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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Tiien had been lost in winter’s grip for a month now. Crisp white snow blanketed the ground, hiding flowers and once green grasses from the bitter winds that swirled about the air. Chill nipped at Cedric’s nose while his fingers, numbed now, held his cloak tightly against his thin body as he seemed to lose more warmth by each second long he was outside. A blizzard, harsh and unmerciful had crept in past his poor watch and now had left him to fight the frozen elements themselves. Sadly, he was only human. A losing one when pitted against the wind’s fury. Unable to turn back, his fingers tightened what little feeling they had about his cloak and dragged himself onwards through the high snowdrifts. Each step sank into the ground, the drifts brought up to his knee, to farther dampen his once dry boots. The gale lashed and pulled at his dogged form desperate for shelter which seemed to be lost from his intended path.

His bright blue eyes shifted ahead to spot a faint yellow light within reach. It seemed a ways out from his location but the only shelter he had seen for hours and he feared the last chance to escape the storm. His sigh misted the air with the heat of his breath at his luck. There wasn’t much a choice in the matter as he pushed the pack farther upon his shoulder, his foot shoved forwards where it made a soft crunch and he redoubled his efforts to his goal. Twice he nearly fell into the banks but each time he managed to remain upright. It wasn’t until he stared at the door had Cedric realized he was right at the cabin door, ready to knock. Cold fingers curled up to pound any sort of life back into his hand.

Thump, thump, thump.

Every vibration from his knock had dusted flurries off his cloak’s sleeve while he stood there, his arms wrapped about his small form. The winter seemed to mock the young man and his feeble tries to keep warm. Beyond the door, he heard boots started to shift and footsteps that grew louder, their path paved for his direction. A small glimmer of hope had sparked within his chest. Through the time worn shutter’s cracks passed a shadow, the figure then passed by to open the door and revealed the woman.

Age spots and wrinkly skin hinted she was well into her years; the woman’s stature caused Cedric to look down and examine her. She was fragile and small, even under the large bear skin that folded over her shoulder that trailed behind her while her eyes rose to look at him. Despite the slight haze that had filmed over the irises, he could still see the deep, brown traces within the irises. Her steady voice made his body jump at the sudden sound when she inquired his reasons for being at her door. “Who are you and why are you out in such weather?”

“I-I’m s...s...s…sorry ma’am, but I was t-t-tr-traveling from Eania and s…s...seemed to gotten turned about when the b-b-blizzard arr….arriv..arrived, “ Cedric began through chattered teeth for only a bit until his voice gathered strength. “I-I-I was hoping to board here for the night…that is until the storm had passed?”

The woman frowned at him. Her mind seemed to size him up and think on his request after she weighed the risk, not bothered to move away. Cedric didn’t blame her yet he couldn’t help but feel a slight frustration built in his heart. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t look the part of a robber or bandit. And likely any criminal would’ve had the sense not to go mucking about in this sort of weather in the first place. After what seemed to be the longest time in his life, the woman’s head motioned for him to enter then stepped back into the cabin. Appreciation was fixed on his quavered jaw and Cedric had needed little coaxing, his body pulled into the heat quick followed by abruptly shut door behind him. In a short time the young man had stripped himself of his many layers and was soon seated by the flames within the fireplace. It wasn’t long before he could once more feel his skin, the cold chased away by the warm glow. At the sound of the woman’s approach Cedric raised his head to see her hold out a metal cup to him and gratefully took it.

“Thank you…” He said, waited for the contents, a murky soup, to cool. His eyes turned to watch the woman pull up another chair and let her figure to settle beside him, aimed to share the heat.

“It’s a wondered you’re getting warm at all. The fire’s lowered a bit.” She replied, his gratitude casted off as immediately she snapped her fingers at the hearth.

It happened suddenly. One moment his eyes studied the woman, confused by her, and then fire took his attention. It popped and whooshed into a furious blaze. Startled, Cedric’s arms rouse to protect his head. His chair flew back before it clattered to the floor. The impact sent his cup from his hand and broth spatter across the floor. He could see the heat of the fire engulf his body. Burned away the flesh, his clothed sizzled into a blackened crisp and felt …nothing. Cedric blinked when he slowly realized something. He wasn’t on fire. His head lifted upright then darted a look at the fireplace. He had half expected the fire to be running amok but instead, its blaze kept in place like an obedient dog. At his side, the woman merely blinked at his reaction. She seemed surprised only to climb upon her feet, her bones creaked and cracked in protest, and pulled to his side.

“You’ve acted as if you’ve never seen pyromancy before-“she observed only to be cut short by Cedric’s exclamation.


“Pyromancy…,” the woman continued, her vowels pronounced slowly this time. She quickly added more at the man’s bewildered look, a withered hand held out to aid him upright, “Mageblood? Magic? Mages…Have you never heard of Twilight College? The mage school?”

The young man shook his head and caused the old woman to take a disappointed breath. A small grunt had escaped her lips when she pulled Cedric onto his feet, her body gingerly returned to stand by the fire with a soft mumble, “What has this world come to when even the young have forgotten the stories of the past?”

“I’m sorry I offend you…it wasn’t my intention.”

Swiftly she waved off his apology then motioned for the chair the man already put back up. Once he sat, she eased his guilt. “It’s not your fault the world has forgotten. What’s the point in apologizing?”

There was a long pause between them. His eyes looked from the wood floor and fixed there, uncertain what to say. His arm leaned across his thigh, only to have his voice break the silence that lingered around them. He leaned closer to the resting woman, his eyes held a familiar glint she had witnessed in many a youth’s eyes. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”

The old woman let out a small sigh and pressed her thin lips into a light smile. “Very well… It took me years to gather all the stories of those within Twilight College but I finally managed it. The story begins on the College’s opening day, towards the end of the Summer Solstice when the new flood of students was due to arrive….”


Blood Act I: ‘Ghosts of the Past’
Location: Twilight College
Time: Noon

The land was a dull, grey and lifeless painting for which the Twilight College stood against the blood red sky. It seemed in time, Djarkel’s cursed lands had affected all jointed areas, including Aerta and Eania, to a lesser extent thanks to enchantments placed, leaving once green lands swallowed and deprived of the rich summer colors it once bore. Summer time was drawing to a close and with it, Rurik’s eminent arrival onto the College grounds nearer. His cart bound to be filled with wares to sell and trade amongst the college students. It was a time most enjoyed when their eyes ogled and awed at the goods from all over Tiien.

It was noon when the enchanted bell, the only means to tell actual time in the school, tolled out with its loud, hollow sound. Students from different ages, background, and races flooded out of their classrooms in the oldest part of the school. Their eyes eagerly sought comrades and friends, chattering their way to the Dining Hall. In the kitchens was a flurry of activity. Many staff, mostly human, set upon their tasks to finish the noon meal’s preparations. Simple stews and roasted meat was being cooked over open fires, chopped variety of fruits to fill platters and morning bread spread out over the large table in a buffet style. It was simple and light due to the festivities to come later tonight: the Twilight’s Opening Feast.

At any scores of students would arrive and flood the College grounds where they would be greeted by a red Esyire. His name was Khan Jevarath, the current head master. Dressed in a white shirt tunic, deer hide breeches, and simple high cut boots, he stood there in silence waiting for the students’ arrival at the ancient iron gates. His odd colored eyes, one brown and other green, causally glanced upwards at the gate keeper. A human, one of the oldest staff, was stationed there and stared into the distance. After what seemed like hours, he let out a holler upon sighting the small group that made their way into the College direction.

“There! They are comin’!” he shouted down to Khan who nodded and replied.

“Alright, raise the gate and let them in, Mathix …”

“Aye, sir…” commented the aged man, his hand gave a signal to guards on the ground.

Quickly their bodies pushed against wooden rods that fitted into a spoke, the wheel rotated and creaked against the men’s strain. The chains had wound upon the center where they overlap about to rise the gates. Soon they began to click clack upward, giving way to the approaching student mass who poured in behind the large stone walls. Students from all races, Esyire to human, Wood Elf to dwarf and more were chattering among themselves while the last managed to clear the entrance and enable Mathix to shut them. Once the Iron Gate closed and the arrival’s talking had died, the Esyire spoke.

He had withdrawn a small smooth stone, a recently created rune, from his belt at his waist. Khan focused a bit of his mage blood into it, on activation, it give his voice an added magnitude and gather the entire group’s attention. “Hello, future mages. My name is Khan Jevarath and I’m the current headmaster of Twilight College.” Soon enough his sober expression softened into a warm smile and continued. “I want to give you a warm welcome to each of you. As you might’ve heard, it’s customary to have an Opening Ceremonial Feast but that is not until later tonight. Until then, feel free to visit the Dining Hall anytime during the day and the staff will be willing to serve you something light to nibble on. Throughout the Feast, each of the teachers will put on a small display of their magic to show what you’re likely to learn while attending the classes. Do bear in mind, it won’t happen overnight but takes years to learn if you chose to. Here at Twilight, we value our students choices and encourage them as long as they don’t harm others within these walls.”

Khan paused, inwardly hoped the message would sink in as he started up again, “Now, we’ll start off with a tour. First off, let’s show you the dorms and allow you to get settled in. If you wish to explore the College then by all means do so before the opening festivities. Anytime you get lost, find a stone statue like this one,” the Esyire gestured with his hand towards a stone gargoyle that sat upon a small stone pillar at least 3 foot tall, “Merely press upon the pedestal then tell it where you would like to be lead to. The gargoyle will spring to life and guide you to where the area begins, unless the area is off limits, and then it will ask if you rather it stay or leave. Be careful though some of these statues have been around for a long time and tend to have developed…personalities.”

