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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

"With our success, I would say _first_ mission is quite accurate. We have proved our team is effective, so barring any political issues, I would guess this will not be our last time working together." Rareth reasoned. It could be that their team could be divided if the Assembly decided to expand the program, especially if politicians were in charge of structuring it. However, if given intelligent leadership, there was a good chance their team would stay together. Rareth was not greatly concerned about her health, but she had no intention to accept unnecessary risk. Looking over to Shuo, she gave him a slight nod. "Shuo, can I trust you do handle the debriefing with the Captain? I need to head straight to the infirmary. You can join me there, Shiva. It would be appreciated. I will write my report when I am able." She explained. "Also, after all of our remaining duties for the day are complete, I would like you all to meet me in my quarters. I have something important I would like to speak to you all about."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"Yes, Rareth," Shiva responded, seating herself in the Hummingbird and coming down from the mission's excitement. Everyone was patting each other on the back for a mission well done. Shiva had to agree, despite the things that happened that she could not have foreseen. Most of all, though, even if others in the team were more experienced or well trained combatants, the appreciation she got for helping was a new experience. It made her feel warm to hear it, but she didn't really know how to react except to look at the floor with a small smile, or the masulu equivalent. Without another word, Shiva inspected her weapon on the way back. She had hardly noticed, but the battery was almost flat. There were a lot of engagements, more than she was used to. Not working with a large force made sure that she used plenty of shots, it seemed. She slid out a compartment on the side of her weapon and a hiss sounded as the battery case was exposed to the cooler air inside the ship. There was a spare battery for her weapon on the ship that she promptly replaced into it, but she made a note to carry around a spare in their next operation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shuo nodded in compliance to Rareth's request and kept watching the feeds. The humans finally authorized him to their feeds and Shuo split his view into four screens at that point. For the most part the resistance had been squashed and most of the soldiers were picking through bodies. On one screen with Sovereign soldiers he noticed something. A man who's face he had been shown before they departed on the mission. Though from what he could see it looked like him and his fellow hostages had been cuffed and executed. His mandibles flickered out slightly. He wish he could have been the dispenser of justice in that case but atleast he died alone and afraid. He elected to keep his helmet on the whole way as he wanted to know what their losses were. Further he wanted to study the way they fought. He could tell they were trained atleast through the basics. Their squad cohesion gave the idea that maybe they were even professional. Regardless he assumed they would be seeing these guys again, and that bothered Shuo. As the ship began to pull into the rather constricted hanger bay Shuo began depressurizing his helmet. He pressed his hand into the new gap formed by the depressurizing helmet and pulled it straight off. He blinked his eyes a few times as they adjusted to regular unfiltered light again. He also felt the air in the rest of his suit begin to rapidly cycle into the hanger so as to prepare the suit for immediate reinsertion into a vacuum. He quickly flipped his head spike over his shoulder and let it rest in front of him. It pulled slightly on the back of his head but the pulling felt good to him. He turned around for a moment and looked at the disembarking group. "I will be with you all in the infirmary momentarily." He said spinning rigidly on his heels and walking out of the hanger. As he traveled through the halls he made note of the persons passing by him on his left. The curved hallways were rather large but Shuo's suit was rather bulky so only really one person could pass by him at a time. As he came to the entrance of the bridge a Masulu women and a Rothian stood guard by the door. They asked him to relinquish his weapons before entering and he did so. He guessed it was a good idea with mixing races like they were. No matter how much you vetted people before bringing them on special assignments it was best to plan for madness. After disarming he entered the bridge. The doors slid to either side and the tall entrance accommodated him. He walked towards the captain who was managing multiple screens with what he assumed was a neural implant. Shuo held his helmet to his side and bowed slightly to the captain and said. "Captain Solace, Shuo Yuyun reporting for debrief." The captain turned around and looked at him, though it was clear he was still taking other information in aswell as him. "Yes, Shuo we received your squad's video and we are currently going through it." The captain paused for a moment as if his attention was taken else where."If we require your input on a particular thing we will notify you or your squad. Though our beneficiaries on Pax might have more questions for you than I. You are relieved." Shuo gave a quick "yessir" saluted and walked out of the bridge. The guards gave him back his weapons, for which he thanked them. He promptly made his way to the armory and began the process of dearming. Especially taking off his assualt armor which was the most time consuming process. After getting out of his suit he dawned his regulaur fatigues and made his way to his room where apon getting to his bed he promptly passed out on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

