Had to get a new keyboard for my laptop, I will be getting to all my rps hopefully soon
8 yrs ago
My rolepaying will be slowing down again due to the fact my alot of my laptop keys don't work right now. Sorry for the inconvenience
Luna's Profile (Under construction)
Hello! My name is Luna, most who are from the old guild know me as Luna Ren from the guild before the Guildfall. I am still sad about it. I haven't found all the people I did one on one roleplays with, but with this new site, I can create new roleplayers and memories with new people I haven't rp'ed before. I have been a roleplayer for as long as I can remember. I mostly did LARP or tabletop rps, but in the year of 2013, I was introduced to an amazing site called Roleplayer Guild and I have gone so much since then. I have slowly worked my way up from pure one-liners and slowly am working my way into Advanced rping
Posting Schedule
Every other Monday and Friday will be days I will focus purely on thread rps that group. I sometimes will work on them if I have a late shift like 12-10 sort of shifts.
Every other weekend I will focus on one on one rps, both PM and thread up. I will be random whether I will answer both areas or focus on just one. Depends on if my RP partners are online and if I am bored.
Amazing People These people made a serious impact in my life and my roleplaying life. I am honored that I ever had the chance to meet you ad role play with
@Demonic Angel-You are the light of my life. I love you so much and I didn't know what I would have done if we have never talked that first time in Skype. You make me feel special and make me smile so much, as well as blush, You are still evil for that lol just kidding @Wintersunshine-This person is an amazing roleplayer and I love the rps that we do @Vesuvius00-You are one of my best friend I have ever met. I would trade you for anyone else. Love you Vessy! @Lucius Cypher-You are one of the best roleplayers I have ever had the chance to meet before the guildfall. You taught me so much and helped me get over so much stuff @MegaraFoxfire-You are one of the first people I got to roleplay on this site and I am glad you have continued to roleplay with me even after my disappearances multiple times over the year. I hope we continue to roleplay together @Fallenreaper-You by far the most amazing GM and roleplayer I have ever got the chance to know. You taught me so much about roleplaying and I am glad you were so patient whenever I vanished for so long from every rp we have ever been in. You are like a big sister to me and I hope we always keep in touch @Cyndyr-You by far are one of the most understanding roleplayers I have ever come across and that means a lot to me. I hope we can continue roleplaying @SilverRoseRosey Posey You are the most amazing best friend I can ever have in my life and I honestly would have become lost if I ever stopped talking to you or we stopped being friends. I love you so much for being here with me and I wouldn't trade you for anything
Colette hummed and sat down at her seat, getting her stuff ready for the day. She would have gone home for winter break but her dad and her step mother was currently on their late honeymoon, but Colette didn't mind. She was happy that her dad was now happy.
It was still strange to be with her dad since she spent so many years without him, though that was out of their control. She still shivered in fear at the thought of what was once her home, the home she forced into where everyibg went downhill in her life. Years, centuries of pure torment and suffering was all she could remember of that place, of that man and woman who pretended to be her parents while her real father suffered trying to find the people that attacked their home, murdered her mother and took her and her sister away from their only living relative.
Snapping out of her memories, she straightened herself out and took out her calligraphy pen and a simple blue ink to dip it in.
Colette Filiatrsukt, a sophmorebay the academy, stretched as she woke up from her sleep, her chaos magic opening up some of her curtains. The vampire yawned, her small fangs peeking out of her mouth. She sat up and looked at her clock. Classes for her wouidbt be starting for another three hours but it took her a long time To getbreadh.
Colette was known around campus to be a person who loved to cosplay a lot. Sometimes it was rare for her to wear regular clothes to classes. Colette went though her closest and hummed as she looked through it.
"Hmmm perhaps I should wear something simple today" She commented as she closed her closet and went to her dress or that was also her vanity. She pulled out a very cute outfit and began to get ready for her classes. When she finally was ready an hour and a half later, she took some time to get out some of her blood candy our so she didn't have to worry about her blood lust acting up. It's bad enough she had to worry about her chaos magic acting up. She didn't need her blood lust to do so either.