At the last bit, Khan seemed to have found it slightly amusing before he finished off his lengthy speech.

“Any questions before I have someone show you to your quarters?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

FallenReaper/SunderedEcho - Marya/Auriel

Auriel Lavai was running, nay, fleeing. She had been for what felt like an age, every part of her body burning with pain. Her muscles cried out to rest, her lungs seemed unable to draw enough breath. Her arms were wet with blood, a thin sheen coating her pale skin, seeping from a number of thin, shallow cuts. Her long red hair was unbound and flowing behind her, her axe in its ring and occasionally hitting her leg, aggravating a burn present there from a lightning bolt. Her dagger was still clutched in her left hand, and soaked in blood, not all of it hers. Her pursuers had long since given up the chase, but she dared not stop.

The moments dragged on with every step coming slower and more sluggishly, her vision blurring. The land seemed to have changed since she’d fled the forest border, not green and verdant, but grey and almost otherworldly. She was trying to make sense of it with her exhaustion wracked brain, but her body would not go on. She stumbled, and managed five more steps before falling to ground. In the last moment before she fell unconscious, she finally felt her body relax.

Mar’s eyes took in the strange colorless landscape, so different and alien when compared to the rich gold of the Yarosmere dunes. The strangeness had held the Naga’s attention for a bit now as she’d been left to her devices. Mainly to settle in and explore the territory of her residence...for how long, however, remained to be seen in the Naga’s mind. She had allowed her mind to relax before something moved, fast and unsteady, over the landscape. Her attention was easily ensnared by the unexpected, her head perked upright and body alerted to possible danger. Naturally her attention zoomed upon in an attempt to determine what it was. Mar narrowed her eyes against the ‘afternoon’ sun which was forever fixed betwixt twilight hours. To aid her less than satisfactory sight, her tongue flicked out to taste the scents, the thin tongue snaked exited and retreated.

From the scent that reached her, Mar could tell whatever had stumbled into the College grounds was bleeding at least. Wounded no doubt, but by what was anyone’s guess. Her hand went for her scythe, her finger held it tightly within her grasp and pulled it free from the ground. It was archaic and simple: a long, white rib sharpened at the side and tied to a much longer bone which gave her a lengthy reach and wide swept. However it was able to penetrate most beast’s hides easily enough. It wasn’t until the Wood Elf had stumbled for the last time, her feet brought her a few more paces, before her energy gave bring her to the ground. Cautiously, Mar approached. Her muscles shifted and skirted along the ground, the tail wounded its shape path towards the fallen. For several moments the Naga just stood there. Her eyes noted the the shallow breathing as Mar weighed the risk and finally, brought her coils forward. The tail slipped under the lithe form and gently lifted her, ready stop if there was movements.

Auriel snapped suddenly back into a waking state as she felt something slither beneath her. Her eyes flicked open, and her fingers tightened around the slick hilt of her dagger. Above her seemed to be a human woman, although something looked off about her. That something was made abundantly clear as Auriels eyes traveled down. This was no human, whatever this creature was was half human and half snake. And carrying a vicious looking bone scythe. Still too exhausted to think properly, her instincts kicked in. Seeing a monster with a weapon before her, she leaped to her feet as quickly as she could, which was far slower than she would’ve liked, and swung her crimson dagger in a reverse grip at the things throat, exclaiming in elven “Ulban!” as she went.

At the flash of the blade, Mar’s body reacted. Her torso tilted backwards, placed some quick space between the dagger and her throat as her eyes stayed free of emotion. Her eyes had picked up on the body’s tension just before the fallen Elf had attempted her attack. In that split second it took to register the aggression, she had made a decision that prevented damage. Her coils moved with a mind of its own. It pulled back, slide around Auriel’s middle then pinned the Elf down harshly. Likely Auriel, unless she did something, would feel her thin frame slammed into the earth and weighed down. Once Mar was certain the attacker wasn’t moving, she planted her weapon within reach distance and gripped the dagger hand’s wrist, mindful of any pitiful swipes made at her.

She knew words wouldn’t do much good to a wounded animal. Their minds panicked and laced with fear that any common sense had fled them, however, this creature wasn’t a beast. It took on a humanoid form and thus intelligent to some degree. At least Mar assumed. Her voice might’ve seemed cold when she spoke to the Elf, her voice leveled and firm.

“Calm yourself...if you can or I won’t release you…”

Before she knew what was happening, Auriel was trapped within the coiled tail of the snake-creature. She writhed and wriggled in an attempt to escape, but the constricting coils would not let up, and soon she felt herself being thrown onto the ground. She was briefly winded when she hit, having no way to stop or steady herself and she vaguely heard a woman's voice, catching only the last part of what she said. Was it the snake thing talking? It was human enough that it probably could. When she caught her breath again, a task made slightly difficult with the snakes tail still pressing down on her chest, she spoke, speaking the common tongue this time. “What the hell are you?” Her vision was slightly hazy and contact with the rough scales had aggravated the cuts on her arms. Auriel could tell she was defeated, and at the mercy of the snake-thing. She didn’t expect to survive, and couldn’t even spite the thing as her dagger had fallen out of reach.

Mar waited for several seconds, inwardly wondered if she had misjudged the creature’s intelligence level until the female spoke. Winded breath pressed through her lips, the air seemed to have been knocked from her, as she asked a question that didn’t surprise the Naga in the least. Certain the woman couldn’t move out from under her, Mar crossed over her arms against her bare torso and stared at the woman. In her mind, Mar was determining a possible answer. Memories from her earlier journey surfaced within her head until she finally broke the silence.

“A Naga… from Yarosmere. Now, I repeat… will you calm down? Or should I wait for you pass out first?” Mar once more asked, the Naga’s head tilted a little towards where the wound had been located on the female, a subtle hint at her meaning. She noted the humanoid had avoided answering her earlier question. At this moment, it was important because it would decide on if throwing the Elf was a necessary precaution to consider. Namely, if this female attacked her again even without her blade on hand.

She wasn’t the first creature to attack her in mistake. It seemed a common trait to in for biped ones like this Elf and each time, she had been met with aggression. Very few, unlike the Orc Karnage, hadn’t the foresight not to merely attack on sight then have the common sense to determine if they are intelligent to some degree. She took a closer look at the Elf, had seen only a few become lost in the vast desert on her watch and often forced them away towards the nearest town. Her eyes jerked up to the dull scene tinted in the twilight color though it had just edged to noon. In the background, a loud bell tolled, the only reliable mark for time within the College, and caused her to whip her head into that direction immediately. In the distance a small mass had assembled towards the iron gates. Their old crank faintly clanked and rattled upon being raised to allow the new students flood in, their forms tightly huddled together to disappear behind the stone walls. Again Mar turned back to Auriel when she spoke again.

A bell tolled in the distance….
It reminded Auriel of Eania’s capital. It was normally a mark of time, but Auriel had long since lost track of the time of day, and not long after that she’d stopped caring. A Naga? What was that? She thought. She’d never been as far south as Yarosmere, but she’d never heard of half snake people before, and the capital of Eania had every species in existence. Or so she had thought. She had heard hearsay that the Yarosmerians were barbaric and tribal. She’d never approached one to find out, but they certainly looked intimidating. This snake woman wasn’t even wearing anything though, and her weapon certainly looked barbaric. This strange appearance only convinced Auriel further that the end had come. Now the snake-woman, the Naga, was asking her to calm down. “Why should I calm down… Naga? So you can have an easy kill? Why don’t you just hurry up with it, I don’t have all day.”

Only one alternative remained to her for any chance of escape. One she couldn’t believe she was considering. She didn’t really want to hurt this Naga thing, but if it was her or the snake-woman, Auriel would choose herself. She’d already used her magic once today. It was too late to deny she had it now. Why not use it if it could save her? She tried to gather her strength for a burst of fire, anywhere would do, but it was hard to focus with the fog in her mind and nothing happened..

“If I wanted to kill you, Elf, then I won’t waste my breath talking to you.” Mar answered, unfazed by the female’s use of her race. After all it was what she was and never once had she told the creature her true name. “Besides, all I would’ve had to do is crush you with a little pressure then what I’ve chosen to apply. I merely don’t intend to allow you to kill me. So calm down and I’ll release you or I’ll wait until you pass out, leaving you to die here on your own…”

It was straight and to the point, a painful truth that neither could deny. If left alone, the Elf would’ve likely perished to blood loss. Her body became still while she shifted her lower jaw, realigned the small fangs within the top of her mouth. Her eyes stayed fixed upon the woman and waited for any laxing sign that she was calming, her tail ready to push harder or lighten depending on the reaction.

Seconds passed as Auriels groggy mind processed the words spoken by the Naga. From how she was feeling, it likely wouldn’t be long before the Naga’s prediction about her dying from her wounds would come true. If she wanted to live, and she really did, her only choice was to submit to whatever things this beast might do. With a great effort of will, she commanded her body to relax. She was even more at the mercy of the strange creature now than before. “I… you’re right… I’m not feeling so good.” She managed, still half expecting the Naga to just crush her anyway.

The moment the Elf relaxed for several seconds, Mar’s tail released the pressure. It lifted and pulled back, once more coiled underneath her and away from the female’s body. Again her eyes broke from the eagle spread Elfen to have her head jerk around her surrounding as if expecting some Ravine beast or other vicious creature to appear. She didn’t out of habit, more than actually believed she was in danger, though her reaction might’ve aroused the wounded female’s suspicions. Mar didn’t reply to the obvious remark made instead she asked the status, enabled her to some what gauge if there was need to aid the Elf back to the College.

“Can you walk at all and if so, how far?”

