Avatar of Leon5431
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Hey sorry guys school was kicking my ass but I am good now and have returned sorry about that.
Telmeck cocked his eyebrows towards Shiva after hearing her toast before he hid the expression and raised the glass to his lips. He wasn't entirely sure what she had meant by it, it was equally likely that it was true or just a joke, he could certainly see the Sovereignty doing something along those lines with a criminal. But, to send one to an operation such as this was a little more far fetched. Instead Telmeck mentally shrugged his shoulders and decided to put the topic off until a later point, should it ever come up again. He listened as Shiva spoke up again saying she had never had anything like this and asking what exactly it was. He could understand not being familiar with the Rothian wine, some people were only fans of drinks made by their own kind. But her never having anything like it struck him as a little surprising, given their line of work finding someone that wasn't at least acquainted with alcohol was a rare thing. Telmeck sat down next to Rareth before glancing over to Shiva looking her up and down a little quizzically before turning to Rareth as she went through explaining the wine to Shiva. As she finished speaking Shuo spoke up, telling them about his home and of a cheese they produced. Telmeck listened as he took another long sip from his wine, finishing just as Shuo did. "Well you two, if your respective careers here don't work out, you two will both make fantastic tour guides." With a happy smile to the both of them. He turned to Shiva as she spoke lightly about her home. As Telmeck listened his gaze dropped down to his glass. He gazed down at the violet liquid swirling the cup slightly as he did. This talk of home brought an uneasy feeling over him. He had never really felt at home anywhere he grew up, he had always felt like he didn't belong, like he was a nuisance to everyone around him. Though Jakra and his wife tried to make him feel as at home as possible, it never truly felt right. He never felt connected with them, he could never get close to them, no matter how hard they tried. As he spaced out into his cup an image flashed through his mind of a Rothian woman. Telmeck knew who it was the second it came into mind. A lump quickly formed in his throat and he forced the image out of mind trying his best to think about anything else. He swallowed as he forced the lump out of his throat. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before shifting his gaze back to the others, he had been barely paying attention but did manage to hear Shiva ask Rareth if she had possibly heard of their next destination. Telmeck swallowed once again making sure the lump was gone from his throat before speaking up. "Hopefully it's to somewhere that we have a less likely chance of being shot at." Telmeck added with smile that helped to force down the unease.
In other news, guess who is now an Uncle!
Sorry guys, I've been really busy this past week, I should be able to post today. Really sorry guys.
Once Rareth was given the all clear and Shiva went off on her own Telmeck took the chance to change out of his armor and go take a shower. Once properly cleaned he made his way to the mess hall where he got himself a bit to eat. Enjoying a nice meal of some of the meats brought aboard the vessel from Pax. It was odd being on a vessel with so many different races, the varieties of food meant to fit all of their diets created a plethora of options for what he could order, but only some of which worked for his diet. After enjoying his meal he made his way back to his and Rareth's quarters where he spent the majority of the time before Rareth's requested meeting in her company and also enjoying some of the media available to them aboard the ship. At this point there wasn't a lot for them to do, while they were technically on duty, he didn't have anything required of him at the moment so he allowed himself the chance to relax. As the time came by for the others to arrive Telmeck was sitting on the bed playing a mind game when he heard a knock on the door. He dismissed the game with a wave of his hand and stood up as Shiva entered the room. "Evening Shiva, I hope everything has been going well for you." He said as he nodded his head in return to her. Shortly after Shuo arrived, looking a little groggy and holding a canister of what Telmeck guessed was instant coffee based on the smell. "Hello Shuo and welcome." Telmeck said, chuckling lightly at his comment of Rothians favor for heat. As Shuo plopped into his chair it seemed it was time to begin this little meeting Rareth had called together. She started by brandishing several cups before beginning to explain a little. Telmeck looked the cups over before following Rareth to the cabinet where she pulled out the bottle of Rothian wine. He stared at the wine a little dumbfound at the fact that he hadn't noticed the liquor at any point prior to this moment. As Rareth continued Telmeck smiled rolled his eyes at Rareth as she poured the wine into each of the cups. As she handed out the cups and didn't propose the proposed toast Telmeck took his cup, listening as Shuo added to her toast before chiming in himself, "Officially, I am not going to enjoy this cup of a strange violet liquid." Telmeck said with a rather large grin.
Sounds like a plan to me. I'm alright with it so long as the others are.
I know I know it's a miracle, you guys didn't have to wait a whole other week for me to post, blah, blah, blah. XP
Telmeck listened as the two explained what happened, their stories were for the most part the same aside from how the Masulu met his end, which didn't matter much considering, as Rareth pointed out, if he had survived that encounter he would be taken out by the forces sweeping the station. "Hmm, well it's certainly a good thing that it didn't do more harm. That was quick thinking using your telekinesis to fight against his attack. In honesty, it never occurred to me that telekinesis could be used in such a fashion. You magic users get all the fun stuff." He joked shaking his head. As Shiva prepared to leave Telmeck spoke up, "Before you go Shiva, I guess I should thank you. Threatening or not it was a good thing you were there. Your abilities likely were what kept this "Death Spirit" on her feet for the rest of the mission." He said as he gestured to Rareth, smiling lightheartedly as he did. "If this team does stay together, I can certainly say I look forward to working along side you." He added before he bowed his head respectfully toward her. Telmeck paused for a moment before answering Rareth as he thought of what exactly he should do. "Well, a shower certainly sounds nice, as does some food, I should probably drop off my equipment at the armory first though." He thought aloud, "Other then that I'm not all too sure, this is a decent sized ship, I'm sure I can find something to pass the time. Though, in all reality, I will probably just spend my time bothering you." He said with a joking smile.
Telmeck's gaze still hung over Shiva's hands as she went about her work and he listened curiously as she described her knowledge of the Rahn'Masser. It was interesting to hear her description of the Rahn'Masser, every Rothian held some respect for them and the work they did, but until now it never crossed his mind to ask what their past enemies had thought of them. Telmeck spared a glance up to Shiva's face, she certainly was different then most Sovereignty soldiers he had encountered. From his past experiences Sovereignty soldiers would usually talk about the war with a hint of passive aggression. She seemed to be one of the few that didn't, and for that he could respect her. He returned his gaze to her hands as he she went about her work. Listening as she asked Rareth if she wanted her to keep the scar or remove it. When Rareth asked him his opinion on scars he paused for a moment and looked over her scar. "I see no point in keeping scars. Maybe to some they can be seen as reminders or trophies, but to me there isn't a point in keeping them, they're just marks." He said with a shrug. He looked back towards the wound for a moment more before looking back to two of them. "So, I understand the wound wasn't all too threatening, but just how you were wounded. It didn't seem like a fusion or plasma wound, and if it was caused by a ballistic weapon it would be a bit more severe. So, I am curious, how did this happen?" He asked as he leaned back on an adjacent empty cot.
I will be posting once I get back home this afternoon, I'm sorry for the delay school has been kicking my ass these last few days.
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