Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Collab between Leon5431 and Toxic Diamond

Deven had begun moving through the halls retracing the steps he had taken from the mess hall looking for any sort of landmark to remind him of where he was going. Thank the gods she wasn't wearing armor. He thought to himself. Though maybe if she was she wouldn't be in this situation... He thought again. His eyes drifted down toward the girls face as he finished climbing a small collection of steps. She had a bruise above her eye likely from when she collided with him. Her short black hair fell down messily in every direction. A few times he thought he saw her eyelids begin to open but they never fully did. Each time her bright striking draconic eyes would show through slightly. She was a very beautiful girl, that much he undeniably could notice. No wonder that Eysire was so willing to accompany her. he thought. Before scolding himself, Gods deven focus, she is hurt! You need to get her to the mess hall, to someone that could help more than you! He thought angrily to himself.

Another small flight of stairs passed and Deven trudged up them, slowed by her weight and by the faint nagging tirdness that hung over his limbs after using his blood. His eyes drifted back down to the girl, "Just hang in there we should be there soon." He said hopefully. As his eyes went back to where he was going, he found himself stuck at a four way intersection. Each hallway leading of in a different direction and his memory failing him as to where he had come from. His eyes shot back and forth between the different choices each time his eyes hesitated as he looked for something to jog his memories yet each time coming up empty handed. Well no matter which I choose I have a chance at being right...unless I have been going in the wrong direction to begin with whereas then...you know what lets not think about that. He thought to himself as he picked the hallway to his left. He trudged his way through the hall his head scanning the walls and the floors for anything he might remember. Then his eyes found something.

Right ahead a splinter hallway formed leading to his left, and there on the right wall, across from where the splinter wall formed, sitting on a pedestal was one of the gargoyles that the headmaster told them about and that many people had used back in the mess hall. How did those things work again? Press the pedestal and tell it where you wanted to go? Guess I will find out. When Deven got close enough to the gargoyle he put all of his weight on his right foot turning to the side a bit and kicked out toward the pedestal, his foot making contact before he brought it back to the ground just in time to regain his balance before he fell.

By the time he looked back toward the gargoyal it was giving him a dirty look after having been so rudefully activated. "I need to get to the mess hall and hurry!" He shouted urgently toward the small construct. Its eyes drifted toward the girl in his arms and the bandage across her torso and took on a look of urgency before it lept of the pedestal and began leading them through the halls moving at a light jog. "Alright now we know where we are going." He said, once more partially to himself and partially to the girl, letting his eyes drift down toward her. It was then he noticed her eyelids slightly open as the girl came to.

Her eyes gazed up at him and she tried to move, as she did a gasp escaped her lips, "No don't move, just stay still. I got you." He said as soothingly as possible. Then he heard her speak, "I am Deven and currently? I am trying to get you some help, I have done what little I could but you need some actual treatment." He answered as they rounded another corner.

Aruna let herself take in the boy's appearance. He looked like he was in a panic, his hair was ruffled and he was huffing as if he were out of breath. Well, he is carrying you. She blinked hard and tried to think straight. when she opened her eyes she saw Devin's face wreathed in light as they passed a torch sconce. she had opened her eyes just as he seemed to be looking down at her. His eyes were the most beautiful blue, and they locked with hers in a way no one really had ever done before.

She shook her head, which both cleared it and caused her pain, she needed a clear head. She had no time to deal with idol fantasies about a boy. Since when were you a romantic, Aruna? She made herself look at the path ahead of them and did her best to ignore that his arms were around her, cradling her. She focused instead on pain. The sting in her back and ribs, along with the throb in her face and shins. She made her voice steady as she spoke. "My name is Aruna. Thank you for your help. Though, I'm sure you wouldn't mind me saying that a wish we'd met under," The pain flared and her next words are through clenched teeth,"Different circumstances."

Now she eyed him with a bit of suspicion. "why did you though?... help me, I mean. What’s in it for you?" She looked at his handsome face and looked for any guilty signals, or signs of lies. There had to be an ulterior motive, no one 'just helped'.

Deven rounded another corner, following the gargoyles every turn, only taking his eyes off of it for brief periods of time to look down at the girl. She seemed distracted by something but Deven payed no mind to it, she had just been shot by an arrow and fallen out of the sky, she likely had a reason to distracted. His eyes drifted to the his makeshift bandage going across her torso. I made the right choice cauterizing the wound, she could very well be worse off if she still had an open wound. He thought before he was shaken from his thoughts as the girl spoke. His eyes returned to her face and he realized how odd it must have looked that her was starring at her chest. Feeling awkward he quickly whipped his eyes back up towards the path ahead hoping she hadn't noticed. It was then he realized exactly where one of his hands was holding her at and he found himself feeling even more awkward and tried to act like he was paying no mind to it.

Deven gave a weak laugh at the girls comment and smiled softly, how she had said it made a warm feeling spur in Deven's chest but he pushed the feeling and the thoughts that came with it away, She didn't mean it like that Deven. Don't get all romantic now. He thought, scolding himself. "Oh come now, these are some pretty good circumstances miss Aruna. I normally try to start my conversation by getting shot by an arrow and then promptly tackling someone. You may have one upped me with the falling out of the sky though..." He said in a lighthearted joking tone and looked down smiling at her. Before turning his gaze back to the path.

They made another turn before she spoke up again, "Does their have to be something in it for me? You were in trouble, you had half an arrow sticking out from your back. Let alone landed right on top of me. I couldn't and wouldn't just leave you there. I couldn't live with myself if I had done that. You needed help and I am here to get you your help." He said honestly, keeping his eyes on the path. We can't be much farther from the mess hall could we? Did I really go that far away? He asked himself. Despite being unsure himself Deven decided to speak up, "We shouldn't be much farther now. Just hang in there and try not to move." He said repeating his previous instruction.

Aruna glanced at Deven and saw that he saw looking at her chest. She almost said something, but then she noticed his eyes analytical, he wasn't looking at her he was looking at his patch job. Probably making sure that he did it correctly or something. And why would he be looking at you, Aruna? You know in areas of that nature, you've been measured and been found... Wanting. And why would you care? He's just a boy.

She looked away with red cheeks, and tried to focus on his answers. He seemed amused with her introduction, but when she turned to make a snide comment her objections were blown away by his smile. She looked away her cheeks burning even more now. At his reply to her question about his motives, she just looked straight ahead. No one had ever done something like this for her. Just out of kindness. She felt a warm stirring in her chest, but she just chalked it down to her lungs beginning to fill with blood. When he told her not to move she just snorted and mumbled,"Not like I can do much else, is it?"

Silently she hoped they would get there soon. Her pain was getting worse again and she felt that any more time with this boy would cause her to do something she would regret.

Deven's arms had begun to grow tired, but still the trip continued. They had to be getting close now. None of this looked familiar to him, Was I going in the wrong direction the entire time? Or is this little scrape of stone lost? He thought looking to the gargoyle ahead. He was grow inpatient at how long it was taking them.

Deven opened his mouth to say something and looked down at Aruna, as he did he noticed her cheeks had turned a bright red. He closed his mouth and looked at her confused, that was until a thought had worked its way into his head. Shit. She saw me looking. She probably thinks I am a creep now. Great job Deven even when you are trying to do some good you mess it up. He thought angrily toward himself. Even with the scolding he gave himself he could not help but notice how cute it was when she blushed but he tried his best to push that thought from his mind and focus on getting her the aid she needed.

Once more they rounded a corner, save for now the delectable smells of the variety of food could be smelled on the wind. The mess hall was close, "Smell that?" He asked looking down at her with a relieved smile. "We're close, now we can get you some actual help." He added a second later.

They rounded another corner and there before them sat the doors leading to the mess hall. The gargoyle stopped and turned gesturing towards the doors and Deven rushed passed barely paying it any mind. He trudged through the doors and immediately began looking for the vitamancy teacher. Some of the few people still remaining in the hall turned their heads and were staring at Deven as he cradled Aruna in his arms. Many of them looked confused a few others concerned. "Where is Lidda?!" Deven shouted towards the entire inhabitants of the halls after he was unable to see her at first. He then began making his way towards the teachers tables. His shouting having drawn the attention of any of those who weren't already looking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leith was surprised by the fact that Jenna and her friend weren't affected by the Psychomancy demonstration. He had thought that everyone had been affected by it. "Well, I've got to say that you were lucky, then," he said as he accepted the offered chair with a grateful smile. When Jenna asked a out what the demonstration was, Leith folded his hands and leaned forward.

"I can't really say for anyone else, of course, but I had a nightmare. I can't remember much of it anymore, but what I do remember wasn't pleasant. I was shackled to a wall and set on fire. By two men I had the pleasure of meeting five years ago. That was what happened to me. For Satori to do something similar to almost everyone in the hall, it's amazing what master's of the blood can do."

