[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional. People will call you by your full name all the time if that’s what you want. You’re a God, dude.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, followed by their actual age rounded to the nearest 100 years.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Self Explanatory))
[color=???] Level: [/color] ((Where do you fall in terms of strength/relevance when compared to other gods? High, medium, or low?))
[color=???] Domain: [/color] ((So, what are you actually the god of?))
[color=???] Powers: [/color] (The one or two powers you may or may not have, explained as thoroughly as you want to explain it.))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?))
[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional. People will call you by your full name all the time if that’s what you want. You’re an Angel, dude.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, followed by their actual age rounded to the nearest 100 years.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Male or Female))
[color=???] Rank: [/color] ((Seraphim, guardian, guide, etc.))
[color=???] Symbol: [/color] ((Your Angel’s personal symbol))
[color=???] Power: [/color] ((The one power your Angel has that is unique to them. Describe in as much detail as you need.))
[color=???] Archangel: [/color] ((The one in charge of all the Angels of your rank.))
[color=???] Archangel’s Symbol Weapon: [/color] ((The most common weapon that you turn your Archangel’s symbol into once you summon it.))
[color=???] Elder: [/color] ((The Elder your Angel looks to for Guidance.))
[color=???] Team Members: [/color] ((If they’re on a team, name the others!))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Aura color: [/color] ((Optional, not every Angel has one. The color is the same no matter what form they are in.))
[hider= Warrior Form ]
[color=???] Weapon: [/color] ((If it’s not already in the picture… describe your Angelic Weapon that is tied to this form.))
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= Pure Form ]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= Human Form ]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= As a Fallen One ]
((This is optional to fill out, but remember that it is always a possibility that your Angel could Fall even if you don’t fill this out.))
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph. See Emiko’s sheet for an example of all I actually need from you.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?
ny ))
[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional. People will call you whatever they want anyway though. You’re a demon, dude.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, followed by their actual age rounded to the nearest 100 years.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Self Explanatory))
[color=???] Type: [/color] ((Are you a Ruse, Demon-Born, or a Once-Human?))
[color=???] Elemental Affinity: [/color] ((If you have one.))
[color=???] Powers/Abilities: [/color] ((What can you do that makes you special and unique in the Demon world?))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Aura color: [/color] ((Optional, not every demon has one. The color is the same no matter what form they are in.))
[hider= Warrior Form ]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= True Form ]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= Human Form ]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[hider= “Risen”/Saved Form ]
((This is optional to fill out, as it’s pretty unlikely that your demon would choose to be saved. But, remember that it is always a possibility, even if you don’t fill this out.))
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?))
[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, and their actual age.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Self Explanatory))
[color=???] Sexuality: [/color] ((Optional. More for player Creativity.))
[color=???] Birthday: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Languages: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Nationality: [/color] ((Where were you born/raised?))
[color=???] Race: [/color] ((Self Explanatory.))
[color=???] Type: [/color] ((What type of Supernatural are you?))
[color=???] Powers/Abilities: [/color] ((List all the traits that you gain from being your type of Supernatural.))
[color=???] Explicit Weaknesses: [/color] ((From being your type of Supernatural. Like, Vampires and Garlic, or sunlight. If that shit affects you, write it here.))
[color=???] Elemental Affinity: [/color] ((If you have one.))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
((Add more sections for any alternate forms as needed.))
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Fashion Sense: [/color] ((Optional. The types of clothes you normally wear.))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?))
[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional. People will call you by your full name all the time if that’s what you want. You’re a God, dude.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, followed by their actual age rounded to the nearest 100 years. Not allowed to be over 4,000 years old.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Self Explanatory))
[color=???] Sexuality: [/color] ((Optional. More for player Creativity.))
[color=???] Birthday: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Languages: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Nationality: [/color] ((Where were you born/raised?))
[color=???] Race: [/color] ((What are you? Are you a witch, warlock, or wiccan?))
