Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allaina followed along with the bounce in her step almost at a skip to begin with, saddly this cheerful energy began to receed as they entered the impoverished area. Allaina didn't like the way some of the people looked at her here, the smells and clothes she could have ignored easily but it felt like these people were evaluating her with their gaze, it seemed her tattoos were getting her a lot of unwanted attention too. Allaina ducked her head lower and scuttled closer to the others in the group for safety, fearing one of these strangers might make a grab for her. Allaina's only relief from this was a brief chortle when she spotted another human with a tail hole in his trousers. Her giggling had got even stronger when she realised the hole in his trousers was likely not by design. It looked ass though it had been torn in by mistake and just happened to be placed conveniently for a tail. Allaina's good mood was bought down once more when she had almost tripped due to looking the wrong way.

Allaina jumped almost a foot in the air when a voice callled out of the street rable and a female kajit practically pounced upon Kayal. Allaina had moved to interviene in the fray but withheld herself when she realised the catgirl was simply greeting Kayal as opposed to savaging him. Allaina stepped back feeling silly and observed the proceedings from where she stood. Still tuned into the words of the group Allaina's eye's began to wonder over the female kajit. She had seen few of the cat people for any longer than a passing moment in the street and, whilst she vaguely remembered them and certainly wasn't shocked by their appearance she still found herself needing to reaquaint herself with them. Allaina had no idea what Nalla was referring to when she congratulated Kayal on his work, it seemed relevent to her in someway but, besides healing her feet she could thing of no work Kayal had done upon her. Kayal seemed to resolve the issue however and Allaiana let her eyes wonder once more. Her eyes followed the tip of the woman's tail as it swished softly side to side and they looked the womans lusterous coat of fur over. For a moment Allaina wondered what it must be like to have a warm, soft coat of fur to wear, better than her tail-holed leggins no doubt, but her musings ceased as she responded to Nalla's question.

"Nice to meet you Nalla." Allaina said meekly, unsure how to talk to this new person. "I'm Allaina." She added and then, unable to resist, she asked "Can I... um..." Allaina made a stroking motion with her hands, not wanting to voice her indulgent request. "...your fur?" Allaina finished. She had asked if she might touch Nalla's fur but, now she had asked, her face burned with embarrassment and she motioned to forget the matter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the little group made their way from the more tolerable part of the city to it's slums a sickened sneer came to Tagorn's face, he silently thanked the nine that he at least had his mask covering his face. Tagorn had come use to the smells of the long since dead, battle fields soaked in blood of the fallen, burning bodies, even the rancid odors that always shrouded the shrines of Namira. But there was a smell that always succeeded in making the Bosmer sick to his very stomach, and it was of poverty. Honestly the smells of the poor, sick, and weak was enough to irritate Tagorn but to be surrounded by it like he was, well needless to say it took all of the Wood elf's strength to keep from gaging or ripping out the throat of the nearest beggar. Luckily for everyone around him it wasn't long till his attention was grabbed by a voice beckoning for the human leading the group.

When Tagorn turned his gaze to the voice he was greeted by the sight of a Khajiit nearly tackling Kayal. Great another reason to stay longer in this crap pit. Tagorn thought to himself as he silently watch the exchange between his crewmates and the Khajiit, who was apparently was named Nalla. Tagorn felt he was about to explode until he heard the Renrija-Krin brought up. So there is a point be hind this after all. He thought with a very slight smirk. He again remained silent as Kayal filled Nalla in on the info. Tagorn had almost drifted off into his thoughts of killing beggars again when Nalla ask who he was. Though he was in no to put on his little act he smirked before taking a slight bow. "The ever faithful Tagorn at your service my lady."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nalla's eyes whipped back to Allaina as she spoke, the Kahjiits mouth forming into a smile as she chuckled softly at the girls awkwardness. As the girl made her request Nalla did not shy away in the slightest or looked embarrassed in the slightest. "Of course you can, as our friend Kayal here could tell you I have little social boundaries in touching." She said gesturing with her head towards Kayal and shooting him a teasing look before looking back to Allaina. He only rolled his eyes in response. She stepped a little closer and turning her torso sideways so Allaina could stroke the length of her arm, "Anyway, go ahead, feel away." She said in a happy tone. Her tail lifting up from its usual drooping posture and slowly swayed side to side at her shoulder height. As Tagorn spoke up and elegantly introduced himself, she smiled again, "Seems I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Good manors, I can respect that Tagorn." She said kindly, nodding her head towards him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You should never judge by appearances my beauty from Elsewhere. You can never know what is lying just under the shallow surface of one's looks." Tagorn said with a slight smirk. While he was putting on his jest Tagorn was in a rage on the inside. Not only was he outside during the day, the burning feeling on his skin slowly becoming more and more intense, but he was surrounded by the weakest the city had to offer, worthless sacks of diseased flesh and blood in his eyes. Tagorn could feel the voice of Mol Bal screaming at the back of his mind, telling him to paint the allies with the blood of the weak. He managed to shove the urge aside for now but his patience for this area was wearing thinner by the moment. "I hate to rush you lot, but we are kind of on a schedule are we not?" Tagorn said crossing his arms and leaning back slightly. "So if we are to get these glorified kitten cut throats we should really start moving."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Indeed I shouldn't." Nalla commented as Allaina stroked her arm. Her eyes gazed over Tagorn for a few seconds, taking in what obvious features could be seen even with the hood and mask. As Allaina finished Nalla pulled back and smiled toward the girl before Tagorn spoke up again. Nalla looked to him with a look that said she was not entirely sure what he meant. But Kayal was the one to speak up. "Yes, I agree. We should really be making our leave time is not entirely on our side. Thank you Tagorn." Kayal said in a more serious tone. "Nalla, shall we go pay the "kittens" a visit?" Kayal said quoting Tagorn and gesturing for Nalla to come and help lead the group. Nalla nodded and stepped away from Allaina and joined Kayal at the front of the group. "Of course. Let's be off." She said readily.

Soon the group was off again making their way this time through alleys, being exposed to a larger amount of beggars who raised their hands as they asked for charity. Kayal ignored most of them but shook his head and raised his hands before apologizing to those that got too close or put up a powerful case. Whenever not dealing with the beggars Kayal and Nalla were chatting silently about a plan as they walked. By the time they reached their destination, they had come up with a decent plan to get what they needed. Soon they arrived at a small courtyard, aong the sides of the courtyards were some scaffolding as though the buildings were being repaired or something of the sorts. Directly across from them was a door guarded by two Khajiit's who wore light armor but seemed to lack weapons. "Here we are." Deven said silently towards the others before he began to approach the guards. One of the two was a older adult who wore a scar across his cheek, one that had a striking resemblance to a arrow wound. The other seemed young, perhaps not even into his twenties, barely considered an adult.

"Hello boys." Kayal said in a friendly tone. The two Khajiit's eyes seemed to narrow on Kayal as he approached, "What does you want furless?" the younger of the two asked harshly. The older one seemed to look annoyed at the others tone and word choice. "Well, seems you guys have found some new blood. Not very friendly though." Kayal said faking a hint of offense in his tone. "What does you want, Kayal? You know you not welcome here anymore." The older one said in a less harsh tone then the first. "Oh come now, are you guys still bitter about what happened? That was so long ago, you can't hold that against me forever." Kayal said in a innocent tone. "I know grudges are something of your specialty but, I have done some good by you before." Kayal added once more in the same tone. "Which is why these ones talk and not draw weapons." The older one replied. "Well, that's not a really friendly way to speak to someone that's here to help you poor sods." Nalla commented sounding a little annoyed.

"What help could you do for Renrija? Last I check you were reason we lost members in raid." The older one replied bitterly. "Look friend." Kayal began, "We just want to speak to whoever is in charge. Not bicker about the past." Kayal said in a surrendering tone. "Like you will get chance to see the boss." The young one hiss angrily. "Oh? Well I guess when your brothers and sisters die it will be on your hands then. Oh well. We tried. Best of luck friends." Kayal said as he began to turn and waved goodbye to the guards. But before much distance was made the older guard spoke up, "What do you speak of?" The older on question, failing to hide the worry in his voice. "Oh, just a plan we caught wind of. But you obviously dont seem to care so, we will just go on our way." Nalla sassed. "Wait, perhaps this one made mistake." The older one said as Kayal and Nalla began to leave. "Oh alright." Kayal said once more pretending to surrender. "What is plan you heard?" The older one questioned as Kayal and Nalla returned, "A plan that the guards made. And if your boss isn't informed a lot of your members are going to die." Kayal said his tone warning. The two Khajiits seemed to grow worried and shot each other a glance. "What is plan?" The older Khajiit questioned. "Sorry, but we must speak to your boss before we go into detail, don't know who might be listening." Nalla interjected.