The sound of hurried footsteps drew his attention away from Jenna. He saw an armored man carrying the girl with black wings he saw earlier that night. The man shouted, asking where Lidda was. Leith watched silently as the man headed towards the head table.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 30 min ago


Lidda had shifted herself into a centaur quite easily after Satori’s little stunt. In her own opinion, the teacher thought the woman got a little carried away with her determination and thoughtlessness. Instead of thinking about the possible prejudice her students might endure from their fellows, a direct cause of this event, there was a little fact even less would take those so called Warding classes of hers. Much to Lidda’s good fortune, she was from Eania and her young life was schooled thanks to the military which had its perks.

She had been tugging along a small cart filled with many dish assortments before suddenly the doors boomed open and someone was shouting her name. Lidda’s head jerked up at the sounds to see a sight she wished to forget. There was the paranoid half breed, the very one that confronted Khan and tried to prove their generosity wrong, cradled within a fully armored man’s arms. Her torso was wrapped in a bloodied bandage while by the time he reached the table would’ve likely been much redder.

Great she thought bitterly, just what we need another accident for the night!

Instantly her Body reared only to then push forward, her rear legs kicked the cart off impatiently before her body rushed towards the pair, eager to meet them half way. Her hooves sent her quickly along and ate the distance up. Within a few feet her pace slowed to a trot until she stood in front of them.

Naturally she used an age old Eania curse to show her concern in the only way Lidda could. “What in all of Brillant’s graces and holy light happened? Set her down before she bleeds to death, there’s nothing to starch the flow.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ssarak was conflicted on whether or not to follow Aruna when she left. On the one hand, he could definitely understand if she needed to be alone, but she also still seemed to be confused. Eventually, as she left the dining hall, he decided not to follow, as her nightmare could have affected her on a personal level, much like his own. Ssarak went back to where he was before and found his drink, then sat down in one of the newly-vacated seats to try and make an attempt at relaxing. He had never been a heavy drinker, and often avoided using alcohol to "treat" his problems, but he wanted something to take the edge off of the stress this night had brought him.

Ssarak lost track of time as he sat alone with his thoughts, and the alcohol was having at least some effect on him by the time he noticed Leith in the dining hall sitting next to a human woman. He was far from drunk, but his senses had been dulled just enough that he decided to stop. He stood up and started to walk over towards his roommate just as he heard someone enter the room and start yelling. Screaming was far from the strangest thing he had experienced so far at the college, but what really threw him off-guard was what he saw as he turned his head. There was a human man carrying a wounded Aruna in his arms, shouting for the Vitamancy instructor. There was a bandage across her chest and quite a bit of blood, all of which was more than enough to draw Ssarak's immediate concern. Lidda, who was now in a centaur form, immediately rushed to help. Ssarak approached the group, though he made sure to keep enough distance so he would not get in the way. He remained quiet for the moment, as he did not want to interrupt the healing, but he wanted to know what happened. He was regretting not following Aruna; perhaps he could have prevented this from happening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aruna had been thinking of what to say to anyone who asked what had happened almost since she woke. It had been in the underlay of her thoughts throughout her trip with Deven. So, when the Centurian woman asked, in her own way, what happened, Aruna was ready with a steady reply.
"After the demonstrations I went to go for a small flight. It," she had to grit her teeth as they set her down on a nearby table, "helps to calm my nerves. When I was out there, Gods I must have been more distracted than I thought, because I clipped a building. Then fell and managed to slow my decent using my wings, though not without further hurting myself. I believe I landed on a rake or something when I crashed, I'm not sure because I was unconscious. Then Deven found me and brought me here."

Aruna was positive that her position at Twilight college would be in much danger if she told them she had been involved in what was sure to be an assassination attempt. She needed this school because, ironic though it was, it was imperative to her survival. She needed the skills that were taught here. She also hoped that Deven caught on to the lie and, she prayed to no one in particular, that he was good at it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Xyden sat in silence and watched as the events transpired, Leith largely forgotten by his side. All manner of abilities were cast about the room, some less than comfortable like the Cryomancy demonstration and some largely inconsequential to Xyden. He was waiting for the Hydromancy demonstration. When fiends resembling biped versions of the rare hellfish emerged from the air Xyden distinctly regretted not bringing his trident to the dinner, but no sooner had he risen to his full stature than the ground erupted with landweed-roots that swarmed and constricted like a Naga’s coils. As quickly as they came into being, the walking hellfish were gone.

It eventually registered in his mind that the Leith Land-Strider had named him the winner of the ‘wager’ and wondered off. It meant little to him, though he did commit to memory the fact that he was now owed a favour. That could prove useful later. Then came the Psychomancy demonstration. The world seemed to fall away as visions of another place, another time, assaulted his mind. He did not how, but somehow this teacher was drawing visions of the Naga goddesses into being, and the sight was a terrifying one. Somehow though, it felt like a memory that was not his. When it was all over, a shiver ran through his fins and body, chilling him to the core. This was something he’d have to think about later, maybe he’d be able to interpret it more once he was in the water again.

When he looked around he noticed there was quite a commotion in the room. It seemed like it was dying down though, and he realised that whatever had happened, he had been in the grip of the vision through most of it, and if the others had also been assaulted with such a thing it was faster for them. He had awoken in time to see the final paired demonstration though. Liquids of all colours flowed from their containers and filled the air, weaving in currents more complex than even the most complicated of ocean currents and all the more spectacular for being easily visible. Xyden marveled at the spectacle, and even as part of him appreciated the beauty of it, another part of his mind was assessing the tactical and strategic benefits of being able to so drastically alter currents within the depths. With the unpredictable might of the ocean tamed and at his heel he could lead a new generation of Ocean Naga expansion and prosperity.

He laughed as he saw the use the Surface Dwellers put it all too, a harsh wet noise escaping from his bestial maw. They had no idea what they had at their command here. With that, he had no further reason to be here. He turned and slithered out of the great hall, getting the attention of one of the golems and following it to his new room.

He was most pleased when he arrived. He opened the door to see a wall of water, no doubt held back by runes, the interior of the watery environment lit by small fluorescent plants as well as a facsimile of one of the volcanic vents that heated the Naga city. He slithered into the wall of water, and as his body entered the water he was struck with the familiar feelings of lightened weight and the ability to move freely and easily in any direction. He hadn’t realised how good these were until now, now that he’d been without for so long. The water was warm and flowing as he swam. He’d never felt more alive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deven Zoria

Deven was a little less then half way to the teachers table when he heard the clapping of hooves on stone. Easily Deven spotted the female centaur rushing to intercept them. The centaur slowed to a trot before stopping before them, Deven continued moving until he was just before the centaur. As the centaur spoke he recognized the Eanian swear, he always found it laughable how, gracious the Eanian swears were and this one seemed to fit the stereotype. But Deven's tone and posture had grown much too serious for him to even think of laughing at such a expletive. The centaur ordered him to set Aruna down before she bled out, but Deven hesitated a moment eyeing the centaur unsure if he should listen, before submitting after the thought, What better option do I have? I have no clue where Lidda is might as well listen, it may be better suited to this than I.

He carried her over to a nearby table and began to set her down on it, knocking some plates and cups aside even a few onto the floor. As she finished her explanation he looked at her questioningly. Why didn't she tell them what really happened? Was she having trouble remembering? Was she trying to hide it from them? He thought to himself as he began to move his hands out from under Aruna, as he did he felt something rolling in his left hand, Aruna likely feeling the rolling along her rear as well. It was then that he remembered the arrow, he had taken it with him as proof of what happened to her. His hand clutched around the arrow just before it slid out of his grasp and his eyes shot to Aruna, Should I go along with it or should I tell them? She has to have a reason for not telling them but why? Would it be only worse if I told them? He thought to himself in the precious few seconds he had left were the arrow would still be concealed under Aruna.

Just as his hand was about to slid free from under Aruna his mind was made up and he twisted the arrow in his hand so it would be pressed against the underside of his forearm, and turned his hand so the top side of his hand would be visible to the others keeping the arrow from sight. Once his hand was free he brought both his hands behind his back and stepped back trying to look as though he was trying to be respectful and also get out of the way. As he did he opened a puche that was on the back of his belt and dropped the bloodied half of the arrow in before closing it again and returning his hands to his sides. All the while his face betrayed nothing of his action.

Jenna Fellrein

"It would seem we are." She commented, thinking to everyone shaken and terrified expressions. While staying in here her bad emotions from before had all but vanished replaced by a great sense of euphoria. Her eyes followed Leith as he took his seat, she returned his grateful smile with a welcoming one. He leaned forward as it seemed he would begin his answer to her question, Jenna in turn prepared to listen. As his explanation went on, her eyes widened and she nodded her head understandingly. "Wow,chained to a wall and set ablaze...what a way to go...." Jenna replied as she eyed him. She couldn't help but feel curious as to what his past was that would give Satori the ammunition she needed to create the nightmare, but she had no want to inquire.

She had lifted her mug to her lips and was taking another sip from her mug when the doors to the mess hall burst open. Her eyes whipped towards the door and she lowered her cup before she realized just who it was that entered the mess hall carrying a girl with a bloody bandage wrapped around her. "Oh shit." Jenna said as she stood barely offering so much of as a hint of an explanation to Leith as to why. She arrived a few seconds after the centaur did, she took a place next to the Eysire that had approached the group and listened as the wounded girl explained what had happened. Her eyes shot from the wound to the girls face to Deven and back again as she watched the scene go on.