"I just have a gut feeling that I should wonder about her. If I do and she because a victim as well, I can perhaps protect her and maybe even find the other girls if they are still alive" she went back to the computer and frowned. "Another missing girl was found dead in a ditch" she showed the new article to him.
"I have a debt to pay for breaking a vase" She said
"You might feel that way for a while," Hatori said walking in. He was once again doing his check up on her. H ewas holding a cup of warm tea. "You might want to drink this, it will help with the headache"
"I'm the kind of person that when my feet hit the floor each morning the Devil says "Oh crap, she' up""
B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N Name: Luna Ren Alias: Luna Moon Age: Looks to be 17 but is around 580 years old Gender: Female
Type: Dark Wolf Elemental Demon Elemental Affinity: Dark Powers/Abilities:
❥Cross Bow-Her crossbow is her signature weapon. She can use her dark magic to summon the bow. This technique was taught to her when she reached her second tail She currently has her fourth tail. The bottle is enchanted with two spells hat another which gave her during the war. One of the spells is that it never misses her target. The other well *evil chuckle* is a secret.
❥Shadow Fusing-Shadowing fusing is a technique she learned after she gained her third tail. This allows her to fuse with the shadows anywhere. This makes her extremely hard to detect unless you can sense out her aura or her trailing scent. ❥Transformation-This is her strongest ability yet. This is gained in her third tail. This allows her to change into that of a giant wolf, though she can control the size of this form. Her demon instincts and her mind mix together so she isn't just a killer beast in this form.
❥Quick Speed-Demons are naturally fast, it's an ability called Quick speed.
❥Shadow Whip-This is an ability she first learned after getting her first tail. She forms a whip on the tip of her fingers. This ability gets more powerful with each tail she gets. The length can get up to 50 ft.
P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E Aura color: Crimson Red
Height: Ranges from 5-11 ft tall Weight: Ranges from 80 lbs-2 tons Eye Color: Blood Red Fur Color: Black Other: Her wolf form had a single dark purple stripe going down the middle of her back that spreads out to down the middle of each of her tails. There was some strands of purple that form swirls
Height: 5’7” Weight: 120 lbs Eye Color: Crimson Red Hair Color: Black Other: She has many scars that came from an extremely abusive relationship and on her stomach is a raven tattoo.
P S Y C H O L O G Y Personality:
❥Challenging-Luna is definitely a person to test her physical and mental abilities, regardless what emotional state she is in. This is her redeeming trait due to this helping her get over what happened between her and her ex-boyfriend Akio.
❥Prankster-Luna is a bit of a prankster. Luna is the type of person to prank people she is very close too. It just means she likes you.
❥Blunt-Luna is extremely blunt about many things, don’t matter the topic and could find it amusing to embarrass people by being blunt about certain topics.
❥Cautious- Thanks to Akio, she is extremely cautious about many things and this causes her to push people she loves the most away from her, afraid of them finding out stuff she keeps to herself. This trait of hers can even cause her to become lonely, sometimes paranoid.
❥Difficult-Luna can be very difficult to deal with unless you truly know her, but if you are a stranger to her, good luck trying to understand her way of thinking and her actions.
❥Hostile-Luna can be a very angry person, and sometimes her anger leads to her becoming hostile to certain things or even people. Another reason she can be hostile is if a loved one is being hurt and she feels helpless to help them. Like when her sister was terminally ill most of her life.
❥Pranking-She loves to prank people. Her most favorite targets are Rosetta Taki and Keri James Fear.
❥Causing Mischief-She finds a normal, quiet day boring, especially if she had been drinking her favorite wine coolers, so she does everything she can to cause as much havoc as she can, much to her older cousin, Hiji's, dismay.
❥Wine Coolers-She absolutely loves wine coolers. They are her most favorite drink of all time. Unless forced to drink something else, she could keep drinking them all day.
❥Doodling-If she is forced to sit through something, you will find her using a pen or pencil doodling random stuff on whatever she can.
❥Singing-She finds singing as a way to escape reality or whenever she feels overwhelmed with events going in her life.
❥Pain-Due to what happened to her, she has grown to hate pain. Pain gives her so much anxiety that she will panic and cry.
