Avatar of Leon5431
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Insomnia said
Oh oops. I forgot about this.

"It was Kayal's plan to use the Renrija for the distraction, we managed to spare any citizens but buildings weren't so lucky. The Renrija took to heart an exasperation that was made." Zana said a little annoyed at Tagorns explanation. "Plus you shouldn't worry to much, they are only focusing on Khajiits, they wont bother any other race, so most of us shouldn't be in much danger, but yes they may increase patrols. I am not so sure about worrying about the ship, I don't think they expect the Renrija to take to the seas anytime soon, not after a stunt like that." Zana said her tone not all too pleased. Nalla remained silent leaning on a nearby rock. Zana's gaze then turned toward the prospective crew member they had saved, a Dunmer. "So you're the one we went through that trouble for? Guess we'll see if it was worth it." Zana said her tone still fairly annoyed.

"Zana." Nalla said, she looked at her with both her eye brows raised in a sort of warning gaze. Zana just sighed in response and looked back towards the group, the message having been received. When the nord arrived and introduced himself Zana just watched him from the corner of her eyes.


Kayal had made his way out of the city, the gate guard gave him some trouble what him being wounded and such but eventually Kayal convinced the guard to let him leave. The guard had no reason to stop him, he had no evidence Kayal had been in the noble district, in fact Kayal told the guard they he had received the wounds by losing a bet, what the bet was he claimed he would rather just keep to himself, at this the guard did not push much further instead just warned about the dangers of betting too high and sent him on his way. Kayal couldn't help but smile a the bit of irony he had found in the situation.

Kayal made his way toward the Blackwood forest, stopping only to look over his wounds before letting lose restorative energy to stop the bleeding and keep the wounds from getting infected. By the time he was nearing the meeting point he had drained himself of his magicka and had sealed his wounds. Silently he closed on the meeting point, the first thing he heard were the familiar voices with a faint slurred unfamiliar and another with a nordic accent. "Time to meet some new faces." He mumbled to himself before he stepped out into the clearing, "Hello all, sorry for my tardiness, had some things I had to...handle." He said in his usual tone. The second he was out of the tree line he already saw Zana walking toward him.

"There you are, took your damned time didn't you?" She said before her eyes scanned over his wounds, "How did it go?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well I am standing. He isn't. We wont be worrying about any trouble from him or his rabble for a long time. Not after today." He said with a sly smile. "Sharee's not too pleased." Zana said under her breath. "I didn't think she would be, I wouldn't be, but I had to see how she would react to something like this before we really called her captain." He said in a like tone. "Sharee, you may find our "friends" the Renrija are going to be much less active in this region, for a time. It should let more goods flow on land and therefore to the seas." He said in an optimistic tone. "But, sorry about the mess." He added, in a more apologetic tone. He paused for a moment as he seemed to think about something, "Does the name Dijo Ri ring a bell to you?" He asked her skeptically not even sure if she would know him.
EliteCommander said
Is Kayal kayaking in?

Not at all entertained by this. Not in the slightest.

Anyway, Im off work and will likely post now.
EliteCommander said
Is Kayal kayaking in?

Hmm? No.

Anyway I'm at work, I will respond once I get off the clock.
Also Kayak has not arrived yet. I will post him arriving.
Alright, I might be doing some editing when I get of work, but for now I must get ready.
As Nalla and Zana left Kayal's attention fell to the angry behemoth of a Khajiit that was charging him. Kayal stood their waiting his blade extended a litt ways away from his body but pointed toward the ground. In his left hand he clenched his hand into a fist as he waited for the Khajiits to close in. He locked eyes with Dijo and stared down the angry beast. Then finally Dijo swung his attempting to bring it right down on top of Kayal. But as he did Kayal lunged to his front left with great speed, Dijo's axe missing greatly. Kayal swung his sword and sliced across Dijo's side. Blood splattered out and began running from the wound Dijo roared in rage. Kayal whirled around and raised his left hand and released a stream of fire upon Dijo. Fire washed over Dijo back, burning fur and flesh. Kayal continued this jet of flame for a time before stopping the spell and raising his sword gripping it with two hands.