As Deven set the girl on the table and stepped back she stepped up next to him. "Some walk huh?" She asked passively as she kept her eyes on the wounded girl. "Yeah..it was definitely interesting." He replied but he sounded as though he was deep in thought or very focused, but she payed no mind given the situation it only made sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 30 min ago


So many things, good, bad and ugly pulsed through Lidda’s brain when her eyes tried to vainly see through the bandages. Not easy with all blood which seeped through the cloth, dying it red and sticking to the student’s chest. Lidda pulled her eyes away long enough to notice the other’s gathering presence. A small crowd, remains of both the students and teachers, had begun to cage around the trio to satisfy their curiosity. Likely each curious mind had begun to draw their own conclusions about what events transpired and probably not illumining the College in the best light since the demonstrations ended on such a sour note. Fears still rather high, their anxiety wouldn’t be easy to tone down, despite Uicle and Lucilia’s best efforts to ease them. Lidda snorted at the man’s hesitation at her suggestion to set the student down, her mind considered doing it herself until finally he picked up the girl and made his way to the table.

Her next thoughts were get the students to back off, their presence not needed or helping. The teacher’s eyes instantly fell on the best person for the job: Val. The moment their eyes met, the smaller Dwarf knew what to do and went about it in her usual gusto. Her chest puffed while she held out her arms, ushering the others away, with her burly, baritone voice ringing out. “Alrite, git yer arses back! Make room, ye hear ‘n give ‘em some space already! Donna ye be standin’ around like a couple ‘o sack of hammers. Lidda’s got tis.”

The Vitamancer teacher nodded gratitude to the Rune master, her eyes followed the man’s movement. He cleared the dishes off in one sweep, the dishes and cup sent to clatter upon the floor creating a larger mess. Lidda flinched, both at the mess and the loud sound, before her hooves clip clopped towards the table. The Rune master tried to keep everyone back with her gruff and commanding voice.

Lidda listened to the student while she set about to examine the wound. Her hand moved to remove the bandages and see the effects of Deven’s first aid. They got lucky it seems as the closed off wound hadn’t sealed any vein shut and making the healing process that much harder. What many forgot was that Esyire anatomy was slightly different then human’s, mainly cause of the wings and tail. Most would’ve gave treatment that was made for humans and while it worked in general for most Humanoids, in an Esyire then it could possibly cut off any blood flow to the wings and crippled her for life.

Currently Lidda was relieved. She started to consider the story told, namely the more she looked upon the wound. The teacher had seen many arrow wounds in her younger days and despite this one’s singed appearance, it fit the bill. Her eyebrow rose to show a subtle hint about her disbelief while she leaned in to check the pulse. Her voice was between her and the student, quietly in a hush tone. “I didn’t know rakes had triangular points…I’ve been in schooling by the Eania military since I was little girl, you see a lot of arrows from practicing cadets accidently stray and finding their way into the oddest places. Umm…might have to consider asking Samuel about borrowing his Truth Rune.”

Not saying much more, Lidda’s eyes closed. Her hand stoppered the bleeding when she pressed her palm against it, the warm blood seeped and started to gush a bit. However Aruna would’ve felt a tingle from the finger that spread through her body. It started off weak then grew stronger. The sensation of tissue and muscle re knitted itself without so much as a sting, until finally it faded. She hadn’t healed it all or nor would risk with the slight sick feeling coming on. After shifting all day, her demonstration, and even class teaching had just started to take its toll.

Khan’s voice rumbled from behind them all, his path finally made towards the gathered group. “I think it’s likely best we all went to bed. Val, would you help me escort both Aruna and Lidda-

Lidda’s hand went up in protest, her other cradled her temple while she spoke. “I’m fine. Just need some r n’ r and we’ll be right as rain again. Nothing more Headmaster, worry more about the Student.”

“I do, but you’re also my responsibility too. Val, please? Can you and Serge,” Khan motioned for the three teachers who stepped forward, “help me with getting Lidda and the student to the medical wing? The rest please escort the students to their dorms and aid in clearing way the Dining Hall mess.”

While Serge and Val aided Khan in delivering Aruna to the medical wing, the other teachers started usher the students (Ponder forgotten due to his position in the Dining Hall’s farther corner and thanks to his Golem like appearance, his body unmoved until morning.) to their dorms where they were to settle for night. No excuses or delays would be allow, the teachers determined to follow their task to the tee. Aruna would find her wound cleaned, pasted with herbs, bandaged and finally settled within one of the very comfortable beds until the morning arrived. Though she would likely not be allowed any visitors until she requested it or Sam believed she was well enough.


Four Gods watched the Opening Feast and the start of the game they played. In silence their eyes absorbed the proceedings and fallout with a variety of reactions, each formed their own thoughts about the unwinding events which became chaotic rather quickly after the Demonomancer’s demonstration. Each God or Goddess had their focus upon a certain figurines, the pawns scattered throughout the Dining Hall, when the climax seemed to have arrived: The Psychomancy event.

At the game board’s end stood Ren, his dark olive body braced against the edge and completely still. His sky blue eyes fixed on the small figurine of a red haired Wood Elf, his current chosen, as she slammed down her cup then stood upright. He could tell her intentions easily enough as she made her way towards the teacher table, her direction right for the College’s Psychomancy teacher. There was killing on the Elf’s mind and if she succeeded then Ren’s chance in the game ended, unable to play until at least a decade had passed. His knuckles whitened a bit in anxiety while he started think no one had noticed the ticking time bomb. Not that it was easy as she didn’t easily give herself away; her strides paced enough to eat up the distance but not to draw attention.

Aarem started to chuckle, the sound causing the cooper color headed God attention to shift. His eyes firmly fixed in an indifferent stare upon his brother’s mocking comment. “Looks like your risk in choosing the Wood Elf was a mistake Older Brother. If none of your precious College stops her, she’ll end up killing the Psychomancer and end up banished from your little school. Ending your chance before it’s begun. That would be a pity, now wouldn’t it?”

Ren merely gave Aarem a harder stare, his eyes seemed to bore a hole through the God of evil yet never spoke a word. Instead his jaw tightened and his attention returned to the board. He vainly tried to ignore Aarem’s snide remarks, his brother unable to know when to stop when he was ahead. “Maybe it’s punishment for keeping me from tormenting that little pest of mine. At least then I could’ve interrupted the proceedings to spare you such humiliation.”

Silence only seemed to increase Aarem’s smugness until his eyes caught an unwelcoming sight, a demon from the headmaster sprang into action and instantly ceased the Wood Elf’s efforts. Ren’s body seemed to relax afterwards, no longer concern with his role ending then turned to his brother. His voice held a faint hint of mocking and triumph within it when he started to ask questions. “What were you saying my dear Brother? I believe it was something along the lines about my risk not paying off?”

“Tch!” He spat. His body filled with fury and press tightly in a ridge stance, his steps moved away. In result he shoved pass Duuri, who had drawn closer in her need for a better view, now settled beside Ren.

Out all the Gods, Duuri seemed the most excite when Satori had done her event. So much that she only flinched and ignored Aarem’s aggressive bump into her shoulder in favor of her currently bouncy mood. Her wild, red hair seemed to be tossed into a worse rat’s nest then before while she bounced up and down in place. Despite her extreme energy, her skin was pale and sickly as if an illness had settled within her giving her frame a lean and slightly bony look. Bright green eyes glinted with glee to see the result of Satori’s work as the staff scrambled to right the event once more, but the damage would’ve been done.

“See! Did you See that, she gave them nightmares! Oh goody!” Her giddiness increased in her explanation and her hand whipped out to point at the teacher, showing the others who had been responsible though they already knew. In her shout’s wake, another voice mentally projected itself, more feral and dark, through the other Immortal’s heads. ‘She should’ve done worse… I’m disappointed really.’

Xiah, who flinched at hearing Duuri’s second voice (the Goddess’s domain of insanity well accounted for by it) rattle in her head, scowled at the over energetic Goddess. Her opal irises fixed with distaste at the unladylike display and she effort made to correct it. “Stop it, Duuri! Can’t you behave for one day? We know who it was so quit bouncing around. It’s bad enough you don’t anything with your hair, your complexion looks horrid, and you can’t even find a decent outfit but you have to interrupt our show? You’re just as annoying as your pawn is.”

Duuri stopped for a moment and blinked. Her head looked up at Xiah’s harsh insult then drifted to her pawn, seemingly giving the words some actual thought while she examined her game piece. The pawn was a half wood elf and human, who was rather drunk now and made no effort to pay any mind to the other demonstrations. Over all, the pawn wasn’t exciting to Duuri right now. That fun seemed to have faded after the pawn had made Xiah’s Plant woman break down and even threaten to call over the Harmony, the Goddess found amusement at the thought.