While Shuo went off to the bridge, Rareth started off in the direction of the infirmary with Shiva and whoever else wanted to follow. As was standard, a medical team was ready to meet them in the hanger, so the medics did spot her wound fairly quickly. Of course, they did insist on taking her to the infirmary and treating her themselves, but she was just as insistent on walking there under her own power and allowing Shiva to be the one to heal her. She explained it was because Shiva had already been treating her injury and was already familiar enough with it to heal it quickly, which was partially true, but mostly, Rareth found that she actually preferred magical healing to more traditional methods. Rareth was still definitely sore, and she could feel a partially broken rib biting into her, but it was not too difficult to hide the pain. Once in the infirmary, the medical staff guided her to an empty cot, then reluctantly allowed Shiva to take over. Rareth's armor could be removed in sections, but due to the blood, the infirmary staff was insistent on taking and sanitizing it, so she just went ahead and removed the entire suit. The now-visible wound was closed, but obviously very bruised, which indicated there might still be some bleeding underneath. "Alright, I'll let you get to work." Rareth said as she laid down on her back, still breathing slowly and carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

When she disembarked the Hummingbird, Shiva was actually not quite sure whether she should have been following Shuo to put away her equipment or going straight to the infirmary to treat Rareth. It was not an emergency at this point, but even so, Shiva simply followed along silently. She felt somewhat out of place walking into an infirmary with a plasma assault weapon at the small of her back, but there were no protests that Rareth had trouble dealing with. "Right," Shiva responded to Rareth once she had been given a cot. Shiva started by unclipping and removing the sections of her suit that covered her arms from the elbow down and putting her helmet aside. While doing this, she began to speak to try and keep a familiarity to the situation. "So, normally I go into ops looking forward to it, because it's the point where most people leave me alone. Today, though, I think I was more worried than ever. It's the pressure, I don't think I've had anyone have this much confidence in me since I was younger," her tone quivered in a slight laugh at the end of her sentence, "I definitely didn't want to mess up." Shiva retrieved a syringe gun of local anaesthetic and pulled off the cap. She carefully injected it shallowly in various places on Rareth's chest in order to numb the pain of readjusting her ribs. "I think I was okay in the end, though. The mission was more hectic than I thought it would be, but it went well, like everyone said. I want to say thank you for trusting me. Not many people do." Once done administering the numbing substance, Shiva put the syringe gun down and hovered her hands over the affected parts of Rareth's ribcage, trying to update her previous assessment of the wound. She would be lying if she said that she was not tired from the mission, but taking the treatment at her own pace meant that it wouldn't be too strenuous. "You and Telmeck are close, aren't you?" Shiva asked casually, "Would you mind telling me some of your background together? It will help my nerves if we talk. I will tell you if you need to hold your breath."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

Rareth shrugged her shoulders, though she quickly realized that it would probably be best to sit still. "Hmm, sure, why not? We've known each other for a little over a year. I was a part of a mission that could be seen as a sort of precursor to this joint operations group, actually. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how specific I can get with the details yet. With how new this organization we are a part of is, I'm not sure what is and isn't classified to everyone else. I'll tell you all about it later, if I can. What I can say, though, is that mission is where I met Telmeck." She said, pausing for a moment to go over in her mind what details were and were not public records. "At the time, he was Rothian military, one of the scouts on location. During the mission, he proved himself a cut above the rest of his team, so much so that I recommended him to elevation into the Rahn'Masser. As you can see, my recommendation was approved, and he is now an agent like myself." Once she had answered Shiva's question, Rareth decided to ask one of her own. "Say, how much do you know about the Rahn'Masser?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Telmeck nodded in compliance to Rareth's request, "I'll be there." He confirmed. The remainder of the flight back to the ship was spent for the most part in silence, something Telmeck was rather unaccustomed to. His old team would always be talking when they were out of the field. They had all grown to be close friends over their many years of serving together and because of this it felt strange for him to have to sit in silence when in the presence of squad mates. But this was a different situation. These were no longer close friends serving alongside him, no these were strangers and in honesty Telmeck found it hard for him to fully relax around many of them. He casually glanced over the members of their team. 