Auriel breathed a sigh of relief as the Naga slithered off her. She really was friendly, or at least not hostile… She still seemed agitated though, casting about as if expecting an ambush. A shrill laugh escaped Auriels lips at the sight, thinking the Naga was looking for her pursuers. “You can stop searching… The people that did this to me couldn’t keep up.” She reached then for her dagger, now able to reach the hilt, and grasped it, feeling its reassuring weight. “Of course I can walk.” She said confidently, starting to push herself up from the ground. She stood straight up, her agility intact even if her grace had fallen away several kilometers back. The moment she stood, though, she realized it had been a poor choice to make as her world spun out of control and she fell straight back to the ground with an exclamation, barely avoiding cutting herself on her dagger. She bit at her lip for the mistake, holding her tongue. Cursing the Naga for her own stupidity would not get her anywhere.

She thought for a moment then. She doubted she could make it to any town on her own, even if she knew where any were. The Naga wasn’t offering any help… She’d have to ask. She pushed herself to a sitting position and looked at the Naga’s face. “I uh… I don’t think I can walk on my own.”

“There’s always other dangers besides the ones you know,” Mar commented, then returned to look at the Elf when she started to move.

The biped was wobbly like a newborn Naga just crawling out her egg and it didn’t take long before she started to fall back down. The long tail lashed out and caught the Elf’s side, careful not to injury her, to cushion the tumble. It wasn’t a surprise. One thing the Naga did find it was to be an unsavory turn of events. If this woman couldn’t make it to the College then likely Mar would have to carry her but her expression remained even and unchanged when the thought crossed her mind. No point in complaining was one thing she knew. She watched the stranger sit upright, the only thing she was able to easily, then state what was already clear.

“There’s a College not far. They might have healers…” Mar started then added. “Since you can’t walk then I’ll have to pull you along. Get up on my tail and try to stay awake.”

Last thing Mar wanted was the Elf dying from blood loss and never waking up again. Carrying a dead body was never a good thing with any species.

Auriel felt the blood drain from her face at the mention of the college. So this was Fates big joke for her, she was going to end up at the college after all. For a moment she considered denying the Naga’s offer and just sitting back to die, but it was a quickly quelled thought. Magic wasn’t so bad that she would die over it, and there was always a chance that she’d be able to leave before they figured out she was a mageblood. She sheathed her dagger, slightly surprised the sheath hadn’t been lost in her mad dash and subsequent tussle with a snake-woman, then began to climb onto the Naga’s tail, putting her arms around the woman's waist. “Definitely one of the stranger ways I’ve traveled…” She said softly.

“It’s not about to become a common occurrence…” was all Mar said then slithered off towards the College.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was the noise she missed the most.

The crunch of snow beneath her feet, the eternal howling of the wind in her ears. Those were familiar, soothing even. Silence, silence was terrifying. Silence was hostile, scary, evil. There was no crunch of snow beneath her feet as she walked, no howling wind in her ears. There was nothing but peace and quiet and terror. To fill the silence she sang. Hummed. Whistled. Did whatever she could to beat back that menacing lack of sound that pounded in her ears, stretching out her nerves till she was ready to scream. Currently she was singing a song under her breath. A, perhaps fittingly, funeral song her tribe sang when a member died. The college was coming closer and closer and she was beginning to here loud(Gods be praised) sounds. Softly, she finished. "And then I'll join you in the Eternal Summer..." The last time the tribe had sang that was when old Gran had died. Not that there's a tribe left. She thought bitterly. Her tribe had torn itself apart, and most of them were dead. The rest she hoped to never see again....No!. She had come here to start a new beginning, not dwell on the old. The past should remained buried and forgotten. If only it would agree with her.

Regardless, the nervousness and slight terror faded as she melded into the crowd, the noise of their chatting washing over her. Even if the world was just a collection of knees and waists. It was better to be surrounded by a horde of chatting voices than to be left alone to her thoughts. As the gate boomed shut and the talking died down, Aramir began to feel nervous and uncomfortable again. If there were many voices, all washing over her, she could almost trick herself into believing that it was similar to the howling of the winds. But one voice, even magnified, wasn't enough to set her at ease. Quietly, she began to sing again, under her breath. It wasn't loud, but those around her certainly picked up on it. Irritated looks were cast her direction and voices hissed 'shut up!' at her. Not wanting to start an argument, Aramir complied. She hoped he'd keep his speech short and too the point. Nervousness and terror began to rise again. There was only this much silence when one was close to death. Perhaps it was just her rising panic, but the speech seemed to take hours. Days. She began breathing quickly through her nose. Please. Whoever you are. End the speech. She begged silently. Finally, finally he ended the speech and asked for any questions.

And no one said anything. Aramir wanted to scream as the silence stretched out. But she couldn't, that would irritate people and irritating people would cause them to be angry and if they were angry they would argue and if they argued they would fight and if they fought they would die and tear themselves apart...

She had to leave. Right. Now!.

She took off towards the front of the crowd,dodging through legs and tails. Suddenly, Aramir broke free of the crowd. Still running, she glanced wildly about for a place to run to. She had to get away. She had to-"Oof!" Aramir crashed down onto the ground, her eyes traveled up the boots, the deer hide breeches and the white tunic to see an Esyire, who she assumed to be the speech giver, given that he was standing in front of the crowd. "I-I can- I-" She stuttered, partly relieved that the damnable silence was being broken by sniggers and laughter and her own voice, and partly embarrassed. So much for making a good impression. She flushed, her blue skin being tinged red from the base of her throat to the top of her head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

"Heave!" Tyrael commanded the men as they pulled the ropes of the college banners. It was all part of the presentation: As Khan would guide the students through the college, Tyrael was to raise banners, activate lights, and generally put on a show for the students. He also had his demons, the synthetic orchestra collectively called the Brahmastra, play music during the entire tour. They kept with a subdued BGM that echoed throughout the college, coming out of acoustic tunnels hidden behind the scenery. They always played loud enough to be heard, but not so loud that they would block out the voice of Khan.

Tyrael began to dole out orders to various men to keep watch and prepare to pull banners, activate lights, open entry ways, and generally make the school seem like it's acting on its own. They had to do this with stealth and precision: A good show meant that no one knew that they were there. A good show meant that no one would be there to complement their efforts, because they were supposed to make the school look like it acted on its own. It was a difficult job, but one that they all had accepted. Tyrael himself needed to prepare to make his own introduction, as much as he'd rather not. It wouldn't be a formal one as much as it was him simply being there. But he couldn't very well just be standing like a log doing nothing in particular. No, he needed to make a first impression. One that would spoke more about him than about his ability. Hesitant as he was, he'd need to do something that characterized him.

Initially he had planned to make a show of him commanding his demons to assist in the preparation of the opening ceremony. But than something came up. An ornery demon, unbound by any master, wanted to play a joke by pouring oil onto students. Tyrael caught wind of this scheme before it could have been hatched and quickly went to go confront the demon. The demon had already obtained a cauldron of oil, bubbling from the heat. The demon planned to pour hot oil onto an unfortunately student, and Tyrael was not about to let this idiotic prank go through. As the demon was about to tip the cauldron over, Tyrael grabbed the cauldron and the demon's head. He placed the cauldron on the ground carefully so that not even a drop spilled. The next thing he did was crush the demon's head in his hand, turning it into a fine dust. The demon's body slunk onto the ground as Tyrael opened a portal to throw the body into. He than ordered another demon to clean the mess as he went to dispose of the oil.

His woes did not come to an end just yet as a hunter came to him and reported and incident. Some of Tyrael's demons had been assigned to help the college obtain meat goods for the opening ceremony, namely by hunting various apex predators in the ravine that were safe for consumption. He wanted to do this as there was an influx of predatory monsters roaming the area, and sought to cull their numbers for the safety of the college. It probably shouldn’t have come to a surprise when his hunters found resistance in the monsters themselves, who were quickly on the counter attack. Tyrael immediately multiple portals in and out of the Inferno until he could see the location of where his hunters were. Determined to ensure that they all returned for the feast, Tyrael summoned one of his Familiars to take command of the situations. The multi-armed demon was summoned at the location of the struggle, quickly turning the tide of battle. ”Send additional hunters to bring back the meats.”

Hoping that issue had been resolved, Tyrael than went to go to the armory. The armory itself was a fairly large building within the college were students may purchase equipment and materials they may need for their excursions, as well as where the guardsmen came for repairs. Tyrael took it upon himself to oversee the construction of thousands of vestments for the new students, as well as ornamental steel daggers for general purpose needs. It wasn’t required for any of them to actually use either, simply a gift for them should they chose to use it. For the most part this operation had no issues aside from the concern of surplus robes and daggers. But if that was the case, he’d hand them off to Lucilia.

The last issue Tyrael had to concern himself was an old friend of his: The serpentine creature known as Mar. Under his recommendation and assistance he had helped her come to the college. For the most part she was able to take care of herself, as she picked up communication and social cues a bit faster than Tyrael had. But at the same time, she was still the same Mar that he’s known for the past few years. Always adaptable, an admirable trait of hers. He wondered where she had gone however, as he had asked her to be present at the opening ceremony since she would be formally incited as a student. Though if he had to guess, she was out hunting since the last time he saw her she was leaving the college with her scythe. Concerned with her situation Tyrael quietly left the college via rampart and sought her out.