“See?” Xiah’s hips cocked, believed her point was made and farther degraded Duuri to elevate herself. “Rude, vulgar, and completely unladylike, she can’t even pay enough respect to care about the teacher’s events. How you ever came up with the idea to choose her, I will never understand. No positive quality’s to make her worthy of being a Goddess’s hero. Even dear Ren’s Wood Elf has her perks.”

Duuri lifted her hair from her eyes, her face scrunched up in disgust. “You mean that thing with the Thief and the Rune being dropped down her shirt? Yuck. My pawn would be more fun if she had her armor on, I’d make sure of that!” ‘Have it shatter limb or turn it into slowsilver where she’s slowly poisoned during battle.’

Ren’s voice interrupted them as it sought to quiet the squabbling, namely before it gave him a headache. “Duuri, killing your pawn will end your role in the game. Xiah, not all pawns will meet your standards. If I remember right, Aarem’s pawn doesn’t meet your standards either. Now Silence the both of you while I’m watching the end part, I want to see how the Headmaster handles this.”

“But Ren!” Both girls began only be cut short thanks to a pissed off look by the ruling God, their protest died immediately.

-----College passing into the Next Day------

As the evening feast drew to a close, the last of the remaining student body had either retired or left on the long journey home leaving the College to attend to their nightly duties. Staff made from a variety of races, scurried about to clear away the night’s earlier festivities as the chaos left behind. Tables were cleaned away, dishes both empty and full were sent back to the kitchen to be washed, and chairs broken were quickly replaced. Everything was returned to its original state when the students had first arrived. Any found items and trinkets left behind, likely by drunken students, had been delivered to Lucilia’s office shortly. Nary had any employee dared to ears dropped on the closed door conversation between the Headmaster himself and Satori, most hastened their steps past the sounds muffled by the room.

In the hours towards midnight, most the activity had ceased within the College. Most the staff, students, and even teachers were finally settled down for the night. Likely asleep but one in particular had once again began to wander his usual path throughout the College hallways. Khan couldn’t easily sleep after the events of the feast seemed to have spiral out his claws and ended in several students deciding it was best to leave, his mind pondered over this year’s success being less than in past ones. He silently wandered the wounding hallways in his attempt to ease his frustrated mind and mill over his failure. The Esyire took pride in his duties and sought to complete them the best he could, his heart usually take the failure fully upon himself and no other. It was his greatest flaw after all.

So many things he could’ve done different yet he didn’t, a mistake he would learn from. After several hours of pacing most the night, the Headmaster turned towards his and became the last creature to retire to sleep. At least he was out of those who needed it. The morning would’ve brought new problems alongside classes and other needs that had to be met, Khan facing them all when dusk turned to dawn. For now… he hoped a dreamless sleep would release him from those tasks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

"Rrah!" With a mighty crack, the whole upper half of the wooden post exploded into splinters, unable to handle the thunderous power of Alaira's fist. She took a moment to catch her breath. After all, that post was a tough one. it withstood about nine or so of those punches before it gave out. After her short respite, she reached down and pulled the post out, before tossing it over into a pile of fifteen or so of it's brothers, who shared the same fate. "Oi! Goon!" She shouted at the nearby custodian. The poor man was responsible for keeping the Gymnasium's equipment and whatnot intact. This also included fetching more posts. "Y-yes?" he responded meekly. She had never harmed him, or shown any intention of harming him, but the man was nonetheless terrified of the half-elf. "Get me another post and some more rope!" Alaira shouted. The man nodded frantically, before turning towards the door. In his haste, he fumbled with the knob. "Today, asshole!" With that, he was out the door.

With a sigh, she returned to the bench off by the wall. She did this every morning after breakfast, a little intense training. She sat there for a while, not really doing anything of interest or even thinking about anything. she maybe grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from her brow, or perhaps had a bit of water from her canteen but apart from that, nothing. It was interesting in a way. Some martial artists or the like spend decades learning how to clear their minds, but Alaira just sort of... did it. At that point, the man returned with the post. "'Bout time." She said, before taking the requested items and returning to the spot. She hefted the post above her head, before driving it into the hole the previous posts once filled. Then came the second step. She gathered some of the rope the man brought and wrapped it around the upper half of the post, covering a good quarter of it. This would of course soften the blow, as punching hardwood repeatedly doesn't feel nice.

Of course, much to the man's relief, she was done. She was merely replacing the thing for the next guy/gal. Anyhow, a nice shower later she was ready to seek Khan or someone out and figure out just what she was supposed to be doing. On the way, she was sure she heard some kind of rustling in the decorative bushes. Now, she wasn't exactly paranoid but she was sure she saw the bushes move a little, and there wasn't any wind. So, she flipped her lance around and prodded the bush with the not-pointy end.

Grey Onyx, The Guardian

(More or less his theme, I find it fitting anyway)

Grey Onyx had been thinking about the events from several weeks ago. He looked to his gauntlet. Roughly thirty-eight tally-marks were scratched into the back, one for every innocent he'd failed. It had only been seven before that night, and only one of them wasn't vampire-related. He clenched his fist as he blinked back tears. Thirty seven lives. Thirty seven, because he couldn't kill the vampire. Vampires. Why did this keep happening?! He... he just couldn't bring himself to slay an unarmed opponent. Especially ones that begged for their lives as they did. But that was about to change. This would not keep him down any more! He couldn't mire himself in his past failings, for if he ever gave in to despair, he would end up with even more marks. Grey had found an old notice in a tavern in one of the larger Eanian cities. The Twilight mage's college was (at the time of writing anyway) hiring. They needed custodians, handymen, cooks and the like, but they also needed 'Able bodied warriors capable of fending off bandits or 'hostile wildlife.' The thing had the college's location on a map, as well as instructions to seek a certain 'Lucilia' about possible employment.

Naturally, Grey found this to be a great opportunity. Not much pay, but free room and board? it was a done deal! Sure, the notice was outdated by years, but they could always use another goon, right? If nothing else, he'd better try. So here he was, on the road. Unfortunately, about a few miles back the damn cheapo horse he had purchased perished. He knew that he shouldn't have trusted that salesman! "Only slightly used!" he said! But to his relief, the college was now in view. How did he know it was the college? Good question. He just... knew. Maybe it was how it just sorta looked... Magicky? it was also quite the impressive building, to say the least. So on he walked.

It wasn't long before he reached the gate. It was early in the morning, and he noted that there didn't seem to be anyone in the watchtower. Either they were changing shifts, or somebody was slacking off. But could you blame them? How much protecting could a building full of people that can throw lightning need? Anyway, the huge gate doors did in fact have a smaller door cut into them. efficient. He walked up to said small door, and banged the knocker a few times. It wasn't long before he heard some scrambling from behind the door. Huh. Must have been quite a shock. He thought. there was a bit of fumbling with the door itself, before an eye-slit in it opened, and a guard asked "Business?" Grey responded quickly. "I seek employment. I was instructed to see a... er, Lucilia?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ultimate523
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gorik looked around a bit, occasionally glancing toward some of the food. Part of him felt hungry, but he didn't want to eat. He continued to watch the demonstrations as they went on, but constantly looked around as well, remaining very aware of his surroundings. After several of them were done, a dwarf woman stopped close to him, and began speaking. It caused him to become very tense for a moment, but her words gave a very slight comfort, and he just nodded slightly as she went toward the stage.

A short while later, Gorik noticed that many people seemed to be reacting unpleasantly as the psychomancy teacher appeared to be giving her demonstration. Gorik wondered why nothing seemed to be happening to him, but had no complaints about it being the case, just making sure to keep an eye on everyone in case something happened.

As the events continued, an angry woman came toward the front, apparently to kill the psychomancy teacher, which made Gorik realise that his worries were much more necessary than he thought they might have been. No one had any obvious reason to go after him, but he also knew that could easily change, especially with the amount of alcohol in the room.

Finally after a while, everything seemed to be done. Gorik had already begun to move toward the exit as he got the sense that it was finishing, Uicle’s words proving him right as he mentioned how the students should get to their rooms. The golems were quite strange, but Gorik felt more trust toward them than most of the students for some reason, likely something to with them not being made of flesh. He moved toward one of them, and spoke nervously, “I am G-Gorik. Gorik Zornoth. I’d like t-to go to m-my room. P-please.” He said, almost pleading, wanting to leave before too many others came around.

His breathing became heavy as he looked around before following the golem, arriving in his room before anyone else, but unsure of who else might be with him. He looked all around the room, wanting to see if there was anything noticeably out of place, or suspicious, and eventually laid down on a bed, tired, but not close at all to sleep due to his mind racing wildly about everything that had happened, and could happen. It was all so strange, and very scary in many ways.

Everyone here had powers of some sort, some of them, mostly the teachers, incredibly skilled with them. Gorik knew they could likely kill him very easily if they wished to. They could do nearly anything they wanted to, and he had little reason to trust them other than being told to listen to them by the foreas who had brought him there.

