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Fallenreaper said
I did but to be honest....I forgot it, lol, so feel free to post them how you wish. It is a dream after all and not all details always line up after all.

Alrighty, i'm glad I just went with do it and fix it later then haha XD
Deven Zoria & Jenna Fellrein

Deven couldn't help but feel a little nervous as the teacher spoke of her arrow wound knowledge, but he remained silent and showed no signs of being nervous, he couldn't be in more trouble then Aruna would be for the lie. As the others were shooed back by the rune master Deven followed in suite. His eyes still watching the vitamancy teacher go about her work. That was until the Headmasters commanding voice demanded his attention. As the headmaster dismissed the group of students and the assigned teachers began to usher the students out the door, Deven hesitated leaving still worrying about Aruna's current state, until one of the teachers neared likely about to tell him to leave and Deven felt a tug on his shoulder. "Deven come on, lets not get yelled at by a teacher before our first official day." Jenna said as she pulled him back, Deven letting her pull him back having him take a few steps back before turning and walking along side her to the exit. "Yeah, thats enough for one night I guess." He said with a forced half smile.

The two exited the hall and acquired themselves a gargoyal, Jenna managing to wave a goodbye to Leith as she spotted him between a few students before they began the walk to their adjacent dorms. Along the walk Jenna told Deven of everything Leith had told her about the phsycomancy demonstration and that likely being the reason for everyones anger and why some of the students decided to take their leave from the college, her explanation coming to an end as they reached their rooms. Deven leaned on the wall by the door to his dorm and Jenna stood by her door both of them wanting to talk a little more before heading into their rooms.

"I am honestly suprised Khan would allow Satori to do what she did." Jenna commented gesturing towards the mess hall. "I wouldn't say he entirely knew what she was going to do and judging by the glare he gave her afterwards I would say he wasn't alright with it." Deven replied. Jenna nodded slightly, "True, he did seem pissed, not as pissed as some of the students though. One of them, some half elf, seemed like she was hell bent on beating the teacher to death, but one of the demons stopped her." Jenna said. Deven nodded, "I'm honestly not very surprised, maybe she doesn't deserve to die for what she did but, she did deserve a reaction for it, once more maybe not a violent one, but perhaps some scorn from the students or more so a punishment of the headmasters choice but, not ours ... Some of the people here are not suited to make those types of decisions...but who am I to say I am any better." Deven said adding the last part in a much quieter tone once the hall cleared more. Jenna fell silent as she thought for a while, "Well, I guess we will see tomorrow won't we?" Jenna asked. Deven nodded, "Aye, we will. So you up for some training tomorrow? Just cause we are in a different location doesn't mean we can let up our training." Deven said smiling softly. Jenna nodded happily, "Of course I am, wouldn't miss it." She replied. The two then said their goodbyes before vanishing into their rooms which had both been transformed into much the like of their rooms in Wintercrest, with stone floors walls and ceiling, the furnishing changing little from that provided by the school.

The two of them then began readying themselves for sleep.

Jenna having a much easier process of removing her gear, not having any heavy armor to deal with was ready for sleep rather quickly, throwing on one of her nightgowns and storing away her leather armor in a section she had set aside in an armoire settling into bed for a much desired night of sleep in a warm soft bed after the trip from Wintercrest to the college. A horses saddle became fairly uncomfortable after many hours of riding and she was thankful to be able to give her legs a nice rest.

Deven's process of preparing for sleep took longer due to his armor. As he removed his armor he placed it onto a mannequin that had appeared after he changed to room to his liking. After which he kept the underclothes he had worn over the course of the day on and settled into bed. Laying on his back looking up at the ceiling. As he lay there letting his mind wander he couldn't help but think of Aruna and worry slightly about her current well being before assuring himself with the competence of the schools staff. After a while longer of letting his mind wander her began to drift off to sleep.



Jenna awoke from her pleasant sleep with a slow start not entirely wanting to climb out of the comfort of her bed, but eventually she accumulating enough will to force herself to her feet and start the day. She started by dressing into a set of her day clothes. Not caring to put on her leather armor preferring to go with something more comfortable, she took out a pair of dark brown hemp pants with a white linen shirt and a dark leather jerkin which she left undone, after dressing herself she went about brushing her hair before looking herself over in the mirror. Satisfied with the look she then retrieved the longsword she had placed in her armoire with her gear, she secured the sheath at her hip and then retrieved her bow and quiver. Before stepping out of her room.


