Hidden 11 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Ghosts of the Past

IRC: Chatroom


This is the Announcement board where the GMs will update and place a point bulletin of the latest announcements to requirements of the players. Namely to prevent them from getting lost in the OoC and a quick way to get updated on short notice.

  • Reconstruction of the World within the RP: This includes cultures, areas listed on the map, and much more. If your PC, or you have an idea about something, please PM all 3 GMs. We’ll incorporate it into the World or make suggestions on how it would best fit.
  • Rewritten the Base Races: if you have a PC of one of these races, it is a good idea you check it out to be sure your PC hasn’t any additional ability or changes made to them. Currently, these will never change again and are a baseline for Players creativity. Issues or complaints, leave in PMS and we’ll get back to you at some point.
  • Addition of the Gods into the World Elements.

  • IC Season: Winter

Mission Details


  • Mission Name:
  • Summary:
  • Location:
  • Goal:
  • Involved PCs: TBA
  • Other Information:


Mission Name: Nox Alignment Ceremony
Summary: Craig Gray has requested aid to accompany the Noxomancy Alignment group. It will be a several days trip into the area around Craigsville with the Noxomancy teacher’s primary focusing needing to be the students and so he requires assistance. It will be the volunteers’ primary task to prevent the monsters native to the nox source from attacking the small group or the wagon.
Location: Craigsville, deep within Djarkel.
Goal: Protect the students and the wagon from nox creatures.
Involved PCs:
  • Athalus
  • Annabeth
  • Helena
  • Colette

Other Information: All Noxomancers of about 2 years or older are required to join this mission. To the unique quality of Nox monsters, namely being able to shift between the nox and surface within Craigville much easier, Val has created a specialized rune which each student can carry and alert them to Nox monster presence.


Mission Name: Uncovering Shadows
Summary: With information gathered from the college students participating in the caravan hunt, Lucilia has learned of various conspiracies against the college, with a few barons considering joining with Kudd. Due to the college’s non-interference clause regarding other nations, however, they cannot directly address these conspiracies, least of all without solid evidence. Thus a group of volunteers shall be sent into Djarkel to meet with various leaders, allies of the college and independent barons, to reaffirm alliances and gather more evidence of the conspirators against the college, Djarkel, and the world itself.
Location: Djarkel
Primary - Reaffirm alliances with the major Djarkel Barons (At least 3 out of 5)
Secondary 1 - Create new alliances with unaffiliated Barons and leaders for the college.
Secondary 2 - Seek out evidence of a conspiracy against the college, Djarkel, or those whose loyalties lie with Kudd.
Involved PCs:
  • Lyn
  • Mei
  • Ssarak
  • Keri
  • Leith

Other Information: Lucilia may later become involved in this mission should the situation warrant it. Due to her own reputation within Djarkel on behalf of the college, Lucilla's presence would make conspirators go into hiding, so it would be best if she makes no appearance until evidence can be found. There are also various allies and contacts within Djarkel at the student’s disposal, though be aware that maintaining a cordial relationship with them is as vital as a relationship with the Barons.


Mission Name: Diplomacy at Yarosmere
Summary: A mission is requested by the new Yarosmere King to establish relations with the College and the new government.
Location: Yarosmere Capital.
Goal: Establish relations and figure out what the fuck is going on in Yarosmere.
Involved PCs:
  • Mar
  • Myrn
  • Summer
  • E'nasha (and El'kan)
  • Baulder
  • Darius

Other Information: The rumors coming out of Yarosmere suggest a cult like mentality has taken over the nation. Caution is advised when speaking of their government and it's actions.


Hello and welcome to Blood Act, a rp created by a huge collaboration between players and GMs. Describing Blood Act, as the players might attest, is rather hard as it has a little of everything within a Middle Age/Fictional world. Through the past GM, (Rtron, help, I can’t remember his name officially!), has been swallowed by RL repeatedly, the rp is now ran by a new set of GMs who known as Fallenreaper, Lucius Cypher and Rtron. We help keep this rp running smoothly for the benefit all the players.