The two Khajiits glanced to each other as they seemed to contemplate allowing them into the base. Several long moments passed of an awkward silence, which was broken when Kayal spoke up saying, "Time isn't exactly a luxury your brother and sisters have. The plan could be falling into action as we speak." Kayal warned, this seemed to make the Khajiits decision as he stepped aside in surrender. "Fine, this one will let Kayal through, just be quick and just know if you make wrong move you will be dead sooner then can draw next breath." The older Khajiit warned. Kayal smiled towards the Khajiit, "Wise choice my friend, you may have just saved some of your members." Kayal said before he stepped passed the guard gesturing for the others to follow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tagorn grew one of his sinister smiles under his mask as he final got the group to continue moving. By Molag Bal it is about time! He yelled inside his head before setting after the group. The Bosmer followed with a steady pace as the little band of soon to be pirates made there way into a even more beggar ridden part of the city. How can so much pathetic be in one place? Tagorn thought as he pushed past a begger who blocked his path asking for a hand out. The Wood elf could feel his agitation building again as more and more beggars started to demand for his coin, he was on the very brink of ripping their throats out when the group finally reached a building that seemed to be in mid repair.

Tagorn eyed the two cats standing guard in front of the door, his rage dying slowly but surely. The Wood elf let out a smirk as the obviously young Khajiit made an attempt of a insult, quite honestly furless seemed more of a complement. He had to admit he was somewhat impressed by his future crewmate, being able to lie right to the face of another without the slightest hint of strain being shown was something he could respect. As the Khajiits started to doubt themselves and succumb to the lie Tagorn let out a snicker. When they allowed them to pass he pated the younger cat on the shoulder. "Don't worry boy we'll try to not let you die." He said with a chuckle before following the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As they opened the door they were met with a small stretch of hallway, this hallway led to a larger room, in this room was a collection of table, chairs and the sorts, obviously a mess hall of the sort. In the room dozens of Khajiits, ranging from all manner of different breeds, ate and talked, but as the strangers entered the voices fell silent and heads turned in their direction. "Well, talk about a awkward entrance." Kayal joked smiling towards the Khajiits but was met with nothing more but silent glares. Some Khajiits reached for their weapons but did not draw or raise them instead their eyes just bore into the group as they stood in the doorway.

"Why be you here? Traitors." A deep raspy voice hissed from within the crowd of Khajiits. But soon the owner was identified as a larger Cathay-raht Khajiits stood. The brute of a Khajiit, wore a poor excuse for a shirt, it being little more then tattered remains of one, and a pair of leather and chain mail pants. All across the Khajiits body were traditional Khajiit markings.

"Ahh, there you are Dajo-RI.I was wondering where we would find you." Kayal said in his friendly tone ignoring the bitterness in the Khajiits stare. "What does you want Kayal and why have guards let you in?" Dajo questioned. "Oh because, if they didn't a lot of you were going to die." Kayal replied smiling in a friendly manner. Hisses came from the Khajiits but the loudest of which from Dajo, "Is that some threat?" The hulking Khajiit questioned. "No, a warning, you see the guards are planning something that will claim the lives of many of your brothers and sisters if something is not done." Kayal replied, his tone more serious. Some looks of uncertainty were passed around the room. "What is you talking of?" Dajo question stepping out of the crowd. "I am talking about how the guards discovered one of your hideouts and are planning a raid. If I am not mistaken it should commence in a few hours." Kayal replied. "I heard they aren't planning to bring any shackles." Nalla added. Looks of worry began to spread around the Khajiit's. For a second worry flashed across Dajo's face.

"How does you know this?" Dajo asked in a much less threatening tone. "Oh please, you know I have many ears around the city and it's not exactly like they are being secret about it." Kayal replied chuckling slightly. "Why should we believe you?" Dajo asked, as he did noddes of agreement resonated from the crowd. "Kayal already betrayed Renrija once. Would not surprise Dajo if did again." Dajo said bitterly. "You think I would help the guards? That rabble of low lives are no better than common criminals they just wear a disguise of authority and justice. They deserve to be brought to their knees for the injustice they have done to people. If you think I would support them then you my friend are gravely mistaken, I would sooner stab myself then help the guards here." Kayal said passionately with a fire in his eyes. Dajo, seemed to study Kayal for a long time, before nodding his head, "Seems Kayal still do have a fire in heart for killing guards." Dajo commented, Kayal only smiled in return.

"So, where are guards attacking from? And what hide out?" Dajo asked, his tone much less threatening. "That is were my info runs dry, I know they are attacking and it is against you, but I do not know where and can only guess from the barracks." Kayal answered, Dajo seemed to grow annoyed but before he could speak Kayal resumed, "But I do have a plan. If you can stir up enough trouble in the noble district then you may be able to draw their ire away from the hideout. Cause enough trouble and they will be forced to take their troops off the attack and send them to resolve the problem. All you have to do is move into the noble district you will need to go to multiple areas, if you focus on just one then they can recover from the surprise easier and retaliate, but if you attack in multiple areas and cause enough chaos then you will spread their forces thin, they will have a harder time reacting and in their scrambling to retaliate, you can pull your men out of the hideout. As for the men causing the chaos, all you have to do is sneak in, cause chaos maybe light some fires, stand your ground and fight for a time, then retreat before their reinforcements arrive. Simple as that." Kayal said, finishing the speech with a smile on his face. Dajo seemed to think for a long period of time before nodding, "Dajo agrees plan could work. But what if they continue through with their plan? Even with us causing chaos." Dajo asked. Kayal smiled, "Simple, if they ignore the trouble then you take advantage of their weakened numbers and burn the barracks to the ground, an eye for an eye. You may lose many men, but so will they and the public will be outraged that the guards chose to attack rather than defend the people. No matter what you win in some way." Kayal answered.

Dajo nodded again this time smiling a toothy smile, "Dajo likes this. But if Kayal thinks he will get reward for this then he is mistaken." Dajo said switching back to a threatening tone. "I wasn't even expecting one, I thought we could just bury the hatchet about all that trouble from before." Kayal said with a smile. Dajo thought for a while then nodded, "Alright Kayal, if you plan work then Renrija may forgive for what you did." Doja agreed. "Good. Well we best not waste anytime my friend." Kayal said with a sly smile.

-----------------------------------------------------Some time later----------------------------------------------------

Kayal's eyes skimmed over the area, they were not far from the prison now, in a small square, there were dozens of people going to a fro around the square, it was almost as though they had stepped into a different world, from the deprivation they had seen,to this prosperity people walked about with fin clothes, pockets filled with coins and other luxuries items. They were just waiting now, a small pair of guards were making their way through the square, once they moved on the Renrija would begin their little distraction Kayal couldn't help but smile at how well things had worked out, the Renrija were playing exactly how he wanted them to. They got their distraction and should anything go wrong it would be the Renrija paying for the mistake.

Kayals eyes drifted around to the other members of the group, Nalla, Zana and Allaina were all nearby. Tagorn wouldn't be too far, he was close enough to be able to hear and perhaps see when the distraction truly began to kick into gear where he should then be able to begin his part of Sharee's plan. He and Zana were standing more to the middle of the square talking while Nalla and Allaina were off towards the edge of the courtyard doing much the same. Thats when someone let out a long dragged out whistle. He knew what it meant,they all did, that was the sign that they were to begin. Kayal and Zana locked eyes, "Ready?" Zana asked excitedly Kayal nodded and smiled "Always." He said confidently. JUst as he finished there was a loud crash of glass breaking, Kayal's eyes whipped around to see one of the windows of the nearby houses had been broken and an orange light began to pour out. "Seems they liked the fire idea." Zana commented towards Kayal. Then more glass shattering as more flaming bottles were thrown. People began yelling and screaming running in every directions. Scattered across the square four Renrija revealed themselves and began causing as much chaos as they could, smashing windows, pushing over stalls. Some even attacked citizens, but none of the wounds they attempted to inflict would be deadly, they would just help add to the scene, Kayal had convinced them not to kill any citizens instead just to wound them, "It adds to the chaos that way." Kayal had reasoned.

All across the noble district in four areas, scenes like this would be playing out,four groups trying to inspire as much chaos as they could. Kayal smiled softly, It shouldn't take the guards much time to arrive now. He thought to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Okay, whatever, let’s go.” Sharee responded, not really caring about the friend Sarel had made while incarcerated. She was there for Sarel, and frankly couldn’t care less about the fate of any other prisoner. She let Sarel walk in front of her, once again taking on the role of a proper noble in her walk and movements. She hoped the others had managed to create an effective distraction, because if they got caught due to her allies’ incompetence, she would kill them herself.

Sharee prepared for the moment of truth as they walked upstairs into the lobby. Normally, there were a few guards and the jailor stationed in the room, but now, thankfully, it was empty, save for a single guard who rushed out of the door leading outside without paying them much attention. It seemed like whatever the others were doing, it was working.

Before stepping outside, Sharee whispered to the Dunmer once more. “Remember, this disguise relies on the guards not paying too much attention to us, so we need to stick to the sidelines and get out as soon as possible. They won’t recognize you by a passing glance, but if any of them really pay attention, they’ll likely spot you.”