It did not take long for Tyrael to find Mar with either a guest or a gift. What appeared to be a wood elf laid on the naga’s tail, presumably alive since it did not leave a heavy blood train behind Mar. Still, it was his concern with whom the Naga had just picked up. ”Guest or gift?” It was supposed to be a joke, but in the even that Mar did indeed bring back a dead or soon-to-be-dead body back for him, the offer still stood. He was more concerned about Mar’s wellbeing, but she should be able to tell simply by looking at Karnage. His arms were crossed to convey a sense of seriousness, but his body was relaxed to show that he was not angry or agitated.
Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth arrived at the gates of the College hours before they actually opened. But even though she arrived early in her mind, there were already others gathered there. Many people, from humans to orcs and things she’s never seen before, were standing and waiting outside the gate. Some spoke to each other, but otherwise it was eerily quiet. Annabeth wondered whom among the ones gathered here would become her friends, as surely she would be well acquainted with some of them if she was to live here. If, that is.

Annabeth took out a letter from her bag. It was carefully preserved but also smelled of carnations. The writer was a woman named Lucilia Riovas, who apparently was an acquaintance of Annabeth’s older brother, Rendar. She worried what had happened to him, as the letter was vague, only eluding to the fact that he was no longer at the college. And the way it referred to her as “The next of kin” was something that she only heard in the wills of the recently deceased. She was hoping for the best, but expected the worse.

Annabeth waited outside the gates for what felt like hours. Though the morning was frosty, the college had the kindness to set up strange stones that radiated heat for the students to gather around, aside from some who stood stoic in the cold or had their own source of warmth. Some names were passed and someone was telling a story, but for the most part Annabeth kept to herself. She simply waited and waited until she heard a bell rang, and the gate open. Everyone stood up at once, and like lambs that all filed into the gates and into the courtyard.

The college was amazing. The walls made it appeared as though it was some sort of fortress, but pass them the college was a sight to behold. Banners flew up into the skies as grand torches lit themselves aflame, illuminating the entire area with a mystical glow that differed from the sunlight that was already rising. Soon an Eysire named Khan Jevarath came out and introduced himself as the Archmage. Annabeth couldn’t believe it herself; she had always imagined the Archmage to be a wizen old human, rather than the draconian Eysire. But she didn’t comment on it, as surely if he was the Archmage, it would be because he earned the title with great magical fortitude.

Soon the Archmage finished his speech and asked for questions. Annabeth didn’t have any on the top of her head and stood silently. It seemed that someone was getting a bit antsy however, and the unfortunate elf ended up running right into the Eysire. Annabeth couldn’t help but smirk at the incident. The elf was turning crimson form the scene that Annabeth pitied her. But she didn’t exactly know how to help her aside from drawing attention to her, and she didn’t exactly like the idea of playing the fool. Still, perhaps she could at least draw some minds away from the unfortunate elf with an honest question. Stepping forward, Annabeth spoke loud and clearly. ”Yes, Archmage, where do we go to if we wish to speak to one of the teachers?” Annabeth wanted to find her brother, and failing that, Lucilia. The gargoyles might lead them around the college, but Annabeth was looking for someone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The gray, flat landscape stretched out before her for miles. The vast gray area began to blur and meld together the longer she flew over it. Aruna adjusted her lengthy tail by letting it drift to the right. She adjusted her center of gravity by tilting to the left. She dropped her altitude by brining her wings in close to her body. She angled herself in a downward spiral with It's center being the only smear of color on the otherwise gray landscape. It's light seemed to illuminate the surrounding area, giving It's light to all near by. Twilight College.
My only chance at freedom
Aruna shook off the thought and continued her decent. She had travelled for many miles by air and her mind and body both were very tired. Her wings were wobbly and she was almost asleep midair. For the last few yards she simply just dropped. When she hit the ground she fell to one knee. Her black leather overcoat flapped shut around her, concealing her body. She was lucky the hood had not come off, so her face was concealed as well. Her wings snapped shut against her back. Though she was tired her mind had been hard wired to always be ready, so when her wings snapped shut her Hand automatically went to her small defensive knife under her armpit.
She wearily looked up and realized that everyone around her was staring. She said in a tired voice.
She stood and released her knife. She followed the crowd in when the doors opened and tiredly took in her surroundings. But her entire body shifted into overdrive when she saw the large red Esyire. Adrenaline pumped through her body and her thoughts suddenly became razor sharp. When he started to speak in an amplified voice and it became apparent that he was running things here, she began to rethink her entire decision to come to the college. He asked for questions, but At that moment an elf ran right into the large red Esyire. While Aruna felt pity for the girl, it provided a small amount of time to make a plan. It came to her just as the elf scuttled away, her face a strange mix of red and blue. She threw back the hood of her lengthy jacket revealing a half Esyire, half human face.
"Can you guarantee you students safety from any dangers, outside... Or inside the College"
She drilled her green eyes into the red esyire, making sure he saw the slitted pupils of her green eyes, and the patches of scales that framed her head and shoulders. If he meant her any harm, she would see it when he saw her. She realized she had probably cut off another students question, she didn't mean to be rude, but the matter of if this place could be trusted came as priority in her mind.
Hopefully it doesn't make me to many enemies on my first day.... That is if I stay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Today, was a new day.
What a stupid cliche. Isn't every day new? No matter, there's no time to debate dumb cliches, or some kind of philosophy! Today was a day of action, excitement! And above all, "New opponents." Alaira Taenn said to herself, quietly as she watched the large crowd of students come in. Today marked her seventh day here, and the day she would finally be allowed to take lessons after a whole week of helping guards and assorted staff with random work. Apparently, since a new wave was expected so soon the Electromancy teacher thought it would be better to wait to teach her since he didn't seem to keen on teaching the same lessons twice. That didn't mean she wasn't fed up with doing dishes... And she almost had a panic attack when she felt the pink-haired one try poking around in her head... and apparently the gargoyles don't like being poked.

She had done little to endear herself to the college staff. She had no talent for chores, but an amazing talent for losing her temper and breaking things. She had just about lost all the money she had replacing the various chairs and pottery that had become the undeserving victims of her frequent hissy fits. While she was loath to admit it, she had that... Lizard to thank for allowing her to stay. He was probably the most reasonable and patient person she knew. She still didn't trust him... She figured that she didn't have any real seniority over these new students, so she picked up her pack (Mostly filled with her armor save the greaves), and headed towards the crowd. These damn Greaves were extremely uncomfortable most of the time, but she couldn't really afford good boots, and tthis armor was all she had of her mother... Anyway, opening ceremony.

She took a moment to study the crowd, and smirked. She was likely the tallest one here, so she had an easy time surveying the crowd. There was a huge variety of people, including a few things she hadn't seen before. Was that some kind of rock creature? Heh, that one might actually pose a challenge! Apparently some winged girl fell out of the sky. Succubus? No, tail was too reptilian... and then she took off her hood. Was she some kind of human/eysire hybrid? How would they even... D-did she hatch? Or... best not to dwell on that. Shaking herself a bit, Khan began his speech. Alright, dinner is soon. Awesome. Would she get first dibs? She had been doing quite a lot of dishes... Anyway, questions? Eh, Alaira didn't have any. But the Half-Eysire did. But wait, some crazy little Snow-Elf had apparently been spooked.

Well, it wasn't really her job, but she should probably help the poor girl out a bit. Her way. She walked towards the front, passing the Half-Eysire on the way. She patted the girl on the shoulder as she passed, looking over her own shoulder as she spoke. "If someone attacks you, hit them 'till they stop. Simple." She said matter-of-factly. She continued, all the way to the front. She reached down (Quite a long distance, the dirl was half her size) and pulled her back onto her feet. Forcefully, but with care not to harm her. "Hey, Calm down. Nothing's gonna hurt ya. And if anything tries, I'll rip 'em in half. Okay?" She said to the girl. While not exactly soothing there wasn't an ounce of hostility or annoyance in her voice. "We should go back to the crowd, Khan's a busy guy." Oddly enough this girl was one of the few she wasn't thinking of beating up. I mean, come on! Where's the honor in kicking the shit out of someone half your size! It wouldn't even be fun. Course, the girl could probably move rocks with her mind or something, so she tried not to underestimate her. Well, off to a fine start, aren't we?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meirin arrived to the college with nothing much but the clothes on her pack and a bag of her equipment. But looking at some of the other students, it seemed like they also did the same. She wondered if she actually ended up with a mercenary band than a mage school. But soon enough the gates opened and everyone filed in. Once inside Meirin noted that there were a lot of strange creatures around. She's seen elves and dwarves before, but she's never seen anyone like the Archmage, and she noted a few other odd characters as well, such as a large rock creature and something swooping downf rom the skies. She had though the creature was another humanoid dragon, and she was right, but not in the way that Meirin excepted. The girl who flew in was humanoid and partly draconic, but unlike the Archmage who looked like a bipedal dragon, she actually looked human, and had some traits of dragons. Meirin wasn't sure what to classify her as. Soon enough her attention was redirected to the trio of girls who began to make their questions. The first one, from a human girl, asked about finding someone in the college. Sensible enough. The second question came from the dragon girl, who wanted to know if they would be protected in the college. Meirin was tempted to answer the question herself, but she knew better than to speak out. It was simply that in her mind, no where is safe. She knew that all too well.

Meirin soon began to nod off, and only managed to stay awake by moving, like shuffling her feet or clenching her hand tightly. She found it easier for her to stay away if she tried to pay attention to things go on around her. She noted that a small elf had done something to make those around her laugh at her plight, but Meirin was not close enough to determine what she did. Another elf came to the smaller one's aid. While the act was honorable enough, Meirin caught words of what the elf said, baring her teeth early on. This made Meirin excited; she loved a good fight. She was confident in her skills in battle, and even in defeat it would have to be hard fought. But Meirin didn't come here to fight, at least that not the main reason. Either way, there was quite a colorful cast here. Meirin was certain that her time here was going to be interesting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ssarak was among the crowd of students waiting outside the gates of the college. Evidently, he had arrived at an opportune time, as the college seemed to be taking in an influx of new students. Growing up, Ssarak had heard of the Twilight College and how some Esyire traveled there for training in the use of their mageblood. Ssarak’s clan, however, lived about as far from the city as possible, and they were mostly isolated to themselves, apart from trade with Felldor. Ssarak, however, had guided himself to this place, so it was a fortunate coincidence that he was arriving now. His entire life thusfar had been dedicated to fighting and killing for clan Dyre, and his obsession with that goal had left him alone and broken, isolated from the world with no hint of a purpose. His time as a mercenary had failed to fill that void in his life, so perhaps here, with magic, he would find some new direction for his existence.

