Telmeck chuckled at Rareth, "No, no, I didn't mean literrrallyyy magical, I meant like fig-uhm..figativ-err figura-ahh...figuratively. Wow...words are hard....but can do lots of stuff and stuff... I know...their not magical...I was just saying magical in a non magically magic way." He paused as he tried thinking over what he just said. "Wait a second..." He said as he furrowed his brow and starred intensely at the floor his inebriated brain struggling to make sense of the sentence he had just said.
Just then Rareth spoke up and Telmeck lost track of what he was thinking about as he looked at her again smiling dumbly as she warned Shuo not to fall asleep only to be doing so herself. As he voice died down she soon relaxed and seemed to have fallen completely asleep. Shiva spoke up announcing Rareth was asleep, Telmeck smiled and shook his head at Rareth, "And then there were three." He said before looking up towards the others. They seemed to be awake for the most part, about as awake as he was.
Shiva spoke up once again with a mischievous grin asking if anyone had any ideas of what they could do to her. He thought for few moments before answering, "Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe we could carry her to the hanger and put her in the cargo hold of the Hummingbird?" He said with a shrug looking down and Rareth as she snuggled his tail. He was tempted to tickle her noes with the tip of his tail, but decided it was best he didn't if they actually did want to move her to the Hummingbird.
Just then Rareth spoke up and Telmeck lost track of what he was thinking about as he looked at her again smiling dumbly as she warned Shuo not to fall asleep only to be doing so herself. As he voice died down she soon relaxed and seemed to have fallen completely asleep. Shiva spoke up announcing Rareth was asleep, Telmeck smiled and shook his head at Rareth, "And then there were three." He said before looking up towards the others. They seemed to be awake for the most part, about as awake as he was.
Shiva spoke up once again with a mischievous grin asking if anyone had any ideas of what they could do to her. He thought for few moments before answering, "Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe we could carry her to the hanger and put her in the cargo hold of the Hummingbird?" He said with a shrug looking down and Rareth as she snuggled his tail. He was tempted to tickle her noes with the tip of his tail, but decided it was best he didn't if they actually did want to move her to the Hummingbird.