The gruesome smell of burnt flesh and hair filled the air but, Dijo was still very much alive. He turned around his eyes wide with rage and roared again before charging kayal. Kayal charged toward Dijo in return. It took almost a second for Kayal to come into striking range of Dijos battleaxe. Dijo swung his axe horizontally, but Kayal slid harmlessly below the axe and slashed Dijo across his leg. Dijo stumbled and drop to his knee. Before a cone of flames erupted upon him once more. This time Dijo roared in pain. As he did two Renrija rushed in to help their leader. One wielding an axe the other a shield and short sword. "Protect Dijo!" One of them shouted as they rushed toward Kayal.

kayal cancled his spell and raised his sword defensively. The hand axe wielding Renrija was the first to arrive. The Khajiit charged and swung his axe at Kayal. Kayal easily dodged with a side step and ended the khajiit with a slash across the neck. The Khajiit collapsed to the ground gasping for air. The second Renrija arrived a second later, and began to charge Kayal. Kayal raised his left hand and released a jet of flame. The Renrija lifted its sheild and stopped in its tracks as it blocked the flame. Kayal closed on the Khajiit still continuing the jet of flame, forcing the Khajiit to remain still protecting himself from the flame. Once he was close enough Kayal stopped the flames, feeling drained of his mana. The second the flame stopped the Khajiit slashed out from behind his shield barely missing Kayal as he dropped low and slashed the Khajiits feet. The Khajitt dropped to his knee and raised the shield higher almost over his head trying to protect himself. Kayal stepped back, before rushing forward jumping planting his boot on the shield and jumping off and over the Khajiit. kayal landed on his feet just behind the khajiit and quickly whirled about and beheaded the Renrija.

As he did he heard a rush of footsteps from behind him and turned to see Dijo charging. Dijo slashed and Kayal was only quick enough to stop the blow from bringing his life to an abrupt end. The axe dragged across his chest, breaking through the chain mail shirt and drawing blood. Kayal grimaced in pain. He saw Dijos eyes light up maniacally at the successful hit. Kayal stumbled back and raised his sword once more. Dijo continued after Kayal slashing his axe again but connecting with nothing but air as Kayal dodged it. Dijo swung again. This time horizontally but once more Kayal hopped back and balanced on one foot as the blade soared by. Once the blade went past Kayal lunged forward and slashed Dijo across his chest. Dijo grunted in pain and turned slashing his axe in a circle around him. Kayal tried to dudge but was forced to turn to the side in order to keep his chest from being slashed again, Dijo's axe raked across Kayal's bicep on his left arm.

Kayal cringed in pain, but as Dijo tried to stop his blade, is strength being drain by his wounds, Kayal rushed forward and drove his sword through Dijo's stomach. The blade plunged through Dijo, impaling him. Dijo gasped for breath and looked down in disbelief at the blade. His eyes slowly lifted to Kayal in rage, and pushing through the pain he dropped the axe and grabbed at Kayal's throat, surprised by the move Kayal was unable to dodge and as Dijo wrapped his hands about Kayal's throat, oxygen became a much more scarce resource. Kayal gasped fro breath and threw his hands up trying to fight Dijo's grip. He locked eyes with the Khajiit as he tried to fight free, Dijo smiling menacingly as he watched Kayal struggle for air. "Now Kayal dies like the traitor he is should." Dijo said his voice strained. Kayal's eyes narrowed angrilly and he kicked his foot up kneeing the blade deeper into Dijo. In a flash of movement his hand tore his knife from is sheath and plunged it into the soft tissue under Dijo's arm. Dijo's gasped and his grip was lost on Kayal's throat. Kayal gasped for air but remained standing. "No Dijo, this is where you die. And I put you down like the menace you are." kayal said coldly as the life slipped from Dijo's eyes.

Kayal tore both his knife and sword from the now lifeless body and watched it drop to the floor before he turned and began making his way out of the noble district. his movements strained by his wounds. As he past the check points he came up with excuses for the guards and was able to make it through unscathed and undiscovered.