It wasn't the dark room that bothered him, nor was it the eerie silence that hung over the room. No it was something else, he couldn't think of what it was but he could feel it. As though it hung in the air and if he just tried he could reach out and touch it. For countless minutes he sat there, his mind hard at work trying to think of what it could be that had him so distraught, had him so nervous. He tried to ignore it, to just shut his eyes tighter, roll over and go to sleep. But he couldn't. In the back of his mind there would always be that scratching, that little voice in his head asking him What is it? scratching at his mind, infecting his thoughts. He fought his curiosity as long as he possibly could but, eventually he caved in.

He slid the out of the covers away from the warmth and comfort of the bed and lowered his feet to the floor. The stone felt unreasonable cold as though it were the dead of winter, but he didn't pay much mind to it, that couldn't be it. His eyes took a few second to adjust after being closed for so long, once adjusted he reached for his boots and threw them on. They were his usual boots, those he wore with his clothes and armor, nothing strange there. He stood and gazed about the room once more, as though his change in elevation might help to shed light to what it was filling him with the unnerving sensation he was feeling or perhaps that it might have been some object, he had forgot to move, to put away, something out of place that he had forgotten about that he could easily find and put away so he could do away with this odd sense. But there was nothing. Nothing out of place. Nothing that stood out to his eyes.

Could it be outside? That nagging voice asked, sounding far away and ever so silent as it scratched at his thoughts spurring his curiosity. What could it be?It asked tantalizingly. Maybe just a peek? Then right back to bed. Just to make sure. it cooed.

Slowly, cautiously, he stepped towards the door. The soft sound of his boots against the stone giving a short reprieve from the unending silence that seemed to fill the room. He reached the door and lifted his hand to the handle, once more gazing about the room, as if yet again he could just see what it was that he didn't have to leave, that it could easily be fixed. But nothing was seen. Then almost subconsciously he turned to handle and his head turned back submissively almost as if in resignation that he would be leaving. He opened the door, which producing a slight creek as if by protest before he stepped out closing the door behind him. His eyes gazed around him taking in the room. it was the hallway. The same one as before, long as ever and lined by doors on either wall. All someones room with another sleeping person inside. But still nothing out of place, nothing except the distinct lack of torches, but that couldn't be it, it was late, they likely just took them down at night to conserve torches. There was nothing to provide answers to the unending curiosity that scratched at his thoughts, that ate at his mind.

Go on, it must be close. You've come this far, why stop here? You're already out? Why torture, yourself? Why not find out what it is? That same nagging distant voice said. Each word like a poison working its way though his thoughts. Begging. Pleading to go forward.

Slowly, his hand slipped from the handle and fell to his side as he stepped forward, into the darkness of the hall. Once more that eerie silence only replaced by the sound of his feet on the stone as he walked through the hall. He wasn't sure where he was going, where would he begin? It was a big place, filled with many rooms and even more corridors. Whatever this was, it could be anywhere. But even without any sense of where he was going he walked on. Each stepped dragged on by the scratching at the back of his mind. Until finally, he stood their at the doors to the mess hall.

Go on, open the doors. You're so close now.it murmured.

Slowly, his hands drifted towards the doors handles. Slowly his fingers wrapped around the icy cold metal and surely he pulled the doors open. There before him, illuminated by pale white torches that lined the walls was the mess hall, all prepared for the grand feast. Foods of all types and variations. Plates dotted the table and mugs to accompany them. Just like before. But no smells filled the room. No happy voices as people spoke in merry tones. Not even a single soul occupied the room.

Slowly he lifted his foot and took his first step into the hall.

Your so close. The voice echoed through his mind.

Another step.

Don't shy away now, its right there, just out of your grasp, just keep going a little further.

Then another step. It seemed as though the room was bitterly cold, it nipped at his exposed skin and he began to shaky slightly, but not from the cold. Cause of something else. Some other sense that was overwhelming his mind. Eating at him. Begging to be found. Taunting him.

