Collaberation between the brilliant Konan! And the Magnificent Leon!
Leith looked at Jenna and her friend as they stopped talking and turned to him. He must have interrupted something a bit private. He had been about to apologize and walk away when Jenna introduced him to Deven, who turned out to be the friend that she was waiting for. Leith smiled and held out his hand.
"It's nice to meet you, too. I've gotta say, last night must have been an interesting one for you. That doesn't happen much, does it?" Leith asked in a joking tone.The mood around them seemed a bit morose. Hopefully Leith's lighter tone would lighten the mood.
Deven put on a smile and returned the man's gesture by shaking his hand. As Leith finished, Deven nodded, "Like wise and no can't say I have ever delt with anything of the sorts. It was very, well surprising to say the least. Wasn't how I expected to end my walk." He replied as he thought back to previous night. His mind drifted back towards Aruna and he felt that warm feeling begin rising up in him again, before quickly being dowsed by the worry of her current status. I should see if I could visit her later, after me and Jenna finish training, at least to see how she is doing. He thought to himself. Then he remembered the lie Aruna had told the teacher, he had completely forgotten about the bloody half of the arrow still in his pack. If found her lie would be proven false or worse he could be blamed for it. He found himself feeling nervous at the thought but he surprsessed the emotion and showed no sign of it.
"Definitly wasn't something I was expecting to see either. Seeing you come in carrying that girl with the bloodied rag wrapped about her chest. It wasn't how I was expecting to end the night." Jenna commented, Deven nodding in agreement as she finished.
"I don't think anyone was expecting the night to end that way, and if somebody was, I'd be extremely worried," Leith said as he cast his eyes around the room with mock suspicion. "Anyway, on a more lighter note, what did you guys think of the demonstrations? I thought they were pretty good, but I was a bit disappointed with the Hydromancy demo. I get that it was short to hurry the students to bed, but I was hoping for something a bit more. . . flashy."
Jenna nodded and smiled lightly as Leith finished, Deven didn't seem to react but he was definitly listening. As Leith changed the subject Deven found himself rather glad, the subject made him feel slightly on edge and brought up sour emotions to further put strain on his already damaged mood.
"I liked almost all of them save for two that I am sure you can guess, the Vitamancy demonstration most definitly had my interest.You do have a point though the Hydromancy demontration felt half assed. Hurried or not they still could have done more." Jenna commented her tone anything but hostile or angry.
Deven nodded as she spoke, "As did I, but I especially enjoyed the Pyromancy demonstration, really brought a light to a different aspect of the magic, one I barely knew existed. And I must agree about the Hydromancy demonstration, it felt like little effort was put into it, the others had been so showy. Like you said even if it was hurried I am sure there was so much more they could have done." Deven commented, once more acting as casual as he could.
The trio were beginning to near the dinning hall and already the smell of the assorted breakfast filled the air. "Leith, care to join us for breakfast?" Jenna offered happily. "I am afraid we wont be eating long though as we do have plans to go do some training in the gym after we are done, but you are still welcomed to join us." She added a second later, Deven nodding in agreement as she spoke.
Leith thought about the offer then nodded with a smile. "Sure. It'd be better than eating alone or with someone I don't know." When they reached the dining hall, the smell was almost intoxicating. His stomach growled loudly, reminding him that he didn't eat that much at dinner the night before. With an embarrassed smile, Leith spoke to Deven and Jenna.
"Well, I'm not sure about you, but I'm going to grab something to eat before my stomach eats itself."
Jenna smiled warmly as he accepted her offer, when they stepped into the mess hall they were welcomed with a strong aroma of the cooking foods that was sure to make even the fullest's mouthes water. Deven's eyes scanned around the room and settled on the teachers table. An un easy feeling welled up in his gut and he felt a lump begin to form in his throat, it felt as though the air around him had dropped severly and he began to feel goosbumps running up his arms. He swalloed in a vain attempt to force away the lump that had formed as his eyes bore into the tables, slowly moving from each chair, when he blinked he was greeted with a image from his dreams, each one of the chairs cracked and broken.
It was only when Leith spoke up was he broken from his trance, his gaze slowly breaking from the chairs and switching to the pale human beside them.
"Alright, I will procure us a table while you two go get food." Jenna replied. "You mind grabbing me a plate Deven? I know you will know what I'd like." She added a second later towards Deven. "Will do." Deven replied in a forced casual tone.
Once Jenna had stepped away to find a table Deven's gaze once more returned to scanning the room, this time his eyes settled on the headmaster Khan who was returning to his table to eat. The lump only seemed to grow as he watched the headmaster, who he had seen dead the night before in his dream. It was surreal, seeing him walking perfectly unharmed, when hours ago his blood was decorating his seat at the teacher's table.