Some of the students around him were talking among themselves, but for the moment at least, Ssarak preferred to be with his own thoughts. He tried his best to fade into the crowd, but unfortunately, pretty much everything about him stood out. He towered over pretty much every non-Esyire around him, and his attire did not exactly match theirs either. Most mages did not choose to wear full plate armor and carry around a battleaxe; he heard a few students speculate that he was a guard or something. Most would not likely expect a giant, two handed warrior to be a psychomancer, especially if they were not familiar with Esyire scale coloration tendencies. Even if they were, most would likely assume he either did not develop his mageblood, or he delved into Noxomancy. Of course, with Ssarak, things were rarely as they seemed.

Just before the gate opened, another Esyire landed next to the group of students, or at least he had assumed it was an Esyire. He paid little mind to her as the gate opened in front of them, revealing the headmaster of the College, who, surprisingly, was also Esyire. Everything he presented in his speech seemed straightforward enough, so Ssarak had little reason to speak up. There were a few students who voiced their questions, among them the Esyire who had landed a few moments ago. Upon further inspection, he realized that she did not seem to be pure Esyire, something he had not known was actually possible. He had never known of any in his clan who mentioned such people existing, and there were a few who had directly denied it. Still, she obviously existed, so it would be quite impossible to deny it at this point. Ssarak found himself somewhat interested to speak to her, though for the moment, Khan’s tour was a more immediate concern. He listened intently, waiting for the answers to the others’ questions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Collaboration between Lucius Cypher and Luna))

Months Lucilia had spent at this dead end part of the world, but her work here was done. The villagers shut themselves inside their homes as Lucilia's carriage rode through the street. On the top held down by ropes was a large, majestic coffin. Whispers in the shadows spoke of what was inside of the coffin. But in truth, that was a mere distraction. Inside the carriage Lucilia had a guest. "Are you feeling thirsty, miss...?"

Colette Filitrault stared at Lucilia confused. "Why do you want to help me all I have done is kill people to survive." she said calmly her maroon color eyes showing hardly any emotion as her arms crossed over her chest.

Lucilia rested her head against her hand as she placed it on the arm rest next to her. "Because... Everyone makes mistakes." Lucilia reached into one of her bags and took out a small notebook. Inside of it was names, some with an small picture. "I remember a time where I was much like you... Scared, alone, and living off of nothing but time and instincts. By all rights, I should have died, just like you. However..." Lucilia opened her book and flipped to one page. On it was a faded image of Colette, but when she was still a little girl. "Life as a way of giving us second chances. A long time ago I used to kill many people much for the same reason you did. And when I was finally captured, it would have made sense to kill me. But instead I was helped. The people who captured me were able to slate my thirst, and they taught me how to control myself." Lucilia placed the booklet next to the other vampire, as on her page was nothing more than her image. "They taught me what I am, and how to deal with it. What happened to you all those years ago... It's not your fault. And you shouldn't be punished for it. What happened all those years after was a tragedy indeed. But killing you wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't bring those people back, and it wouldn't change what you became. Redemption takes more effort than just one or two actions."

Lucilia cleared her voice and handed a pen over to the vampire. "You have to live for redemption if you have any hopes of getting it. Just like I did. So to answer your question more directly, the reason why I want to help you is because I know that you have potential. Potential to help others, to earn redemption, and so much more. All you needed was someone to help you. And I wanted to help you." Lucilia took out another object from her bag, a brooch. On it was a detailed rose emblem. "My name is Lucilia Riovas. I too am a Vampire. But more importantly, I am a professor at the Twilight College. I help other vampires like yourself find a place in the world, and make sure that everyone is given a chance. And I would like to extend this offer to you, miss...?"

"My name is Colette.....Colette Filatrault...former heir to the Filatrault fortune" she said softly as she pondered the words that she had heard and her lips curled into a small smirk as she looked at the image and her eyes dulled looking at it. "I....how can I ever get redemption for what I did...all because I promised a simple maid of our family...." she trailed off into silence as she once again thought about things, all her life up to this point had become so dark and twisted no one could bring light or untangle the webs that had been woven into her head, or so she thought. She looked at the vampire who called herself Lucilia. "Why have such high hope for me.....my parents in their dark twisted minds always said that I had no hope...that I was a blood sucking vampire but still their only daughter....that I was always going to be part of the darkness for the rest of my eternal life..." she trailed off questions forming in her head again and again with not enough answers.

As Colette began to trail off into a depressive state, Lucilia went and sat next to her, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That, Colette, is one of the hardest question anyone looking for forgiveness has tried to answer. No one really knows what it takes to find redemption. But you can't stop because you're scared that you won't find it." Lucilia reached into one of the compartments of the carriage and took out a bottle of juice and a bottle of water for the two of them to drink. As Lucilia poured the two some cups, she continued to speak. "Hope isn't something that is found naturally. Hope doesn't exist on it's own. It's something that we make. Hope is something that everyone, even vampires like us, can create, no matter what our past is or what others say we are. Do not think that others can control your hope anymore than they could control yourself. All they can do is influence it, but in the end your hope is your own. I know you have lived countless years in the dark. The idea that any hope could come now is a scary thought. I know it all too well..." Lucilia slid a drink in front of Colette as Lucilia sipped from her own cup.

"But just as there is darkness, there is light. The two are always side by side, and because of it we all have a chance to atone. What happened in the past will stay there; if you want forgiveness, you cannot achieve it by dwelling on it. You would have to go and find it, work for it, and sometimes you may loose sight of it. But to stop? That would be worse than the very things you've done." Lucilia put down her cup and turned her body towards Colette. "It has been hard on you, hasn't it? All those years without anyone to care for you, knowing that so long as you stayed there you would be alone. But that's why I came for you. It doesn't have to be that way. There is another option, thousands more, and I want to show you that you have a choice. That's what I'm here for. That's what we're all here for. Even if there are those who would pull you into the darkness, there are also those who would save you from it. Do not think that the world is so simple that there can only be one. And while I know it will take some time for you to adjust, I want you to know this at least: Just as there is darkness in you, there is light. There is a goodness in you that you can use, and it can help you fight the darkness, but is can also help balance it as well. There is light inside of you, a capacity to do good, and all you need to do is act on it. Will you be willing to do that?"

She looked at the cup that had been placed with her pale hands before looking out the window of the carriage at the nearly full moon. "Maybe....I am willing to try.....just once....." she said slowly as if unsure on if she should really do this since she had no one for centuries and everyone always tried to kill her, sure her parents cared for her but in their own sick and twisted ways, she knew that was not real caring. She then thought of her promise to the maid and closed her eyes trying to block other painful memories from returning to her, returning to her to the night she made that promise and then took the life of the one who she had promised to. Her eyes opened again and she looked at the other vampire. "I am going to try maybe find hope and find light inside myself." she said with a stronger voice than before as she took a slow drink out of her cup.

Lucilia smiled as she finished her own drink. It would be some time before the two of them would reach the college, but hopefully it would be before the day of opening ceremony. As the two vampires rode in the carriage, Lucilia took the time to explain some things about the college, as well as how Colette would live there, since she was a Vampire and all. "Since the last generation of students have already cleared out, there are many rooms for you to chose from. If you require any specific accommodations, you need not but ask. Also, if you require to state your blood thirst, I'd asked that you see me."

Eventually, after a a few days of travel, they managed to get to the College of Twilight. They arrived just in time for the opening of the college, entering to a rear entrance. Everyone was still bustling and busy trying to prepare for the opening ceremony behind the scenes, with people of all races doing their part. Humans, Elves, Eysires, Vampires, and even demons. Lucilia stepped out the carriage and opened up her large rose-themed parasol to block the sunlight off of her and Colette. "If you will follow me, I'll show you around the college and introduce you to some of our staff members. I'll show you your choices of rooms, and other important features. You have the luxury of having first pick, so don't be shy!"

She nodded looking around at all the races of people she was seeing, it kinda overwhelmed her to the pointed she covered her nose to block out some of the scents drifting into her nose. She walked forward her hair swaying in her ponytails the clicks of her heels could be heard a little under her black ruffled dressed. "So are there any rooms with no windows inside them for me" she asked taking a small gaze upward towards the sun that was shining on the large parasol that was covering her.

The two vampires took a walk around the College. Lucilia pointed out all the teachers and staff members she could find, as well as showed Colette around to areas of importance. The Dinning Hall, Medical Room, Archives, The Archmage's Quarters, Guard Barracks, Armory, Market, all the essentials. She also showed Colette some rooms she may like, such as one Belltower room voided of windows, but also had one of the better views of the sun set and rise (though it was a bit spooky due to the lack of windows making it dark without candles or such). There was also the other inner building dorm rooms that would allow Colette to be near her fellow students and faculties, though it was smaller than the Belltower room and she would be expected to share it with another. Lastly was one that Lucilia was more hesitant to show. It was a room that was connected but a complex underground tunnel system. The room itself was actually once Lucillia's before she took her own teacher's space, but she was hesitant to show it to Colette because, while it was voided of direct sunlight but also had illumination, Colette would have to learn how to navigate the maze that was the college underground, and that the entrance to the Ravine of Demons was just down the hall. Still, it was an option for Colette to chose from.

