Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Burning Khajiit? Did you..." Sharee said before rubbing her head and sighing. "By Sithis, what did I tell you about doing this clean? You were meant to distract the guards, not burn down half the town. I can't imagine the Renrijra Krin would do anything else. I would really have preferred you not do something large enough to keep the guard on alert for the next few weeks." She sighed once more. "Whatever, as long as none of you were implicated, it should be fine. We'll just have to be careful on our approach to the ship."

Before anyone could respond, Sharee heard a voice speak up approaching from the west. Fortunately, Sharee did not have to worry about who he was for long, as he immediately introduced himself and declared his intentions: a smart thing to do when approaching a group of armed individuals...at least when you're not looking to kill any of them. "Well, you're in the right place. You're a few hours early, but in the right place. I'm Sharee-Mar, otherwise known as your new boss. I take it the guild associate gave you the basics on what we're doing. I'll be explaining all the details once the meeting starts in a few hours. For now, just get comfortable, You know, introduce yourself, get to know everyone, and all that nonsense."

Even through the distractions, Sharee managed to cover up Sarel's tattoos flawlessly. "Okay, I think I'm done. I could do more to mask your features, but given that the guards are likely otherwise occupied at the moment, you should be able to slip in and out without being noticed. I'd get out of that guard uniform, though, else they might try to get you to help contain everything. Whatever you were wearing when you were arrested is probably in the evidence bag, but I'd recommend seeing if you can find something else to wear in there. Might decrease the chances of someone recognizing you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"It was Kayal's plan to use the Renrija for the distraction, we managed to spare any citizens but buildings weren't so lucky. The Renrija took to heart an exasperation that was made." Zana said a little annoyed at Tagorns explanation. "Plus you shouldn't worry to much, they are only focusing on Khajiits, they wont bother any other race, so most of us shouldn't be in much danger, but yes they may increase patrols. I am not so sure about worrying about the ship, I don't think they expect the Renrija to take to the seas anytime soon, not after a stunt like that." Zana said her tone not all too pleased. Nalla remained silent leaning on a nearby rock. Zana's gaze then turned toward the prospective crew member they had saved, a Dunmer. "So you're the one we went through that trouble for? Guess we'll see if it was worth it." Zana said her tone still fairly annoyed.

"Zana." Nalla said, she looked at her with both her eye brows raised in a sort of warning gaze. Zana just sighed in response and looked back towards the group, the message having been received. When the nord arrived and introduced himself Zana just watched him from the corner of her eyes.


Kayal had made his way out of the city, the gate guard gave him some trouble what him being wounded and such but eventually Kayal convinced the guard to let him leave. The guard had no reason to stop him, he had no evidence Kayal had been in the noble district, in fact Kayal told the guard they he had received the wounds by losing a bet, what the bet was he claimed he would rather just keep to himself, at this the guard did not push much further instead just warned about the dangers of betting too high and sent him on his way. Kayal couldn't help but smile a the bit of irony he had found in the situation.

Kayal made his way toward the Blackwood forest, stopping only to look over his wounds before letting lose restorative energy to stop the bleeding and keep the wounds from getting infected. By the time he was nearing the meeting point he had drained himself of his magicka and had sealed his wounds. Silently he closed on the meeting point, the first thing he heard were the familiar voices with a faint slurred unfamiliar and another with a nordic accent. "Time to meet some new faces." He mumbled to himself before he stepped out into the clearing, "Hello all, sorry for my tardiness, had some things I had to...handle." He said in his usual tone. The second he was out of the tree line he already saw Zana walking toward him.

