Avatar of Leon5431
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  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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"Indeed I shouldn't." Nalla commented as Allaina stroked her arm. Her eyes gazed over Tagorn for a few seconds, taking in what obvious features could be seen even with the hood and mask. As Allaina finished Nalla pulled back and smiled toward the girl before Tagorn spoke up again. Nalla looked to him with a look that said she was not entirely sure what he meant. But Kayal was the one to speak up. "Yes, I agree. We should really be making our leave time is not entirely on our side. Thank you Tagorn." Kayal said in a more serious tone. "Nalla, shall we go pay the "kittens" a visit?" Kayal said quoting Tagorn and gesturing for Nalla to come and help lead the group. Nalla nodded and stepped away from Allaina and joined Kayal at the front of the group. "Of course. Let's be off." She said readily.

Soon the group was off again making their way this time through alleys, being exposed to a larger amount of beggars who raised their hands as they asked for charity. Kayal ignored most of them but shook his head and raised his hands before apologizing to those that got too close or put up a powerful case. Whenever not dealing with the beggars Kayal and Nalla were chatting silently about a plan as they walked. By the time they reached their destination, they had come up with a decent plan to get what they needed. Soon they arrived at a small courtyard, aong the sides of the courtyards were some scaffolding as though the buildings were being repaired or something of the sorts. Directly across from them was a door guarded by two Khajiit's who wore light armor but seemed to lack weapons. "Here we are." Deven said silently towards the others before he began to approach the guards. One of the two was a older adult who wore a scar across his cheek, one that had a striking resemblance to a arrow wound. The other seemed young, perhaps not even into his twenties, barely considered an adult.

"Hello boys." Kayal said in a friendly tone. The two Khajiit's eyes seemed to narrow on Kayal as he approached, "What does you want furless?" the younger of the two asked harshly. The older one seemed to look annoyed at the others tone and word choice. "Well, seems you guys have found some new blood. Not very friendly though." Kayal said faking a hint of offense in his tone. "What does you want, Kayal? You know you not welcome here anymore." The older one said in a less harsh tone then the first. "Oh come now, are you guys still bitter about what happened? That was so long ago, you can't hold that against me forever." Kayal said in a innocent tone. "I know grudges are something of your specialty but, I have done some good by you before." Kayal added once more in the same tone. "Which is why these ones talk and not draw weapons." The older one replied. "Well, that's not a really friendly way to speak to someone that's here to help you poor sods." Nalla commented sounding a little annoyed.

"What help could you do for Renrija? Last I check you were reason we lost members in raid." The older one replied bitterly. "Look friend." Kayal began, "We just want to speak to whoever is in charge. Not bicker about the past." Kayal said in a surrendering tone. "Like you will get chance to see the boss." The young one hiss angrily. "Oh? Well I guess when your brothers and sisters die it will be on your hands then. Oh well. We tried. Best of luck friends." Kayal said as he began to turn and waved goodbye to the guards. But before much distance was made the older guard spoke up, "What do you speak of?" The older on question, failing to hide the worry in his voice. "Oh, just a plan we caught wind of. But you obviously dont seem to care so, we will just go on our way." Nalla sassed. "Wait, perhaps this one made mistake." The older one said as Kayal and Nalla began to leave. "Oh alright." Kayal said once more pretending to surrender. "What is plan you heard?" The older one questioned as Kayal and Nalla returned, "A plan that the guards made. And if your boss isn't informed a lot of your members are going to die." Kayal said his tone warning. The two Khajiits seemed to grow worried and shot each other a glance. "What is plan?" The older Khajiit questioned. "Sorry, but we must speak to your boss before we go into detail, don't know who might be listening." Nalla interjected.