After the tour Lucilia was bombarded with requests from her fellow staff members to help with the preparation of the opening ceremony. Seeing that she'd be too busy to take care of Colette, their last stop was at the teacher's lounge. "Alright than. I hope you enjoyed the tour. Take your time to explore the college yourself, but please try not to bother the workers. Oh yes, and I'd like you to have these. They will make your stay here much easier." Lucilia put onto the table a brooch, a parasol, and a few vials. "This Brooch lets everyone know that you are a guest of mines. This should make sure that none of the guards bother you, and should you need help, just show this to them and they will do whatever they can for you. As for the parasol, well, I'm sure that you're uncomfortable under the sun too, yes? And lastly..." Lucilia picked up one of the vials. Inside the misty white glass was a deep red liquid. "This is Marrow Draught. It essentially acts as a replacement for drinking blood for vampires. It's not perfect, as it doesn't work on Pure Bloods, but for now if you feel that you need to drink, drink one of these instead. It will be able to state your hunger long enough for you to find me so we can arrange for you to get a proper feeding. Now, before I leave, is there anything else you want to know?"

"Hmmm not really thank you so much." Colette carefully took the broach and put the misty white glass away before turning her back. "I will let you know when I have settled down." She said slowly walking away holding the parasol up as she went into the light of the sun before stopping and sniffed the air before turning towards the dooms and was soon out of Lucilia's sight. She entered the tower Lucilia showed her and chose a fair size room that had a large bed. Before her was a wardrobe sitting near a open door closet and a small desk. She put the broach down on the desk before going to the bed, looking down at it before sitting down to think.

Outside the college's bell rang, signalling the opening ceremony.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He had tried to make it on time. He really did! But, at his leisurely pace(and the nap he had taken about an hour ago) had him within sight of the College just as the gates were shut. "Well...damn." At least he wasn't being slowly roasted alive in his own armor, as some of the hotter days had apparently been set upon. Althalus glanced around the grey plains, more out of habit than anything else. It was always good to know if your environment has changed in the last minute or so when you're planning on killing someone surrounded by people who would be very angry and feeling very violent when said someone dies by assassination. And if the escape route is blocked....well, it isn't pretty, to say the least. Regardless Althalus noted, with some interest, what appeared to be a Naga with a Wood Elf on it's back. Now, finding a Naga outside of Yarosmere was strange enough. Finding one with a Wood Elf riding was past the line of strange and well into the bizarre side of things.

There were two choices before Althalus. He could go climb the walls of the College and likely get stabbed by a guard before he could explain himself(and likely even after cause who would believe that he was a student?), or he could o and find out just exactly what was going on with unusual duo. Althalus grinned behind his mask. Well that's an obvious choice, isn't it? Turning in their direction, " Let's go chat with the Naga and the Forest Elf...and the demon." In the short time he had looked away, the two had been met by what appeared to be a demon. Since no one appeared to be attacking anyone, or at least there wasn't any hostile movements, Althalus could only assume the demon was, at the very least, an indifferent one. One who didn't enjoy nibbling on snake or elf...or human. "This can't go wrong at all. Walking up on a Naga and a demon. Sure. One or the other won't decide I've offended them in some strange way and try to kill me." Still, it was better than trying to clamber into the College with guards who would likely be very irritated by an enterprise like that.

So, whistling a merry tune, Althalus began heading towards the demon, the Naga, and the Wood Elf. Hmph. Sounds like the beginning of joke I heard once.


"Well, at least she hasn't broken anything yet." Uicle observed as Alaira helped Aramir to her feet. The Snow Elf had appeared to have a minor panic attack for a reason that would hopefully be revealed fairly soon. Couldn't have her panicking in the middle of classes, could they? Uicle withdrew from the Golem(a metal bird to be specific) he was using to watch the tour. He probably had dozens of the things flying around, knowledge was power after all, and he used to have more. That is, till they got within Alaira's reach and were smashed. Uicle had deemed to better to just let the souls go back to the Pit rather than try and repair whatever damage the Forest Elf had done. They were the eyes and ears of the College, providing early warning to Uicle and the others(if it was something that required the attention of the others, that is. Uicle was fairly certain that they didn't need to know that the Students were several hours away.) Greg(who is completely made out of metal) gave a little metallic 'woof'. Uicle looked down at him, fondly rubbing his ears and drawing out a slight scratching sound with the hand that wasn't holding the staff. "I suppose you're right."

Before he did, however, he did a quick check of all his Golems located about the College(multipurpose Golems. They could be guards, servants and guides all in one!), out of the way. Just because it was a mage school doesn't mean they weren't prepared. Besides, no need to have the students worried about the mass amount of fire, water, metal, air, shadow and stone golems patrolling the halls and walls with the regular guards. Some quite apparent...others less so. If he had a mouth, Uicle would be smirking. As it was, he simply chuckled and rose from where he had been sitting. Or tried to at least. The chair simply fell apart before he could rise and he fell down onto the ground with a rattle and a thump. "I suppose I was overdue for that curse to kick in, wasn't I?" He grumbled, ignoring Greg and his wolfish, gleaming grin.


Before she could make a bigger fool of herself, attention was drawn a little bit away from her by the half-esyire and questions being asked. Aramir, as she slowly began to calm down from the panic that had gripped her, began to detect music playing. Not loud, but it was enough to ensure that there wouldn't be silence..at least for a little while. As she sat on the ground, slowly regaining her composure, a hand was suddenly reaching down to help her up. Suppressing the yelp that came to her lips as her light frame was essentially rocketed into the sky, she looked up at the Forest elf, craning her neck. "I wasn't afraid of anyone hurting me. It's..." She hesitated. How does one explain that they were terrified and freaked out over silence and quiet? After a few more moments, she decided that now was not the time to go about explaining her terrors. "I'll explain later, I promise." She said, smiling slightly at the other Elf. "My name is Aramir. Thanks for the help." Looking down from the Elf who had helped her(her neck was beginning to hurt!), she moved her eyes over to the one called Khan and then craned her neck again. This is going to be bothersome. She thought wearily. "Sorry for running into I kind of..panicked. Will we be sharing a room with other students, or will we be by ourselves?"

She hoped it was the latter. It would be hard to explain to a roommate why she had to sleep with a candle lit all night, or why she never slept. Especially the latter..that would bring up bad memories and the wounds were still too fresh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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Xydens bulky form slithered across the rough grey ground, flattening the short grey grass as he went. Of all the places he’d seen on the surface so far, this was one of the most unpleasant. He did not know why the land seemed so dead, but it was clear the Surface Dwellers had not been caring for it as they should, as even the beasts seemed scarce. Of all the sensations he could feel though, the most unpleasant was being dry. He couldn’t understand how Surface Dwellers could stand it. On the land he always felt too hot and too heavy. Warmth was nice, but unlike lazing about near the volcanic vents on the ocean floor, the heat was dry, and it seemed to leach his energy.

Xyden was fortunate, however, as his destination had come into view several hours ago. The large stone walls of the ‘Twilight College’ were quite impressive, even from distance. In his opinion the structure almost matched the grandeur of the great Naga city in the deeps, from whence he had come. The walls were reassuringly close now, and it seemed a small crowd was gathering at the gate. Xyden did not know why. He had wanted to ask question along the way, to discover more information about this ‘Twilight College’ from some of the villages that were on his path, but every time he had approached the villagers had run from him in terror or locked their doors. He hadn’t realised how cowardly the legged races were until this journey.

Once he reached the crowd at the gate he had determined that this group of people did not seem to be attacking, rather, waiting for something. Some heads turned when he approached, and there were a few looks of terror at his long, vicious trident, a weapon he carried loosely in his left hand, but for the most part the crowd was focused on the gate. A bell tolled, Xyden finding it strange not to feel the sound as he heard it, and the reason for the people attention was revealed. What appeared, in Xydens eyes, to be a Myrmidon of the legged races appeared and began to speak, his voice quite loud.

Xyden took it all in, noticing the many and varied types of Land Strider, some of which were even winged. One of them, a small blue Land Strider, suddenly charged the speaker from her hiding place in the crowd, running headfirst into him and falling flat as a result. Xydens frills quivered for a moment in both amusement and confusion. These Surface Dwellers were strange beings indeed. He paid careful attention to their questions being asked. Some were quite pertinent, though the only one on his mind was where the nearest water was. He was also unsure if the College would just welcome him with open arms or not, this entire world was foreign to him and he wanted to be sure of where he stood.

Once these Surface dwellers had their questions answered, Xyden would make a point of speaking to the one called Khan about his place here. He didn’t feel comfortable simply yelling his request up with the rest of the questions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Leith Calder

Leith was dead on his feet. When he had left for the College (for the second time), his insomnia had started up again. He was certain that there were bags under his eyes. The buzzing in his head never relented, and had cost him his sleep several times over the past five years. He smiled to himself. It had been five years since he originally started out for the College, and even though he just arrived, he was glad that he made it. There were more people gathered outside the gates than he had been around in a long time. He had asked around about what time the gates would, and when he heard that it would be at noon, he nodded. It'll be a few hours yet, he thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes. He played with the clasp on his cloak.

And blinked.

When he looked back up, everyone was filing through the gates. A small "huh?" left his mouth before he hurried after the group. He was the last one through the gates before they were closed. Someone started speaking, and Leith looked over the crowd to see an Esyire addressing everybody. Leith nodded as he listened. So he's the Headmaster. Good to know. As he slowly made his way towards the middle of the crowd, he noticed someone displaying the oh-so-familiar signs of trying to stay awake. He smiled and made his way over to the red haired girl.

