of trance when Rareth laid across his lap which caused a happy smile to spread across his face. Then he remembered Shuo's question and looked back up to him. "Oh ugh yeah tails, uhm....I guess I didn't really think about that, maybe it feels the same as my tail just coming out of the top of your head. I guess we'll never know." He commented before trying to sip from his glass only to find it was still empty he frowned again and placed his empty glass on the table as Rareth spoke up.

He giggled as Rareth commented on his implants, "Heh yeah, I've gotta have something to level the playing field with that magic of yours." He joked looking down at her with a grin on his face.

But her comment about his implants sparked a thought in his hindered mind. He still had his pain-block implant active and hadn't turned it off since returning to the ship. With that thought he turned his implant off and was greeted by a wave of pain from his back and shoulders. He flinched noticeably as the pain set in.

"Oh wow." He said a little louder than intended thanks to his somewhat inebriated state. He was pretty sure nothing was broken, from what he could tell nothing was, but there was no way for him to be certain unless he was checked out.

'That can wait until tomorrow or at least until I'm sobered up. Then I will pay a visit to the med bay' He thought to himself before reactivating his implant, blocking out the pain from his back as he did his body relaxed once again and he let out a sigh.

Just then he heard Shuo and Shiva's conversation about why she had he head spike cut off, something that he had been itching to ask. As he heard Shiva's response it took him several moments before he could actually understand what she had just said, but even the he still wasn't entirely sure. As she continued a few moments later it seemed what he had been thinking was true and she was actually admitting she was a criminal.

He sat there with a bit of a dumbfounded expression as he processed everything she was saying, during which he glanced from Shiva to Shuo, to Rareth then to a random spot somewhere on the far wall and back again.

"Wait a minute." Telmeck said his confusion present in his voice. "Are you saying you're a criminal?" He continued in an unsure tone.
I for one am in favor of getting more members, we might aswell try and see if the next group will work out, if not then we can continue with just this group.

By the way, has anything been written up for the Virtus Empire?

Telmeck listened along closely as the others talked adding in his bit when he could all the while enjoying the drink Rareth deffinitly didn't bring aboard. With time his unease faded and was replaced with a warm fuzzy feeling that was slowly spreading through his body. At this point he couldn't tell if the feeling was being caused from the drink or just his enjoyment of the company, either way he didn't care much, he was having a very good time, perhaps one of the best he'd had in the company of Sovereignty soldiers.

He had been downed quiet a few glasses and was on the verge of adding another to that number as he listened to the others. Their speech had begun to slur and no doubt was his own. He began to find it harder to follow one train of thought for too long before he got confused. The others were talking about temperatures well at least had been, he wasn't sure what Shiva had said, in honesty he hadn't been paying complete attention to her, he was busy trying to get himself another glass which was proving to take more attention then it had before.

With a bit of an unsteady hand he set the bottle down on the table and leaned back in his seat. He took a long sip from his glass before lowering in back down resting the glass on his knee.

"I...am more curious how it is to have a stinger coming out the top of your head." Telmeck said as he eyes Shuo's curiously. "Like, it's odd to think about how that would feel...I...I can't even really imagine it." Telmeck mused as he raised the glass back to his lips.
Good, cause I have one almost done, I will finish it once I get home. XD
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