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Fallenreaper said
I tend to remember how hard it is to get a PC to be in IC, thus the runes are an option for those who PCs tend to be rather stubborn and at least need some protection until Players can figure out how to solve that problem. Whether the Players tend to keep that form of protect or chose to find a way IC of making it possible for their PCs to take the WCs (Warding Classes) is up the Players. Like with the Bloods, it has its strengths and weaknesses that all 3 GMs can play off of. Also, keep in mind that the higher level Psychomancy effects resulting in changing any PC’s mind aren’t instant- from what I understood between Lucius and his write up-take time to be fully affective. During that point, they are vulnerable to attack when their foe realizes what they are doing and can end up having their focus split between dodging to avoid an early grave and maintaining that effect. Like with any blood, doing multiple things at one time drains a lot of blood in long durations. Even a master vitamancer would have trouble healing self and others while remaining on the offensive because both the split focus and multitasking. It’s one of the Blood’s few laws (right now the 3 at the top of my mind) about magic, though they aren’t listed anywhere (might later on when the list is complete), I refer to them often in my explanations sometimes: To be honest, Leon, there’s a few ways to ward off Psychomancy. I’ll start with the Runes then move over to the others which are sadly beyond mortal and rarer forms of protection. (AKA GM decision and IC deliverance/gained only.) Alright Runest of the ancient magic, Rune’s is closest to being like the Arcanite mageblood. That’s why it’s got a wide range of abilities that aren’t accessible by other magic, but at a high price. Namely a few of its flaws are…Val will be creating these Anti-Psychomancy Runes upon being asked IC or before mages head off to missions, which they either return them or keep said rune. Now before any of the mages in this blood worry about their Blood being useless against anyone wearing these, don’t. These runes are designed to protect from key aspects of Psychomancy and only triggered by those said aspects which If anyone is curious how then I can go into greater depth over it. (Damn it Lucius, you’re spreading…) The defense is likely different then the WC because they redirect the mage’s arcanite magic into the Rune itself, where the mage will find a fun old mental maze/puzzle which they can either fruitlessly explore/try to solve or chose to exit out without a problem. Even for a master Psychomancer the Rune’s defenses are rather frustrating as it defends against /redirects the magic influence related to those key powers-each ability with each class has its own arcanite signature allowing Runes to be more specific in what they prevent/allow/do- of Psychomancy into the Rune, rather than affect either mages’ mind at all. The second prevention is Divinity interference or result. God (or minor Goddesses) made items is extremely rare outside Plotline and while they are powerful there are extreme flaws to them. Depending on who made them then they can enhance or cancel out key blood classes, including the users own. Duuri is the Goddess of Psychomancy and anything she either blesses (good luck since you would have better luck finding a God item then this and it’s more of a curse then a blessing, Goddess of Insanity so it can’t be helped)or creates affects Psychomancy. Though usually each time the user relies on it, they risk suffering from one of her worshiped areas: Insanity; Mental illnesses; Cripples (Bodily or mentally). Some areas within Tiien, like Craggville (unless you’re a Noxomancer), can prevent/warp the uses any sort of magic while you’re in them. A fact that messes up many mages who’s source way to fight is magic since it can dampen the power or increase it, even sometimes making them backlash on their owners. :p Once you step out of range, the arcanite starts to work normally an the magic is at your normal levels. I’m tempted to make Midnight Island being a sort of a mine field with a wide range of fields which can randomly flux your mageblood’s power to either powerful or weak levels, canceling it out or turning it upon the mage themselves, all depending on where you’re standing in said mine field. :p On a side, funny note: I’m rather surprised no one attempted to swipe Val’s teleport rune as it current was sitting upon the table, unguarded. XD Not that there wasn't a nice little surprise if that had happened since no one knows how to use that rune properly. (Slightly different than other runes as it requires you to visualize where you want to go. :p)

So you need a rune to defend against key aspects of phsycomancy? Like per se, if one wanted to protect their thoughts from being read they would need to acquire a rune designed to block your thoughts from being read?
Ugh someone kill me being sick sucks. I managed to finish my post but it's quite late. I will likely be doing some editing via my phone. Just cause I can barely function without losing my dinner.
Deven Zoria

Deven was a little less then half way to the teachers table when he heard the clapping of hooves on stone. Easily Deven spotted the female centaur rushing to intercept them. The centaur slowed to a trot before stopping before them, Deven continued moving until he was just before the centaur. As the centaur spoke he recognized the Eanian swear, he always found it laughable how, gracious the Eanian swears were and this one seemed to fit the stereotype. But Deven's tone and posture had grown much too serious for him to even think of laughing at such a expletive. The centaur ordered him to set Aruna down before she bled out, but Deven hesitated a moment eyeing the centaur unsure if he should listen, before submitting after the thought, What better option do I have? I have no clue where Lidda is might as well listen, it may be better suited to this than I.