Deven swallowed uneasily, before forcing his gaze to move to Leith, "Well, lets see what they have to eat shall we?" He asked eager to find something to distract his troubled shaken thoughts.
Leith nodded and made his way to the table filled with food. He had noticed Deven space out, and was curious as to what had caused it. When they got to the table, Leith grabbed a plate and started layering it with food. It had been a while since he had a big meal. When he was done filling his plate, he decided to broach the subject.
"Are you okay? Because it looked like you saw a ghost back there." Leith looked around the room to find Jenna as he waited for an answer.
As they approached the table Deven busied himself by making both his and Jenna's plates, trying to the best of his ability to keep his mind from wandering. He filled the two plates with a decent amount of food. By the time he had finished he was sure that his eyes were not being bigger then his stomach. His eyes lifted towards the plates of the others around him. Many of them seemed to fill their plates. To take more then they surely needed, but that was not a problem Winterfell everything seemed to have an abundant excess here. He was once more reminded of how much his life had changed.
He had gone from some of the lowest society has to offer and into this, this world of aboundance. The memories of nights were he was forced to go to bed hungry all because he wasn't able to steal himself some food seemed so far away now, so foreign now. How odd it was that there were ever any that were forced to go to bed hungry when there was this much food in the world. Deven struggled to keep his mind on the topic for as long as he could, it was distracting him from the other train of thought that lurked in his mind looking for a way to leap into the light.
But soon his thoughts, were interrupted as someone spoke up. His eyes shifted to Leith as he spoke. Deven forced an expression of confusion, "hmm?" He replied as though he was not sure what Leith spoke of, before he pretended to remember, trying to make it seem as though it was not that important. "Oh, was nothig, don't worry about it. Just....just thinking." He said his voice drifting off slightly. It was then that another voice spoke up.
"Hey, guys over here." Jenna said in a raised voice so she could be heard above the crowd.
While the others had been getting their food Jenna had been looking for a empty table for their small group, but she had been stopped along the way when a man, approached her, she had never spoken to the man let alone seen him around. But he seemed dedicated to change that. He started out friendly asking her if she was looking for someone or something. To whitch she replied in her usual friendly attitude and told him she was merely looking for a table for her and her friends. But a few more quesions later and his tone had changed to a much more flirtatious tone. As it did Jenna's tone remained friendly but she did her best to make it clear she was not interested.
Her patience on the situation was abundant until the point were he lifted his hand and attempted to brush her hair back behind her ear, at which point, she made her leave by inhaling uncomfortably and pushing the man away, not making eye contact and fast walking to the nearest empty table. Once there she immediately began looking for Deven and Leith who she hoped would be done with making their plates, so she would not have to be alone. Once she saw them she called them over and took her seat.
Leith turned to look at Deven when he started speaking, and nodded his head when the man dismissed the question. It seemed like Deven had something that he'd rather not talk about, and Leith was okay with that, but it did make him curious. When Jenna called to them, Leith looked in her direction and made his way to her table, Deven right beside him. He spoke again to try and alleviate the slightly awkward silence that hung over them
"So, what made you decide to come to the college? Just find out about your blood, or is it for other reasons? My reason is that I wanted to see what I could do with my blood. My dad died a while before I left, so I thought 'hey, why not?'"
Deven couldn't help but feel glad Leith hadn't pushed the subject, he was in no mood to talk about it, let alone to anyone but Jenna. As they began walking towards Jenna's table Leith spoke up, Deven listened to Leith's question and his own answer to the question, once Leith had finished Deven thought for a moment before answering. "Well, we have known our bloods for a while now. We've been training at our home with some hired trainers and some of Jenna's family members but, Jenna's family eventually decided it would be better if we trained here at the college, that we would receive a much better magical education here then there. Both her and I loved the idea, so here we are." Deven answered, speaking in partial for both him and Jenna.
As Deven was talking, the buzzing in Leith's head started getting louder and louder. It got to the point where it was almost painful. Leith winced and held a hand up to his head before looking around the room. As he had thought, Althalus was sitting at a table, his back to them. He was talking to a well-dressed man. Leith noticed with a slight bit of dismay that if they continued walking in the direction they were going, they'd pass right by Althalus.
Leith didn't want a repeat of the night befroe, so he changed his direction and walked around another table, putting as much distance between him and Althalus as he could without it looking like he was avoiding the man. When they got to the table, Leith set his plate down and started eating.
As Deven finshed he looked over towards Leith and saw him on the other side of the table, he could have sworn he was right next to him a second ago but he payed no mind to it, he just kept walking towards Jenna. He made a note about how Leiths father having died and thought to ask him about it later, perferably when the was no longer a table inbetween them.
Jenna smiled gratefully as they arrived. "I'm glad you guys finished getting your food when you did or else it would be a lot more awkward now." Jenna said with a sigh. "What do you mean?" Deven asked curiously, as he asked Leith looked up from his plate seeming to be interested as well.