Sarel played his part and wore a stoic visage. Perhaps he was a Dunmer nobles son, dislonged from his home in Vvardenfell where he was training to be an Ordinator, now stuck in the position as a Leyawin guard. This was who he had to be, or imagine himself to be. Whatever distraction the Argonian's associates were devising had apparently worked. The top level was almost completely empty, they were even able to leave through the front door.

"You mentioned a contact. How big is this?" Sarel asked, he lead them down a narrow alleyway.

“Not now, when we’re outside.” Sharee quickly responded. They had made it out of the prison and were heading toward the gate, but they weren’t out of the fire yet. Sharee was starting to become slightly more comfortable, as they were far enough from the prison that the guards were much less likely to identify Sarel. Leyawiin was a big place, so it wasn’t strange for a guard to see another that they did not recognize, and the ones posted away from the prison likely had not seen Sarel before.

Eventually, the pair made it to one of the city gates, though it was not the main gate. As they started outside, she realized they would need a good excuse for a guard to start walking away from the city, or the gate guards would become suspicious, so Sharee quickly came up with something.

“Oh, thank you kind sir. With all the crime in the city recently, it feels so dangerous to walk around alone. I…don’t suppose you would escort me to my horse as well, just to be safe?” She asked convincingly in her Cyrodilic accent. Sarel nodded, and the two started off in the direction of the stables without so much as a second glance from the nearby gate guard. Once they were out of sight, they quickly changed direction and headed east, into the Blackwood forest.

“We’re heading for a place near the coast where you can dump that uniform and, if everything goes to plan, we’ll be meeting up with my people. They should be bringing your equipment…and hopefully something for me as well, so I can get out of this stupid dress. Now, I promised answers, so I think it’s time to give them. I’d be lying if I said I did this for selfless reasons. I’m putting together a crew for an upcoming job, so I hired the local Thieves Guild to help me recruit, and they informed me about you. The thieves guild has eyes everywhere, and I guess one of them saw that little scuffle you got into that ended up getting you locked up. They described you as a capable fighter, and that’s enough for me to take interest. So, seeing as I just saved you from execution, I think taking me up on a well-paying job offer is a trade definitely weighted in your favor.” Sharee explained, carefully watching him and judging his reaction.

Sarel huffed loudly when he understood what was happening. This was just a way to get to his skills, they needed a killer with a debt, and they found one. The offer seemed rather generous overall, and Sarel wasn't going to lie and say the job didn't sound interesting. She was building a crew for some reason or another, perhaps highway robbery. Maybe she was an adventurer. Sarel felt a hint of obligation toward the Argonian and her crew, they may very well have saved his life, and most certainly risked their own. He tried to swallow that as he tactfully responded.

"I'll have to hear what the plan is." He said in monotone, not looking at the Argonian. It was then he realized he did not know her name. "I'm Sarel, as I'm sure you already know since the Thieves Guild is keeping tabs on me. What's your name?"

“Name’s Sharee-Mar, and I’m glad to hear this wasn’t a complete waste of time. Anyway, the plan’s simple: myself and my crew capture that ship over there in the harbor, then we use it to take even greater prizes from the Dominion, East Empire Company, and whoever else we find. For the first job, I’ll be giving everyone, including you, double the normal cut for such a job, if that makes it a bit more appealing. Stealing an Imperial ship is of course a dangerous prospect, but I think I’ve proven that I am more than capable of forming a solid and successful plan.” She explained.

It was not long before the pair arrived at the place she had picked out for them to meet, right next to the shore looking out over the Leyawiin docks. The others would hopefully meet up there soon with their equipment, and a few hours later, the rest of the crew she had Kilith had been hiring. At that point, she would give her full explanation of the plan to the rest of the crew, and start putting everything into motion. For the moment, however, she just needed to finalize everything with Sarel, as well as get out of her disguise.

“This is where we’ll be meeting the others. Make sure to find somewhere good to dump that uniform so no one stumbles upon it. Hopefully, it won’t take too long for my people to get here.” Sharee commented.

The Dunmer stayed quiet, he wasn't sure what to say. He unstrapped the shield from his arm and let it fall to the ground, from which it stood like a totem. This woman, Sharee, was insane. What did she want, to roam the high seas, attacking Dominion and Imperial vessles? For what, for the glory and gold? Well Sarel would not be apart of such a suicide attempt. From what he understood, the Dominion took their trading ships quite seriously. They even had Khajiiti privateers working with them. Sarel didn't even want to think about what the Empire would do to pirates. Nothing pretty, Sarel was sure. Though, to be fair, this is exactly what Sarel always wanted, a group of adventurers locked together in destiny and danger. Sarel leaned against a giant rock.

"I won't lie to you, Sharee. This plan sounds absurd. Do you expect the East Empire company and the Dominion to just roll over for you? How many ships do you expect to take; two, three at most? People don't play nice with their money." Sarel knew he wasn't saying anything the Argonian hadn't already thought about, but he felt the obligation to make his worries known. Like most criminals, this lot was doom to failure, and like most criminals, the only way out of this, once they were in, was through a chopping block. Sarel shivered as he pictured that for a moment. "I'm sorry, but despite my immediate reaction to join you, and trust me that's all I want to do, I can't see this plan being successful. Under any circumstances, not even with a stone-cold lizard like yourself."

Sarel removed the sword from his sheath and stuck it in the ground behind the shield, then lifted his helmet and placed it atop the hilt of the sword. His dark red eyes shone in the sunlight like two ruby orbs stuck onto his face.

Sharee chuckled. "I think you severely underestimate me. What, you think I haven't thought about the difficulties, the challenges? Pirates such as ourselves are not all to rare on the Padomaic, or do you believe the Imperial propaganda that they are eradicating pirate crews by the dozen? No, I've been sailing for years, usually as a hire for the East Empire Company, and I can tell you that they can barely hold their own out there. With war brewing between the Dominion and Empire, a few pirates sacking trading vessels is surprisingly low on their priority list. The Padomaic ocean is a big place, and they could hardly just track us down. We take to the seas, ambush likely targets, then hide out on one of the hundreds of uncharted, uninhabited islands that dot the sea. We start making enough trouble in one place? Then, we just head on over to a different part of Tamriel and let them forget about us."

Sharee walked closer to Sarel and started to pace around him. "Or maybe it's just that you don't trust me, that you don't think I have what it takes to pull this off? Well, you really don't know who I am, do you? I was born in Black Marsh, under the sign of the Shadow. I take you for an educated man, so I think you know what that means. I was born to kill, raised and trained from the day of my hatching to be an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood. I was taught not only to kill in the most obvious ways, with blades and claws, but also to be a strategic and cunning planner. I have killed everything from peasant to king, from the lowliest scholar, to the most fearsome warrior. I have orchestrated the downfall of necromancer covens, and the fracture and destruction of bandit clans. Militaries have lost leaders to my blades and poisons; I have thrived on and off of the sea, so I don't think you should doubt that I am more than capable of handling a pirate vessel. I have been doing this my entire life, and I am very, very good at what I do."

Sarel watched intently as Sharee made her point. She was right about the Dominion and the Empire raring to fight, it was bound to happen at some point or another, and Sarel was educated enough to know that the Empire would need to focus all it's attention on the Dominion if they did start a war. The truth started to rear it's ugly head and Sarel was hard pressed to find any excuse not to go, aside from that terrible fear of the seas.

Of course, that's not how Sarel has always been. It took several ship wrecks and a traumatic experience to get him to fear the very thing he once craved to be one with. Sarel remembers his years on Solstheim as a child, his passion for the seas and the inexcapable desire to venture off in a dangerous adventure with like minded indeviduals. This Sharee was a killer, just like him; and a Shadowscale even. Sarel knew that what the Argonian was saying had truth in it. He thought for a moment, looking over to the horizon, the sun reflected on the shimmering surface of the sea. Then he remembered all his other thing, those he left at the Inn. He lifted the helmet and sheathed the sword again.

"I need to get my things at the Inn," he finally said. "I'll meet back here in less than an hour."

“Honestly, it probably isn’t a good idea for a recently escaped prisoner to return to the city right after escaping. I would say just wait here for my people to return, then I’ll send one of them to go get the stuff. You really shouldn’t go back into Leyawiin for a while…at least not in your current state. I’m somewhat of an expert at disguising myself as you might be able to tell, or, well, as you probably cannot tell. Suffice to say I’m covered in makeup and dyes right now and actually look nothing like this.” Sharee said motioning to her face before walking over to the edge of the water.

“I should probably wash this off, actually, get back to my normal look. Anyway, if I get someone to bring me my things, I can do the same for you. Some recoloring on your face, dye your hair, change your eye color, and you might just be able to walk around. Of course, being that you’re Dunmer and not Argonian, it won’t be as effective since Humans and Elves are a lot better at recognizing each other than they are a Khajiit or Argonian, but still. If you keep to yourself, you’ll be able to walk around safely.” She offered.