He carried her over to a nearby table and began to set her down on it, knocking some plates and cups aside even a few onto the floor. As she finished her explanation he looked at her questioningly. Why didn't she tell them what really happened? Was she having trouble remembering? Was she trying to hide it from them? He thought to himself as he began to move his hands out from under Aruna, as he did he felt something rolling in his left hand, Aruna likely feeling the rolling along her rear as well. It was then that he remembered the arrow, he had taken it with him as proof of what happened to her. His hand clutched around the arrow just before it slid out of his grasp and his eyes shot to Aruna, Should I go along with it or should I tell them? She has to have a reason for not telling them but why? Would it be only worse if I told them? He thought to himself in the precious few seconds he had left were the arrow would still be concealed under Aruna.

Just as his hand was about to slid free from under Aruna his mind was made up and he twisted the arrow in his hand so it would be pressed against the underside of his forearm, and turned his hand so the top side of his hand would be visible to the others keeping the arrow from sight. Once his hand was free he brought both his hands behind his back and stepped back trying to look as though he was trying to be respectful and also get out of the way. As he did he opened a puche that was on the back of his belt and dropped the bloodied half of the arrow in before closing it again and returning his hands to his sides. All the while his face betrayed nothing of his action.

Jenna Fellrein

"It would seem we are." She commented, thinking to everyone shaken and terrified expressions. While staying in here her bad emotions from before had all but vanished replaced by a great sense of euphoria. Her eyes followed Leith as he took his seat, she returned his grateful smile with a welcoming one. He leaned forward as it seemed he would begin his answer to her question, Jenna in turn prepared to listen. As his explanation went on, her eyes widened and she nodded her head understandingly. "Wow,chained to a wall and set ablaze...what a way to go...." Jenna replied as she eyed him. She couldn't help but feel curious as to what his past was that would give Satori the ammunition she needed to create the nightmare, but she had no want to inquire.

She had lifted her mug to her lips and was taking another sip from her mug when the doors to the mess hall burst open. Her eyes whipped towards the door and she lowered her cup before she realized just who it was that entered the mess hall carrying a girl with a bloody bandage wrapped around her. "Oh shit." Jenna said as she stood barely offering so much of as a hint of an explanation to Leith as to why. She arrived a few seconds after the centaur did, she took a place next to the Eysire that had approached the group and listened as the wounded girl explained what had happened. Her eyes shot from the wound to the girls face to Deven and back again as she watched the scene go on.

As Deven set the girl on the table and stepped back she stepped up next to him. "Some walk huh?" She asked passively as she kept her eyes on the wounded girl. "Yeah..it was definitely interesting." He replied but he sounded as though he was deep in thought or very focused, but she payed no mind given the situation it only made sense.
Well it's a good thing I didn't finish that post last night. XD
Fallenreaper said
It's still reddening the bandage right, until it's uncovered Lidda won't know that's been done so she's assuming.

And alright, just making sure.
I am curious, is their any way for a none phsycomancer to protect themselves from having their minds read by a phsycomancer? I believe Fallen said there was a rune for blocking mind reading but I am curious if there is any other way.
Also, the wound was cauterized, so it wont be gushing forth blood, but she would still likely be bleeding.
Alright, Walking dead is over, part of me is dead inside and I am not ready to post.
Fallenreaper said
That's only in Mar's case, ironically. So far the College has been very, very lucky not to have many children born there. *cough*Divine help* cough*

I laughed so hard at this cause I pictured a god sitting there like. "Though shalt not get pregnate!"

That makes this like the worlds best college XD
Fallenreaper said
Also, I'm working on a Lidda post but Leon you must answer me!!! :p Keep in mind, if he had on his armor then he would've floated a bit like Althalus to the roof.

He did I think I jut forgot to mention it.
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