"There you are, took your damned time didn't you?" She said before her eyes scanned over his wounds, "How did it go?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well I am standing. He isn't. We wont be worrying about any trouble from him or his rabble for a long time. Not after today." He said with a sly smile. "Sharee's not too pleased." Zana said under her breath. "I didn't think she would be, I wouldn't be, but I had to see how she would react to something like this before we really called her captain." He said in a like tone. "Sharee, you may find our "friends" the Renrija are going to be much less active in this region, for a time. It should let more goods flow on land and therefore to the seas." He said in an optimistic tone. "But, sorry about the mess." He added, in a more apologetic tone. He paused for a moment as he seemed to think about something, "Does the name Dijo Ri ring a bell to you?" He asked her skeptically not even sure if she would know him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Once she was finished with Sarel, she stood up and looked over the crew that was slowly forming as she packed her things away into the bag Allaina had brought. The new arrival, the Nord, was obviously a warrior. His heavy Dwarven armor was not exactly common apparel for pirates, but that would just mean it would be unexpected. Bladed weapons and arrows from any average bow were near useless against plate armor. Blunt weapons and crossbows were still effective, but those were not exactly common in naval combat.

Eventually, Kayal emerged from the forest and joined them. He had evidently not died, which was probably good. Sharee was still upset about their method of distracting the guards, though she did not actually care about the property damage, or even the lives of the citizens. She was more concerned about how the guards would react. From what she could gather from what Kayal was saying, he seemed to have some sort of grudge against the Renrija Krin, which she couldn't care less about. "I think I heard Kilith mention the name once, but I don't really know, nor care, much about him. He's some member of the Renrija Krin, right? I've never had any particular issue with their group. I don't like them, but I've never had a reason to hate them. They're not good trade partners, but they've never targeted me, so I never cared about them. I suppose if they're taking the fall for this one, then they've served some purpose. Just make sure I'm not implicated in any way; I don't like making enemies without having something to gain from it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynric, finally reached the meeting place. He had been distracted by a sudden ruckus in the town and was at half a mind to investigate, but he did not like being late. He saw some people had already gathered and headed over to greet them. "Greetings, my name is Cynric. I was told by someone to meet my soon to be employer here. I assume that I am in the right place, and that you are that I am talking to the right people as well. Otherwise I offer you an apology and will leave you to whatever business I interrupted you from."

Cynric was dubious to the intentions of the group he saw before him, they seemed like a rag tag bunch of people. But, money was money.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tagorn was still lounging in what shad the tree offered, trying his best to stay out of the sun's damned rays. The pain that masked his body was dying down from it's former intensity but it was still one that made the mer wish for the sweet embrace of the shadows. As the Wood Elf went through his longing thoughts of the night new foreign faces appeared in the group. A slight smirk came to Tagorn's lips as he looked over the two men that arrived . If I ever do start to run low I at least as plentiful choices at hand. He thought to himself. "Oh I do hope you are in the right place. Would make the job a lot more interesting with a person with actual civility around." He said with a devilish smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarel huffed when the male Bosmer allowed the burlap bag to fall at the Dunmers feet. He seemed to have a chip on his shoulder, and, based on the symbol emblazoned on his flask, Sarel could tell it was a Molag-Bal sized chip. Was this man simply an agent of the ancient terror? Or was he something more, something far more gruesome? Sarel let that slip past his consciousness and into the bank of information he held, somewhere deep in the dank, darkness. Sarel allowed the make-up to be applied to his face as he listened to all the news. It was quite interesting, indeed. This group of miscreants devised a way to manipulate the local Khajiiti highwaymen. This meant, whoever was responsible for the plan, was to be watched. Sarel knew the strength of a quick tongue, and he feared it. As his tattoos were being hidden, Sarel flashed back to the time when the tattoo was first being applied.

The fresh ocean breeze buffeted the sail above, Sarel was much younger. He sat cross-legged atop a table above deck. Standing very near him was a Khajiit woman, she was missing an ear. In her hand was a half black stick with a tiny wooden, point at the end. She would dip the point into the ink next to her, line it up with the half complete tattoo on Sarel’s face and flick a string on her end of the stick. It would jolt and make a small mark in Sarel’s skin, and then draw blood. This was how the Khajiit made tattoo’s and Sarel was disinterested in telling her any other way. She seemed quite capable, and Sarel didn’t want the procedure to be any more painful, so he let her work. He’d given her a dirty, gilded Tsceaci headdress in return for her services.