'So many foreign faces with nothing more then names and records to put to them. If Rareth's guess is right and we will be remaining teamed after this mission, then I should really take the time to get to know more of them.' He thought to himself before turning his gaze to his rifle as he began inspecting it. Soon enough the Hummingbird arrived and set down in the ships hanger, the ramp lowered and everyone began to take their leave. Telmeck grabbed his helmet and made his way down the ramp glancing toward Rareth and Shiva, who were leaving for the medical bay accompanied by a medical team. He followed after them with a slightly quickened pace. Telmeck could help but feel a slight sense of déjà vu, just on their last mission he was heading towards the infirmary for his old squad leader Zyku, now he was heading in for Rareth. It's a dangerous line of business that they involved themselves in. He knew that, he had always known that, but it was moments like this where the gravity of it truly weighed upon him. 'I should have been there to help. It may not be life threatening. But things could have been different if I was there.' He thought to himself a little angrily. He tried his best to push that thought away, he shouldn't think like that, it would only do more harm than good. The door to the medical bay slid open before him. He quickly spotted Rareth and Shiva at one of the nearby cots. Shiva seemed to have already set to work on healing Rareth or at least what Telmeck could only assume was healing Rareth. They seemed to be doing something and talking while doing it. As for what exactly 'it' was Telmeck had little more than a general idea, the only real knowledge of magic he had was the most basic it could be. With a quickness to his step he made his way over to the pair, slowing as he approached as to not interrupt their conversation with his arrival. He arrived just in time to hear Rareth ask Shiva how much she knew about the Rahn'Masser. "I Thought I would come by and see just how hurt you got yourself." Telmeck quickly said in order to announce his arrival, trying not to interrupt their conversation too much as he did. He slowly looked Rareth over before his eyes shifted to Shiva's hands. They hovered just above Rareth's newest scar and to him seemed to be doing nothing but sitting there, but he knew better then that, magic was surely at work. He couldn't help but wonder at the utility of magic. It was truly one of the most powerful things in the universe. It had the capability of teleporting a person from one place to another, healing wounds setting things alight and countless other things, all through the use of neutrium. Magic was certainly something a "non-magic user" like himself could be envious of, especially when one begins to contemplate the plethora of uses it presents. But still, he felt no jealousy over not having any magical abilities. Even with all his powers a "magic user" could still be ended by someone with a gun. But Telmeck could not deny that he enjoyed watching magic be used, even if in some cases it was only to see the end results.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Shiva hummed as she split her attention between recalling the Rahn'Masser and her healing task. She breathed in to speak when Telmeck approached. Shiva glanced up when he spoke, but he was nice enough not to startle them with his arrival. "Hello again, Telmeck. There's not much to see from this angle anymore, I'm afraid." Shiva said, shifting her fingers to direct the neutrium in another heading, "Rareth, I need you to hold your breath for a moment." Shiva was silent as she concentrated on shifting Rareth's ribs back into position. Rareth would hardly feel it due to the anaesthetic, but a sharp eye could spot the bones moving a tiny amount under her skin and muscle. It was a few seconds before Shiva fused the bones to the point of them holding their own in a stable situation like the treatment. "Okay, you can breathe again," Shiva said. Now all that was left was fusing the bones to full strength and cleaning up bruises. That required less precision, so Shiva resumed their conversation. "So, yeah, during the war, the Rahn'Masser were regarded in the same light as death spirits. If you saw them, you were already dead. No one in the sovereignty would admit they were afraid of you agents, but they secretly were. Our only solace was that there weren't so many of you that you could be everywhere on the theatre of war at once. I was never on the field against one, though. Not that I would know, really." Shiva shrugged, "Other than that, all I know about the Rahn'Masser is from you two." Shiva paused in her healing, changing her tone to be more professional. "Now, most soldiers I treat get upset if I heal their scars away. Admittedly most are from the Sovereignty, you might feel different. On the field I rushed with your epidermis here," Shiva gestured to the where the pattern broke on Rareth's scales where the puncture wound once was, "Do you want me to fix it for you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