Yes, thats it. The voice encouraged, sounding like nothing more but a whisper uttered on the wind.

He hadn't realized but his eyes had fallen to his feet, watching every step as he took them. How far in was he? How many steps had he taken? Why couldn't he remember? Slowly he lifted his head and turned it over his shoulder towards the door. And as he did his heart seemed to drop, for there across the entire expanse of the great hall. There was nothing but solid stone, no door in sight. His head whipped around and there before him he saw the teachers table. He looked from every seat, naming their previous owners as he did.

Uicle, Lidda, Xeric, Frost, Dervis, Serge, Lucillia, Khan, Justine, Tyrael, Craig, Satori, Zelda, Val, Ghell Both he and the voice read as his eyes passed over their chairs.

But something was different, something out of the ordinary, something that filled Deven with an uneasy feeling, each chair his eyes had crossed over was cracked and breaking, each one had small wisps of shadow emanating from the cracks save for the one in the center. Khans, the headmasters. His chair was broken entirely, large chunks had been ripped out and a crimson liquid was splattered across its surface. From the missing chunks large ripples of shadow emanated forth. And slowly Deven's feeling of uneasiness was replaced by dread, an unexplainable sense of dread filled him and he began to tremble terribly.

All of the sudden every torch in the entirety of the mess hall went out. Darkness washed over him and everything else. And Deven collapsed to his knees with his hands over his head, in a vein attempt to shield himself.

Then he heard it, that bone chilling voice that had been in his head the entire time. No where is safe. It whispered, though this time, sounding as if it was inches from his face. Slowly, he lowered his arms and peered into the darkness before him and by the time his eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness his scream of terror was silence permanently. And his lifeless body hung limply in the maw of a creature made of pure shadow.

Deven shot from his sleep barely stopping himself from screaming. His body covering in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. His body trembled and his hands clenched around the edges of the bed tightly. It felt like an eternity before he was able to move himself from this position and stop shaking so terribly, by this point dawn had broken and the sunlight was pouring though his window illuminating his room with its warming light.

"It's just another nightmare Deven." He told himself in a shaky voice as he cradled his head in his hands. "Don't let it get to you...i-its just another nightmare..." He repeated. "It wont break you." He said weakly, his eyes beginning to water.

By the time Jenna knocked on his door he had dressed himself in a pair of light brown trousers with a white shirt, brushed his hair, gotten his pack and gotten his sword. He opened the door and forced a smile to Jenna as she greeted him, he greeted her in kind before the two made their way to the mess hall.
No idea, normally its because there is not an alert on your subscriptions when someone edits their post while there is one when they post so with just editing it in its easier to miss, but that is for if the post has already been read, right there I honestly have no excuse.
Hey Fallen, is there a specific order you had the teachers sitting in during the feast? I know you had Khan in the middle but was there any specific order that the others sat in or could I just do it in an order I please?
This post is proving to be very very fun. I just need a list of every teacher that was sitting at Khan's table now. XD
Fallenreaper said
I musta messed that up while revamping. I'll fix once I get to a computer, phone not ideal for making edits in my case...

trust me I know the feeling XD
Also whats the weather like at the college? Cold, hot, other?
Oh hey Fallen, just realized this, when you get the chance on the info page in the blood section on the OP you accidentally put Lux: Noxomancy & Psychomancy instead of Lues: Blah and blah. Just saw that when I was doing some reading and thought I should let ya know.
Fallenreaper said
Yes, but it wouldn't stop mind puppeting or memory implantation as those would need to be include within the rune inscription. Again, the rule of too many multitasking also applies to rune and what they affect. Have too many like 6-7 things it has to focus on that's only bits and pieces of one thing then the effect isn't as strong as if it only 2-4 things.

Alright well now I know what I am getting Deven and Jenna for an early Christmas present Tiien holiday were people get other people presents present. Along with signing them up for the warding classes.
Lucius Cypher said
It's a very nice couch. Easy to clean stain resistant covers, space-foam cushion, rocket thrusters, individual recliner functions, . Plus it might belong in Underhaven, and Tyrael needs to at least check before he decides what to do with it.

I picture the Underhaven as something like Tyrael's man cave or something. Kind like Mar's room...except its a literal cave....talk about a low maintenance gal.
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