[color=???] Bloodline: [/color] ((What were you born under? Were you a pact maker? Are you a pure blooded individual? Or are you more special?))
[color=???] Element: [/color] ((Which element does your magic fall under?))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Body Type: [/color] ((Optional due to a certain bad guy.))
[color=???] Fashion Sense: [/color] ((Optional. The types of clothes you normally wear and formal wear.))
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] M E N T A L S T A B I L I T Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Pact Creation: [/color] ((Was your pact created willingly? Was it created with a forbidden demon?))
[color=???] Familiar’s Appearance: [/color] ((What animal, object, or whatever else is on this doc The Demon took after the Pact was made.))
[color=???] Symptoms: [/color] ((Fill this part in only if your character’s mental heath is spiraling downwards. For example: “Apryl was acting like her normal self for months until one day she turned violent.” So, if your character is in the same type of pact what signs are they showing? Delete if your character’s mental health is stable.))
[color=???] Thoughts on rules: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity))
[b] F A M I L I A R [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The Demon’s name if it still has one.))
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything you want to add?))
[b] MAGIC AND SPELLS [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Elemental Shit: [/color] ((What elements can you use now and which have you used before?))
[color=???] Spells: [/color] ((List spells, what they do, and how they are cast.))
[color=???] Rituals: [/color] ((List the what they do and the how they do it.))
[color=???] Abilities: [/color] ((Magical abilities that don’t really require a ritual to be performed or a spell to be cast.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?))
[center][h1][color=696969]Human Character Sheet[/color][/h1][/center]
[Hider= ((Character’s Name)) ]
[color=???][h3][i] “ ((Quote goes here)) ” [/i][/h3][/color][hr.]
[b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Name: [/color] ((The full name of the character, and its meaning if it has one.))
[color=???] Alias: [/color] ((Optional.))
[color=???] Age: [/color] ((How old they appear to be, and their actual age.))
[color=???] Gender: [/color] ((Self Explanatory))
[color=???] Sexuality: [/color] ((Optional. More for player Creativity.))
[color=???] Birthday: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Languages: [/color] ((Optional. More for player creativity.))
[color=???] Nationality: [/color] ((Where were you born/raised?))
[color=???] Race: [/color] ((Self Explanatory.))
[b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Height: [/color]
[color=???] Weight: [/color]
[color=???] Eye Color: [/color]
[color=???] Hair Color: [/color]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Any important markings/things of note?))
[color=???] Fashion Sense: [/color] ((Optional. The types of clothes you normally wear.))
[color=???] Abstract: [/color] ((Optional. This is where you would write your paragraph about the character’s appearance in this form.))
[b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Personality: [/color] ((at least one paragraph.))
[color=???] Likes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Dislikes: [/color] ((Optional))
[color=???] Fear: [/color] ((List one thing that they would prefer not to happen.))
[color=???] Greatest Hope: [/color] ((One wish that is desperately sought after.))
[color=???] Habits: [/color] ((Optional. Physical “tells” for what emotions the character’s feeling. It is possible to have none.))
[color=???] Hobbies: [/color] ((Optional. One or two is fine.))
[b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr.]
((At least one paragraph.))
[b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr.]
[color=???] Other: [/color] ((Anything else you want to add? Optional.))
[hider= ((Optional)) Theme Song ]
[color=???] Secret Word: [/color] ((So… did you read all the Lore?))
Will there ever be a place for the broken of the light?
Name:Colette Filiatrault
Alias: None
Age: Appears to be around 16, but is around 250 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Birthday: August 7th
Languages: France, English, Elder Snake, Japanese, German, Prussian
Nationality: She was born in France in the late 1600’s but was raised in England until she was turned when she was 13
Race: White
Type: Vampire
Vine Whip- On the back of her right shoulder, she had a black tattoo that is actually her weapon. When she pulled it out of her skin, it leaves a black outside around the burn mark it hides. The whip becomes 3D and gathers thorns that can latch onto her enemy leaving them unable to escape that grasp.