Leith paused for a moment when the Esyire, who called himself Khan, asked if there were any questions. Leith didn't have any questions, so he continued to walk towards the girl. He stood beside her and gave a tired sigh. The buzzing in his head seemed to get louder when he got tired, which kept him awake at night. He took off his hood and looked at her.

"So, how long have you been awake? It's been about three days for me." He smiled at her, and then frowned. "Not exactly the greatest thing to start with, was it? Let me try that again. Hello, my name Is Leith."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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He had noticed the small winged creature that fallen from the sky then bounced head long into what seemed to be similar to an earlier guest, one that also had a serpentine tail and appearance. In contrast to Mar, this one looked more like a fish snake then a Naga so it was possible that it could be a demon. If it was, he would keep an eye on it. Mainly because demons were known for being vicious and ill tempered, at least the weak ones, but seeing it merely quivered in reply and not attacked, Khan relaxed.

Things took off rather quickly as soon after he had felt someone small and light smack into his leg, his eyes glanced down ward to note a young snow elf. She looked terrified and upset by something, her embarrassment had caused a rally of laughter, but he was more concern with her emotional state then her pride. This College was a place where anyone, from Esyire to Snow Elf, human and otherwise could coexist. It is where they could learn to be mages against the harsh reality of the world outside. This reason alone was why some of the staff had remained, even after being students or victims in event unknown, after they no longer needed to be. Before he could up the young one up another voice piped up in hopes to draw away from the little misshape causing the Esyire’s head to look for the speaker, a female from the sounds of it, and made to help her plan.

“Usually in the daytime hours most teachers are in their offices which if you tell the gargoyles who’s you seek, they will promptly guide you there. Just don’t kick one or you’ll likely receive some rather ill temper scowls.”

Another voice rang, female again and this time it was about the safety of the students. He shook his head a bit at the unusual topic at least until his eyes fixed on the owner. It was a female half Esyire and human, one of the few in the College, so the surprise soon faded. Like most half breeds, she was likely met with fear or disgust from both sides. He had seen it a few times. He pondered the right answer to her question while his body made to pick Aramir up, but shortly stopped when the one he least expected had come waltzing up and instead aided the little snow elf upright. Inwardly he was pleased even when Uicle made his comment, namely about her less then tame nature, allowing him to return to the topic.

“Thank you Alaira and please try not to injure your fellow students. If you want to duel, do in the courtyard and have the Rune master give you a healing rune so you both will be able to fight another day. What fun is a fight that only lasts once?” He pointed out to the Wood Elf in a hope to appeal to her common sense, a very faintly used thing but no one was perfect, “And as for your questions about student safety, we at Twilight College don’t care if you’re human, offspring of two races, or something completely unfounded. Merely as long you have no harmful intentions for what you learn here or to other students, you are welcome and safe here. For those who would intend on harming a student, staff or otherwise member of this College then be assured they will not succeed. Most of the teachers are trained masters with skills that have many ranges, not to mention other staff that would be willing to give their lives to ensure the College’s inhabitants’ wellbeing. ”

For the bit about harm Khan’s voice had held a slight cold to his usual cheer, a warning to those who dare attempt such an act in his presence and evidence they will very well suffer. It was a rare tone he used and one very few would’ve heard him make. One that meant business yet afterwards, when his eyes met Aruna’s, she would see them slightly soften towards her. He was a gentle soul after all. Immediately Khan, softly smiling, moved then held his hand out to the nearest Gargoyle, the one he used to display, then spoke.

“I hope that answers your questions. Please escort her to some room in the dormitories in the Manor house. She looks dead on their feet.”

The little stone creature then hopped down and stepped to the two, with a gravely grumble he said one sentence, “Follow me.”

With that done, he turned to other matters when he spotted another human come to help with the newcomers.

“Lidda,” He turned to the small, neon pink haired vitamancy teacher with a yellow streaked bang behind him, then to Uicle after his seat had crumbled right from under him. The ironic part was that it was brand new one that had recently been made to resist such events, “and Uicle, would you be as kind as to select a few students to be in a group for a tour? Once Lucilia arrives then I’ll ask her to help as well, I believe she’s expecting a certain student to arrive as well.”

He started to move a bit and select his group, but the creature of earlier caught his attention. The creature’s head seemed to follow him a bit and getting a distinct feeling he wanted to talk, Khan held a bit off on his duties while Uicle and Lidda did their job.


Her scythe was held out to the side, sharp and at the ready as was her usual position when traveling. Her tail felt the Wood Elf’s unusual weight settled on her tail that whipped across the Twilight landscape at a rather steady clip. Its speed didn’t compete with a steed, but it surprisingly covered a wide distance in a short time. Her eyes naturally closed while her tongue flickered out, scented the air, and then registered Karnage’s familiar scent. It was a mix of sulfur and heavy musk and what separated him from other Orcs and demons alike. Uniqueness she had grown accustomed to over the years which explained why the Naga wasn’t tensed when it had become stronger. Her eyes shifted into his direction to see his body language state firmly his intentions followed by his words then shifted back to the Elf in her possession, partly to see if the female had made or perished along the way. Once the Elf’s unconscious state was determined, her head turned back to answer him.

She didn’t understand the need for this thing, an alias, the name Tyrael, which Karnage has insisted she call him. However she would submit to his whimsical decision, no matter how strange, regardless. Mar answered bluntly in her calm manner. “I found her on the outskirts of the territory and she’s injured, in need of medical attention soon, other than that I do not know. Currently she’s still alive, though I doubt she would be worthwhile material for your craft even if she expires. She’s even too thin for a young Naga to hunt so it’s unlike she would make a good gift. I would like to think I could do much better for my gifts.”

Mar was completely serious with each word she had spoken, from the mention of where she located her to her condition, even the bit about not being suitable material. That was when the sound of a tune being whistled had her head perked up, her brown eyes narrowed and body alert. Her knuckles tightened about her weapon as if to defend herself, possibly her current declared guest, only to hold fast in her position followed by a slight hiss. It was natural reaction yet she managed not to carry it too far. Her eyebrow raised at the newcomer, unfamiliar, and looked at Karnage for his reaction. If the fallen Orc attacked…she would likely follow suit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

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Aruna could feel the stares of people around her as soon as she spoke up about the safety of the students. She could hear the whispers as well.
"Is that a succubus?"
"No, she has scales not fur"
"What else could she be? An Esyire? She's to human."
Just then a large elf passed by her and told her to hot anything that attacked her. She tried to come up with a reply, but the elf was gone to help the other girl who'd run into the Headmaster. She felt a spark of annoyance. Of course she knew to fight back. She was no dimwit. Her tail unvoluntarily began to twist in a way that made the mass of metal and leather clack several times in a row, making a sound not unlike a rattlesnake tail.
When the Headmaster spoke to her she forced it to stop.
The way he passionately talked about the safety of his students surprised her. Usually people reacted differently to someone challenging the safety of something they are in charge of. Usually it is with anger, or pride. But he responded with concern. He really cared. What was even more unprecedented was that when he looked her in the eye, she saw... No... Kindness?
It was enough to puzzle her. Kindness. From an Esyire. To her.
what's his angle?
She tried to puzzle it out, but for the first time in a long time she couldn't find an answer. She stood almost dumbstruck. Then the Headmaster called a gargoyle to show her to her dorm, and suddenly all her exhaustion came rushing back. She was slightly relieved to have some rest, but also worried about special treatment.
"Maybe I should try to find someone to go with me first, sir?"
She needed rest, but she didn't fully trust this place yet, though she had been shown nothing bad so far, and had actually seen many good things, she wanted to play it safe and have at least one person with her.
"Would anyone like to go with me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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Ponders Mordent had arrived at the college one day ago, though time was difficult to tell in this grey land. That was one reason for arriving so much later than he might otherwise have. This land was fascinating to him. He’d first arrived on the edge of the Twilight lands about three months ago and was immediately struck by its strangeness. He had to know everything about it. Why it was different, how exactly it was different, how long it had been like this. He’d stood still for a week just watching when he first saw it, taking in every detail. Then he’d moved to a different location and stood still, repeating the process several times. Eventually he’d decided to roam instead of standing still, and thats when he’d come across the College. Seeing the grand structure had reminded him of why he’d come to this land in the first place, and he’d headed almost straight there. The grey twilight land was interesting, but Geomancy fascinated him much more. That, and after some thought, he’d realised the college probably had a library. He couldn’t resist the pull of so much knowledge concentrated into one place.

At the gates, the guards had assumed he was a golem. Not entirely an unsurprising turn of events, and thankfully he’d already thought about what to do. He told them he was not a golem, and that he wanted to join the college. He was told to wait. Some people came to look at him while he waited, but he was content to wait and observe, his many component pieces gently revolving around his core. Eventually, people had gathered around him and the gate had been opened. No-one had specifically told him he was being considered a student, but when no-one moved to stop him he assumed they believed him.

He watched the behaviours of the various gathered beings, observing the strange creatures among them. When the call for questions came, he simply moved straight towards the college. He had no questions right now, his goal was the library. Maybe after he’d seen that he would ask questions. He moved at a solid stride towards the building and once inside the corridors, touched the first golem he saw. All he said was ‘Library.’ The Gargoyle sprung to life and peered at him suspiciously. “You’re a surly one aren’t ya.” It said. Ponders didn’t really know what to think about the beast. Khan had said some had developed personalities, this was obviously one of them. “Can’t you speak for yourself? Dropped a rock on your tongue?” It said, before some rasping grating noise escaped its unmoving mouth that was evidently its way of laughing.