“How was it?” She asked, abruptly. Sarel could tell she’d been trying to decide when to ask. “Inland?”

Sarel closed his eyes, he pictured himself running from the temple of the Order, the calamity of Boethia hot on his trails; it bit at his rump like the heat of a burning home. At this point he was still hearing voices grating in the back of his head. They were like a demonic choir, and they wanted attention. “Dark,” he finally said, blood streaming down his face.

Sarel awoke again in the present, his make up drying in the sun, he hadn’t even realized Sharee was done. He looked in the burlap bag, listening to Sharee’s advice. She had the right idea. He removed all the things that were his, a shirt and vest, a pair of pants, netch leather shoes, and a bloody wakizashi. He then removed several items he would be able to fit into. A white blouse, leather breaches, a hide vest, and leather boots were what he eventually had decided on. Among other things Sarel found a golden ring. He inspected it and noticed a coat-of-arms on the inside. It most certainly belonged to a Breton family.

"Serge” Sarel whispered to himself. Sarel took his change of clothing behind a rock and changed, it only took a few moments. He was back with the group rather quickly. That’s when he noticed everyone who had gathered, it was quite a large group now that he thought about it. Sarel simply glanced at Sharee before he skipped down the hill toward the road, no need to draw attention to himself, everyone in the group was already questioning whether he was worth saving.

In a few moments time, Sarel could smell the soot in the air, and hear the manic cries. He had little issue getting through the gate. It seemed like the guard were still pushing the highwaymen back. A barricade stopped Sarel from going through the noble district, which is where he would have normally gone in order to reach the Inn. Instead, he took a left and walked through the alley. Sometimes he’d hear the strains of a fight, and other times he would bump into a frightened beggar, but his jont through the underbelly of the city was mostly uninterrupted.

Sarel emerged from the façade of an alley and crossed the street to the Inn, a horse nayed loudly as he passed, likely hoping he would be freed from his hitching. The Inn was mostly untouched aside from a barrel having been hoisted through the window. Sarel acended the stairs quickly, making sure he made minimal sound. The Innkeeper was cursing in the kitchen when Sarel passed by.

The body was gone but Sarel could see it as if it were still yesterday. The blood drenched the floor and walls. At the other end of the hallway was a sheet which provided a minimal fix for the giant hole in the wall where a window should be. Sarel forced his room open and quickly gathered all his things. His armor was safely packed in a burlap bag which he hoisted over his shoulder, his katana was slung over the same shoulder. His tomes and scrolls were neatly tucked in his knapsack along with all his other possessions, he carried that on his back. The complimentary bottle of wine he’d been given with his room was in that same sack, he felt that would suffice for Sharee’s intentions. He left the room, and the Inn without any interference from the Innkeeper. There was another gate a small ways away from the Inn which had only one guard manning it. Sarel simply said he was a traveling merchant from the Ashland, hoping to get out of the city for good. The guard bought it and Sarel walked along the beach, back to where the group was. The walk on the beach was refreshing. He even removed the disgusting boots he wore in order to feel the sand under his toes.

For the first time in a long time, Sarel felt good. He was exhausted and starving, but he had allies now, a group which he could now use as a point of reference. Then Sarel felt his heart drop, he knew he could not use this group for stability. The foundation from which it was made was antithetical to that idea. Sarel would need to remember that, he would not be able to trust anyone in this group until he knew them better. Then the Dunmer felt sad, he reverted again to passive consumption of the view of the sunset, and realized that he might never be clean again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Over the next few hours, more and more people trickled in, growing the relatively small group into a genuine crowd. Kilith had certainly done his job. Sharee stopped bothering to introduce herself to every new arrival and instead just let them figure it out for themselves. It was quite a diverse bunch of people, consisting of all races, shapes, and sizes. There were the standard rogues with daggers, shortswords, or bows, much like Sharee. There were even a few in mage robes and some bigger, armored guys like Alvar. Some weren't armed at all and appeared to just be sailors who may or may not have any actual combat ability. It didn't matter; as long as they had enough fighters, the rest would be useful for keeping the ship operational.