The two Khajiits glanced to each other as they seemed to contemplate allowing them into the base. Several long moments passed of an awkward silence, which was broken when Kayal spoke up saying, "Time isn't exactly a luxury your brother and sisters have. The plan could be falling into action as we speak." Kayal warned, this seemed to make the Khajiits decision as he stepped aside in surrender. "Fine, this one will let Kayal through, just be quick and just know if you make wrong move you will be dead sooner then can draw next breath." The older Khajiit warned. Kayal smiled towards the Khajiit, "Wise choice my friend, you may have just saved some of your members." Kayal said before he stepped passed the guard gesturing for the others to follow.
Deven and Jenna

"What's wrong?" Jenna asked impatiently. Deven looked at her putting on his best face of puzzlement. "Something's wrong. It's obvious as can be, especially for me." She said her tone much more sympathetic. "It's-" He went to say before looking towards Jenna and pausing. Her concerned expression apparent on her face. I can't lie to her, not Jenna...why should I? He thought to himself before sighing and looking forward. "I had...a dream." He said not really wanting to go into greater detail. "Oh...one of your...you know, dreams?" She asked in a tender tone. Deven only nodded in response, Jenna fell silent and looked forward. "Oh..." She said having trouble looking for more to say. What could she say to him when he was constantly plagued by nightmares, what more could she say that she hadn't said a thousand times before? Her head lowered and her hand reached up and wrapped about his waist before pulling him in for a hug. "I'm always here to talk Deven. You know that." She said quietly. He hugged her back and nodded softly, "I know Jen, I know." He replied. The two pulled away and walked again in silence.

The silence hung awkwardly in the air for a time before Jenna spoke up again, "Any idea what caused it? Or was it just random?" She asked talking in a bit of a hushed tone. "I'm guessing the demonmancy demonstration did." Deven replied, matching Jenna's level of voice. She nodded in response before giving Deven a reassuring smile, he forced a smile in return.

Jenna had opened her mouth the reply when she heard a familiar voice speak up from next to her, both her and Deven looked to see the voices source. There walking along side them was Leith. Jenna, being the social butterfly that she was, had remembered his name without difficulty as she did most everyone's name, unless of course you managed to piss her off. "Oh, hello Leith, didn't see you there sorry." Jenna said in a friendly tone. She glanced to Deven and noticed the faint confusion in his face, "Oh duh, Deven this is Leith, Leith Deven. He is the one I was waiting for last night." Jenna said, adding the last part directed towards Leith. "I met Leith last night while I was waiting for you to return." Jenna said this time speaking to Deven. Deven nodded understandingly, "Ah, well hello Leith, its a pleasure." Deven said in a rather casual tone as apposed to Jenna's perky friendly tone. Both of them doing their best to throw off the somberness that had been hanging over them moments ago, Jenna doing much better then Deven.
Sundered Echo said
By the way Leon I've just noticed you listed Sattori's attacker as a half-elf... Alaira (freeshooters character) is the half-elf, not mine...Auriel is full blooded and looks it. Oh and she went with a dagger, no beating crossed her mind, but that might not have been entirely evident from Jenna's vantage point so thats fine.Minor mistake, but worth noting, people might look at Jenna funny if the topic of having attacked Satori comes up with Alaira, given that Alaira looks nothing like Auriel.

Ah, my apologies I was mistaken, I had thought that was freeshooter that posted that...oh well, easy fix. I am just going to change the race thing, not the other part, some misconceptions like that only help to add to realism.
Gahh alright sorry school work and BF4 kept me last night, but today I should be able to post.
Ugh sorry for he delay Konan, I've been dealing with late work. Anyway I will be posting shortly.
Hailfire said
Thanks guys. I don't plan to leave forever. I thoroughly enjoy roleplay and believe I have made some good friends here. When the time comes that I see myself as in a decent position I intend to come back. Don't bank on that happening anytime soon though. I wish you all the best and take good care of Allaina for me :)

Well I'm sorry to hear you are leaving hail, I thoroughly enjoyed roleplaying along side you and hope to see you return again soon, or as soon as possible. Anyway I wish you all the luck in the world my friend, I definitely know how it feels to need to take some time to get RL in order. Take your time and do it smart, you you're a smart guy hail, you will figure things out.
I'm going to give hail a little bit longer before I post.
Fallenreaper said

I was seriously thinking the entire time I was writing it how cool it would be if the post was foreboding of something similar that would happen in the future.

Ahh, dreams do come true. XD

Anywho, if anyone wants to interact with Deven and Jenna they are free to, just so whoever chooses to do so knows, Deven will be looking rather out of it.
Fallenreaper said
I loved it and...you've got no idea how much fun is coming, then again after that post you might have an inkling.

Oh...why did I kinda have a feeling that something like this was going to happen? XD
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