Sarel shook his head, Sharee was right. Going back into town was a huge risk, and the distraction might very well already be over. That mattered very little, because, now that Sarel thought about it, many of his things were left in his room. His katana, his armor, his magical scrolls, and all the tomes related to the Order; completely unique and invaluable texts which told the long history of the Order.

"I need my things, Sharee." Sarel said, cross. He didn't know what to do, the things he left behind called to him, yet the threat of death loomed in the city. "I cannot have my things pillaged by some disgruntled Inn worker. I don't have much time, and so, neither do you."

Sarel was showing all his cards now, this was what he cared about, the glistening of his eyes said so. If Sharee couldn't see how important this was to him, he'd rather take his chances with the guard alone.

“Like I said, just give a few minutes for my allies to arrive, then I’ll send one of them to go fetch your things. And if you don’t trust them to do it, I’ll do it myself. Don’t worry, we’re not going to leave your stuff behind. Just list off the things you want, and I’ll take care of it. I’m not going to have you getting locked up again after I just went through all that trouble to bail you out.” Sharee said, trying to reassure the rather stubborn Dunmer.

"No," Sarel responded. "I will wait for your friends, but only so that you may disguise me. I will get them myself."

Sarel was quite matter of fact. He even turned toward the giant rock he lent against earlier, removed the helmet and sword, once more, and set them aside. He sat on the cold hard ground and looked up at Sharee. "So what do you expect me to do on this little quest?" Sarel used belittling language in order to hide his fevorous craving for information.

"Hmph, I guess that's better than nothing." Sharre responded, at least glad he was patient enough to wait for the others. She had never disguised a non-Argonian before, but she guessed she would have to be much more detail-oriented than with her own face to prevent others from recognizing him.

Walking along the shore, she found a rock that was large enough to be suitable, kicked of her shoes next to it, then went through the annoying processes involved in removing her dress until she was finally able to drop it down onto the rock. Walking through the Blackwood forest had muddied it significantly, so she would need to wash it at some point before using it again. She finished undressing down to nothing, then waded out into the water to wash away her disguise.

“I expect you to do what you’re good at. I not only need hands to help manage the ship, but I need skilled fighters, people who I can take into a boarding party and reasonably expect them to stay alive without cowering in a corner somewhere. Compared to the standard crewman, you’ll be somewhat of a…specialist, and your pay will reflect that.” She explained before dunking her head under the water, scrubbing away at the makeup and dyes. The dye in her feathers faded away until they were back to their natural orange and the colorations of her scales on her face shifted back to their normal patterns. The concoction she had used to alter her eye color was waterproof, however, so she would need to wait until she had her alchemical tools back to fix that. By the time she pulled her head back above the water, she looked like an entirely different person.

Sarel closed his eyes momentarily as the Argonian waded into the water. He took in her words with a careful critical lens. She refered to him as a specialist, Sarel wondered what she knew about him in general, and if she was aware of his keen ability in the ocean. It would be quite coincidental if Sharee did not know his skills, and yet recruited him to be apart of a pirate crew; quite coincidental indeed. When Sharee emerged she looked completely different, her scales brilliant contrasts to what they were before. Her colors spoke a sweet song about her home and reflected it outward. Sarel knew some about Argonians and their customs, there was a sizable population in Raven Rock.

"I must admit, killing Imperial affiliates will be a first." Sarel said, he couldn't help but admire Sharee's physique as she exited the pond.

The water around Sharee was painted in flowing, multicolored designs as the dyes flowed away from her. Being Argonian, she was of course very much at home in the water and usually took the chance to swim if possible. A career on the water was a perfect fit for an Argonian, and on sailing vessels, they could do things that would be much more difficult for people of other races. If there was a hull breach on the lower decks of a ship, an Argonian could work to repair it without much of a risk. Waterbreathing potions and spells could achieve the same effect for others, but they were not permanent, and they still weren't as agile in the water. Sharee briefly considered taking the chance to go for a swim, but decided against it, as the others would arrive soon. Perhaps she would jump in later at some point.

Sharee walked out of the water and back onto shore, standing in the light to dry off, a task made much easier by her waterproof scales. She heard Sarel's comment and chuckled slightly. "What, you actually feel bad for hitting the East Empire Company? They practically have a monopoly on trade across half of Tamriel. They inflate prices, stifle competition, and pass on none of it to the common worker, all to line their own pockets. They're almost as bad as the Dominion, and that's saying a lot. To Oblivion with both of them, I say." Sharee commented. She easily noticed his eyes staring her down, not that she particularly cared. If anything, she took it as a complement. She was well-aware of what those in Imperial cultures expected in terms of conduct and modesty, she just simply didn't care.

"Any intentions to go with those stares?" She teased, staring him down as she awaited his response.. She always found it amusing to try and embarrass Humans and Elves in such situations, as they rarely expected her to be so direct on calling them out in such situations.

Sharee seemed to have all the answers, or at least she convinced herself she did. Nothing would likely convice Sarel that attacking the East Empire Company was fair play. He considered himself a proponent of the Empire after all; it was a hell of a lot better than what the Dominion had in mind. Though, to be truthful, Sarel was never really able to call himself a true citizen of the Empire; the title has far too many subtlties.

Sharee called him out on his gazing. "Our intentions toward eachother should remain very professional." Sarel said easily, an adolescent smile crossing his face, "I'm starting to realize that we could become very dangerous for eachother."

Sarel was of course referring to the very difficult relationships killers share. Physical attraction fuels the fire and only creates and addiction. Impassioned killers with a mutual attraction would always be a dangerous combination.

Sharee chuckled. "Hmm, too bad. Nothing wrong with a little 'stress relief' ever now and then. Not that there would be time for that now, of course. Once the others arrive, I'll need to prepare for the rest of the crew. As I mentioned, this is where all the recruits will be meeting around dusk, and I'll explain the details of the mission for anyone who hasn't heard it. I have a few ideas for how to take the ship, and I'll decide once I get an idea of how many we have. Now, after the meeting..." She said with a suggestive smirk, walking unnecessarily slowly past him toward her clothes on the rock. She put on her underwear, though she didn't really feel like going through the trouble of putting on that dress again, especially when the others would be bringing her clothes in only a few minutes. Instead, she simply sat down in the light next to Sarel to finish drying off.

Sarel had been around the quarters, he knew the game. He wasn't sure what he wanted out of Sharee anymore, but he knew that she wanted him; which, in it's own peverted way, was attractive. Sarel allowed himself access to the show Sharee was so willing to give. The physique of an Argonian woman is at once familiar and beautiful, and foreign and shocking.

"How long have you been getting into trouble?" Sarel asked.

"That depends on what you mean by trouble. I've never really been one to conform to rules, as you can probably tell. I'm twenty-eight, roughly. There's always a bit of a discrepancy birth and being given to the Shadowscales. My first real memory is of being trained to fight, so that has been part of my entire waking life. I killed another person for the first time when I was eleven, a sort of rite of passage, really. I became a full Shadowscale at fifteen, not that it lasted long. The Dark Brotherhood collapsed not long afterwards, but I survived and adopted my current...profession. Now, I do pretty much whatever in Oblivion I want. I take what jobs I want, I fight and kill whenever it suits me, and just generally keep myself...entertained. After everything I went through with the Dark Brotherhood and Shadowscales, I've come to realize that there's no point in holding back. Why go through life waiting, working, and doing all that nonsense when it could all come crashing down in an instant? No, I'll live my life, thank you. I'll take whatever pleasures I can get, whenever I can get them, until the Void decided to take me." Sharee said passionately, motioning out toward the harbor.

"Take this ship, for instance. Sure, I could wait a decade saving up all my coin to buy a vessel, then another year to hire a crew. I could spend half my life planning and waiting, or I could just...take it. I'll either take it now and reap all the benefits, or I'll end up serving Sithis in the Void. Either way, it's better than doing nothing." Sharee explained. She had deviated a bit from his question, but she always liked to take the opportunity to enlighten others on the "correct" way of life.
 
Sarel noticed something in all of Sharee's speech, she had truly deluded herself into thinking that this way of living was useful for everyone. To her, this was how everyone should live. Sarel felt a sudden shift in the mood in the air, he recognized her flaws, too. In every relationship he'd ever had with a mortal there was always a point in time when Sarel would recognize their most unendearing flaws, it was a sort of curse. Being cognisent of something that was that deep and imebeded in a person, would always lead to a perpetual and destructive sense of pity. Sarel now felt that for Sharee, and it was poignant.

He settled on changing the subject, since Sharee seemed inclined to do so, "You should probably know, I've been to Akavir. I've spent a quarter of my life in one boat or another." Sarel shrugged, looked to Sharee with unassuming eyes, he was truly humble concerning his navel skill. "I suppose that might be important."