Once her internal injuries were dealt with, Rareth shifted herself on the cot, both to get to a more comfortable position, and to see how it felt when moving. Of course, given that she was still under the effect of the anesthetic, she was still numb, so she would have to trust Shiva that she was in good condition once more. After Shiva asked about the scar, Rareth nodded to her. "Yeah, go ahead and fix it up. Scars aren't really my thing. I've been scarred on many occasions, in many ways, but I always get them fixed up. There was a fad about a hundred years ago where they were in style, so I did have some for a few years, but I ended up getting them removed. I think my scales look much better smooth an uninterrupted." Rareth glanced over to Telmeck. She wasn't surprised he came to check on on her, though she had already said her injuries were not serious. She was not the type to lie about her wounds. Regardless, she could forgive him for being worried. "What about you, Telmeck? What do you think about scars?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Telmeck's gaze still hung over Shiva's hands as she went about her work and he listened curiously as she described her knowledge of the Rahn'Masser. It was interesting to hear her description of the Rahn'Masser, every Rothian held some respect for them and the work they did, but until now it never crossed his mind to ask what their past enemies had thought of them. Telmeck spared a glance up to Shiva's face, she certainly was different then most Sovereignty soldiers he had encountered. From his past experiences Sovereignty soldiers would usually talk about the war with a hint of passive aggression. She seemed to be one of the few that didn't, and for that he could respect her. He returned his gaze to her hands as he she went about her work. Listening as she asked Rareth if she wanted her to keep the scar or remove it. When Rareth asked him his opinion on scars he paused for a moment and looked over her scar. "I see no point in keeping scars. Maybe to some they can be seen as reminders or trophies, but to me there isn't a point in keeping them, they're just marks." He said with a shrug. He looked back towards the wound for a moment more before looking back to two of them. "So, I understand the wound wasn't all too threatening, but just how you were wounded. It didn't seem like a fusion or plasma wound, and if it was caused by a ballistic weapon it would be a bit more severe. So, I am curious, how did this happen?" He asked as he leaned back on an adjacent empty cot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Once Rareth's scales were realigned, Shiva looked up to Telmeck to answer his question. She raised a finger and was about to tap at her head spike, only to be reminded once again that it had been cut off due to her convict status. Still, the gesture worked enough. "We had a captive masulu who rushed up and jabbed Rareth with his spike. He was shot to pieces of course, but it still got through her armour." Shiva rubbed at the stump of her own head spike, "Rareth was lucky that it didn't get too deep into her lungs, or worse, hit her heart." With a few last minute adjustments to the level of Rareth's scales, nothing showed any evidence of her wound except for the peculiar lack of wear in the patch of the puncture. The scales were fresh and of a slightly richer colour than those around them, but they would blend in within a day or two. "Alright, Rareth, you're all done. Stand up, tell me how it feels." Shiva shifted uncomfortably in her uniform and equipment, then went to pick up her bracers and gloves. "If you don't mind, I think I'm going to change and wash. Maybe take a nap. Do you need anything else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

Rareth gave a chuckle. "I think your memory might be a bit fuzzy on that, or who knows, maybe it's mine that's off? There was an awful lot of adrenaline pumping through me at the time. I remember the Masulu teleporting onto me to get me with that spike. I think it was a telekinetically enhanced blow, though I resisted with my own telekinesis. The others tried to shoot him, but he teleported away. Honestly, though, it's doubtful he'll survive long with the fleet sweeping the station." Once Shiva was finished with her healing, Rareth brought herself up to her feet and started to stretch out her muscles. Nothing felt wrong, which was good, though the anesthetic was still having an effect. "Well, I'm still kind of numb, but everything seems in order. I think I will go get a shower as well, maybe a nice meal. Just remember, if you can, meet me in my quarters later today. I have something I'd like to say then." Rareth glanced quickly over to Telmeck. "Also, what are your plans?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Telmeck listened as the two explained what happened, their stories were for the most part the same aside from how the Masulu met his end, which didn't matter much considering, as Rareth pointed out, if he had survived that encounter he would be taken out by the forces sweeping the station. "Hmm, well it's certainly a good thing that it didn't do more harm. That was quick thinking using your telekinesis to fight against his attack. In honesty, it never occurred to me that telekinesis could be used in such a fashion. You magic users get all the fun stuff." He joked shaking his head. As Shiva prepared to leave Telmeck spoke up, "Before you go Shiva, I guess I should thank you. Threatening or not it was a good thing you were there. Your abilities likely were what kept this "Death Spirit" on her feet for the rest of the mission." He said as he gestured to Rareth, smiling lightheartedly as he did. "If this team does stay together, I can certainly say I look forward to working along side you." He added before he bowed his head respectfully toward her. Telmeck paused for a moment before answering Rareth as he thought of what exactly he should do. "Well, a shower certainly sounds nice, as does some food, I should probably drop off my equipment at the armory first though." He thought aloud, "Other then that I'm not all too sure, this is a decent sized ship, I'm sure I can find something to pass the time. Though, in all reality, I will probably just spend my time bothering you." He said with a joking smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Shiva was a little embarrassed about misremembering what happened with Rareth's assailant. She could have sworn that at least one of the squad had hit him with a shot, but Rareth was right, he did disappear. "Of course," Shiva responded to Rareth's request, "I will not be too long, I'm sure." By this point, Shiva had her lower arm guards and gloves secure, but only took one step before Telmeck halted her. She listened with a relatively blank expression, but not one of inattention. Once he finished, Shiva looked away and down, nodding. Telmeck's words meant more than he probably bargained for, but Shiva was honestly not used to the gratitude. "Um, thank you, Telmeck," She said humbly, before resuming her walk, "I'll see you both later." Once Shiva had her back to them, she wore a smile. The day had put Shiva in a good mood while she went about her business for the next hour or so. She started with a belated visit to the armoury. Honestly, she was surprised that Shuo wasn't still there wrestling with all that complicated power armour. She took the time to deposit her equipment, shower, and get a clean change of fatigues, before heading straight to her cot for a short sleep. Annoyingly enough, she couldn't sleep for much longer than fifteen minutes for some reason, so decided to find something to eat. The mess hall had masulu meals available, a serve of which Shiva was obliged. However, while she ate the other crewmen present shot her familiar suspicious glances. She moved one hand to rub at her convict mark sourly. It was the first time in years that she had forgotten it was there. The time eventually came to go to Rareth's room as she had requested. Shiva started with a knock on her cabin door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

After the healing was complete and Shiva went on her own way, Rareth actively sought to make the rest of her day as relaxing as she could. Once she had a shower to clean up, she headed straight to the mess hall for a well-earned meal. Her armor and equipment was being cleaned and repaired, so she did not have to worry about it beyond just giving the technicians a place to deliver it. For her meal, she decided on something exotic, or at least exotic to her. Like all Rothian vessels, it was supplied with plenty of meat in its cuisine; in this case, from animals native to Pax. Given the diversity of the crew, there were also plenty of plant-based foods available, but Rothian physiology was less accepting of plant matter. There were some that were safe to eat, but others could cause rather...uncomfortable digestive problems. Since she was not sure of what plants she could eat from Pax, she avoided them entirely. The rest of Rareth's day was spent in her room, enjoying the downtime after the mission where no one was being sent to bother her. She was able to disregard formality and lounge in casual attire, which, for a Rothian, was nothing. It reminded her of her off-duty time in her own apartment back on Rothia, aside from the fact that the officer's quarters were far smaller, undecorated, and with few luxuries. Still, even just the entertainment she had saved on her own computer was enough to last months. The only thing that would make it better would be a network connection to anything outside the ship. Eventually, Rareth heard a knock on the door, which she expected was one of her team members. Given that they shared the room, Telmeck was already present, but she did not know how many more would be arriving. She supposed she would just give an hour or so from that point for everyone who planned on coming to arrive. Standing up from her bed, she walked over and opened the door, revealing Shiva standing outside. Somehow, Rareth guessed she would be the one to arrive first. "Ah, Shiva, good to see you. Come in; we'll wait a while for the others before I get started. I'll turn down the heat for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Move. Shou awoke abruptly from his sleep. He put his arms down into the cot and pushed himself off the cot onto the floor. Making sure not to hit his head on the floor he landed on his side. The dull thud he made on the floor and the similar dull pain now in his shoulder made him fully awaken. He rolled onto his back and brought his hands too his face and pressed his eyes slightly. He pulled back his feet and rolled slightly onto his back and jumped up from the floor. Luckily he had passed out in his casual clothes and not anything else lest he scuff it doing what he had just done. He walked over to the small table in the room and leaned on it as he brought up a transparent interface in front of him. He had only been asleep for a little bit according to the clock at the bottom of his vision. He quickly brought up a map of the ship and flicked between decks looking for Rareth's room. After locating on the map Rareth's quarters Shuo reached into one of the several drawers attached to the desk and pulled out a named cylinder. He reached for the top of the cylinder and turned it clockwise sharply. It was instant coffee which he had brought along with him and the breaking of the seal immediately heated it up. While Shuo had how it worked explained to him at one point he only remembered that it had something to do with a vacuum. He drank part of it and exited the room with his addiction in hand. Shuo knocked on the designated officers quarters and the door promptly slid open. He was greeted with a blast of warm air as the door opened which made growl in the back of his throat slightly. "I will never understand how your species came to like such a heat." Shuo said half seriously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