As nighfall came nearer, Sharee decided it was time to officially start the meeting. No one new had showed up for almost half an hour, and she could see that Sarel had returned, so there was no more reason to delay. She climbed up on a rock large enough to put her above everyone else. It wasn't as if they were tightly packed enough that no one could see otherwise, but it called attention to her.

"Alright, shut up everyone, it's time to get this thing started. Now, before I get into the details, I want to give the basics of what each of you are getting into. What we are going to do is going to be illegal, it is going to be dangerous. The guards will try to kill you, and if they identify you, they will put a bounty on your head large enough that you'll never return to the city. But, as I'm sure you can imagine, the hazard pay for this will be...significant. Imagine a larger score than you've probably ever gotten, with double the average cut. If this does not appeal to you, if you don't want to get involved in this, then you are free to leave now. I won't do anything to you. I won't hunt you, I won't harm you, it will be the end of our business together. This will be the one and only chance to leave, because once you hear the details, there will be no backing out." She said, her tone at the end harsh and severe. She looked out across the crowd with an expression which showed that her words were, indeed, a threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, the name has no weight anymore. He's dead." Kayal said nonchalantly. But his attention was quickly turned away as another voice spoke up. The voice belonged to another newcomer. A Breton Kayal couldn't help but notice. There was already the Nord from before but, they could be annoying to deal with, this one didn't seem so bad but that is from what he could gather. Either way it was good to see another of his kin.

Time began to pass and eventually nightfall came. As the night came so did the people. Eventually it got to the point were they had quite a crowd gathered. Kayal, Zana and Nalla chatted with the new comers and with each other happily, Kayal being his usual friendly welcoming self. No more new arrivals had shown up for a while as it seemed every one had arrived. Kayal looked out over the crowd several times judging the size. He judged at the current size they could man the ship and keep it running properly, but the idea of getting more members was definitely a prospect worth bringing up to Sharee should this plan really kick off.

Kayal's mind had began to drift to thoughts of the possible future of this job, if all things went as planned this could really go well for them. He was distracted from his thoughts as a figure climbed on to a rock, he looked to see it was Sharee. As she turned to face them Kayal whistled loudly as to be heard over the voices, "Listen up!" He said loudly, hoping to help silence the crowd. A decent number of the crowd around Kayal quieted when he told them to. But as Sharee spoke up the entirety of the group silenced and looked to their soon-to-be-captain.

Sharee spoke up explaining more details of the job, her tone sounded warning as she spoke, it seemed as though she was trying to strain out those that couldn't handle the job. Then she brought up the topic of their pay, a topic that sent a flash of greed across many peoples eyes. Her tone drove the point home, she had offered them a sort of ultimatum, they either left or stayed. She warned their would be no other chances to back out should they choose to step down after this point. Kayal's eyes skimmed over the crowd looking to see if anyone was going to step back to take their leave. He saw a nervous face or two here and there, but at the time he saw no one leaving.

His decision was already made, he would stick with this plan, he had no will to back down, he had longed to be back on the sea for what felt like ages, the promise of wealth and adventure only helped to flavor the pot that was already so delectable. Zana's decision was already made as well, the prospect of wealth a thirst for adventure and her unwillingness to leave her friend had made her decision for her. Nalla on the other hand took a few moments to contemplate the pros verse the cons. Eventually settling that she wanted to stay, settling that, at a later point, should she chose to leave, there were always ways for her to slip away unseen. Not that she planned to leave anytime soon nor had any want to. This job had promise, promise that she was willing to see through to the end.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynric looked round at the people around him. All varied in size, shape and race. Cynric smiled inwardly such a pallet of souls for him to harvest when they fell in battle, so much potential death and failure, it was exquisite. But now was not the time to think on such things. No one was dropping dead right now. The chatter began slowly as the group waited for their employer. Cynric sat at the edge of the crowd disinterested in the conversations that were going on around him. Preferring to read through the book he had been reading in the tavern. Just as he was about to summon his pipe he was interrupted by a loud whistle catching his attention and a few others. "Listen Up!" Bellowed a Breton in the crowd.