“That’s good. I already have a few recruits that are good on the water, but I don’t expect everyone will be. You’ll probably be tasked with teaching some of the less experienced recruits, at least at first, but…Akavir.” Sharee began, trailing off into her own thoughts for a few moments. “I don’t suppose there’s anything worth taking over there, you think? It’s not like there’s any trade between Akavir and Tamriel, so I’m sure there’s someone over here who would be willing to pay a fair sum for whatever we can take”

"Akavir is a wild place," Sarel said, nostalgia trailing behind his baratone. "But," he added, a glint of playfulness in his eye, "No one makes gold like the Ka' Po Tung. And the Tsaesci are reknowned for their treasure." Sarel was still comfortable, still spurred by the flush of adventure. "Not saying I would ever want to go back, but if we did, I guarantee we wouldn't leave without some gifts"

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind. A lot of legends make it seem like the Akaviri are some grand and impenetrable empire, but the way I see it, if that was true, then they would have taken Tamriel a long time ago." Sharee observed. "You won't catch me being afraid of some gold-scaled snake people."

Sharee leaned back, resting on her hands as she looked out over the water. The frigate almost seemed to be calling to her, and if everything went to plan, it wouldn't be long before it was hers. "It's been too long since I've been on the seas. I'm looking forward to this."

Sarel had flashes in his vision of these so-called "gold-scaled snake people". Their slithering masses coming toward him in an army of waves, utterly demoralizing. Sarel snapped back to reality and focused on Sharee. She was like them in a way, the Tsaesci; her snout was shorter and overall her skin seemed much more rough, but she was similar. Sarel wondered for a moment if perhaps her people and the Tsaesci shared some sort of ancient lineage. That was before his eyes, again, began scanning the Argonian beauty. In order to get his mind off of her Sarel began unsnapping the pockets on the guards belt. Mostly there were just some pieces of paper and a septim or two, there was also a flask. Sarel pulled it from his left-most back pocket and unscrewed the cap. It was almost filled with whiskey. Sarel chuckled momentarily, mimed a toast to Sharee, and downed a few large swigs. Then he pointed the flask at Sharee, hoping she would take it, and not force him to drink alone.

"We might as well entertain ourselves; your contacts seem to be taking their sweet time." For a moment Sarel just let his sight settle on the bright horizon. He thought about how Sharee knew about him, the Thieves Guild. Sarel was a smart enough man to know the guild existed, but he didn't know to what extent. Then he thought of a topic of conversation, one he thought would be interesting. "So did you hear the specifics about my fight? Is that why you wanted me?"

Sharee gladly took the flask, taking a large swig. Her day had been so busy she had hardly had time to drink; she would need to rectify that after the meeting with the crew. She saw him staring at her again and wondered if she would end up with company for the night. If not him, she was sure she could find someone. “Yeah, the Thieves Guild has eyes everywhere, mostly beggars. No one ever seems to notice them. I don’t know how it works elsewhere, but any of the organizations connected to the Cyrodilic guild protect the beggars in exchange for information. Of course, that’s not their only source of information, and they had a bit on you other than eyewitness reports. I didn’t ask how they got it, so don’t bother asking. I’m guessing you’ve been in this area at least for a little while, there was something in there about a ruin nearby that you ended up visiting.”

"Aylied," Sarel nodded, taking the flask and chugging from it a little. When he stopped drinking, Sarel's eyes unfocused, and Sharee was no longer in front of him. Instead, Uriel sat there. His decapitated head was at his side, tongue sticking from his mouth, his eyes ajar. Maggots collected at his neck hole and Sarel suddenly felt the urge to vomit. An instant later the scene was back to normal and Sarel had to shake the memories from his head. "I was visiting an Aylied ruin."

"Hmm, I've been in one or two of those before, as a bodyguard. The city of Stormhold used to be an Aylied city, so it still has some of those white stones and weird looking statues. At any rate, there wasn't too much more on you. Just some basic stuff to give me an idea of who you are. Normally, I probably wouldn't have bothered with it, but I need good people for this job. I need people not only that can fight, but who can teach the inexperienced sailors how to not get themselves, and the rest of us, killed. I need officers. I'll have to see your skills for myself before I give out any roles, but provided you're not all talk, you'll probably get one. Of course, swabbing the decks would be a better fate for you than the chopping block, which is no doubt where you were heading before I intervened. I'd call that a win for you." Sharee said, grabbing back the flask and taking another swig, silently wishing she didn't have to share. "And if you accept my...offer, we can have a bit of a 'celebration' later." She said with a suggestive smirk.

Sarel looked down at the dirt and smiled a little. He snatched the flask from Sharee's hands and took a swig, as he did he eyed the Argonian. The Dark Elf slumped to one side, leaning on his elbow, and stretched out his legs. He was getting rather comfortable, but he was also getting rather drunk. He was close to the seductive Argonian now, then he looked up at her. He allowed himself to peer directly into her eyes, he wanted a moment of consideration. He knew what their future would be, he'd been apart of it before. They'd have some fun, have a fight, and hate each other, then it would happen again; it was most certainly a cycle. The physical attraction would always be at their back, like the addiction of a skooma user. Sarel looked into the scale-like eyes of the Lizard woman, and knew he was already hers, whether he liked it or not. Considering that, he decided a little flirtation wouldn't hurt, it might even delay it further, which he took no objection too. He took another long swig then put the flask down between them, it was a little less than halfway full. He felt himself switch in sobriety, he was now very near hammered. "What's in this stuff?" he thought.

"So you really want to test my skills?" he said, allowing a little chuckle. He smiled dully, "Maybe. Do you think you'll be able to keep up?"

"Hmph, keep up. I'll do more than that." Sharee said as she brought herself to her feet. She walked around behind him and stopped just on his other side, letting her tail wrap lightly around his neck and rest on his shoulders. She looked down on him with a mischievous smile. "Like I said, later tonight, after the meeting. I'll stick around outside the city. Since you're so adamant about going back to Leyawiin yourself, how about you pick up a few drinks while you're there? Maybe we'll even have a bit of a party with the others, followed by a more...private one of our own. Or, who knows, maybe it won't be so private, depending on the company we have."

Sharee crossed her arms and looked at him with a more serious expression. "Just don't look to far into this. I don't want you following me around and acting like there's more to this than there is. I don't feel like dealing with that again. Last time I had to smash a guy's face against a stone wall a few times before he got the message to stop bothering me. I'm pretty sure he lived."

Sarel sat up as Sharee stood. He chuckled when the tail was wrapped around his shoulder, and rolled his eyes at the Argonian's finishing comment.

"You sure know how to get a man going." he said. He picked up the flask once more and allowed himself one last swig. He figured he'd need some wits about him for his jaunt through Leyawin, so he saved the last swig for later.

Sharee simply laughed in response before unwrapping her tail from around his neck and walking in front of him. Without explanation, she leaned over, close to his face, and put her hand on his chin. She then started moving his head to the left and right, carefully observing his features and making note of all she would need to do. "Your disguise shouldn't be too hard. You have those tattoos, so I'll cover those up, touch up your skin to be a bit lighter, and dye your hair blonde. As long as no one gets too good of a look at you, there shouldn't be a problem. Just don't dunk your head in water while you're in the city and you'll be fine."

"Oh, too bad. I was planning on visiting the bathhouse." Sarel responded in a joking tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alvar pushed the heavy oak doors of the tavern open and surveyed his surroundings. The bar was one of those shady ones, one you might not want to venture into if you were a random person off the streets. The pub was bustling with people, and everyone was talking and laughing. The room was dimly lit by torches evenly spaced along the walls. At the small wooden tables, with people cramped in the booths surrounding them, games of cards took place. The tavern had a reputation for holding high stakes games. Alvar had heard of these exclusive games. Only the best could get in, and people involved wagered things like their house, or more extreme their lives. But he was not here for the card games. He had a job. Alvar slowly walked over to the bartender. He tossed a couple of Septims onto the counter and grunted. The bartender reached under his counter and pulled out a bottle of Skooma. He opened the bottle and passed it to Alvar. Alvar took a sip and turned around, leaning on the counter surveying the bar. He quickly identified a few things. For one, an Argonian seemed to be watching him. It endorsed tactics that a normal person would not notice, but Alvar had experience in this field.He didn't dare steal a glance at the Argonian, as he would know that Alvar had noticed him. The second thing he had noticed was his client. His client sat at a card table across the room from him, participating in a game. His client had hired him because his opponent was known to win because his opponents were victims to what was "senseless violence." In other words, he hired killers to kill his opponent to advance in the tourney. Alvar was to wait to see if any one was advancing on his client, and there was, he was to eliminate them immediately. Alvar felt his weighty greatsword at his side, but he doubted he would have to use it.