❥Being lied to-Like Colette, she hates being lied too. It gives her the feeling like she is not trusted and that gets her to the point of being so mad, she would say stuff that she will regret later once she calmed down.
❥Being told what to the do-Oh boy, if she thinks she hates being lied too, she absolutely hates being told what to do and will go out of her way to disobey just out of spite of being told what to do.
❥Religion-Even though she is she a gold heir, she still hates the idea of religion and always gets on her cousin, Rosetta’s, case about it after her rituals.
Fear: ❥Her greatest fear is that she will end up broken and alone in the world. She always fears that Akio will come back and end her for good Greatest Hope: ❥Her greatest hope is that one day she will do her deceased parents proud and be the best alpha leader of their clan. Habits: ❥When she is lying, she will not look in your general direction. If she is really lying, she will even just walk away as fast as she can to get away Hobbies: ❥She loves to ride her motorcycle. It gives her time to think and clear her mind. She also loves the feeling of the wind in her hair.
H I S T O R Y ❥When Luna was born, times were somewhat chaotic. The tension between the races was thick in the air. It didn't help that the Ren Alpha, Yamiyo, her grandfather was heavily criticized for allowing his son, Akito Ren, to mate and marry a half dark elemental wolf princess of another clan. Half-demons back then were weaker to other demons. When Luna and her twin sister was born, demons were in greater outrage. Even though Luna and Kokoro were 3/4 demons, they still had human blood thanks to Miho Ren being half demon.
When Luna got older, she hated how the demon children of other clans treated her and she set to change their minds about her. One day while she was training with the other children and her father, Luna managed to knock her father to the ground using her new whip she had learned. This shocked everything around. Luna simply glared at the demons and said her infamous words. “Just because I’m not completely demon, doesn't make me weak. You better learn your place. Our clan is above yours in every way” her words spark serious change among the demon race, especially the Elemental Wolf Demon clans. After that day Luna was named the heir to the Ren Clan.
For 5 years, the world remained the same. Tensions were still thick, if not thicker than around the time she was born. Luna and her sister continued to train, though it was noted that Luna was the strongest of the two, even though she was the youngest. Luna was around 64 in human years when her brothers, Yomi and Tyrain were born, by then she had already gained her second tail, which was shocking amongst the Elemental Clan heirs, since most, if not all the heirs, still had one tail. It was obvious that Luna was going to be very powerful in the future.
After two decades of Yomi and Tyrian's birth, Luna began to get dreams. Dreams of a woman she never met before and a woman she fell in love with. Luna began to keep a journal of her dreams. One day, Akito decided to take Luna out to teach her how to patrol the lands properly. This normally lasted three to four days thanks to the vast land they owned. During a rainstorm, Luna lost track of her father and stumbled on a village where she met the very girl she had been dreaming about.
Luna stayed with the village for about a week, staying close to who she learned was Alessia Whiterun. The two ended up mating, which was strongly disliked by the village and Luna was chased out of the village, forcing her to leave her mate behind. Luna felt crushed, but a few hours after that Akito and Yomi found Luna and brought her back.
For centuries, she continued to live her life the best she could, though her mind never stopped thinking of her mate. She never knew that she had continuously met her mate over and over throughout the many lives Alessia lived.
O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [hr.] Other: ❥She typically wears dark clothing, sometimes will add white to a bright color alongside red. ❥She loves to take photos of her life, except for the time she was being abused. ❥She isn’t much for makeup but she will sometimes wear eyeshadow if she feels up to it.
Accension Status-Dropped out Reason-Lack of time Type-Casual
"In order for Light to shine so brightly, the Darkness must be present."
Name: Minko Vanguard
Age: 16
Species: Descended
Blood%: Nayu- 80% Dragon- 20%
Gender: Female
Sex Preference: Bi
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 150lb
Physical appearance: To most, her appearance is like that of a living doll. Pale white skin without a single blemish or scar, her eyes almost seeming like they were painted on her face. Her inky black hair surrounds her sharp face, going all the way down to her slim waist. Her doll-like appearance proves that everything shouldn't be judged by first glances. Her scales are in a shape of a diamond that is on her left hip extending towards the middle of her back.