He continued to just think in the bed, constantly moving around, not able to find a position that remained comfortable for long enough. Everything worried him. This was all new. Some of it was pleasant in its own way. He could have had more food, or more to drink, and maybe the bed wouldn’t be so uncomfortable if his mind wasn’t racing, but it was, and it was causing him to break into a sweat despite having no blankets on him at the moment.

After several minutes, he slowly grabbed one of the blankets, and held it close to him, finding some comfort in it. He could hear the steps of others walking through the halls, some being very loud with talking, and such as well. It was very scary in its own way, and yet the moments of silence were too. Nothing seemed right, but he didn’t know what he could do, or where he could go, slowly getting out of the bed as his nervous energy overwhelmed him, and he began pacing around the room, hoping to find some kind of answer.

Shortly after, he heard a golem just outside his door say something about arriving at the right room, and Gorik rushed back into the bed, deciding to pretend to be asleep to avoid any contact with whoever it was, listening as much as he could, just in case they tried something. He occasionally opened his eyes when he could tell they weren’t looking, constantly glancing until they seemed to fall asleep.

After a short while more, he slowly, and quietly got out of his bed again, starting to pace around the room once again, but making sure to be quiet now. Realising it only made him far more nervous to need to be so quiet, he slowly walked toward the door, opening it as quietly as he could, walking out into the hallway, looking around frantically before sitting on the floor with his back to the wall in a corner spot that he hoped no one would find him in. He looked around once more before moving his legs closer to himself, and wrapping his arms tightly around them, his head facing down for the moment, trying to remain aware of the noise, but his thoughts continuing to take more, and more of his attention.

Once he finally realised he wasn’t under any threat as he sat alone in the hallway, tears began to form. Everything still felt so scary, even if nothing bad was happening at this moment. His mind began to wander back toward the past, everything that had happened before feeling so much nicer, and safer than this in his mind. He began sniffling slightly as the tears continued to flow, but did his best to stay quiet, feeling more alone than he had in a long time. He knew no one, and didn't know if he could really even trust anyone. His body became very tense as he continued to think, squeezing his legs very tightly, feeling his whole body shaking.

After several hours, his tiredness forced him toward some degree of calmness. He could see out the corner of his sight through a window, and morning seemed to be coming. He crawled closer to the window a few steps, then just laid down on the floor, his body worn out from all the stress, practically collapsing because of it, the floor feeling far more comfortable than it normally would. His mind stopped wandering for a moment, and that was all he needed to finally fall asleep, not that it was likely to last very long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Though Ssarak was curious as to what happened, he had left the dining hall when requested and headed to his room for some much-needed rest. Thankfully, his rest had been mostly peaceful, as he had been sufficiently distracted from the waking nightmare he had experienced earlier that day. The next morning, he ate a breakfast of assorted meat, as usual, then asked around for a place he could exercise and train until he learned of the college's gymnasium.

Ssarak followed a gargoyle to the gymnasium and began his usual training regimen. He practiced weightlifting, sit-up, push-ups, and anything else he could do with the tools available to him to work on strength training. Though his attitude toward fighting had soured considerably, he still wanted to keep himself combat ready, and his strength was one of his greatest assets in combat. What he lacked in agility he made up for with the sheer force he could deliver in a blow, which, combined with his armor, made him a fearsome opponent. Bladed weapons could do little against plate armor, though he had to be careful with foes using blunt weaponry, as his armor could do little to protect against blunt force. He did find himself with the disadvantage of lacking a helmet for his armor, and he wondered if there was someone at the college who could forge a helmet for him. He did not have much to pay with, but perhaps there was a way he could earn money while at the college?

It took a while for Ssarak to complete his daily strength training, as he made sure to give himself adequate breaks between exercises. Too much strain on his body at one time would have the potential for harm, with no gain. He noticed the tall, rude Forest Elf from yesterday, Alaira, in the room as well, though he said nothing to her. She seemed to be caught up in her own training, and he did not think it would be a particularly enjoyable experience to talk to her anyway. Ssarak remained for a moment to rest, though he was not done with his exercise for the day, as there was still endurance training to worry about. He would need to make sure to go for a flight and a run at some point. Once he started his classes, however, he would likely have to move around his normal schedule to accommodate both his magical and physical training. Perhaps once he became skilled enough with psychomancy, he would be able to reduce his focus on fighting, or, even better, lay down his axe permanently. Still, for the moment, he had no choice but to stick to what he knew.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

"Urg... Who?" Tyrael rose up from his slumber, wiping dirt and grim off his face. To his surprise however, he was no in the college, but further north of the college. The grass around him was scorched, some of it still burning. Some of his fellow demons were scattered around him, most of them asleep, but he was certain a few of them were dead. Somehow. Tyrael himself found that he was sleeping on a really comfortable couch, with assorted contraptions attached to them. His memory was foggy, with the only reliable one being that after he showed Coco his Subterranean Sun he went to Underhaven. What he did there or why he was there was lost to him, but for all he cared about, he needed to get back to the college. "Oi! Wake up! We must return to the college!" Most got up the moment Tyrael commanded them to, but others stirred awake with a swift kick to their gut. "I do not know what happened last night, but we should get back to the college now. You two! Take the couch." A couple of demons looked over at the nice couch, some of them taking a seat and trying it for themselves. "Dis is a nice couch boss!" "It's firm but squishy too, like a bosom." Tyrael nodded his head as he helped a demon to his feet. "Yeah, that it is. Now stop your lollygagging and let us get going."

The trek didn't take the demons too long. Once they got momentum, they were upon the college in less ten minutes. A guard spotted them and offered to drop a ladder for them, but Tyrael waved him off. "We will take the main gate." And so the demons led by Tyrael made their way around to the main gate, where the current gate guard was talking to what seemed to be a merc. Tyrael ignored him; he had places to be. "Open the gate!" Tyrael commanded. It took a few minutes, leaving Tyrael, his demons, and the stranger together for a short while. Soon the gates opened though, and Tyrael and his entourage went on through. Before heading off, Tyrael ordered one of his demons stay behind and see what the stranger wanted; if he was right, he wanted a job here, which meant that he needed to find Lucilia. But since there was only that guard posted there for now, no sense in leaving the position unguarded.

"Right than. Return the couch to Underhaven, see if anyone knows anything about it. The rest of you I want patrolling the grounds; today is the first day of classes, and I do not want any trouble makers. Kill them slowly." The small band of demons roared with glee as they went off to find trouble makers, while Tyrael himself walked to his office to get some materials for his lesson.

Meanwhile, the demon Tyrael assigned at the gate got the gist of what the stranger wanted and offered to escort him to Lucilia. "Just follow me." The demon said to the stranger. Once he came, the guard closed the gate once more and resumed his normal activity. The demon was entirely quiet as he walked towards Lucilia's office.

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia. Loafed. Mornings. Being a vampire allowed her to be more active during the night, but in the mornings it was almost physically exhausting. Lessen by drinking blood, or her Marrow Draught, but it just made it bearable, not comfortable. Sure she had many drugs that would allow her to enjoy the day like any mortal, but she disliked having to get drugged up everyday just to be outside. She would be fine just hanging out inside buildings until sunset.

Anyways, Lucilia's day started off with a pot of coffee. Though the effects of caffeine were, at best, minimal, the taste reminded her that she needed to keep focus on the task at hand. She than ate a sandwich that she left in her office since yesterday, and while rather unrefined for a woman who looks as though she carries an air of elegance, she also drank blood and one bad day from being a full blow cannibal, so taste wasn't really something she complained about. There was still a lot of work that needed to be done that she couldn't finish yesterday, which now includes resignation papers. The demonstrations yesterday scared off some of the new arrivals, and while not as much as she suspected, it was still something that she found saddening. She felt a twinge of disappointment in her friend Satori; even Tyrael had his carefully choreographed to ensure that no harm came to the students, even if they brought it upon themselves. Satori had basically attacked everyone however, and was subsequently sent to Khan's office for a talk. But Lucilia wasn't one to waste an opportune moment; there will likely be some students looking to find ways to avoid the effects of Psychomancy, either through runes or equipment or even training. She'd need to talk to Val about putting a price on runes; Val may be a charitable woman, but surely she could see the advantage of at least charging a service fee for the amount of runes she'd be ask to make.

As Lucilia organized her thoughts on how to convince Val to charge for her runes, there was a knock at her door. "Come in." A demon opened the door, much to Lucilia's displeasure. She didn't think highly of them. "Someone to see you, Miss Lucilia." Lucilia cleared her table for this new guest, using a bit of her magic to clean up the place. "Thank you, let him in." By the time the demon left, Lucilia's office looked spotless. Sure there were boxes still out, but they were neatly packed away into corners and out of the way. Even the dirt on her floor had been swept out of the window, thanks to some of Lucilia's very minor geomancy. "Welcome to the college. How may I help you?