Ponders simply looked at it. He was formulating a reply to the obstinate creature. It managed to just barely start speaking again before Ponders cut it off. “Will you take me to the library?” He said, his voice soft yet deep. The thing stared at him. He stared at it. Anyone else who arrived at that time would’ve seen a staring match between two statues and probably found the whole thing hilarious. Eventually, the gargoyle relented. “Fine, fine. The library it is. You’re no fun. No fun at all.” Ponders didn’t understand. He simply followed the small stone creature to the Library.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Well, at least she can pull herself together quick enough. Alaira thought, a bit surprised at the Snow Elf's recovery from her prior state of 'gibbering wreck.' Apparently the girl wasn't afraid of any harm befalling her, but she couldn't seem to explain just what had actually spooked her. Probably something to do with all the bastards laughing at her or somesuch. Those kinds of people made her sick. 'oh, let's laugh at the helpless.' In her experience, those were the guys that ran at the first sign of any real danger. And she had to give the little elf some credit, she was handling everything quite well it seemed. The girl introduced herself, and thanked her for helping her. "Hey, don't worry about it. Nothing right about just lettin' ya embarass yourself. And I'm Alaira." The Berzerker said, playfully (and lightly) punching her in the arm.

Alaira heard Khan give his 'Please don't kill anyone' speech (At least, that's how she heard it) again. Oh come on, she hadn't killed anybody! Though, he did have a point. What's the point of fighting the same guy over and over? Still, they probably wouldn't let her stay if she did end someone, and even with her predisposition for bloodshed she certainly wouldn't just murder a random stranger for sport, at least not on purpose. "Yeah, yeah. I got it. Healer first, then fight." She said, almost dismissively as se turned to walk away. Though at least she didn't sound insubordinate. She stopped, however, as she remembered something. "Hey, you need someone to show you around? I know the place just about as well as those damned statues." She said to the Snow-Elf. It was true, her myriad manual labor jobs had made sure of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Just as before, Ssarak paid close attention to what was going on around him. It seemed a Snow Elf had panicked for some unknown reason, but Khan and another individual seemed to handle the situation well enough. According to Khan, the college had strict rules on harming others, which Ssarak felt should be common sense, though he did not admit to being very familiar with the expectations of other cultures. He also explained that healers were present if students wanted to engage in duels, which could certainly be useful for training skills. In his own village, they had healers who would preside over the more dangerous fights, but the relative danger the village was usually in meant that they could not truly afford to take too many risks in practice duels. As well, the gargoyles he described seemed like a useful asset, to the point that he felt he could get away with not following for the entire tour. He was rather eager to find his room, to figure out where his home would be in this place.

Ssarak noticed that the Half-Esyire seemed to want someone to accompany her to the dorms and, after a few moments of thought, Ssarak decided he would take up the request. He too wished to find the dormitories, and he was curious to speak to her. Ssarak walked up to the Half-Esyire, making his movements plain and obvious. As he was heavily armed and armored, he wanted to present himself in as nonthreatening of a manner as possible, so he did not want to take any unexpected actions. He gave a slight, polite bow before responding to her.

"I could accompany you, if it pleases you." Ssarak offered her in a friendly tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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Toxic Diamond

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Aruna saw the Esyire coming from a distance and waited for him to come to her. She noticed that he took special care to be deliberate and nonthreating. She liked that. To show an equal measure of peace she let het usually tense and poised posture relax a bit, but not to much. She also let a grin touch her lips.
"Yes, that would be..."
She searches for the right word.
"Fine. I am Aruna. It is a pleasure to meet you."
She holds out her hand and smiles. He had been so generous with the display of peace, so she decided to start off the introductions and use what little manners she learned from the Mortista estate. The gargoyle snorts impatiently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael walked around the naga a little bit to peek at the wood elf. Still living, and rather small. It could feed maybe two or three of his whelps back at the college, but otherwise Mar had a point: the thing would be useless if was dead. But Tyrael was never one to waste, but since the option to kill the elf obviously wasn't viable he dropped the subject. "The opening ceremony has begun. We should hurry." Tyrael knew that Mar was more than able to carry the wood elf the rest of the way back, but it would be faster for the both of them if he carried the elf instead. As one who once held his entire legion on his back, a mere elf wasn't a heavy burden. And just as the demon put the elf in his arms, a new comer had arrived.

Tyrael had noticed the being before, but he wasn't trying to hide. He smelled human, but the faint smell of mortality hung on the man. Was he a career killer? It didn't really matter to Tyrael. No one at the college would be considered innocent. Merely the damned and the dead. What did matter, however, was what reason this man had to confront him, Mar, and the resting elf. No man of a normal mind would even consider approaching a demon as obvious as Tyrael, and nagas were hardly a very approachable species. Either the man was quiet the weirdo, or he had an ulterior motive. But than again, who doesn't?

"Hello. You approach Tyrael Marchosias. Are you lost?" As the man drew nearer his stench grew stronger, as well as his appearance. The man was obviously a fighter of some sort, decked in dark armor with a large dagger sitting on his waist. But Tyrael can smell the other blades hidden on his person, at least three more or so. This man must have been quite a skilled fighter, and a dirty one at that. It did, in a way, concern Tyrael, but mostly because he had Mar to take into consideration, as well as the wood elf he carried in his arms.

Lucilia Riovas

"You needn't worry about me, Archmage." A swarm of bats swooped down from the skies. Thousands upon thousands of crimson bats swarmed into a location, before gathering into one egg-shape orb. When it seemed like the entire swarm had gathered into place, they dispersed, first revealing the top of a parasol. Than when that moved up, it revealed Lucilia. She wasted no time introducing herself. "Greetings, students. I am Lucilia Riovas, Master Alchemist as well as Herbamancy Professor. And for those curious about my display, I am indeed a vampire." She smiled quietly as she let that last fact sink into some students. Most didn't show any reactions, though from the whispers there was concern. She knew this, and it made her smile knowing that some still feared vampires as though they were children scared of the monsters under their beds. "If you will follow me, our first stop will be the alchemical gardens. Do be careful and do not touch anything. While many of the plants are harmless in their natural state, the more volatile ones blend in like a snake hidden under a rose." As soon as she appeared, Lucilia was already making her way towards the gardens, with a small crowd of students behind her.

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth took note of what Khan had told her. "Alright, just talk to a gargoyle during the day, shouldn't-" And just than, she arrived. Bats flew in from the skies and converged onto a point, and from that point came a woman with white hair and deep red eyes. Annabeth was awestruck, but came to her senses when she called herself Lucilia. She was the one that Annabeth was looking for. She nearly blurted out for the vampire before Lucilia made her introduction, as as quickly as she arrived, she left to lead a tour of students. Annabeth was half-tempted to simply follow her and try to prod her with questions, but she managed to stay still long enough to realize this was not the time. Lucilia had to led these students on a tour, and she probably didn't have time to help Annabeth resolve her family problems right now. As much as she didn't like it, Annabeth would need to wait for the right time.

In the meantime, there was other things Annabeth could do. Going on a tour was one thing, but who should she go with? It would be too tempting to bombard Lucilia with questions if she went with her. The other option was the pink-haired woman, and the rather macabre looking man. If memory served correctly, they were called Lidda and Uicle respectively. Curiosity got the better of Annabeth, and she decided to group with the one known as Uicle. She was curios as to what he did here. No doubt he was a necromancer of some sort, and while she didn't really like the undead, she admittedly had a one-sided view on them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Meirin was having the hardest time staying awake. Short of doing a small jig, all this waiting and talking was not only a bore, but making her sleepy. As she rubbed her eyes to stay awake, she noticed a shadow on the roof. She didn't really pay much attention at first, but than it swooped down. It was some sort of gigantic beast, growing larger and larger by the moment. "Is... Is anyone else seeing this?!" Merin's eyes grew wide as the creature grew so large that the tower could barely hold onto it. It was no surprise that the creature soon crushed the tower underneath it's weight, so suddenly and violently that it caused a sizable explosion. Meirin was knocked to the ground and buried underneath rubble. She blacked out as soon as she hit the ground.

By the time she opened her eyes, the dust had settled, but the scene was horrific. People dead and dying all around her. Buried underneath rocks, or tore apart and spread about like garbage. Some were trying in vain to help the injured, but dark monsters emerged form the shadows, tearing them apart before retreating back into the darkness and leaving behind the mess they made. Meirin looked for her bag and when she found it, she took out a pair of swords. She didn't know what was attacking them, but she wasn't about to go down. She heard the sound of blades clashing as she saw Khan, the Archmage, fighting off a group of the dark monsters. Meirin ran over to help, stabbing her blade into the back of one beast before proceeding to do the same to another. But it had no affect; the monster would cry in pain, but death did not come to them. Even when the draconian would hew one in half, it simply made a blood curdling cry before reattaching itself and continuing it's assault. It got to the point where even the Archmage was getting overwhelmed, and was soon swallowed up in a sea of darkness. "Archmage!" Meirin cut her way through the dark monsters, but when she reached the Archmage who she found was her own body, missing much of her own flesh and already in the process of rotting to death. "What!?" As Meirin tried to comprehend what was happening, she woke up.

The red haired girl opened her eyes when someone came to speak to her. For the longest moment she spaced out before her body trembled and she regained her composure. She had fallen asleep for just a short moment and had a surreal dream. Or was it just a nightmare? Not her worse, but it still was uncomfortable. But once she took some time to compose herself, Meirin shook off the nightmare and resumed her sunny-if-slightly-sleepy disposition. She didn't catch anything the person said aside from his name, and Meirin pretended that she listened to him the entire time. "My name is Meirin Kurenai. But you may call me Mei. I... I guess we're students here now, huh?" Now that she had something active to focus on, Mei's mind tried to work out something to converse about. She than asked the first thing that came to mind. "So, what sort of magic can you do?"
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