Minko is a huge lover of sweets. Whenever she would be in a bad mood or sulking about not having quote/unquote “The last laugh” on a mission, her brother and sister would always give her a slice of her favorite cake, pie or a piece of candy they would have hidden away.
Besides her love for sweets, nothing could take the place of her siblings. She would go to the moon in the back if it means to protect her precious siblings. There was a handful of times where she literally took stabs in the back to protect the two from oncoming attacks. She lost count of how many times she nearly lost her life, but every time she was asked if she regretted it, her answer would always be “No, I cannot regret these injuries. These injuries prove to anyone I will do anything to ensure their safety”
Minko can be stubborn in a lot of cases, like refusing to let her siblings help her escape the village. She even went to tranquilizing her sister Prometheus kissing her goodbye and saying that she loved her before putting her in a transporting vehicle that takes her to the capital
She can be calm until she is pushed to an extent where she is yelling, but that is rare unless you are her brother and does and says anything that gets her yelling and pissed off.
She can be loving and affectionate to people she knows and cares for, being lovers or her siblings [her parents, she feels indifferent too because she felt invisible to them
Faction: Dolofon (hopeful)
Exp: Before the age of six, she was mostly taught and trained by her parents, but after... everything, she decided to train herself in many forms of fighting. She became an assassin because of her training.
She read books in braille and taught herself the “Silent Image” spell and completely mastered it while she was separated from her siblings. She was able to imagine what things looked like from their descriptions in the books and thus can create the images with the spell.
In a life where the blind sees nothing but darkness with few shadows here and there appearing, Minko used her blindness plus some parts of what her “Silent image” spell can do to learn her second spell “Darkness” where she forms whatever shapes she sees in the rare shadows that have appeared in her life.
Spells: Silent Image- This spell allows Minko to create an image of an object, creature or some other invisible phenomenon that is of medium size. It is not accompanied by the other three sensory effects. She can hold this for as long as she needs without burning up any energy.
Darkness- She can use her shadow manipulation to summon shadows of darkness and manipulate them to form things that can help her in situations. This spell is still not completely mastered and will burn up energy fast.
Shadow manipulation
Sound manipulation
Hemotoxic venom fangs
Poison resistance
Blood consumption
Night vision
Dragon tail and wings
She is blind unless able to pass the trial of the King in-game.
Bright lights will damage her eyes.
She must feed on blood every 2 days.
Her hearing is more susceptible to being damaged by loud noises.
History: Minko was a loner in the village, speaking only to her siblings and the people she took jobs from as an assassin. She never really talked to her parents after they stopped training her, not that she minded. She always felt she was not as important to them as the other two since she was a surprise birth after all. As ink grew older, she became more engulfed in her work and training. This had unforeseen consequences,
Before they were forced to run from their home, she and her brother Rhagar would get into vicious arguments that often caused her to leave home even often than before, which turned into more fights. Though it saddened Minko that her brother was always fighting with her, she wasn't about to repent either. The night of the attack, she and Rhagar were once again fighting when her sister’s insane side nearly injured him when they heard the sounds of angry village people coming towards their home. Minko forced her siblings to leave the house through the back of a secret trail they only knew about. Minko stayed behind and ended up taking the brunt of the attack only to be saved from her brother who she ran with for a short distance before she realized where her sister was. Going back, she knocked her sister out and sent her away. Minko was nearly hung until she was saved from a masked figure.
For a year she didn't see her siblings, recovering from the attack and training her skills more, she finally decided to leave the couple who cared for her in search of her two siblings, promising to visit twice a year.
[center]Luna's Profile (Under construction)[/center]
[color=#A569BD][indent]Hello! My name is Luna, most who are from the old guild know me as Luna Ren from the guild before the Guildfall. I am still sad about it. I haven't found all the people I did one on one roleplays with, but with this new site, I can create new roleplayers and memories with new people I haven't rp'ed before. I have been a roleplayer for as long as I can remember. I mostly did LARP or tabletop rps, but in the year of 2013, I was introduced to an amazing site called Roleplayer Guild and I have gone so much since then. I have slowly worked my way up from pure one-liners and slowly am working my way into Advanced rping[/indent][/color]
[center][color=#A569BD]Posting Schedule[/color][/center]
Every other Monday and Friday will be days I will focus purely on thread rps that group. I sometimes will work on them if I have a late shift like 12-10 sort of shifts.