Nalla & Zana

Zana nodded as Sharee confirmed the mission was a success. Then when she asked about Nalla and where Kayal was she fell silent and her eyes danced between Nalla and Sharee. "Well, this is Nalla a friend of mine and Kayal and a prospective crew member. Take my word for it she is skilled and can greatly help our crew." Zana replied before she once more fell silent. Nalla saw Zana hesitate and decided to speak up, "And as for kayal...well h-" She went to say before Zana interrupted her, "He is tying up some loose ends. if all things go according to plan we shouldn't have to worry about the repercussions of our little ruse." Zana said hurriedly. Nalla looked at Zana quizzically before the two met eyes and her expression returned to normal. "He shouldn't be long now." Nalla added.
Alright posted, I am going to start writing the next post now, but will only be able to finish part of it until someone responds to Zana were as then I will finish the rest and post it.
"Come on you whelp push." Kayal commanded the Renrija Khajiit besides him. They were both pushing over one of the last stalls in the square they had been in, yet the Khajiit seemed to be putting very little effort into it, instead is focus was off toward the middle of the square, there two of his Renrija brothers were fighting two guards, the same patrol from before who had made their way to the chaos and quickly engaged. But with Kayal's insult and his tone the Khajiit's attention was brought back to the stall and he was fulled with the intent to prove Kayal wrong. Slowly the stall tipped then fell over entirely, its jewelry spilling out across the ground. As it did Kayal nodded to the Khajiit, "Good job. Now go help your brothers, we will need those guards dead before the next wave arrives." Kayal commanded in an authoritative tone. The Khajiit made no attempt to show he understood instead just bolted towards his brothers axe brandished in hand.

As he left Kayal dropped to his knees and sweeped up a large collection of the jewels before stowing them away in his pack, No need to let these go to waste. He thought to himself with a faint smirk on his lips. "Kayal! More guards coming, looks like five more!" A voice shouted. Kayal turned about to see Zana standing atop one of the fallen stalls pointing down the road to the prison. "More over here!" Another voice shouted, this one belonging to Nalla. "Zana Nalla, come here!" Kayal commanded beckoning the two over. The square was a simple design, two roads and two alley led in, the roads on opposite sides of each other and the alleys much the same. One of the alleys had been blocked by the flaming debris of the buildings while the other had served as the escape route of many civilians. As the guards arrived and dove into the fray it was clear the Renrija were outmatched. Immediately one of the younger members fell to a sword through the stomach. As Zana and Nalla arrived at Kayals position, he had come to the conclusion that it was time to take their leave.

"Well the Renrija wont be holding much longer and our job should be done, we should best be taking our leave before the guards come for us. I doubt they will be bringing shackles." Kayal said quoting Nalla from earlier. "Agreed, we've caused enough trouble." Zana said. Nala nodded, "Lead the way." She said as she watched another Renrija fall to a guards blade. Without any amount of hesitation Kayal turned his back to the doomed Renrija and began making his way to the last alley, Nalla and Zana following close behind.They reached the alley and began jogging through it, flames jumping out from the windows above them. The fire had spread greatly now and as they exited the alley they saw a band of citizens attempting to combat a particularly large flame. "Hey!" Kayal shouted to get their attention, "Don't even bother! Get your asses out of here!" He shouted again, in a commanding manner. Many of the citizens bolted away from the fire at that command, their already great fear and doubt at their attempts to quell the fire nearly forcing them to flee and Kayal's command only pushed them over the edge. As the group ran those that remained lost their will to fight and quickly bolted after their friends.

"Alright, lets go." Kayal said this time to Zana and Nalla. He may be alright with watching the Renrija burn or die, but not all citizens deserved to die, especially by fire, that is a most unpleasant death. Once more the trio vanished into an alley this time coming to a much different scene. A group of guards were busy battling a large group of Renrija. Kayal scanned the scene before spying another alley that would lead them closer to their destination. He gestured for the others to follow ad began running towards the alley, making an effort to put a small bubble of space between him and any guards, not so much the Renrija. As they reached the alley a familiar voice rang out from behind them. The trio turned and their marching from the battle was Dijo, looking bloodied and bearing his blood dripping battleaxe. "Where is you running of to cowards. Stand and figh-" He said before realization hit. Realization that filled him with rage, they were abandoning the Renrija, they were leaving them to fight the guards while they escaped, Kayal was betraying them again. Dijo's hands clenched around his battleaxe as he began to move much faster toward the trio, "Your abandoning Renrija! Traitors! Cowards! Desserters! I'll have your heads!" Dijo boomed as he lifted his axe and charged at them.