His attention turned back to the Argonian. He wasn't quite sure if the lizard wanted to harm him or not. He would just have to wait and see. He didn't want to make any misplaced preemptive strikes. After about five minutes of the card game going on, his clients opponent seemed to be really struggling, a sweat had broken out on his brow. Suddenly, a man next to Alvar got up. He was a Redguard man, muscly but not burly. The man unsheathed a gleaming cutlass, and walked briskly toward his client's card game. This was what Alvar had been waiting for. As the Redguard advanced, he arrived behind Alvar's client. Alvar walked up behind him, and just as the assassin raised his sword, he snapped the Reguard's neck. It was a swift, seamless motion, and the man crumpled to the floor. Never knew what hit him. Just as this happened, a burly Cyrodillian man stood up from his table from accross the tavern. He draw two of his swords. They were simple iron as far as Alvar could tell. A second man was not what he was expecting, but nonetheless, Alvar drew his Orcish Greatsword. The two walked towards eachother and met in the center of the bar. The Imperial charged Alvar, swinging his blades. This was the man's first mistake. Never make the first move. Alvar deflected the blows, and with a quick swinging motion of his blade he disarmed the man of one of his swords. Then, without mercy, he continued to strike the man endlessly. The Imperial was just barely keeping up to parry the blows. Alvar made the finishing move, a fake to the left, and then he jabbed the hilt of his sword just under the man's chin where the neck meets the chin. This was where the brain's cereberal cortex met, and a blow their would instantly knock someone out. Surely enough, this calculated blow had left the native of Cyrodiil out cold. The whole bar was silent, staring in awe at Alvar's insane and calculated skill.

"Sorry about the mess," he grunted to the bartender, and left the bar.

He didn't look back, but when he got outside, the Argonian fellow had followed him out. The way the lizard walked showed he was no hostile. A glint in the reptile's eyes he said chuckling, "Well, that was quite a show Alvar. Those poor idiots didn't stand a chance. I had heard of you, but never got to experience your fighting first hand. It is apparent to me that the stories are true."

Alvar's response was cautious. "Spit it out, what do you want with me? I saw you looking at me in the bar. You obviously want something from me."

"Straight to the point eh? I like it. You see, I know a lot about you Alvar. I am a representative of the Thieves Guild. And before you bolt right here, we are not here to attack you in the name of Maven. We actually have a... proposal. A client has told us she has a job. But this job is no ordinary job. It requires the skills of people like you. The idea or client has has to do with violence, piracy, and wrecking some harbors."

"I'm interested."

"Good. That's all I can readily disclose, but you will be spending extended periods at Sea. The rest will be divulged later. For now, you must meet at the Leyawiin Docks in an hour or so. A meeting will occur that will explain what exactly you will be doing. You are not obliged to do this, but if you attend the meeting and decide to back out, you will be immediately terminated by those more capable than I."

"I don't doubt it."

And that was how his adventure started.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

By some blessing from the nine, or in his case one of the Daedric Princes that didn't completely want to rip out his innards at this point, Tagorn not only managed to keep his mouth shut during the groups little meeting with the Renrija-Krin, but to keep from pilling his own skin off in an attempt to deal with the increasingly intense burring sensation dancing all over his body. I swear by Molag-Bal I'm going to paint the walls with somebody when this is all over. The Wood Elf thought to himself in an attempt to take his mind off his current pain, though he would of mostly likely been having the same thoughts even if he didn't feel like he was sitting in a fire place.

Luckily for the undead mer the plan was being put into action rather quickly. Tagorn had placed himself a bit away from the main traffic of the city flow, finding a nice shadowy alleyway entrance just across the road of the wall he would need to scale to get to the window of the barracks' storage room. The usual smirk that Tagorn normally wore was gone, though no one could tell under his mask, and was replaced by a stern expression. The Bosmer was completely focused on getting up the wall, retrieving the supplies and getting out of the damned sun.

Tagorn looked like he would never move from his shade until the loud whistle rang out through the square and with that he was dashing across the road towards the wall. For a moment it looked like he would run head on into the wall but at the last moment he sprang into the air and grabbed onto the stones that made up the wall. Mere seconds after that Tagorn was scaling the wall with a surprising speed, his hands finding the tiniest of crevasses to grab onto and pull himself further up the wall. Luckily for him no one seemed to notice the hooded figure scaling the wall, everyone below either running from the attacking Khajiit or trying to put out the spreading fire.

It was very shortly after he started that Tagorn had made it up the wall and to the opening of the window. By Oblivion! He cursed in his head when he spotted the guard in the room, seeming to take stock of all of the confiscated items. Tagorn was in no mood to try to fight it out over someone else's crap, especially during the day, so he decided to go with a quitter approach. With no sound that could be heard the Bosmer pulled himself into the room and moved into a crouching position before creeping up behind the guard. Like a serpent striking Tagorn quickly had his arm around the man's throat cutting off any and all air the guard could get. The man started to claw desperately at the Wood elf's arm in an attempt to pry it off of him, but to no avail. Soon after the guard let out a few more choked gags he fell limp in Tagorn's arms.

"Hmm possibilities." The Wood Elf said to himself as he looked over the unconscious guard, practically grinning through his mask. But Tagorn merely shook himself out of his monstrous thoughts. "No. Maybe when I have more time for fun." He said as he moved over to the room's chest. He quickly picked the lock and popped the chest open. By the Shivering Isles! They never told me what to take! Tagorn thought to himself as he looked over the countless things in the chest. There were things from iron daggers to gold to even copies of the lusty Argonian maid. With a slight sigh the Bosmer grabbed a large sack from near by and filled it up with the contents of the chest.

After filling up the sack Tagorn moved back to the window. He looked over his shoulder at the still slumbering guard and let out a slight smirk. "I'm going to have to catch a meal before we head out." He said to himself before looking out of the window. Not even a moment after that the Bosmer leaped out of the window, the sack hanging over his shoulder. He landed with a loud thud on the roof of the building opposite of the window. But as quickly as he landed he jumped again down into the near by ally. Tagorn let out a chuckle before turning and starting to dash his way away from the barracks and to the meeting point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Allaina had little she could do, as the plan seemed to be working fine. The Khajiit Kayal had tricked were causing trouble all over. Meanwhile, she was hidden away, watching Tagorn just as Sharee had told her to. She was hidden in a bush in a small alley, watching as he climbed in through a window into the prison. From her angle, she could see when Sharee left through the front door of the prison, but she stayed where she was and waited for Tagorn to emerge from the window. Eventually he crawled out of the window carrying a large sack, and he seemed to be heading in the right direction. It didn't look like he was going to run away with all of Sarel's things...hopefully. Sharee told her not to confront him if he did, so she supposed just making a note of which direction he went would be enough, if he did end up betraying them.

With nothing left for her to do, she moved on to her next task and returned to the inn. She went back up to their room and started collecting the things Sharee had asked for, such as her clothes, alchemy, supplies, and the potions she had left out. Most of the things she remembered her mentioning were left out on the table, but she was still worried about missing something. Sharee said she trusted her, so she didn't want to disappoint. After packing everything she could find into a backpack, she put it on, then left the inn once more. With all the chaos in the city, and the fact that she didn't know her way around still, she just ran for the only exit she knew of to leave the city, which meant she had to walk around outside the walls for a while before she found the water. From there, it was easy enough just to follow along the shore until she found Sharee.

As she approached, Allaina saw that Tagorn had actually arrived, so he must not have betrayed them. The moment she saw Allaina, Sharee stood up and approached her with a smile on her face, which in turn made Allaina feel proud of her work. "Ah, there you are, and it looks like you have my things. As comfortable as it is, I don't think I want to meet my potential new crew in my underwear. It doesn't exactly give off the most commanding first impression." Sharee said, taking the backpack from Allaina. "Come on Sarel, let's get you disguised so you can go get your stuff."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Come on you whelp push." Kayal commanded the Renrija Khajiit besides him. They were both pushing over one of the last stalls in the square they had been in, yet the Khajiit seemed to be putting very little effort into it, instead is focus was off toward the middle of the square, there two of his Renrija brothers were fighting two guards, the same patrol from before who had made their way to the chaos and quickly engaged. But with Kayal's insult and his tone the Khajiit's attention was brought back to the stall and he was fulled with the intent to prove Kayal wrong. Slowly the stall tipped then fell over entirely, its jewelry spilling out across the ground. As it did Kayal nodded to the Khajiit, "Good job. Now go help your brothers, we will need those guards dead before the next wave arrives." Kayal commanded in an authoritative tone. The Khajiit made no attempt to show he understood instead just bolted towards his brothers axe brandished in hand.

As he left Kayal dropped to his knees and sweeped up a large collection of the jewels before stowing them away in his pack, No need to let these go to waste. He thought to himself with a faint smirk on his lips. "Kayal! More guards coming, looks like five more!" A voice shouted. Kayal turned about to see Zana standing atop one of the fallen stalls pointing down the road to the prison. "More over here!" Another voice shouted, this one belonging to Nalla. "Zana Nalla, come here!" Kayal commanded beckoning the two over. The square was a simple design, two roads and two alley led in, the roads on opposite sides of each other and the alleys much the same. One of the alleys had been blocked by the flaming debris of the buildings while the other had served as the escape route of many civilians. As the guards arrived and dove into the fray it was clear the Renrija were outmatched. Immediately one of the younger members fell to a sword through the stomach. As Zana and Nalla arrived at Kayals position, he had come to the conclusion that it was time to take their leave.