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth's night went by without any further difficulty.s When she woke up her head was throbbing due to the effects of the magic, but she simply assumed it was the work of the alcohol. She had a little family remedy for it, and after a series of complicated injections and the consuming of animal parts, Annabeth was starting to fill better, and ate just enough to allow her to skip breakfast. She got out of her night clothes and switched to her day clothes, though she noticed that her dagger was missing. She wondered if she had lost it during the feast yesterday and if she should instead carry her sword. She had seen many students recently walking around armed and armored, and while she was no knight, she did have a broad sword and her buckler. Than there was her bow and arrows, a relic of the past. She had nothing but fond memories of it. She decided to simply take the bow and arrows instead of her sword and shield, if only for now. She wasn't planning on going hunting any time soon but she wanted to be ready if it happened.

Once Annabeth got dressed and equipped she headed out. There was one thing she learned while she was at the feast; she had mage blood. Annabeth was a bit surprise, but after some thought she figured it made some sense. Her brother was a mage, as were many members of her family in the past. It wouldn't have been too much of a stretch for her to be a mage as well. What her magic was, however, she had no clue. but she figured there would be at least one person who could help her, Uicle. The only teacher she knew. She went to look for him, only to realize something else; she had no idea where he was at. She was largely unfamiliar with the lay out of the college, and her attempts to consult the various golems were met with embarrassment when she ended up trying to talk to a statue for ten minutes. She continued to wonder aimlessly, and soon found herself in a gymnasium of sorts. There were many targets and training dummies around, so she assumed this was a guard's area. Surely one of them could help her.

She approached a large eysire with a battleaxe as he seemed to be resting. He, alone with a finicky man trying to repair some damaged equipment, seemed to be the only ones here. "Excuse me sir." Annabeth spoke in a polite but clear tone. "Do you know where I can find Uicle? I seem to be a bit lost..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak was almost ready to leave for his room when the human woman entered. At first, he simply assumed she was there to train, but as she approached him, he noticed she looked confused, an observation which was confirmed by her question. She was refreshingly polite, compared to the general attitude of distrust or fear he was used to from most others outside the college, especially those who were educated enough about magic to relate an Esyire's scale color to their mageblood. Of course, he had already encountered a few individuals like that since arriving at the college, so perhaps he needed to alter his expectations? Unfortunately, he did not know off the top of his head where Uicle was, but he reasoned the gargoyles would be able to help. "Uicle...he is the Necromancy instructor, correct? I am afraid I do not know off-hand where he is. I arrived here only yesterday myself, along with the majority of other students. I do know where the nearest gargoyle is, however. They should, at the very least, be able to direct you to his office."

Ssarak stood up and grabbed his axe from beside him. Since he was not wearing his armor, he did not have a proper place to secure it and would need to simply carry it. He had time to spare and would certainly not mind doing a favor for what he assumed to be a fellow student, so he gave her a friendly smile. "If you would like, I could accompany you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deven Zoria & Jenna Fellrein

Deven couldn't help but feel a little nervous as the teacher spoke of her arrow wound knowledge, but he remained silent and showed no signs of being nervous, he couldn't be in more trouble then Aruna would be for the lie. As the others were shooed back by the rune master Deven followed in suite. His eyes still watching the vitamancy teacher go about her work. That was until the Headmasters commanding voice demanded his attention. As the headmaster dismissed the group of students and the assigned teachers began to usher the students out the door, Deven hesitated leaving still worrying about Aruna's current state, until one of the teachers neared likely about to tell him to leave and Deven felt a tug on his shoulder. "Deven come on, lets not get yelled at by a teacher before our first official day." Jenna said as she pulled him back, Deven letting her pull him back having him take a few steps back before turning and walking along side her to the exit. "Yeah, thats enough for one night I guess." He said with a forced half smile.

The two exited the hall and acquired themselves a gargoyal, Jenna managing to wave a goodbye to Leith as she spotted him between a few students before they began the walk to their adjacent dorms. Along the walk Jenna told Deven of everything Leith had told her about the phsycomancy demonstration and that likely being the reason for everyones anger and why some of the students decided to take their leave from the college, her explanation coming to an end as they reached their rooms. Deven leaned on the wall by the door to his dorm and Jenna stood by her door both of them wanting to talk a little more before heading into their rooms.

"I am honestly suprised Khan would allow Satori to do what she did." Jenna commented gesturing towards the mess hall. "I wouldn't say he entirely knew what she was going to do and judging by the glare he gave her afterwards I would say he wasn't alright with it." Deven replied. Jenna nodded slightly, "True, he did seem pissed, not as pissed as some of the students though. One of them, some half elf, seemed like she was hell bent on beating the teacher to death, but one of the demons stopped her." Jenna said. Deven nodded, "I'm honestly not very surprised, maybe she doesn't deserve to die for what she did but, she did deserve a reaction for it, once more maybe not a violent one, but perhaps some scorn from the students or more so a punishment of the headmasters choice but, not ours ... Some of the people here are not suited to make those types of decisions...but who am I to say I am any better." Deven said adding the last part in a much quieter tone once the hall cleared more. Jenna fell silent as she thought for a while, "Well, I guess we will see tomorrow won't we?" Jenna asked. Deven nodded, "Aye, we will. So you up for some training tomorrow? Just cause we are in a different location doesn't mean we can let up our training." Deven said smiling softly. Jenna nodded happily, "Of course I am, wouldn't miss it." She replied. The two then said their goodbyes before vanishing into their rooms which had both been transformed into much the like of their rooms in Wintercrest, with stone floors walls and ceiling, the furnishing changing little from that provided by the school.

The two of them then began readying themselves for sleep.

Jenna having a much easier process of removing her gear, not having any heavy armor to deal with was ready for sleep rather quickly, throwing on one of her nightgowns and storing away her leather armor in a section she had set aside in an armoire settling into bed for a much desired night of sleep in a warm soft bed after the trip from Wintercrest to the college. A horses saddle became fairly uncomfortable after many hours of riding and she was thankful to be able to give her legs a nice rest.

Deven's process of preparing for sleep took longer due to his armor. As he removed his armor he placed it onto a mannequin that had appeared after he changed to room to his liking. After which he kept the underclothes he had worn over the course of the day on and settled into bed. Laying on his back looking up at the ceiling. As he lay there letting his mind wander he couldn't help but think of Aruna and worry slightly about her current well being before assuring himself with the competence of the schools staff. After a while longer of letting his mind wander her began to drift off to sleep.



Jenna awoke from her pleasant sleep with a slow start not entirely wanting to climb out of the comfort of her bed, but eventually she accumulating enough will to force herself to her feet and start the day. She started by dressing into a set of her day clothes. Not caring to put on her leather armor preferring to go with something more comfortable, she took out a pair of dark brown hemp pants with a white linen shirt and a dark leather jerkin which she left undone, after dressing herself she went about brushing her hair before looking herself over in the mirror. Satisfied with the look she then retrieved the longsword she had placed in her armoire with her gear, she secured the sheath at her hip and then retrieved her bow and quiver. Before stepping out of her room.


It wasn't the dark room that bothered him, nor was it the eerie silence that hung over the room. No it was something else, he couldn't think of what it was but he could feel it. As though it hung in the air and if he just tried he could reach out and touch it. For countless minutes he sat there, his mind hard at work trying to think of what it could be that had him so distraught, had him so nervous. He tried to ignore it, to just shut his eyes tighter, roll over and go to sleep. But he couldn't. In the back of his mind there would always be that scratching, that little voice in his head asking him What is it? scratching at his mind, infecting his thoughts. He fought his curiosity as long as he possibly could but, eventually he caved in.

He slid the out of the covers away from the warmth and comfort of the bed and lowered his feet to the floor. The stone felt unreasonable cold as though it were the dead of winter, but he didn't pay much mind to it, that couldn't be it. His eyes took a few second to adjust after being closed for so long, once adjusted he reached for his boots and threw them on. They were his usual boots, those he wore with his clothes and armor, nothing strange there. He stood and gazed about the room once more, as though his change in elevation might help to shed light to what it was filling him with the unnerving sensation he was feeling or perhaps that it might have been some object, he had forgot to move, to put away, something out of place that he had forgotten about that he could easily find and put away so he could do away with this odd sense. But there was nothing. Nothing out of place. Nothing that stood out to his eyes.

Could it be outside? That nagging voice asked, sounding far away and ever so silent as it scratched at his thoughts spurring his curiosity. What could it be?It asked tantalizingly. Maybe just a peek? Then right back to bed. Just to make sure. it cooed.

Slowly, cautiously, he stepped towards the door. The soft sound of his boots against the stone giving a short reprieve from the unending silence that seemed to fill the room. He reached the door and lifted his hand to the handle, once more gazing about the room, as if yet again he could just see what it was that he didn't have to leave, that it could easily be fixed. But nothing was seen. Then almost subconsciously he turned to handle and his head turned back submissively almost as if in resignation that he would be leaving. He opened the door, which producing a slight creek as if by protest before he stepped out closing the door behind him. His eyes gazed around him taking in the room. it was the hallway. The same one as before, long as ever and lined by doors on either wall. All someones room with another sleeping person inside. But still nothing out of place, nothing except the distinct lack of torches, but that couldn't be it, it was late, they likely just took them down at night to conserve torches. There was nothing to provide answers to the unending curiosity that scratched at his thoughts, that ate at his mind.