"Oh its nothing really, just some guy stepping over some boundaries." Jenna said gesturing in the direction of the man. "I think I sent a clear enough message though, he should leave me alone." Jenna said confidentally as Deven handed her, her plate.
"Poor guy didn't know what he was getting himself into, I almost envy him." Deven teased, his tone still pretty somber. "Yeah I am sure you do, cause I am such a pain to deal with." Jenna retorted sarcastically. Deven smiled lightly and chuckled at her before taking a bite from his food. "Im teasing, but if he does give you more trouble, you know I am here to help." Deven said smiling reassuringly at her. "Oh I feel so much safer. Guess I won't be needing to send a message back to Wintercrest for an army to come and detain him." Jenna replied teasingly. "Yeah, yeah you can handle yourself, no need to be so snippy." Deven said in mock annoyance before he smiled at her.
Jenna smiled back before she noticed Leith again, "Sorry Leith, didn't mean to leave you behind in the conversation there. Me and Deven do that a lot, getting lost in our own talks." She said adding the last part a second later before smiling apologetically.
Leith waved off the apology "No need to apologize. I think I've had a few of those conversations myself." Leith said before he frowned slightly. Something Jenna said had struck him as odd. "Hold on a second. You just said that didn't have to send a message to get an army to detain that guy. Are you actually able to do that, or was that more of a joke than anything."
While the question made him feel foolish for asking it, Leith felt extremely curious about what Jenna had just said.
Jenna smiled at Leith, happy he wasn't offended before she took a bite of her food. As she swallowed he spoke up again. As he finished she chuckled lightly before answering, "Well, it's kinda true, I mean, I doubt they would send an army, maybe just like three or four of the Royal guards, or maybe just some soldiers. One of my family members would probably come too. But they wouldn't send anyone for something as simple as, 'Oh he annoyed me and was being flirty.' No they would need to have a much greater reason then that." Jenna answered naively forgetting Leith had no knowlegde of her being royalty in WIntercrest.
Leith stared at Jenna for a couple moments before shaking his head to clear it. He attempted to speak, but all he accomplished was opening and closing his mouth a few times. He cleared his throat and tried again.
"Who-" his voice cracked, making him cough. "Who are you?"
Jenna looked away from Leith and took a bite of her food before looking back towards him, she saw him struggling to speak as he looked rather astonished, she cocked her head to the side in confusion as she chewed waiting for him to speak. When he spoke, his voice cracked and he coughed but eventually finished. As he did Jenna looked oddly at him not sure what he meant before realization struck her.
She slapped the palm of her hand against her forhead as she spoke, "Oh, wow, how could I be so forgetful, you don't know." She said a little embarrassed. "Yeah, so um, my name is Jenna Fellrien, as in house Fellrien of Wintercrest. Yeah my family is the rulers of Wintercrest and newly of Redwood." Jenna answered awkwardly , "Yeah, I probably should have started with that shouldn't I have." Jenna said looking towards Deven with a unsure smile.
Deven laughed and nodded, "Yeah there was a much more graceful way to go about that. But yours works too, maybe a little surprising for those that don't know but, it works." Deven replied in a teasing tone. As he finished the two looked back to Leith.
Leith listened to Jenna explain, his confusion turning into amusement. When they looked back at him, he started chuckling. "Well, I wasn't expecting that, but now I know why the name Fellrien sounded so familiar. I must have overheard someone talking about it when I was working for a herbalist. You won't believe how much gossip I've heard in those five years." Leith looked at Deven. "So does that make you her friend slash bodyguard?"
"Yeah, we've been making a name for ourselves." Jenna said chuckling slightly. When Leith asked his question of Deven she chuckled even harder. Deven looked a little offended at the question but quickly threw away the feeling. Instead just shaking his head before responding, "No, not really, I am no bodyguard. It's a complicated situation that I really don't feel like explaining right now. Just know I am no bodyguard." He stated plainly before taking a bite of his food. "Deven is just as important to house Fellrien as I am, he is no bodyguard. Besides, if anything, we are each others bodyguards. I watch his back just as much as he watches mine." Jenna said answering it in more detail then Deven had.
Leith nodded at Jenna's explanation. "Well it's good to know that you aren't as fragile as other people in your position." He stood up, grabbing his empty plate. "It's been nice, but I think that I should find out where my class is. See you around." And with that, Leith put his plate away and left the dining hall
Jenna smiled at Leith at his comment, "Thank you, I never want to be as fragile as some of the nobles I have seen." Jenna said thankfully. As Leith stood and spoke of his classes and excused himself Deven and Jenna both said their goodbyes before finishing the last of their food off. Once they were done eating the two took care of their plates and made their way to the gym. They planned to train a bit before they went off hunting for their classes.