As they opened the door they were met with a small stretch of hallway, this hallway led to a larger room, in this room was a collection of table, chairs and the sorts, obviously a mess hall of the sort. In the room dozens of Khajiits, ranging from all manner of different breeds, ate and talked, but as the strangers entered the voices fell silent and heads turned in their direction. "Well, talk about a awkward entrance." Kayal joked smiling towards the Khajiits but was met with nothing more but silent glares. Some Khajiits reached for their weapons but did not draw or raise them instead their eyes just bore into the group as they stood in the doorway.
"Why be you here? Traitors." A deep raspy voice hissed from within the crowd of Khajiits. But soon the owner was identified as a larger Cathay-raht Khajiits stood. The brute of a Khajiit, wore a poor excuse for a shirt, it being little more then tattered remains of one, and a pair of leather and chain mail pants. All across the Khajiits body were traditional Khajiit markings.
"Ahh, there you are Dajo-RI.I was wondering where we would find you." Kayal said in his friendly tone ignoring the bitterness in the Khajiits stare. "What does you want Kayal and why have guards let you in?" Dajo questioned. "Oh because, if they didn't a lot of you were going to die." Kayal replied smiling in a friendly manner. Hisses came from the Khajiits but the loudest of which from Dajo, "Is that some threat?" The hulking Khajiit questioned. "No, a warning, you see the guards are planning something that will claim the lives of many of your brothers and sisters if something is not done." Kayal replied, his tone more serious. Some looks of uncertainty were passed around the room. "What is you talking of?" Dajo question stepping out of the crowd. "I am talking about how the guards discovered one of your hideouts and are planning a raid. If I am not mistaken it should commence in a few hours." Kayal replied. "I heard they aren't planning to bring any shackles." Nalla added. Looks of worry began to spread around the Khajiit's. For a second worry flashed across Dajo's face.
"How does you know this?" Dajo asked in a much less threatening tone. "Oh please, you know I have many ears around the city and it's not exactly like they are being secret about it." Kayal replied chuckling slightly. "Why should we believe you?" Dajo asked, as he did noddes of agreement resonated from the crowd. "Kayal already betrayed Renrija once. Would not surprise Dajo if did again." Dajo said bitterly. "You think I would help the guards? That rabble of low lives are no better than common criminals they just wear a disguise of authority and justice. They deserve to be brought to their knees for the injustice they have done to people. If you think I would support them then you my friend are gravely mistaken, I would sooner stab myself then help the guards here." Kayal said passionately with a fire in his eyes. Dajo, seemed to study Kayal for a long time, before nodding his head, "Seems Kayal still do have a fire in heart for killing guards." Dajo commented, Kayal only smiled in return.
"So, where are guards attacking from? And what hide out?" Dajo asked, his tone much less threatening. "That is were my info runs dry, I know they are attacking and it is against you, but I do not know where and can only guess from the barracks." Kayal answered, Dajo seemed to grow annoyed but before he could speak Kayal resumed, "But I do have a plan. If you can stir up enough trouble in the noble district then you may be able to draw their ire away from the hideout. Cause enough trouble and they will be forced to take their troops off the attack and send them to resolve the problem. All you have to do is move into the noble district you will need to go to multiple areas, if you focus on just one then they can recover from the surprise easier and retaliate, but if you attack in multiple areas and cause enough chaos then you will spread their forces thin, they will have a harder time reacting and in their scrambling to retaliate, you can pull your men out of the hideout. As for the men causing the chaos, all you have to do is sneak in, cause chaos maybe light some fires, stand your ground and fight for a time, then retreat before their reinforcements arrive. Simple as that." Kayal said, finishing the speech with a smile on his face. Dajo seemed to think for a long period of time before nodding, "Dajo agrees plan could work. But what if they continue through with their plan? Even with us causing chaos." Dajo asked. Kayal smiled, "Simple, if they ignore the trouble then you take advantage of their weakened numbers and burn the barracks to the ground, an eye for an eye. You may lose many men, but so will they and the public will be outraged that the guards chose to attack rather than defend the people. No matter what you win in some way." Kayal answered.
Dajo nodded again this time smiling a toothy smile, "Dajo likes this. But if Kayal thinks he will get reward for this then he is mistaken." Dajo said switching back to a threatening tone. "I wasn't even expecting one, I thought we could just bury the hatchet about all that trouble from before." Kayal said with a smile. Dajo thought for a while then nodded, "Alright Kayal, if you plan work then Renrija may forgive for what you did." Doja agreed. "Good. Well we best not waste anytime my friend." Kayal said with a sly smile.
-----------------------------------------------------Some time later----------------------------------------------------
Kayal's eyes skimmed over the area, they were not far from the prison now, in a small square, there were dozens of people going to a fro around the square, it was almost as though they had stepped into a different world, from the deprivation they had seen,to this prosperity people walked about with fin clothes, pockets filled with coins and other luxuries items. They were just waiting now, a small pair of guards were making their way through the square, once they moved on the Renrija would begin their little distraction Kayal couldn't help but smile at how well things had worked out, the Renrija were playing exactly how he wanted them to. They got their distraction and should anything go wrong it would be the Renrija paying for the mistake.
Kayals eyes drifted around to the other members of the group, Nalla, Zana and Allaina were all nearby. Tagorn wouldn't be too far, he was close enough to be able to hear and perhaps see when the distraction truly began to kick into gear where he should then be able to begin his part of Sharee's plan. He and Zana were standing more to the middle of the square talking while Nalla and Allaina were off towards the edge of the courtyard doing much the same. Thats when someone let out a long dragged out whistle. He knew what it meant,they all did, that was the sign that they were to begin. Kayal and Zana locked eyes, "Ready?" Zana asked excitedly Kayal nodded and smiled "Always." He said confidently. JUst as he finished there was a loud crash of glass breaking, Kayal's eyes whipped around to see one of the windows of the nearby houses had been broken and an orange light began to pour out. "Seems they liked the fire idea." Zana commented towards Kayal. Then more glass shattering as more flaming bottles were thrown. People began yelling and screaming running in every directions. Scattered across the square four Renrija revealed themselves and began causing as much chaos as they could, smashing windows, pushing over stalls. Some even attacked citizens, but none of the wounds they attempted to inflict would be deadly, they would just help add to the scene, Kayal had convinced them not to kill any citizens instead just to wound them, "It adds to the chaos that way." Kayal had reasoned.
All across the noble district in four areas, scenes like this would be playing out,four groups trying to inspire as much chaos as they could. Kayal smiled softly, It shouldn't take the guards much time to arrive now. He thought to himself.