Every other weekend I will focus on one on one rps, both PM and thread up. I will be random whether I will answer both areas or focus on just one. Depends on if my RP partners are online and if I am bored.
[center]Basic Info About Me[/center]
[b]Username~ Luna[/b]
[color=#A569BD][b]Age~ 2-[/b][/color]
[hider=Apperance][img]http://i.imgur.com/sA4kKAd.png[/img] Realistic as possible[/hider]
[b]Zodiac~ Gemini[/b]
[color=#A569BD][b]Location~ USA[/b][/color]
[center][color=#A569BD]Active Roleplayers[/color][/center]
[b]Advance Roleplays[/b]
[b]Casual Roleplays[/b]
[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/727-blood-act-i-ghosts-of-the-past/ooc][color=#A569BD]Blood Act: Ghosts of the Past[/color][/url]
[b]One on One[/b]
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/167536-love-in-the-strangest-of-places/ooc][color=#A569BD]Love in the Strangest Places[/color][/url]
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89878-new-country-new-school-new-mystery/ooc][color=white]New Country New Mystery[/color][/url]
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8106-black-butler-curse-of-the-zodiac/ooc][color=#A569BD]Black Butler: Curse of the Zodiac[/color][/url]
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/136910-the-places-we-will-go-cyndyr-luna/ooc][color=white]The Places We Go[/color][/url]
[b]Amazing People[/b]
[color=#A569BD]These people made a serious impact in my life and my roleplaying life. I am honored that I ever had the chance to meet you ad role play with[/color]
[color=white][@Demonic Angel]-You are the light of my life. I love you so much and I didn't know what I would have done if we have never talked that first time in Skype. You make me feel special and make me smile so much, as well as blush, You are still evil for that lol just kidding[/color]
[color=#A569BD][@Wintersunshine]-This person is an amazing roleplayer and I love the rps that we do[/color]
[color=white][@Vesuvius00]-You are one of my best friend I have ever met. I would trade you for anyone else. Love you Vessy![/color]
[color=#A569BD][@Lucius Cypher]-You are one of the best roleplayers I have ever had the chance to meet before the guildfall. You taught me so much and helped me get over so much stuff[/color]
[color=white][@MegaraFoxfire]-You are one of the first people I got to roleplay on this site and I am glad you have continued to roleplay with me even after my disappearances multiple times over the year. I hope we continue to roleplay together[/color]
[color=#A569BD][@Fallenreaper]-You by far the most amazing GM and roleplayer I have ever got the chance to know. You taught me so much about roleplaying and I am glad you were so patient whenever I vanished for so long from every rp we have ever been in. You are like a big sister to me and I hope we always keep in touch[/color]
[color=white][@Cyndyr]-You by far are one of the most understanding roleplayers I have ever come across and that means a lot to me. I hope we can continue roleplaying[/color]
[color=#A569BD][@SilverRose]Rosey Posey You are the most amazing best friend I can ever have in my life and I honestly would have become lost if I ever stopped talking to you or we stopped being friends. I love you so much for being here with me and I wouldn't trade you for anything[/color]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center">Luna's Profile (Under construction)</div><br><br><font color="#a569bd"><div class="bb-indent">Hello! My name is Luna, most who are from the old guild know me as Luna Ren from the guild before the Guildfall. I am still sad about it. I haven't found all the people I did one on one roleplays with, but with this new site, I can create new roleplayers and memories with new people I haven't rp'ed before. I have been a roleplayer for as long as I can remember. I mostly did LARP or tabletop rps, but in the year of 2013, I was introduced to an amazing site called Roleplayer Guild and I have gone so much since then. I have slowly worked my way up from pure one-liners and slowly am working my way into Advanced rping</div></font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PhDppXn8z18/T5TD0rRxL0I/AAAAAAAAGr0/r4-wdpucNis/s1600/BARRINHAS+DIVISORIAS+%252825%2529.gif" /></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#a569bd">Posting Schedule</font></div><br>Every other Monday and Friday will be days I will focus purely on thread rps that group. I sometimes will work on them if I have a late shift like 12-10 sort of shifts. <br><br>Every other weekend I will focus on one on one rps, both PM and thread up. I will be random whether I will answer both areas or focus on just one. Depends on if my RP partners are online and if I am bored.