Go on, it must be close. You've come this far, why stop here? You're already out? Why torture, yourself? Why not find out what it is? That same nagging distant voice said. Each word like a poison working its way though his thoughts. Begging. Pleading to go forward.

Slowly, his hand slipped from the handle and fell to his side as he stepped forward, into the darkness of the hall. Once more that eerie silence only replaced by the sound of his feet on the stone as he walked through the hall. He wasn't sure where he was going, where would he begin? It was a big place, filled with many rooms and even more corridors. Whatever this was, it could be anywhere. But even without any sense of where he was going he walked on. Each stepped dragged on by the scratching at the back of his mind. Until finally, he stood their at the doors to the mess hall.

Go on, open the doors. You're so close now.it murmured.

Slowly, his hands drifted towards the doors handles. Slowly his fingers wrapped around the icy cold metal and surely he pulled the doors open. There before him, illuminated by pale white torches that lined the walls was the mess hall, all prepared for the grand feast. Foods of all types and variations. Plates dotted the table and mugs to accompany them. Just like before. But no smells filled the room. No happy voices as people spoke in merry tones. Not even a single soul occupied the room.

Slowly he lifted his foot and took his first step into the hall.

Your so close. The voice echoed through his mind.

Another step.

Don't shy away now, its right there, just out of your grasp, just keep going a little further.

Then another step. It seemed as though the room was bitterly cold, it nipped at his exposed skin and he began to shaky slightly, but not from the cold. Cause of something else. Some other sense that was overwhelming his mind. Eating at him. Begging to be found. Taunting him.

Yes, thats it. The voice encouraged, sounding like nothing more but a whisper uttered on the wind.

He hadn't realized but his eyes had fallen to his feet, watching every step as he took them. How far in was he? How many steps had he taken? Why couldn't he remember? Slowly he lifted his head and turned it over his shoulder towards the door. And as he did his heart seemed to drop, for there across the entire expanse of the great hall. There was nothing but solid stone, no door in sight. His head whipped around and there before him he saw the teachers table. He looked from every seat, naming their previous owners as he did.

Uicle, Lidda, Xeric, Frost, Dervis, Serge, Lucillia, Khan, Justine, Tyrael, Craig, Satori, Zelda, Val, Ghell Both he and the voice read as his eyes passed over their chairs.

But something was different, something out of the ordinary, something that filled Deven with an uneasy feeling, each chair his eyes had crossed over was cracked and breaking, each one had small wisps of shadow emanating from the cracks save for the one in the center. Khans, the headmasters. His chair was broken entirely, large chunks had been ripped out and a crimson liquid was splattered across its surface. From the missing chunks large ripples of shadow emanated forth. And slowly Deven's feeling of uneasiness was replaced by dread, an unexplainable sense of dread filled him and he began to tremble terribly.

All of the sudden every torch in the entirety of the mess hall went out. Darkness washed over him and everything else. And Deven collapsed to his knees with his hands over his head, in a vein attempt to shield himself.

Then he heard it, that bone chilling voice that had been in his head the entire time. No where is safe. It whispered, though this time, sounding as if it was inches from his face. Slowly, he lowered his arms and peered into the darkness before him and by the time his eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness his scream of terror was silence permanently. And his lifeless body hung limply in the maw of a creature made of pure shadow.

Deven shot from his sleep barely stopping himself from screaming. His body covering in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. His body trembled and his hands clenched around the edges of the bed tightly. It felt like an eternity before he was able to move himself from this position and stop shaking so terribly, by this point dawn had broken and the sunlight was pouring though his window illuminating his room with its warming light.

"It's just another nightmare Deven." He told himself in a shaky voice as he cradled his head in his hands. "Don't let it get to you...i-its just another nightmare..." He repeated. "It wont break you." He said weakly, his eyes beginning to water.

By the time Jenna knocked on his door he had dressed himself in a pair of light brown trousers with a white shirt, brushed his hair, gotten his pack and gotten his sword. He opened the door and forced a smile to Jenna as she greeted him, he greeted her in kind before the two made their way to the mess hall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Leith was awakened by the sound of buzzing in his head. It was a normal thing for him, but this time, he woke up rested. He didn't feel like he had stayed up the entire night like he usually did when he was finally able to sleep. He opened his eyes and saw that the sun had already risen. After taking a few more minutes to savour the feeling of being well rested, Leith got up and got ready for the day.

He had decided to wear a black shirt and a pair of dark green pants. While he was getting his boots on, leaning against the wall as he did so, he heard something moving around behind him. He turned around and saw that his bed had changed to a smaller, more simple bed. Similar to what he had when he lived with Rehm. A plant that wasn't there before was growing out of a cavity that had opened above the head of his bed. He walked over to the shelf to get a closer look. It was a mint plant. The smell made Leith feel nostalgic.It had been almost a constant smell for the past five years that he was starting to miss it. With a smile, he took a leaf and popped it in his mouth before leaving the room.

Leith made his way towards the dining hall, watching his feet as he thought about his journey to the College. When he looked up, he saw the girl that he briefly talked to the night before. Leith frowned as he tried to remember her name. Jamie... No, that's not it. Janic... That doesn't sound right either. That's It! Leith snapped his fingers as he remembered her name. It's Jenna. He smiled to himself as he made his way over to her. She was with the man that brought the winged girl into the dining hall. He looked rather shaken up about something. Leith wasn't curious, though, so he mostly ignored it. When he got alongside them, he spoke up.

"Hey Jenna."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

The guard was about to answer Grey, but it was at that point a FUCKING DEMON decided to march through the gates. Grey was shocked at first and reached for his axe, but he quickly remembered that one of those would probably be a Demonomancer, and demons were probably commonplace. He also noticed they were carrying a couch. Even if it was demons, what sort of group that meant any harm would carry a gods-damn couch? Apparently one of the demons was assigned to take him to 'Lucillia.' It simply told Grey to follow it, but nonetheless Grey found himself being a little paranoid. It was a demon! Who knows what kind of horrible plans it had in store? Lucky for Grey, it kept to itself. It didn't say a word until they arrived.

The demon went in ahead of him, and seemed to be telling the woman she had a visitor. He wasn't sure if she replied, as the sound was obscured by some kind of shuffling noise. What's going on in there? Eh, some kind of magic, probably. He thought, dismissively. It was a moment later when the Demon returned and ushered him in. The first thing he noticed about the room were the various plants. He couldn't place it, but he got a bad feeling about the things, as if they were some of the most bad-ass plants ever grown. At the same time though, they didn't really rattle him all that much. In any event, he guessed that Lucilia was some kind of plant-mage. Then there was the woman herself. She looked... small. However, he knew that size never really mattered with mages. So, she was somebody that deserved the respect one would give a poisonous spider. It may look weak, but it could easily kill you if so inclined. Additionally, there was something odd about her appearance. He couldn't figure it out...

Anyway, he was whipped back to reality when she addressed him. She sounded nice enough, or at least polite. "Uh, right. Hold on..." he said as he fumbled around in his pack. He found what he was looking for, and pulled out the extremely outdated flyer from before. He looked at it again. The aged paper of course had the notice and such, but it also had a map and a relatively plain portrait of Lucilia, presumably to make seeking her out easier. Suddenly, he got what was odd about her. This thing was definitely more than a decade old, but Lucilia here looked exactly the same as this portrait did. Of course, he payed it no mind. It was just a decade or so, right? Besides, weren't there wizards that could do stuff like make you younger? at least physically? "I found this old thing in a tavern in a town back west, and I figured you might still need fighters." He said as he placed the flyer on the desk. "And if I might be blunt Madam, I didn't see many guards on the walls. Either you're undermanned or somebody's slacking off." he said. If anything, he felt as if he needed to at least bring that issue to her attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 30 min ago


Khan had risen earlier than most staff or student within the College, a habit he had developed late in his adulthood. He had washed, dressed into a fresh tunic, breeches and thick boots before he darted out of his room. His form steadily made its way down the stairs and through the halls easily without becoming lost, something he had done several times, until he finally reached the Dining Hall. It was hard to tell there had been a feast at all yesterday with the well done job of cleaning it up. The head table stood vacant as none of the teachers could spare much time for breakfast. Mostly likely weren’t even up this early.

The headmaster made his way over to the table where a wide buffet, like the afternoon on Opening Day, was filled with a smaller selection. Eggs, ham, and a few other meats were placed upon Khan’s plate until it seemed it could hold no more. Slowly, he juggled the platter towards a smaller table. It had only been a bit before the other students- early birds like him-made their entrance and headed for the buffet set out then to classes. His ears caught the soft conversations which soon filled the room in an enjoyable sound and made him relax a bit. That’s when he noticed something had been sitting in the corner nearby.