"Well the Renrija wont be holding much longer and our job should be done, we should best be taking our leave before the guards come for us. I doubt they will be bringing shackles." Kayal said quoting Nalla from earlier. "Agreed, we've caused enough trouble." Zana said. Nala nodded, "Lead the way." She said as she watched another Renrija fall to a guards blade. Without any amount of hesitation Kayal turned his back to the doomed Renrija and began making his way to the last alley, Nalla and Zana following close behind.They reached the alley and began jogging through it, flames jumping out from the windows above them. The fire had spread greatly now and as they exited the alley they saw a band of citizens attempting to combat a particularly large flame. "Hey!" Kayal shouted to get their attention, "Don't even bother! Get your asses out of here!" He shouted again, in a commanding manner. Many of the citizens bolted away from the fire at that command, their already great fear and doubt at their attempts to quell the fire nearly forcing them to flee and Kayal's command only pushed them over the edge. As the group ran those that remained lost their will to fight and quickly bolted after their friends.

"Alright, lets go." Kayal said this time to Zana and Nalla. He may be alright with watching the Renrija burn or die, but not all citizens deserved to die, especially by fire, that is a most unpleasant death. Once more the trio vanished into an alley this time coming to a much different scene. A group of guards were busy battling a large group of Renrija. Kayal scanned the scene before spying another alley that would lead them closer to their destination. He gestured for the others to follow ad began running towards the alley, making an effort to put a small bubble of space between him and any guards, not so much the Renrija. As they reached the alley a familiar voice rang out from behind them. The trio turned and their marching from the battle was Dijo, looking bloodied and bearing his blood dripping battleaxe. "Where is you running of to cowards. Stand and figh-" He said before realization hit. Realization that filled him with rage, they were abandoning the Renrija, they were leaving them to fight the guards while they escaped, Kayal was betraying them again. Dijo's hands clenched around his battleaxe as he began to move much faster toward the trio, "Your abandoning Renrija! Traitors! Cowards! Desserters! I'll have your heads!" Dijo boomed as he lifted his axe and charged at them.

"Go!" Kayal commanded towards both Zana and Nalla. "I'll handle this, you guys get to the meeting point. I'll be right behind you." Kayal once more commanded. Nalla looked hesitant but nodded. She ran ahead a little before stopping and looking back to Zana who was still standing their, unwilling to leave Kayal alone. "Go, Zana, I can handle Dijo, you need to lead Nalla she doesn't know where the meeting point is and if Sharee doesn't see something from us soon then bad things can happen go. I'll be fine." Kayal said as Dijo began to close on them. "If you get hurt I will kill you myself Kayal, don't be stupid!" She said sounding almost pleading before she gave in to Kayal's will and ran towards Nalla. Both her and Nalla had reached the end of the alley before they heard a loud crash of steel on stone from behind. And a sound like a mountain lion roaring in rage.

Zana and Nalla managed to make their way out of the nobble district. As they got distance between them and the chaos Nalla handed Zana her weapons as to make herself seem less suspicious no doubt the guards were looking for armed Khajiits to blaim for the crime. they closed on a group of guards that were on the defensive keeping the Renrija from spreading to the other district. As they closed, eyes bore into Nalla. They could see dozens of Khajiits hauled off to the sides behing questioned by other guards. "You come with us!" A guard commanded pointing his sword to Nalla, who was putting on a very convincing act of confusion and fear. The other guards were busy either dealing with other citizens or the Khajiits they were interrogating so they were only approached by the one guard. "What? W-Why? What d-did I do?" Nalla stammered. "She isn't responsible for this, please, it was those blasted Renrija! They did this." Zana pleaded, already knowing what was going on. "We know, but we need you to come with us." The guard commanded once more.

The guard seemed rather young compared to their common rabble, he looked as though he was new to being a guard, this was supported by his tone, it did not yet sound like a usual guard, his tone sounded as though he was not yet comfortable with being commanding. "Please, we have lived in Leyawiin our whole lives, we have made our living here in this city. I have fought the Renrija before! Nalla is just a store owners assistant." Zana pleaded. "P-please sir...I-I've done n-nothing wrong. I-I just want to g-go home." Nalla said close to tears. "What store owner?" The guard asked his composure breaking a little. "V-vilkens, h-he runs a small stall in the n-noble district, he s-says nobles are b-better business." Nalla answered her tone shaky and her eyes watering. Zana could see the guard swallow uneasily. His eyes darted from Nalla to his commanding officer who was shouting at one of the other soldiers.

"Fine. Just get out of here. Don't let me see you here again or else I will have to detain you." The guard submitted. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much." Nalla said happily just as tears began to drop from her eyes. Zana smiled in releif, "Thank the eight, bless you." Zana said as bother her and Nalla ran by the guard. Who was doing his best to ignore them. As they got themselves away from the guards they made their way to the city gates. The guard did not eye Nalla suspiciously as the last one had he seemed yet to be informed of what was going on in the noble district. So when the pair walked out of the city gates the guard payed no mind to them, his eyes instead were focused on the large amount of smoke rising in the distance.

Nalla and Zana began making their way to the Blackwood forest. The two moved at a walking pace, Zana occasionally glancing back towards the city hoping to see Kayal exiting them, but each time was disjointedness. "I am sure he is fine." Nalla said reassuringly. "Kayals a skilled fighter, and Dijo's an angry beast, I am sure Kayal did away with him and is already half way to the gates. Don't worry about it." Nalla said in a soothing tone. "I know..." Zana said unable to explain her nervousness. Both her and Kayal had taken on stronger things then Dijo.

Soon they were well into the Blackwood forest and Zana began leading them to the meeting point. They reached the shore first and began walking along it. The frigate could be seen anchored a little ways off shore. Nalla gazed at it across the water, he eyes seemed to shine with interest and excitement. "So, that's the ship?" She asked. Zana nodded, "Yeah, thats it." She answered. "Wow." Nalla said quietly. Just then two two stepped out into the clearing where, Tagorn, Allaina, Sharee and the prisoner they had save were already gathered.

"Good, you guys are here. How'd it go? Good I am guessing?" Zana asked towards everyone, she added the last part a second later as she looked to the prisoner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zana and some random Khajiit approached as Sharee was finishing up dressing herself in her normal clothes. She tied together the straps on her chainmail vest, then found a flat rock to lay out her alchemy equipment. Fortunately, Allaina had grabbed everything she needed to mix together some makeup to hide Sarel's features. Since she had some already premade, it would just be a matter of mixing it to the right shade of grey.

"We got him out of there, and we didn't die, so I'm calling it a success. Now, who's your friend, and where's your other friend? Don't tell me he ended up getting caught; the last thing we need is for whatever you did to come back on us, at least not before we get that ship." Sharee asked. No one had yet explained what kind of distraction they made, so she was still unaware.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Nalla and Zana left Kayal's attention fell to the angry behemoth of a Khajiit that was charging him. Kayal stood their waiting his blade extended a litt ways away from his body but pointed toward the ground. In his left hand he clenched his hand into a fist as he waited for the Khajiits to close in. He locked eyes with Dijo and stared down the angry beast. Then finally Dijo swung his attempting to bring it right down on top of Kayal. But as he did Kayal lunged to his front left with great speed, Dijo's axe missing greatly. Kayal swung his sword and sliced across Dijo's side. Blood splattered out and began running from the wound Dijo roared in rage. Kayal whirled around and raised his left hand and released a stream of fire upon Dijo. Fire washed over Dijo back, burning fur and flesh. Kayal continued this jet of flame for a time before stopping the spell and raising his sword gripping it with two hands.

The gruesome smell of burnt flesh and hair filled the air but, Dijo was still very much alive. He turned around his eyes wide with rage and roared again before charging kayal. Kayal charged toward Dijo in return. It took almost a second for Kayal to come into striking range of Dijos battleaxe. Dijo swung his axe horizontally, but Kayal slid harmlessly below the axe and slashed Dijo across his leg. Dijo stumbled and drop to his knee. Before a cone of flames erupted upon him once more. This time Dijo roared in pain. As he did two Renrija rushed in to help their leader. One wielding an axe the other a shield and short sword. "Protect Dijo!" One of them shouted as they rushed toward Kayal.

kayal cancled his spell and raised his sword defensively. The hand axe wielding Renrija was the first to arrive. The Khajiit charged and swung his axe at Kayal. Kayal easily dodged with a side step and ended the khajiit with a slash across the neck. The Khajiit collapsed to the ground gasping for air. The second Renrija arrived a second later, and began to charge Kayal. Kayal raised his left hand and released a jet of flame. The Renrija lifted its sheild and stopped in its tracks as it blocked the flame. Kayal closed on the Khajiit still continuing the jet of flame, forcing the Khajiit to remain still protecting himself from the flame. Once he was close enough Kayal stopped the flames, feeling drained of his mana. The second the flame stopped the Khajiit slashed out from behind his shield barely missing Kayal as he dropped low and slashed the Khajiits feet. The Khajitt dropped to his knee and raised the shield higher almost over his head trying to protect himself. Kayal stepped back, before rushing forward jumping planting his boot on the shield and jumping off and over the Khajiit. kayal landed on his feet just behind the khajiit and quickly whirled about and beheaded the Renrija.