While there is a arching storyline, Player plots and side developments-ranging from fleshing out the world to their personal tales- are encouraged on one condition: you run the base idea by the GMs. This base idea can be anything from a few sentences to merely a full essay on the premise over where you want to take your PC to drawing connections to the key important villains or elements within the rp. We personally enjoy the additional favor and is our main job to ensure they end up entangling other PC’s personal plots into a knotted mess.

Now to the fun bit.

Act I is the first of a 3 part rp, each with their own center and focus. Ghosts of the Past will focus upon the events transpiring around the College and its students, showing their effects on Tiien in missions or their own actions. Several ghosts from the various pasts, some connected to the very teachers or students, will end up rising to threaten the College’s place in the world. The first among those is a powerful, fallen Demon God named Kudd. His goal is to conquer and eliminate the very world in order to start anew. New threats include Chessmaster and his generals, an entity with his own agenda and an age old grudge against the very Gods who imprisoned him.

With Kudd secretly waging war upon Tiien and Chessmaster’s shadowy tactics, can those who call the Twilight College home survive and protect everything they hold dear? Or will the school’s stone walls finally crumble into ruins?

1: Follow all RPG basic rules.
2: Respect your fellow Rp'ers and their PCs, each Character adds a unique flavor to the rp and is important.
3: If you think someone is overstepping their boundaries, tell a GM and one of us or all will look into it and handle it.
4: If you overstep your boundaries, we’ll tell you, void what you did, and give you a warning. After two warnings, you are at risk of being kicked from the RP. DO NOT BE OP.
5: If you want to apply, put the word 'Rebirth' in the area in the CS which asks for a word.
6: Since this is causal, there’s no need for lengthy posts but we want a minimum of a paragraph per post, if at all possible. A single paragraph is 5-7 sentences at least. Though we won’t be counting, unless we see it repeated or obviously not the required amount, we trust our players to follow this rule.
7: GM ruling are final, argue or fight it to an outrageous degree, then prepare to face the wrath of all THREE OF THEM. We will show no mercy or compassion to those that would ruin everyone’s fun.

Empty Creation Sheets

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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World Elements

Important Places


The world the rp takes place in is called Tiien. It’s a world done in a patch work design by the Gods after a nuclear event nearly destroyed all life as we once knew it. Most times Tiien follows the basic rules of physics but in some areas, a few rules are utterly shattered and magic seems like the only explanation. Below are key links to help you see what you will find in Tiien, its geography, and key cities.

Maps: Tiien Area, Deathold/Twilight College, & Yarsomere

Twilight College outlay

Landscape: Dreary and grey, it seems like someone had just rushed through the area and drained all the from it. Everything is shades of grey, black and white that creates a bland landscape separating it from its Neighbors more contrasting s. Its location is within the triangle area closed to the Djarkel border and the castle within the area that most travel worn roads lead to. It’s always casted in a seemingly endless twilight (dusk to dawn) setting the sky in several s from early morning blood red to deep purple of night, though the hours seem to change the brightness ever so slightly. Twilight is borders by many lands and land markers. To the NE is Eania and its land, to the E is Djarkel, and to the South is an Orc Lands as well as a large, forbidding forest called DeadWood to the W.

Background: Once known as Deathold College in its older years, namely named after its original Archmage, the more commonplace name is Twilight College due it being seemingly stuck in permanent twilight.

Twilight College outlay for PC Reference

Twilight was known in its history as Deathold castle, the place in which the students and staff moved after Aerta College had fallen into ruins, in the early days of magic. Though over the years the castle itself went through some revocations to enable it to hold the vast number of students, some older remnants of its still linger in the grounds. Within in the towering walls of the college area there’s three main sections, all made from similar materials, each one has their own purpose and fills key needs: The Watch Towers, Castle and the Manor Dorms.

A note to Players, if you got an idea or something that you think would be interesting to add to the outlay then send us a PM!