Cynric was bemused by the mans attempt to attain order in this crowd of noise. Cynric saw why the man was calling for quiet, a argonian had climbed to the top of a large rock. It was now obvious to Cynric as to whom his employer would be. An argonian, he had nothing wrong with argonians but he could feel an aura of danger and mystery around her. He would keep an eye on her, Cynric could tell that this argonian was not to be messed with. Quietly stowing his book away into his bag he listened to what the Argonian had to say. When she had finished her warning Cynric thought for a second about what he was getting into. He was not technically a wanted man, however seeing the world and more importantly experiencing magic that this world had in store for him did excite him. Cynric though had no doubt in his mind. He would follow this argonian through whatever hell she had planned for the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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As night fell upon the crowd that gathered on the shore a devilish grin was dawned on Tagorn's face, he had long since removed his mask and hood. He looked over the crowed, analyzing each person individually like a predator, he wanted to get the best sense he could of the rest of the crew before they actually set sail. The Wood elf had come a long way from his intense anger from earlier and was now actually amused. At least I don't have to worry about feeding anymore. He thought to himself with a light smirk. The Bosmer was about to continue his survey of the group until he heard Kayal speak up. So he is trying to take control here as well? We're going to have to remind him other wise later. He thought with a devilish smile before he moved his gaze to Sharee who had climbed a rock so see was a easy sight. "Hmm I have to give to the girl, see really knows how to give a speech." He said to himself with a smirk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sharee crossed her arms as she looked over the crowd. After a few moments of silence, she gave a satisfied smirk. "Good. Your coinpurses will not regret this decision. Introductions, then. My name is Sharee-Mar. To give you a bit of background on myself, I was born a Shadowscale. For the ignorant among you, the Shadowscales were a section of the Dark Brotherhood in Black Marsh. I was raised for the sole purpose of killing. I was trained for that purpose through my entire childhood, became an assassin at an age where most of you were just learning to swing your first sword, and have kept killing all the way up to the present. Long story short, I know what I'm doing. For this job, we are going after the largest, most profitable scores any thief could hope to take: trade vessels. Entire galleons full of precious and valuable cargo, often left far too underprotected because of the looming war between the Dominion and Empire. To do this, of course, we will need a ship, and if you'll turn your gaze out over the harbor, you'll see the one I'm referring to. A frigate of the East Empire Company, it's crew far too complacent with its shore leave to keep more than a few guards on board to ward away thieves. We'll take that ship and use it to hit the biggest trade vessel we can find...and you will all get double the average take for the first job. I, of course, have a plan for how to take it, but I need to know what I'm working with here. Anyone who thinks they are a good enough fighter to board a ship and take out its guards, I want you to move to my right. Everyone else, group to my left."

Sharee paused for a few moments, but just as everyone was beginning to move, she spoke up again. "Oh, and just in case any of you are too prideful to admit it, there is something I want to be crystal clear on. Do not try to tell me you can handle the fight if you cannot. Not all of you need to be masters on the battlefield. We need people to run the ship, and we can teach you what you need to know about fighting once we're out at sea. For now, though, I need an honest assessment of your abilities. If I find out that any of you were a liability in this attack because you jumped headfirst into a role you couldn't fill, I'll run you through myself. Got it? Now move."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

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As the Argonian piped up, he listened intently. Sharee was her name. At the mention of the Shadowscale, Alvar whistled. The shadowscale were ruthless killers, he had seen them in action. Alvar knew this argonian was not playing around. If she was a bloody Shadowscale, he wondered what else this assembly of people had to offer. Judging by this Argonian, he could only guess what those around him were capable of. At this thought, he looked at those around him. They all looked normal enough, but who knew what they were capable of.