As he did he heard a rush of footsteps from behind him and turned to see Dijo charging. Dijo slashed and Kayal was only quick enough to stop the blow from bringing his life to an abrupt end. The axe dragged across his chest, breaking through the chain mail shirt and drawing blood. Kayal grimaced in pain. He saw Dijos eyes light up maniacally at the successful hit. Kayal stumbled back and raised his sword once more. Dijo continued after Kayal slashing his axe again but connecting with nothing but air as Kayal dodged it. Dijo swung again. This time horizontally but once more Kayal hopped back and balanced on one foot as the blade soared by. Once the blade went past Kayal lunged forward and slashed Dijo across his chest. Dijo grunted in pain and turned slashing his axe in a circle around him. Kayal tried to dudge but was forced to turn to the side in order to keep his chest from being slashed again, Dijo's axe raked across Kayal's bicep on his left arm.

Kayal cringed in pain, but as Dijo tried to stop his blade, is strength being drain by his wounds, Kayal rushed forward and drove his sword through Dijo's stomach. The blade plunged through Dijo, impaling him. Dijo gasped for breath and looked down in disbelief at the blade. His eyes slowly lifted to Kayal in rage, and pushing through the pain he dropped the axe and grabbed at Kayal's throat, surprised by the move Kayal was unable to dodge and as Dijo wrapped his hands about Kayal's throat, oxygen became a much more scarce resource. Kayal gasped fro breath and threw his hands up trying to fight Dijo's grip. He locked eyes with the Khajiit as he tried to fight free, Dijo smiling menacingly as he watched Kayal struggle for air. "Now Kayal dies like the traitor he is should." Dijo said his voice strained. Kayal's eyes narrowed angrilly and he kicked his foot up kneeing the blade deeper into Dijo. In a flash of movement his hand tore his knife from is sheath and plunged it into the soft tissue under Dijo's arm. Dijo's gasped and his grip was lost on Kayal's throat. Kayal gasped for air but remained standing. "No Dijo, this is where you die. And I put you down like the menace you are." kayal said coldly as the life slipped from Dijo's eyes.

Kayal tore both his knife and sword from the now lifeless body and watched it drop to the floor before he turned and began making his way out of the noble district. his movements strained by his wounds. As he past the check points he came up with excuses for the guards and was able to make it through unscathed and undiscovered.

Nalla & Zana

Zana nodded as Sharee confirmed the mission was a success. Then when she asked about Nalla and where Kayal was she fell silent and her eyes danced between Nalla and Sharee. "Well, this is Nalla a friend of mine and Kayal and a prospective crew member. Take my word for it she is skilled and can greatly help our crew." Zana replied before she once more fell silent. Nalla saw Zana hesitate and decided to speak up, "And as for kayal...well h-" She went to say before Zana interrupted her, "He is tying up some loose ends. if all things go according to plan we shouldn't have to worry about the repercussions of our little ruse." Zana said hurriedly. Nalla looked at Zana quizzically before the two met eyes and her expression returned to normal. "He shouldn't be long now." Nalla added.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Well, if you're familiar with sailing, great, if not, you'll learn." Sharee said to the Khajiit, Nalla as she was mixing together pigments and crushing it into a fine grey powder. "Once everyone else arrives, I explain the details. For now, just know that I'm in charge, and that there's a good reason for that. Sarel, come here, I need to cover up that tattoo."

"Oh, and by the way, can any of you tell me what kind of a ruse it was you pulled? I didn't get a chance to look as we were escaping, all I know is that it sounded...chaotic." Sharee commented, curious to know what kind of a plan they had come up with. Sarel and herself had left quickly enough that they hardly saw any of its effects.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarel eyed each individual who showed up to the so-called “meeting place”. A trio of Bosmer and a Khajiit, quite eclectic, Sarel thought. He stood as the last duo approached, stood a fair distance away as he let them speak. He understood the words they were saying but he was too fried to actually hear any of it. Now that Sarel paid attention, he realized he was exhausted. He hadn’t gotten much sleep and his binge the night before made for a terrible headache, at that very moment in fact. He brought his hand up to his head, held it as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was still dressed in the guards clothing, but he was a little dirty, it was clear some straps weren't secure and it didn’t quite fit right.

The Dunmer heard his name and his long ears pricked up. He looked toward Sharee and smiled, nodded blankly. As he walked toward her he grabbed the band which kept his hair in place, he stretched it over his wrist and pulled his hair into a tighter tail. He wrapped the ebony locks in the band and then sat down on a small rock near Sharee. He lifted his head and eyed the new couple, he wanted to hear the distraction, too. He would be interested to know how he was released.

At that moment Sarel noticed what the male had with him. It was a burlap bag, most likely containing Sarel’s things which were in the evidence locker. This male looked, for lack of a better word, “shady”. He was cloaked in black, and his face was almost completely hidden. Sarel felt a little uneasy, he had to admit that to himself, at least. Despite that, he put on airs, which is what Sarel had been doing for a great deal of his lifetime—he felt that was probably normal for most people. He made a quick whistling sound toward the male Bosmer. Now that everyone was here, Sarel felt important, he could see the man power put into rescuing him. “Would you bring me that bag? That’s my stuff right?” Sarel said, pointing at the bag. His voice was soft, low, yet it commanded attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oi you don't whistle at me, I'm no damn dog." Tagorn grumbled out as he adjusted the sack that was still being hosted over his shoulder. The Wood elf's current mood could be accounted to the fact that after standing out in the sun for hours now his skin felt as if it was being tanned and turned to leather while it was still on his body. He then let the sack fall in front of him. "Your stuff should be in there. Hell every other bastard that got themselves locked up stuff should be in there." Tagorn said managing a slight smirk before looking over to Sharee. "Well the dull ears got a few of the local kittens to start a little spark and to entertain the guards for a while on our behalf." He said before he moved himself over to a tree's shade and plopped his elven rear on the grass. It was then that he pulled his mask down from his face leaving it around his neck, keeping his hood drawn up over his head, and pulled out a ebony flask from his boot. Engraved on the side of the flask in polished silver was what seemed to be a simple skull, but to the trained eye it would be known as a sign of Molag-Bal. The Bosmer unscrewed the top of flask before taking a long swing. As the flask left Tagorn's lips a soft smile came to his face as if the world was just lifted off his shoulders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sharee began work on applying the makeup to Sarel's tattoos. By watching her, it would appear easy, as the tattoos seemed to fade away seamlessly underneath the grey powder, but that was more due to her skill than anything else. He had to apply the exact right amount of powder on each part of his skin, else it would look unnatural and obvious.

"How appropriately vague." Sharee commented, trying to decipher Tagorn's meaning. It seemed they convinced a band of local Khajiit to cause a distraction, but with the amount of chaos Sharee heard on her escape, it would have to be a sizable group. "Hmm, the only organization of Khajiit in the area that is large enough to cause the ruckus I heard that I know of don't tend to play too nice. Not to mention they aren't a friend to...pretty much anyone." She said, eying him suspiciously. "Sarel here is insistent on going back and getting his stuff from his room. You all didn't do anything that he would have to worry about on the way back, did you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tagorn let out a smirk before he brought his flask back up to his lips. He took another long swing of the small container before he reluctantly pulled it away from his mouth. He wiped away a drop of whatever drink he had kept in the flask, which was a suspicious crimson color, before he reopened his eyes that seemed to have become a even brighter shad of gold. "Less he minds the smell of burning Khajiit I think the lad should be fine." The Wood elf said with another smirk before taking a final swig from his flask and putting it back in his boot. He then leaned back further into the shad as if he was preparing for bed. "Though he might want to avoid the noble district for awhile."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alvar considered his options. For one, this whole thing about a special job could be fake, just a ruse to capture him. He knew there was someone out there who wanted him dead, or worse. But at the same time, something about the idea of being the scourge of the high seas made him excited almost. It was tough to explain, but Alvar wanted to do this. Plus it would be nice to get off land for awhile, and escape the wraith of Maven Blackbriar. It would be nice he thought.

He surveyed the beach from the top of the docks, his eye solemnly scanning for the group he was supposed to encounter. Without much effort, he spotted a small group of assorted people off to the left by a small cluster of rocks. It was quite a group at that, mixed with several races. Alvar approached the group, a hand on the handle of his beloved sword, in case it was in fact a trap. The members of the group had quizzical looks on their face when approached. He must be an outsider to them, the rest of them already met.

"I am Alvar Greycloak! I was told by an associate of the Thieves Guild there was a job that was open. I come in seek of more information, and I wish to join your ranks."
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