Orc Lands
Frozen Plains/Glacier Lands
Scorched Lands

Races Dwelling within Tiien

Let’s meet the races that dwell within the world of Tiien and the possible PC choices. Hybrids of some of these races are possible but depending on the combo, very rare occurrences. Most times frowned upon, resulting in the offspring being banished or killed. Now these are the basics for each race, details found upon the character depository for behavior, cultural habits, or other important information.


Mechanics of Magic & Mage bloods and Schools

Mechanics of Magic
Lux: Vitamancy & Pyromancy
Aqua: Hydromancy & Cyromancy
Clima: Aeromancy & Electromancy
Natura: Geomancy & Herbamancy
Obiligatio: Necromancy & Demonomancy
Lues: Noxomancy & Psychomancy
Arcanite Magic (Not Available for PCs)
Ancient Magics*: Chantment, Weaving, & Runes

*PM GMs before choosing one of these, they might be inapplicable for certain reasons, conditions or CS not up to determined standards.

Afflictions Within Tiien

Gods, Written Lore and Literature


There are several gods within Tiien, each worshiped for their own specialty and when in times for favors relating in those. However, some God worship is strictly forbidden in some areas of Tiien such as praying to Aarem within Earnia is a capital offense and will get you arrested. Currently there are four main gods who overlook the affairs of the College, still playing the age old game of picking champions and determining which will become the more famous among the cast. These four are Ren, Duuri, Xiah and Aarem.

~Gender-God-Domains-Patron of any key races or cities~

♀-Billant-Light; Sun; Warmth- Eania
♀-Torria-Fire; Pyromancy
♂-Gaurot-Death; Rebirth; Souls; Necromancy
♂-Crugh-Earth; Stone; Dwarves; Geomancy- Dwarves
♂-Whein-Water; Ice; Seas; Hydromancy/Cyromancy
♂-Kurth-Nature; Herbamancy; Fauna
♂-Aarem-Black magicks; Vampirism; Evil; Suffering; Noxomancy- Vampires
♂-Ren-Generality; Ancient Magics; (God of all Domains)- most commonly worshiped and accepted God
♀-Leehna-Moons; Space; Stars; Sky; Electromancy
♂-Baltam- Body; Flesh; Physical; Vitamancy
♂-Moltom-Mind; Brain; Intelligence; Wisdom; Knowledge; Mental
♀-Duuri-Insanity; Mental illnesses; Cripples (Bodily or mentally); Psychomancy
♀-Gusstha-Air; Wind; Clouds; Flying; Aeromancy
♀-Xiah-Lust; Beauty; Passion; Love
♂Sammel-Thievery; Beggars; Mistrust; Wealth


These are excerpts from books of interest in the world of Tiien, for easier comprehension.

Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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*Not in alphabetical order

Ridge Hounds/ Ravine Hounds
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

UserName: Sundered Echo

Character name: Auriel Lavai

Age: 20

Mageblood type: Lux

Favoured Magic Class: Pyromancy

Previous Magic training: None

Race: Wood Elf

Standing at 6'2, Auriel towers over human woman and even many men, even though she is average height for a woman of her race. Her skin is pale, her hair crimson and her eyes green. She has a small tattoo on her forehead in a simple elven pattern, and three barely visible scars from the wounds inflicted by Siala's arrows, marking otherwise largely unblemished skin. There is a fierce and somewhat feral look about her, as if she is only a word away from tearing you apart with her hands - a fact that isn't particularly far from the truth. Her attire is usually practical, but with a slight tendency towards showing off her body. Many men have called her beautiful, and she makes sure not to give them reason to doubt.

Short Bio: Born into the tight knit community of the forest elves, from the age she could walk Auriel Lavai could be best described as a hothead. She was climbing trees not long after she could walk, and always very physical. In her early years she proved a fairly quick learner, but also very physical, reaching for violence first and thinking second when confronted with trouble. She didn't take long to form both good friends that shared some of her temperament and bitter enemies that couldn't stand her careless attitude. Among these people, one stood out, the antithesis of Auriel, a girl by the name of Siala.