Shadows-Not her preferred ability, so she doesn't work on it as much, but she tends to use to block off sunlight whenever she goes into the building and she has to fold down her parasol.
Explicit Weaknesses:
- Sunlight- This is her most explicit weakness. The second the UV rays touch her pale skin, she instantly burns and blisters ]over the affected area. If she stays exposed to the sun, she will die.
- Blood-Blood is any vampires weakness. The smell of iron and metal, while not pleasant for other supernaturals, is like a drug to vampires. Vampires that don't have a good control over their bloodlust, like Colette, will give into Blood Lust and it will not stop unless she is physically stopped or she is satisfied.
- Garlic-She isn't too weak to this, maybe because she is the only half vampire. She can be exposed to small amounts of garlic, but larger amounts will cause some rashes and breathing problems.
- In-closed areas- Due to what happened to her during her first few years as a vampire, she has become very weak to in closed spaces. If she is trapped in a small space, she will begin to freak out.
Elemental Affinity: Shadow Magic
Weight:120 Lbs
Eye Color:Maroon Red
Hair Color:Black
Other: Vine Tattoo
Fashion Sense: She tends to wear gothic lolita like clothing, occasionally will wear costumes of any kind that she has in her closet.
- Over-the-top-Whenever she wishes to accomplish any goal that comes to her mind, she will do anything to get that goal even if it means going way outside the box, maybe fathered than what most people are comfortable with.
- Kind-Colette is the kindest and caring person. Even though she is the most hated vampire in the vampire world, she still strives to help vampires get over their bloodlust. Her kindness inspires her to create the blood candies in hopes they will be used in the vampire world and stop the bloodlust from claiming another victim.
- Playful-Colette can be extremely playful with people she knows. Sometimes her playfulness can get on the perverted side.
- Well-mannered-Even with her playful side, she can be quite well mannered. She may not be much of a noble anymore, but she has not forgotten the manners that were embedded in her mind as a young human child.
- Overcast weather- Overcast weather means she can walk around during the day without her parasol.
- Dressing up- She loves to dress up. She finds it absolutely boring to dress up only one day a year, so she decides to dress up every chance she gets, whether it be something very formal or something that costumes like.
- Candy-She loves any kind of sweet and will eat whatever is given to her. Her most favorite candy/sweet is dragon snaps.
- Blood mixed tea-Blood mixed is one of her favorites drinks. She will be seen often drinking tea and blood.
- The Moon-Due to being a night creature, she loves the moon for its color and the calmness it brings her.
- Cute things- If you ever caught with anything cute, you better keep it in your grasp or if Colette gets her hands on it, good luck getting it back. She adores cute things.
- Liars-If anyone is caught lying to her, let just say they will be meet a very angry Colette. Colette will then just walk away and avoid talking to you for a long time
- The sun-The sun is her worse enemy for obvious reasons
- Stuck up people and bullies-She hates the people that have a god-complex and bully people that they deem underneath them.
Her greatest fear is that one day, she will fall victim to her bloodlust and lose her humanity
Greatest Hope:
Her greatest hope is to one day be a full vampire and be free from her lust for blood
One of Colette’s known habits is that she tends to sleep in just her underwear, sometimes nude after certain fun times behind clothes doors. Sometimes she will sleep in thin gowns that feel like underwear.
- Making blood candy is her main hobby. She does this at least once a week when a previous batch is extremely low in her standards which is ten candies.
- Making cosplays is another one of her hobbies. She tends to make cosplays for anything she reads and watches.
Taking from her real mother at the very young age by a male she believed to be her dad. She was raised in the Filiatrault clan, which was a family of witches and warlocks. As soon as she was able to talk properly, her ‘father’ and ‘mother’ began to train her in the art of shadow magic. This was back before Shadow magic was forbidden and many witches and warlocks used this magic. She grew up a pretty normal human life until the night her life changed forever. Her clan often held parties every night with other witch and warlock clans to enjoy each other’s company and use their magic as they felt like it.