At first, Khan had thought it was one of Uicle’s Golems made from a new material but on closer inspection he noticed something odd. It didn’t quite bare the teacher’s flare or certain something. Gently Khan placed down his plate along his path to the eerily still creature, still trying to place that odd sensation of familiarity. It took several moments yet it finally clicked. It wasn’t a Golem at all, just a student who had arrived before and requested to be directed to the library where he stayed since.

Khan’s voice was kind but firmly concerned. “Hello, is everything alright? Have you been there all night?”


Darkness and heat…

Her body seemed to glow from the source of heat she had found in the middle of the night. The Naga’s skin absorbed it like an exotic drink through touch, enjoying the fact it chased away the chill which had crept into her bones. It was more heat than she had expected to wake up to and suddenly her dowse mind jerked into activity. Immediately Mar’s eyes snapped open as she found herself in the worse hell possibly. Her body had instinctively sought warmth and the nearest source had not too far from her own bedside: the damn thief.

In silence, Mar mentally groaned. Her eyes shifted over her position, a vain hope to detangle herself without waking the male. The last thing she wanted was his face smirking at her. In a gingerly and painfully slow manner, her tail had started to uncurl itself from around the man’s leg then edged to the side. Her torso had been laying across his chest while his body spread out eagle style, provided a living cushion between the hard ground and herself. Mar didn’t deny it was comfort and had he been a Naga, she would’ve likely continued to slumber there. However the fact didn’t change. He was human, a painful reality, while she wasn’t and that was that. Finally detangled her from his slumbering body, she turned to her only belongings still scattered where she left them.

Mar sighed then leaned down to pick up first her scythe, then the rune. For a moment she looked at it and a dreadful realization came over her. She had no way to attach to herself. The Naga’s eyes wandered over her body only see where desire to get rune was now flawed and likely would have to corrected at some point soon. She couldn’t just carry it around all day, that alone risked losing it and likely place her under tighter watch then originally assigned. A notion she didn’t like. Unable to think of what else to do, Mar merely held her weapon in one hand and the scythe in the other while she crawled out of her room.

She had some hunting to do before classes… and a belt to make.

-----The Expected Visitor------


A small dust cloud billowed behind a rackety old cart, the young six legged mule gently pulled it along at an ample pace. Its lazy movements rattled the many goods in the back as they clicked together and gently stirred the driver from his quick nap, his eyes fluttered slightly. He tried to go back to sleep until a sudden jerk caused his lids to snap wide open. The man, a dwarf, had on a forest green cloak placed his right hand upon the seat side and stopped himself from tipping over. His other hand gripped the reins tightly but never ceased the animal’s movements.

His head lifted upright to spot his destination approaching closer each time. There it was, the College, and the sight of it made him grin like a bird fed cat. Finally righting himself the dwarf’s hand curled about his fire red braided beard, twisting the thick plaits around and around in his usual habit. Something caught his dark eyes when it shifted from the back. It’s lithe, thin body crawled beside him until it placed a dainty paw upon his thigh. A narrow head leaned up to stare at the man as if expecting something. The black tiny eyes peered through a striped marking across it, another chirp came, high pitched and attention craving before Rurik tilted his head to look on the ferret.

“What ye doin’ ‘iddle one?” He asked in a gruff but playful voice, his wiry red brow lifted in question. “Git back thar!”

It chirped again, bluntly ignored the burly dwarf. Instead it lifted its torso and twitched it pink nose in excitement causing Rurik to chuckle, his head shook a bit in amusement.

“Fin, ye greedy thin’! Here!” He said and tossed the little animal a treat, the tiny paw caught it easily while they entered the gates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 6 days ago

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia gave a look at the old paper. It was very old; at least ten years old. This was back at the time were Uicle was still amassing his golems and Tyrael went off somewhere with his demons, leaving the security of the college to various mercs. The issue at that time however was that they were mercs who sold themselves individually; they came at a high price, and often very haughty. They caused more problems than any troublemakers that came around. Luckily after firing them she found herself a reliable mercenary company and hired their services. They've been quite reliable thus far, at least at keeping peace and order within the college. Rarely during her time has the college ever had to worry getting besieged, the worse happening being an organized thief gang trying to break in and steal properties of the college. The teachers handled them easy enough however.

And so Lucilia debated whether or not to hire this man. She didn't know his price, his abilities, or even his name. He seemed awfully tactless, which may be appealing if he wanted to be a loose-cannon mercenary, but as a guardsman he needed discipline, and to know his place. Still... "That's rather presumptuous of you, isn't it? We of the college try not to scare our students into thinking that we are keeping them locked inside, nor do we want other nations to think that we're building an army. So we position our guards to remain ready for any disturbance, without the others knowledge of their presence. Or to put it simply, we are always watching you, even if you cannot see us. Give them a sense of privacy while maintaining maximum security." Some of what Lucilia said was a lie or at least a half-truth. What was had to be found out. Lucilia looked over the paper and again and wondered how she should go about rejecting or hiring this man, and once she had an idea formulated she crossed her hands and looked at him.

"Now than, I understand that you might be interested in a position as a guardsman of the college. Regardless of your own opinions of our current security force, there is very little I know about you. I do not know of your ability, your history, or even your name. We also must make sure that, should the need arise, the guardsmen can properly coordinate and work together to ensure their safety as well as the safety of the college inhabitants. Many of them have already trained and worked together and proven themselves to the college. You have not. Not yet at least.." Lucilia reached into her desk and took out some paper, an ink well, and a feather pen. She laid the paper out in front of the man, and upon closer examination, one could tell that the paper was a waiver. Soon she began to add more documents. "If you're still interested, there is some paper work that needs filling out. First we'd need to get your name, age, and place of birth. We would also like to know more about your past jobs and occupations. If you can, write down a list of people who you may know and their relationship to you. Skills, education level, as well as any particular knack or quirk should also be documented. I also require you to write down whatever criminal action you have have committed in the pasts. Be honest with that; if we find out that you are keeping secrets, we will fire you without pay, and we may imprison you ourselves. This waiver also details some of the more legal aspects of being a guardsman, as well as certain duties and obligations you will follow as a guardsman of the college. You'll also need to sign here and go see our healers to ensure that your body does not harbor any particular disease of illness that may affect our students. And of course, before you are properly initiated into the guardsmen you will have to go through their basic training and gain the approval of the captain of the guard, at least three teachers, and five students." All this and more was written out on all the documents, soon turning into a small pile of at least fifty sheets of paper, with small text. Hand written.

Lucilia smiled at the stranger, crossing her hand over each other as she watched his reaction. The paper work was one way to filter out the ruffians who simply want to take the job as an excuse to have the college protection, though he still needed to fill them all out and follow through with all the conditions. "Is there any more questions you have? You do not need to fill all this out today, and you are free to stay in the college's guests lodgings if you need a place to stay, but I would have to ask you to not disturb the students or staff for any reason until you have filled out all the required paper work."

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth was ecstatic that the eysire would help her. This would allow her day to move on a bit faster. "Thank you very much!" So Annabeth and the eysire went off, with the human girl following the hulking draconian. "My name is Annabeth, by the way. Annabeth Gulch. Are you a student here?" It seemed somewhat likely, as he wasn't wearing the uniform most of the guards did, that and she has yet to see an eysire among their ranks. But she has only been here for a day, so what would she know? Momentarily, she wondered if she should apply for the guards. She decided against it. If Annabeth really did have mage blood, she'd need to focus her time on her education rather than guard duty. Still... Since she wasn't working at the inn any more, she'd need to find some way to get money. She would at least try to find some sort of job she could take, once she gets her whole mage blood thing settled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak took a left out of the door and headed down the hall toward the last place he remembered seeing a gargoyle. Fortunately, they did not tend to move around much when they were not needed, though the abundance of inanimate statues could make finding them confusing at times. The Human, who identified herself as Annabeth, followed behind and seemed grateful for the help.

"Indeed I am. My name is Ssarak Dyreackthanose; it is a pleasure to meet you." He responded, nodding to her. "I am a student of psychomancy. I have a small amount of training in my blood, though I am still very much a novice. What of yourself? You are looking for Uicle; are you a necromancer? Or perhaps a hydromancer?" He asked curiously. Unlike Esyire, humans had no external indications of their type of mageblood, so it was more difficult to discern their abilities.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey listened to Lucilia's reasoning, and was a bit embarrassed when he had realized how rude his previous statement was. He hadn't intended it that way, but that just seems to have been how it came out. Even so, he found he disagreed. "There's some truth to that, but I find that a visible defense force conveys a feeling of safety ma'am. most people don't trust things they can't see." he said matter-of-factly. In any event, the woman continued as she began to set a veritable mountain of paperwork on the desk. Grey listened intently, nodding every so often. Eventually, she finished, crossed her arms, and smiled. There was nothing friendly about that smile... Gods this woman was intimidating. And people thought he was scary...

Grey picked up the papers, but before he left, Lucilia asked if he had any questions, as well as warned him not to bother the inhabitants. Actually, there was one... "I do, actually. So when I was at the gate there was this parade of demons with, uh, with a couch..." He said, Some of his earlier confusion seeping into his tone. "That's not normal, is it?"
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