The hiss of the door sliding opening caused Shiva to reflexively narrow her eyes at the hot air she had come to expect from Rothian rooms. She waved to Rareth as she was invited in. "Thank you," she said casually, both for the welcome and for the promise to change the temperature. It was too warm to be comfortable at first, but the controlled climate worked quickly to at least make it bearable. Telmeck was present, to which Shiva gave a polite nod in greeting. After looking around in the centre of the room for a moment, Shiva found a seat to occupy and held her hands in her lap patiently. The lonely experience in the cafeteria had brought her mood down a peg, so she wasn't very talkative. Fortunately, Shuo arrived before any awkwardness could set in fully. He sounded grumpy and he had a canister that caught Shiva's eye. It was labelled with something Shiva didn't recognise. "Welcome back from the dreaming cave, sir," Shiva remarked with a tight smile. Shuo had been so peacefully sleeping in their room that Shiva had almost not noticed him when she had walked in to grab a towel and a change of clothes. She couldn't quite understand how he could sleep so easily while she had trouble keeping her eyes closed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 32 min ago

"I've turned down the heat somewhat. It should be more manageable for you soon enough." Rareth responded to Shuo once she let him in the room. By the point Shuo arrived, Rareth felt it had been long enough waiting for people to arrive so that she could begin. After all, it wasn't actually important that the entire team be present. Once Shuo and Shiva had settled in and the temperature was more moderate, Rareth wordlessly walked over to a storage cabinet built into the wall in the corner and produced a few glasses, which she set down on a nearby counter. "Now, I suppose we should get to the matter at hand. As I said, it is of the utmost importance. Officially, we are meant to be on duty at all times on the ship, no matter how little we actually have to do." Rareth said as she pulled a bottle of Rothian wine from the cabinet and poured it into each of the glasses. "Officially, there is no alcohol anywhere aboard the Boundless Light." Rareth commented, handing a glass of the deep violet wine to each of them. With a smile, she raised her own glass in the air. "And officially, I am not proposing a toast to our success."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shuo plopped down into a chair and continued drinking his caffeine. He then responded to Shiva "When your in special forces you quickly learn to sleep when you can, you might not get to for a week." Shuo said sharply exhaling and then finishing his liquid. He leaned back into the chair and placed the cap on the cylinder and placed it between his legs. He then brought his sharpened head spike forward and rested it on his shoulder. When Rareth got out the glasses he knew where she was going with it. He really had intended to get his armor fixed today but he guessed that wasn't going to happen now. He grabbed one of the glasses from Rareth and proceeded to stand up. Hoping that the aliens didn't want to get into a contest he raised his glass. "Officially, I'm not drinking instead of fixing my armor." Shuo said trying to push down the still groggy part of himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once Rareth was given the all clear and Shiva went off on her own Telmeck took the chance to change out of his armor and go take a shower. Once properly cleaned he made his way to the mess hall where he got himself a bit to eat. Enjoying a nice meal of some of the meats brought aboard the vessel from Pax. It was odd being on a vessel with so many different races, the varieties of food meant to fit all of their diets created a plethora of options for what he could order, but only some of which worked for his diet. After enjoying his meal he made his way back to his and Rareth's quarters where he spent the majority of the time before Rareth's requested meeting in her company and also enjoying some of the media available to them aboard the ship. At this point there wasn't a lot for them to do, while they were technically on duty, he didn't have anything required of him at the moment so he allowed himself the chance to relax. As the time came by for the others to arrive Telmeck was sitting on the bed playing a mind game when he heard a knock on the door. He dismissed the game with a wave of his hand and stood up as Shiva entered the room. "Evening Shiva, I hope everything has been going well for you." He said as he nodded his head in return to her. Shortly after Shuo arrived, looking a little groggy and holding a canister of what Telmeck guessed was instant coffee based on the smell. "Hello Shuo and welcome." Telmeck said, chuckling lightly at his comment of Rothians favor for heat. As Shuo plopped into his chair it seemed it was time to begin this little meeting Rareth had called together. She started by brandishing several cups before beginning to explain a little. Telmeck looked the cups over before following Rareth to the cabinet where she pulled out the bottle of Rothian wine. He stared at the wine a little dumbfound at the fact that he hadn't noticed the liquor at any point prior to this moment. As Rareth continued Telmeck smiled rolled his eyes at Rareth as she poured the wine into each of the cups. As she handed out the cups and didn't propose the proposed toast Telmeck took his cup, listening as Shuo added to her toast before chiming in himself, "Officially, I am not going to enjoy this cup of a strange violet liquid." Telmeck said with a rather large grin.
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