When Sharee asked them to seperate into two groups, Alvar knew right off the bat which group he belonged to. No contest. Nonchalantly, he walked over to her right. Alvar had survived assasins of Dark Brotherhood, Skyrim's Forsworn, and even a fistfight with a grizzly bear. If there was one thing Alvar knew what to do, it was how to bash heads in. He looked at the people dispersing to the left and right of her. He saw a large amount of sailors to her right. Obviously, the ship needed someone to steer it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sharee observed quietly as the crowd split into their appropriate groups. As she expected, the group who could fight was a bit larger than the one who could not. Based on the way herself and Kilith had advertised this job, it would have a tendency to attract people who were not adverse to danger. Once everyone had settled down and stopped talking, Sharee continued, still giving the group of fighters a calculating stare.

"Alright, this will work. The split here is good enough. I have a plan on how to take the ship, but it will take a few days to prepare. Everyone, take the next two days to do whatever you need to do in the city. Buy supplies, say goodbye to friends, get drunk, I don't care, just do whatever it is in the next two days. Just make sure you're here before dawn on the third day, because that is when we will strike. Now, get out of here, you're dismissed." Sharee said, but just before she stepped off of the rock, she stopped, remembering one more thing. "Oh, wait. I also need a group of Argonian volunteers and a mage familiar with feather spells to stick around for a bit, doesn't matter if you can fight or not. I'll need your help with something."

With that, Sharee stepped down from the rock and the group began to disperse. She walked over near the edge of the clearing and stared out into the forest, waiting impatiently for her contact to arrive. After a minute or two, Kilith stepped out from the shadows with a thick journal in his hand.

"So, did you do your job like I asked?" Sharee asked.

"Of course. Myself and a few of my boys were watching the meeting from the sidelines. We matched all of the descriptions we had to members of the crowd. We'll make sure no one turns traitor and gets away with it." Kilith responded

"Good, I have enough to worry about without my crew becoming a problem. Don't go easy on any traitors if you find any." Sharee ordered.

Kilith crossed his arms and gave a mischievous grin. "You know, I find that the services I am providing are beginning to overstep the limits of what you paid me for. I do not think I will be able to help too much longer. Have to pay my boys, after all."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry your greedy tail off. You'll get your compensation. You still have those contacts in Lilmoth, right?" Sharee asked, to which Kilith nodded in response. "Well, let them know we're coming, and we'll make sure to sell our first haul to them. You'll get a nice cut of the profits."

"Alright, I'll take it, just make sure your ship doesn't go down in flames until after I get my cut." Kilith said with a chuckle before disappearing once again into the shadows. Sharee turned around and rejoined the remainder of the crowd. She would need to explain her plan to the volunteers she asked for, then see if Sarel had stuck around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The New Yorker
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The New Yorker Treading the Rhetorical Minefield

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sarel didn’t have to move. He was sat on the right side of the rock where Sharee had delivered her speech. For the most part Sarel eyed the waves that lapped up on the shore, he thought about the coming days, what would be in store for him and the crew. And, now that Sharee was standing atop a rock and everyone was staring at her, Sarel thought of her, too. What would happen between them tonight?

Sarel’s attention faded as he thought gently of Indaris, the Ash skinned beauty he’d fallen in love with while adventuring through Cyrodiil so many years ago. She was a dashing rogue, clad in leather and deceptively small. Her body curved at all the right points and Sarel could practically feel her skin under his. Then he felt the sting in his stomach. He recalled the near fatal stab she delivered one summer night, all wrapped up in the troubles of passion. Sarel didn’t know if he saw the same fate for him and Sharee, but he could assure himself that if the two entered a bed together, no good could come of it. He lifted his head back up to the where Sharee had been on the rock, he hardly noticed that she had moved back down with the rest of the group. He watched him talk, not necessarily hearing what she was saying, the sweet memories of Indaris kept calling him back to the lapping waves.