She went on to become a minor trouble-maker, sabotaging hunts and picking fights, in particular those of Siala, yet often proving fleet of foot enough to escape any real retribution. This started early in her life, but as she grew older her actions became more audacious. Her elders did not pay these traits too much heed, calling her young and inexperienced, and she never managed to cause enough trouble at once to draw any more attention, despite quickly getting to know all the forest wardens on a first name basis.

Ironically enough, some of the wardens had begun to teach her their martial skills, as well as the laws of the land, partially in hopes that it might temper her and partially to give her something to do. She took to the martial training swiftly, but found the laws somewhat harder to focus on, largely because she still spent most nights breaking them. Had things continued as they were, she might have eventually become more tempered and made an excellent warden.

However, this was not to be so. At age 17 her life was turned on its head. Having sabotaged the hunt of one of the most skilled of her peers, her lifelong enemy Siala, she was running from retribution as usual, several angry hunters on her heels. Long time rivals, Siala had finally had enough of Auriels pranks, and had begun firing live arrows at her. A day that had begun as a fun escapade changed rather drastically when the first arrow nicked her upper arm, drawing blood from a long but shallow cut. Two arrows later had earned her a cut in her upper leg and one on her ankle, at which point she took shelter behind an Ironbark tree, unable to continue running due to her injuries.

In those long, painful moments of terror as the hunted, everything stopped being fun and light-hearted, and for the first time she feared for her life. Wishing for a distraction, any distraction, she suddenly began to smell smoke. Looking around, she found it coming from under her fingers on the trunk of the tree she was using as shelter. A moment longer and fire was liking at the dry autumn wood, and as it did, Auriel began to run again. What began as a small distraction, hardly a smoke signal, soon grew into a full fledged fire, engulfing the tree and spreading to those around it.

Rather than return to face her people and atone for the destruction being wrought around her, Auriel ran. She knew enough of the forest and its trees to treat her superficial wounds and survive for a time as she moved ever towards the mountains. In rare forethought, she harvested some offcuts of Ironbark to take with her on her exodus, as she had no currency of any type with which to buy her way in the strange lands beyond the forest.

In what would be remembered as one of her most harrowing experiences, Auriel scaled the mountainous passes that lead between Ghannos and Ironstead. She was driven to this immense act by a feeling of wonderlust, a desire to see the world beyond the seemingly endless forest of Ghannos. After the periloous journey, she was only reminded of the violence that sent her away by the thin scars Siala's arrows had left. That was far from her mind as she traded away slivers of Ironbark for food and shelter, followed by exploring the surface portions of the Dwarven city.

Ironstead, however, proved far to staid and orderly for Auriels wild heart, and she quickly decided to trade away the last of her Ironbark for passage to the Eanian capital.

From there, she took up odd jobs to eke out a living, favouring those that made best use of her combative skills and minimised emotional heights. This approach only partially worked. Auriel is and has ever been a creature of passion, and on several occasions her temper has flared. She once almost burnt down a tavern fending off over-interested drunkards. Once, on the cusp of being caught by Eanian guards for trespassing, she set one of their cloaks on fire rather than get caught. She only narrowly avoided discovery and conscription into the Eanian military each time.

In this time, she did not purposefully practice any magic, largely trying to keep her talent a secret - both from the world and from herself. Life in the human city was quite different to the Elven community from whence she'd come. The city was far more detached and uncarring for its people, and everywhere she went she was surrounded by strangers. Partially because of this, she never settled in one place, flitting between Taverns and Inns while in the city, and favouring jobs protecting caravans that would let her get away from it all.