One particular night, her family hosted a much larger social gathering the normal. Colette was up in her room getting ready for bed. An uninvited guest had snuck in the grounds of the Filiatrault manor and snuck into her room, lusty eyes laying upon her unexpected form. Without warning, he had pounced young Colette and pinned her to the bed. She was only given a brief up to scream before the vampire bit down on her neck, intending to drain her of her blood. However, her scream caught the attention of the people downstairs and they rushed towards the room.
The vampire quickly licked the wound closed and rushed out of the room as the door opened. The party ended and they were left to take care of the unknowing blood drained Colette. Little did they known, in the vampire’s rush and panicked actions, venom was slipped into her bloodstream.
During the course of a week, Colette began to slowly change. The changes were small enough that it had gone unnoticed until nearly a week later when Colette’s behavior began to take a bizarre turn. She would keep the curtains in her room closed, blocking out all sunlight out, she would stay in the dimmed room during the day unless there was the overcast weather. During dinner times, she would request meats that were rare or even raw. However, beneath the surface, her vampiric developed and lust for blood began to grow. One night, the lust won and the sweet Colette was pushed down into the depths of her darkened mind. She began to hunt the manor and found an unexpected maid cleaning a guest room and attacked.
The maid screamed as she felt the fangs enter her. Her parents rushed in and watched as their beloved child drain the life out of the main. When Colette snapped out of it, she was horrified at what she had done and one look from her parents, she knew her human life was over.
The Filiatrault Clan was a family filled with their own pride, and they knew word could not set foot outside the manor about the happening that night and the transformation of the sole heir to their clan. They locked Colette in her room and placed steel jail bars behind the door, and windows leaving her unable to escape. That was the only they did. Her parents twisted in their sick secrets. Colette felt her hope drain.
These events didn't stop the social gatherings from happening. Every event, they would take a random person they hated and bring them up to her room. Covering their mouth and slice their neck open, the blood would entice Colette’s Lust and she would drink their blood from their bodies. After they were done, the scared and sickened servants would dispose of their body, often times when the party was still going.
This took lives of many people, but this only caused her bloodlust to grow. The family and servants lost their minds to the darkness and madness. Of the surviving help, most ran away, insane from having helped sacrifice many lives to feed their young mistress, some committed mass suicide from guilt and insanity. Her parents completely vanished. One maid took pity on the suffering heiress one full moonlit night and unlocked the jail bars. Knowing that entering the room would lead to her demise, she walked in. She wanted to free Colette from her prison before she died.
Colette immediately attacked her upon her entrance and the maid died, her blood joining the blood-soaked carpet. That night was beginning of the two centuries of loneliness.
Day in and day out, she struggled to fight her bloodlust and always lost the battle, going into the nearby town attacking innocent people, but every time she did, she always went back to her former home where she would cry and pray for something to save or kill her.
- She has two bat wings. One that currently on the left side of the head while the other resides on the right shoulder blade. This was caused by her maker's actions during the feeding.
- She ages VERY slowly, if at all
- She thinks she doesn’t have the ability to change people. Her venom may not be strong enough, but if anyone gets a drop of her blood into their system, they could possibly turn.
- Her eyes speaks levels of how dark her past was
- Some of her cosplays, some are her more favorite cosplays are skimpier than most.
I lived in rural Europe, with my mummy dear:
Fell down a damned rabbit hole,
and found that all is twisted here.
I lost my mind,
and wandered far...
I sang with demons
and danced with a devil-
whose face shone like a star.
I soon decided that this place
was more a home to me,
than anything I ever had
upon your crumbling,
Earth.. . .
Y o u c a n ' t u n d e r s t a n d h o w g o o d i t f e e l s
t o b e H o m e , a t l a s t .