Sarel was able to pull himself from his own mind and back to the real world. He smiled at Sharee as she drew near. Before she reached him, and without drawing any attention, Sarel pulled a bottle of wine from his knapsack, and placed it gently on the ground. She seemed to still have a few more people to speak to. Sarel smiled again and waited on the rock. He was anxious, and exasperated. He felt like he wanted to make Sharee happy, like he needed to repay her for saving him, and, of course, he was still desperately attracted to her. Perhaps meeting her here was a mistake, but it would be one Sarel would be happy to live with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Sharee spoke to the Argonians and the mage, who conveniently was also Argonian, who volunteered to help with preparations. She could not offer to pay them immediately, but promised them a slightly higher share of the profits for their assistance. It was not much more, as their task would not be especially dangerous, but it was enough to convince them to bother with it. After explaining the task to them, she sent them away. Some of the crew stuck around for a while conversing amongst themselves, but they all left one by one to retire for the night. Sharee sent Allaina back to the city and informed her that she would not be returning for the night. Instead, she remained outside, shared a bottle of wine with Sarel, and readily lived up to her offer.

The next day, Sharee went straight to work on her preparations. Based on the number of fighters she had in her crew, there were some items she would need to purchase for her plan to work. Mostly, she went to apothecaries, general stores, thieves guild contacts, and anyone else who sold ingredients for the potions she needed to make. Overall, she ended up spending pretty much all the coin she had left, so she was going to make sure that this attack was going to work. The rest of the day she spent in her room at the inn with a veritable assembly line of potion brewing. Allaina was beginning to show her usefulness, as Sharee was able to teach her how to set up the potions, so Sharee could quickly and easily perform the more difficult, final steps to finish them off. The only time Allaina left the room during the day was to go out to where Sarel was making camp to bring him some food and fresh water, so that he wouldn't starve, or risk exposing himself to the guard.

Sharee stayed in her room and drank for most of the next day until late evening, when she met outside of the city with the group of Argonians she spoke to after the meeting. Despite being intoxicated, Sharee guided them out of sight underwater along the bottom, pushing through the thick layer of kelp until they were directly underneath one of the East Empire vessels in the harbor. They swam up to its anchor, then had the mage cast feather over the heavy weight while the rest of them picked it up and moved it to the side. They drug it underneath the dock and wrapped its rope around a few of the pillars supporting it. When the crew attempted to draw up the anchor, it would get caught on the pillars and they would be unable to raise it. When they captured the East Empire frigate and started to leave the harbor, the other military vessels would certainly attempt to give chase. They would be able to cut the ropes to free themselves of the anchors, but hopefully it would provide enough of a delay for them to escape. Sharee and the others repeated the process for every military vessel in the harbor, except for the frigate they intended to capture.

Before the sun had even rose over the horizon, Sharee was in position and waiting at the meeting spot. She, Allaina, and Sarel were already there, and others were beginning to arrive. Due to her work in the harbor the previous night, she had not been able to get too much sleep. She was operating on stamina potions and had a slight hangover, but adrenaline would push those worries aside once the attack began. She would probably end up going straight to her bed after it was all over, but at that point, she would be going sleep a captain, a thought that caused a grin to come over her face as she looked out over the harbor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynric was happy with his choices so far this Sharee person seemed a credible person, even with her dodgy background. Though who was he to judge a person by looking at the past. She had told the their next meeting spot for the job at hand: Stealing a ship. Cynric was excited something that he only got when discovering something amazing during his experiments, he calmed himself down as he turned the corner to the meeting point. The sun was just rising over the harbour as Cynric rounded the corner, shielding his eyes slightly he puffed on his pipe. Scanning the harbour he saw the group that were beginning to form around the meeting point. Moving toward Sharee he nodded at her.