One travels a remarkable amount as a Caravan guard, and picks up a fair amount of combat experience even in a fairly safe country like Eania. Her skills with all manner of small melee weapons were honed against a myriad of opponents in the years in human lands, and her pockets were kept full of enough gold to get by. In these travels, she also heard of the College for magebloods in Aerta. Several times she considered traveling there to learn to control her ability, but every time she choose not to, still unhappy with the very idea of being a Mageblood.

It was only when one of her Caravan guarding jobs went wrong that fate forced her hand. A particularly long trip to the hold of Oerm, it was ambushed by a predominently elven group of rogues and bandits just past the forest. Auriel had faced down competant raiders before and turned them aside, but when the first arrow struck, nicking her arm in almost the same way as the one that had first driven her away, she began to feel she'd met her match. The raiders refused to engage up close where she could best fight them, and the other guards were quickly cut down in a flurry of both arrows and magic - the raiders having brought a mageblood with them. Seeing defeat, Auriel ran once more. Before she went, however, she knocked over one of the oil lamps in the caravan and with a brief flare of pyromancy fanned the flame to a size large enough that it would consume the Caravan before the raiders could stop it. This marked the first time she had intentionally used magic in her life.

She ran for her life, but also away from the life she'd taken up and all the fearful possibilities she'd come close to over the years, abandoning the helpless merchants under her charge to their fate to save herself. She kept running long after the raiders had stopped giving chase, even with a number of light wounds caused by arrow near misses and a close call with a lightning bolt. Eventually, she could run no more, and collapsed in the grassy fields - almost within sight of the College.

Good Attributes: Physically fit and quick, she is not well muscled or strong, but still capable of running a great distance under duress. Martially skilled - specialising in the weapons she habitually carries, a dagger and a hooked axe.

Bad Attributes: Highly emotional and aggresive, Auriel reaches for her blade at the slightest insult and cannot always maintain perfect control of her magic when particularly aggravated.

Secret Word: Rebirth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 13 days ago

Yesh! It returns! Though it also looks a bit incomplete, but I'm sure we'll fix that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Should have figured this would still be going strong. Guess we'll see how many people come back. I really want to bring back Lacer, he was fun to develop, but there's the slightest urge to make something new.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, all!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ironically enough, it is Sundered that has the first CS...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A very nice CS, by the way. I'm in the process of formulating what I want to do character-wise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hey guys! Sorry to say this, but my PC got hacked, I believe. It's damaged now, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it fixed. I can still write, but I've lost all URLs, including the Foreas' information PiratePad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Long time no see guys. At least, for those who may remember me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks for the compliment.

I was around when Fallen posted thiss yesterday, so I got Auriel up quickly :)
I believe she is in fact already accepted too. Thanks Fallen!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Popping in to say hello, hope I'm still welcome to join?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Don't see why not...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Sundered Echo said
Thanks for the compliment.I was around when Fallen posted thiss yesterday, so I got Auriel up quickly :)I believe she is in fact already accepted too. Thanks Fallen!

Yes it is. Currently folks my net once more is being a pain( rather not go into details...) and though I might have transport to the library, I won't be able to do it everyday. So yeah bear with me on this because hopefully it's only a week at most or a few weeks at best. -_- So officially the first 2 weeks will be gathering up PC and creating CSes as well as adding information and sorting out the OOC. Echo, I'm going to attempt to get a Navi post sometime this week but it might be best to leave Jayda and Xid for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh Gods.

I had wondered if that might be the reason you weren't on the IRC today. This is terrible news...
I really hope your internet is back working again soon. Until then, 1000 hugs from me to tide you over... Keep coming back here for more. XD

We'll keep Jayda and Xid safe for you, no executions or anything. You aren't missing much in Aftermath right now though anyway, things haven't quite yet got back fully into action.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can I play a shadow blood esyire?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

So, how are things going here? Do you think this RP would welcome Ssarak Dyreackthanose once more?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 13 days ago

But of course!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Nice, do you think there would be anything that would require me to change his background? I noticed there were some changes to the Esyire's description, and that of the Scorched Lands. Do you think any of that would prevent the clan rivalry in his background from happening?
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