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PhDppXn8z18/T5TD0rRxL0I/AAAAAAAAGr0/r4-wdpucNis/s1600/BARRINHAS+DIVISORIAS+%252825%2529.gif" /></div><br><br><div class="bb-center">Basic Info About Me</div><br><br><span class="bb-b">Username~ Luna</span><br><font color="#a569bd"><span class="bb-b">Age~ 2-</span></font><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Apperance">Apperance [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/sA4kKAd.png" /> Realistic as possible</div></div><br><span class="bb-b">Zodiac~ Gemini</span><br><font color="#a569bd"><span class="bb-b">Location~ USA</span></font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PhDppXn8z18/T5TD0rRxL0I/AAAAAAAAGr0/r4-wdpucNis/s1600/BARRINHAS+DIVISORIAS+%252825%2529.gif" /></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#a569bd">Active Roleplayers</font></div><br><br><span class="bb-b">Advance Roleplays</span><br><br><span class="bb-b">Casual Roleplays</span><br><br><a href="http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/727-blood-act-i-ghosts-of-the-past/ooc"><font color="#a569bd">Blood Act: Ghosts of the Past</font></a><br><br><span class="bb-b">One on One</span><br><br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/167536-love-in-the-strangest-of-places/ooc"><font color="#a569bd">Love in the Strangest Places</font></a><br><br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89878-new-country-new-school-new-mystery/ooc"><font color="white">New Country New Mystery</font></a><br><br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8106-black-butler-curse-of-the-zodiac/ooc"><font color="#a569bd">Black Butler: Curse of the Zodiac</font></a><br><br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/136910-the-places-we-will-go-cyndyr-luna/ooc"><font color="white">The Places We Go</font></a><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PhDppXn8z18/T5TD0rRxL0I/AAAAAAAAGr0/r4-wdpucNis/s1600/BARRINHAS+DIVISORIAS+%252825%2529.gif" /></div><br><br><span class="bb-b">Amazing People</span><br><font color="#a569bd">These people made a serious impact in my life and my roleplaying life. I am honored that I ever had the chance to meet you ad role play with</font><br><br><font color="white"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/demonic-angel">@Demonic Angel</a>-You are the light of my life. I love you so much and I didn't know what I would have done if we have never talked that first time in Skype. You make me feel special and make me smile so much, as well as blush, You are still evil for that lol just kidding</font><br><font color="#a569bd"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/wintersunshine">@Wintersunshine</a>-This person is an amazing roleplayer and I love the rps that we do</font><br><font color="white"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/vesuvius00">@Vesuvius00</a>-You are one of my best friend I have ever met. I would trade you for anyone else. Love you Vessy!</font><br><font color="#a569bd"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/lucius-cypher">@Lucius Cypher</a>-You are one of the best roleplayers I have ever had the chance to meet before the guildfall. You taught me so much and helped me get over so much stuff</font><br><font color="white"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/megarafoxfire">@MegaraFoxfire</a>-You are one of the first people I got to roleplay on this site and I am glad you have continued to roleplay with me even after my disappearances multiple times over the year. I hope we continue to roleplay together</font><br><font color="#a569bd"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/fallenreaper">@Fallenreaper</a>-You by far the most amazing GM and roleplayer I have ever got the chance to know. You taught me so much about roleplaying and I am glad you were so patient whenever I vanished for so long from every rp we have ever been in. You are like a big sister to me and I hope we always keep in touch</font><br><font color="white"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/cyndyr">@Cyndyr</a>-You by far are one of the most understanding roleplayers I have ever come across and that means a lot to me. I hope we can continue roleplaying</font><br><font color="#a569bd"><a class="bb-mention" href="/users/silverrose">@SilverRose</a>Rosey Posey You are the most amazing best friend I can ever have in my life and I honestly would have become lost if I ever stopped talking to you or we stopped being friends. I love you so much for being here with me and I wouldn't trade you for anything</font> <br></div>