"Morning soon to be Captain. My, my. You seem to be working on fumes. Up all night working on the preparations I see? Well I know it's not that much of a help but I keep with me a rather powerful stamina potion. I was saving it for a special occasion but you need it more than I do. Oh, don't worry it's not poisoned or anything of that sort." Cynric tossed the small flask to Sharee. while the flasks was small the contents were extremely potent and Sharee would feel the effects almost instantly. "One thing I will not though, when that runs out you'll be extremely fatigued so either use it now or later I don't mind. Think of it as a present from me to you. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and we are sailing off with this ship."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"You don't need to worry about me, I've fought and killed in far worse conditions than this. Besides, I'm an alchemist; my potions will keep me more than active enough for the fight. I might not be awake for the celebration afterwards, but I'll be at my best for the event itself." Sharee said. Despite her response, she gladly took the flask, opened it, and sniffed its contents. She had a feeling the man was just wanting to get in good with his captain, and while she didn't really care about his gift, she did rather like the sound of being called "captain."

"You're right about this thing's strength, I'll give you that. I could make better, with the right ingredients, but I guess I can't be picky." She commented, putting the cork back on the flask and slipping it into her pack. "You're a mage, right? Your robes make that obvious. Tell me, what can you do? Give me details; I'd like to know a bit more about who I'm stepping into this with. Besides, I need to know where I should put you in the attack."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 5 mos ago

" Me a mage? We'll I guess my attire does give away my possible abilities. Well I can do quite a lot of things Magic wise. My main skill lies in" Cynric got close to Sharee and whispered the last word. "Necromancy. Well i don't really see the point of whispering it as sooner of later people will see my true colours. I'm also a fairly skilled healer and can trow up some fairly decent wards. As for destruction magic it's fairly average I prefer to let my summons do the dirty work for me. Let's see I think that's everything, Oh wait. I'm also an amazing cook. I don't want to blow my own trumpet but I have been doing it most of my life and I have to say I'm something of an expert of making something out anything."

Cynric pondered silently for a moment thinking of any more skills he could bring to the table, running up nothing but blanks he shrugged slightly. "I agree I am a mage but my magical path was probably a lot more nefarious than others so don't think of me as mage who doesn't like to get his hands dirty. I'm more than happy to patch up any of our brave men or women who meet the wrong end of a sword."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Tagorn left the meeting place his mind raced with the thoughts that would occupy him for the next day, most of them not ending pleasantly for anyone except him of course. He trudged his way from the shore through the woods and back into the city. Even after the hours of the destruction he could still pick up the faint smell of burning wood and bodies, a wicked smile came to his face as he took in the aromas. He headed towards the tavern where it all started, took the seat in the corner he had claimed the night before, and ordered himself seven rounds of drinks before he rented a room for himself, casually inviting the Redguard bar maid up to stay the night with him.

Tagorn had spent the entire next day in his room, along with the bar maid. But the next day only Tagorn exited the room, there being no sight nor sign the bar maid had been there at all. He went and purchased a stock of ebony arrows and cross bolts from the local Fletcher before going the butcher and buying a large stack of meat. He retired back to his room for the rest of the night and was gone as the sun just began to rise.

He arrived to the meeting spot with his usual crooked grin on his face and golden eyes full of mischief. "So how is it going to be milady? A full on blood bath that would over flow the ship's deck or a silent assault? I should say I prefer the first option." Tagorn said with a slight chuckle to Sharee.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Well, I guess you'll end up the cook, then. Just keep in mind that you'll basically be responsible for morale. There's nothing a sailor appreciates more than a good meal. Well...almost nothing." Sharee said with a chuckle as Tagorn approached. The Bosmer seemed curious as to her plan of attack, which was a reasonable question, she supposed.

"I'll give the full details once everyone is here; I don't really feel like repeating myself a hundred times. I'll just say that, as much as I'd like to keep it quiet, I don't think most of this crew is cut out for a silent operation, so we'll do the next best thing. We'll strike quick and get out of the harbor before the guard has time to organize an effective response. I've been making some preparations over the past few days that should make it a bit easier on us. Just follow my lead and we'll be out as sea in no time." Sharee answered.
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