Character you have created: Jacob
Alias: Hydro
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): 32cd32
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Unknown
Character Personality: Jacob has been called many things; Idiot, fool and friend by many who have talked to him. He believes in justice and isn’t afraid to bash some skulls together to get his point across. He is a jolly man who can be relied on when the chips go down and wants only to finish a fight and go out for a drink. People liken him to a fraternity member, his quick witted banter, joking attitude and having his bros close to him are some of his characteristics that stick out.
Uniform/costume: Jacob’s body is extremely adaptable changing shape just like water which allows his costume to be almost whatever he wants it to. However his uniform is a black leather jumpsuit with a black balaclava to cover his face.
Origin Info/Details: Jacob was an ordinary university student studying advanced level nuclear physics at university. His studies were going well and his light hearted attitude to his chosen field made him a great student to teach. Being young and trying to show off he made a grave error that literally cost him his life, during his last year of university he was doing test on heavy water and how it interacts with the human biology. Specifically he believed it was possible to enhance a human's abilities with this water. He was laughed at for such an idea but was allowed to carry out his studies, after all his studies might actually prove to be fruitful.
However Jacob found that using rats and other animals were not helping him to further his research. He did something that only a mad scientist would think about he tested his theories on himself. Bathing himself in the Heavy water he immediately felt the effects. His DNA changing as the radiation re-wrote his genetics making him no longer human. He awoke inside the sewers his entire body aching as he attempted to stand he found himself incapable of doing so. Looking at his limbs he saw that they were rubber like and translucent. When he moved his arm he saw it bend then fall from his shoulder turning into water and splashing on the floor around him. Screaming in terror he reached for his arm which was now only a puddle, he watched in amazement as his arm reformed and the water that had been his arm was sucked into his body from his legs.
What had he done to himself? It was a question that he still tries to figure the answer to, but the change was a permanent one. Finishing his degree he went into work as a lecturer but believed he was meant for bigger things and with all the injustice he saw on campus and in the streets he would have to fix it.
Hero Type (Select one): Elemental Shapeshifter
Power Level (Select one below): City Level
Powers (Be Specific): Jacob has the ability to transform his body into water, something his body is made from. He can will his body to harden, compact, disperse or shape, or a combination of those qualities at will. More often than not in combat, this ability enables him to absorb most blows with little to no ill effect other than reforming himself, a relatively fast action. He has the ability to manipulate any water he is touching up to double his own body weight.
His mass, strength and shape shifting ability correspond to the number of water particles that comprise him. The more he incorporates (nearby) water molecules into his body, the more those qualities are enhanced. Even though he controls every particle in his body, his mind exists in the astral plane. If Jacob enters a large body of water such as a lake or even the sea he can move swiftly through it from one end to the other. He does this my simply moving his conscious mind through the water to where he wants to go
With his body taking on the properties of water he can be evaporated or frozen remaining alive but in a coma like state for a while before he either precipitates back to earth or thaws naturally, he can slow down his water molecules to freeze himself but this is a one way procedure. Although he is invulnerable to most physical attacks, even projectiles because they pass through him, while Jacob can absorb any water, his body must retain one key particle of sand that contains his conscious mind.
Jacob also does not need to eat, drink, breathe, go to the toilet or even sleep. A by product of being composed entirely of water.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10/50
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human / 100+MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: No real limit
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average (University Professor)
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human / 100+MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: No real limit
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average (University Professor)
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Average
Hot temperatures cause him to become easily irritable as he must concentrate to keep his body together and stop parts of himself evaporating or dissipating from his body.
Cold Temperatures cause him to become sluggish. His reaction speed goes down and his speech becomes slurred as his body begins to cool down and freeze.
Traveling at fast speeds is something he is incapable of doing excpet by running, walking or traveling through water. He cannot ride a any kind of moving object as maintaining his body requires constant concentration and moving at speeds means that he must constantly alter his body or he will begin to become water like.
Supporting Characters : His old professor and now boss Anthony. A man who is trying to help reverse what Jacob did to himself.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: You do the img thing right?
Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.):
Hydro looked at his opponent a very tall and well built black man. Jacob had to crane his neck upwards just to make eye contact with this man, who towered over him. “You’re a big fella aren’tcha. Don’t worry I got good old righty here to deal with you. But more to the point what you doing here huh? Is that, is that a gun?! Wait you’re robbing this store aren’t you? At this hour?! It's like what?” Hydro glanced at the clock on the wall at the store. “Two in the morning? Jeez is it that late. Well I digress. I only came in here for some cider and chips and I have to deal with this. Never a days rest for me. Hydro.”
The black man looked down at Jacob the cogs in his head processing all the Hydro had said. Hydro was in uniform in fact to a passerby they would probably think that it was him robbing the store not the towering giant with the sawn off shotgun beside him. The black man finally stopped thinking as he realised that he was Hydro. Pointing the gun at Hydro’s chest he pulled the trigger. The sound of the shotgun being fired was deafening causing the cashier who had been standing their with their hands up to scream and duck under the counter. Hydro looked down at his stomach as water dripped from the holes. Smiling the holes quickly dissipated as his body returned to normal.
“Jokes on you buddy, that kind of attack won’t work on me.” The giant refused to believe this and clubbed Hydro over the head with the gun. His head was destroyed completely with a loud splash, water covering and dripping down the glass door of the store. Hydro reached for his head that no longer existed his arms moved around frantically then stopped holding up a finger as his head reformed on his body. Crossing his arms he looked at the thug like a parent would look at a misbehaving child. “You’ve had your fun. Now surrender before I beat five shades of shit into you I want to get my chips and drink and head home.”
The thug still didn’t comprehend that Hydro couldn’t be stopped by him and continued to try to bash his head and body with the butt of the shotgun. Hydro’s body constantly regenerating itself as the thug continued his assault on Hydro’s body to no avail. Sighing he increased the density in his right fist and punching the man in his face, knocking him off his feet and onto the floor. Clapping his hands together he chuckled at the unconscious thug. “Hey clerk dude. You alright?”
The store clerk looked up from the counter fear in their eyes and nodded slowly. “Yeah i’m alright. Are you robbing me too?”
Hydro acted taken aback. “No! Of course i’m not trying to rob you. Is it the balaclava? I bet it’s the balaclava. Well i’m not a very imaginative person so I couldn’t come up with a sexy mask so I stuck with a balaclava. By the way you’re welcome. Also how much is your cider and cheese doritos?” Hydro placed the items on the counter and reached for his wallet. “Ah shit. I left my wallet at home. See buddy problem with being made out of water is that clothes end up getting very wet when I use my abilities. I’ll get it some other time. Oh and you better call the police as he won't remain unconscious forever.”
Hydro pointed at the unconscious man on the ground and sauntered out of the store heading home for the night. Or morning as it was around two in the morning.