"Go!" Kayal commanded towards both Zana and Nalla. "I'll handle this, you guys get to the meeting point. I'll be right behind you." Kayal once more commanded. Nalla looked hesitant but nodded. She ran ahead a little before stopping and looking back to Zana who was still standing their, unwilling to leave Kayal alone. "Go, Zana, I can handle Dijo, you need to lead Nalla she doesn't know where the meeting point is and if Sharee doesn't see something from us soon then bad things can happen go. I'll be fine." Kayal said as Dijo began to close on them. "If you get hurt I will kill you myself Kayal, don't be stupid!" She said sounding almost pleading before she gave in to Kayal's will and ran towards Nalla. Both her and Nalla had reached the end of the alley before they heard a loud crash of steel on stone from behind. And a sound like a mountain lion roaring in rage.

Zana and Nalla managed to make their way out of the nobble district. As they got distance between them and the chaos Nalla handed Zana her weapons as to make herself seem less suspicious no doubt the guards were looking for armed Khajiits to blaim for the crime. they closed on a group of guards that were on the defensive keeping the Renrija from spreading to the other district. As they closed, eyes bore into Nalla. They could see dozens of Khajiits hauled off to the sides behing questioned by other guards. "You come with us!" A guard commanded pointing his sword to Nalla, who was putting on a very convincing act of confusion and fear. The other guards were busy either dealing with other citizens or the Khajiits they were interrogating so they were only approached by the one guard. "What? W-Why? What d-did I do?" Nalla stammered. "She isn't responsible for this, please, it was those blasted Renrija! They did this." Zana pleaded, already knowing what was going on. "We know, but we need you to come with us." The guard commanded once more.

The guard seemed rather young compared to their common rabble, he looked as though he was new to being a guard, this was supported by his tone, it did not yet sound like a usual guard, his tone sounded as though he was not yet comfortable with being commanding. "Please, we have lived in Leyawiin our whole lives, we have made our living here in this city. I have fought the Renrija before! Nalla is just a store owners assistant." Zana pleaded. "P-please sir...I-I've done n-nothing wrong. I-I just want to g-go home." Nalla said close to tears. "What store owner?" The guard asked his composure breaking a little. "V-vilkens, h-he runs a small stall in the n-noble district, he s-says nobles are b-better business." Nalla answered her tone shaky and her eyes watering. Zana could see the guard swallow uneasily. His eyes darted from Nalla to his commanding officer who was shouting at one of the other soldiers.

"Fine. Just get out of here. Don't let me see you here again or else I will have to detain you." The guard submitted. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much." Nalla said happily just as tears began to drop from her eyes. Zana smiled in releif, "Thank the eight, bless you." Zana said as bother her and Nalla ran by the guard. Who was doing his best to ignore them. As they got themselves away from the guards they made their way to the city gates. The guard did not eye Nalla suspiciously as the last one had he seemed yet to be informed of what was going on in the noble district. So when the pair walked out of the city gates the guard payed no mind to them, his eyes instead were focused on the large amount of smoke rising in the distance.

Nalla and Zana began making their way to the Blackwood forest. The two moved at a walking pace, Zana occasionally glancing back towards the city hoping to see Kayal exiting them, but each time was disjointedness. "I am sure he is fine." Nalla said reassuringly. "Kayals a skilled fighter, and Dijo's an angry beast, I am sure Kayal did away with him and is already half way to the gates. Don't worry about it." Nalla said in a soothing tone. "I know..." Zana said unable to explain her nervousness. Both her and Kayal had taken on stronger things then Dijo.

Soon they were well into the Blackwood forest and Zana began leading them to the meeting point. They reached the shore first and began walking along it. The frigate could be seen anchored a little ways off shore. Nalla gazed at it across the water, he eyes seemed to shine with interest and excitement. "So, that's the ship?" She asked. Zana nodded, "Yeah, thats it." She answered. "Wow." Nalla said quietly. Just then two two stepped out into the clearing where, Tagorn, Allaina, Sharee and the prisoner they had save were already gathered.

"Good, you guys are here. How'd it go? Good I am guessing?" Zana asked towards everyone, she added the last part a second later as she looked to the prisoner.
On another note, Ssarak, if you are ever down on money, which if I am not mistaken you are, just know you can now make a decet income as a drug dealer.
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