Kayal, Nalla and Zana listened as Sharee ordered those that could fight to group together and then those that could not to group together, then they listened silently as she warned them of the punishment for lying, Pride is the downfall of man. Kayal thought to himself as he listened to her speech. The trio then dispersed into the appropriate groups as Sharee commanded, they were all fighters so they did not separate which was not the same story for some of the other groups that formed. Sharee then informed them that they would have a three day break before the mission fell into play, something Kayal was a little thankful for, but did not require. After Sharee dismissed the gathered crowd Kayal Nalla and Zana lingered a while longer. Nalla and Zana chatted quietly but Kayal was mostly silent deep in thought, his eyes watched Sharee as she climbed down from the rock.
He watched as she made her way through the crowd. He couldn't help but notice the Dunmer Sarel who was sitting off on the on the edge of the rock Sharee had been standing on. He pulled a bottle of wine from his knapsack and smile at Sharee. This tiny act, something that, if Kayal didn't know Sharee, he would merely have labeled as nothing but, Kayal at least knew Sharee's reputation and if Sarel knew of it as well then this gesture was loud and clear. But still Kayal payed no mind to it, what they did was no matter to him. Instead his eyes continued to follow Sharee as she made her way through the crowd, towards the trees, she paused there and stared off into the trees. Kayal raised an eyebrow as she did, he waited for her to do something or say something but she didn't. Then just before Kayal was going to look away he saw someone step out from the trees, an Argonian with a large book in his hands. Sharee seemed to recognize the Argonian and the two began talking. Kayal had no chance at understanding what the two were saying at their current distance and giving the fact the crowd had all but dispersed Kayal made no attempt to get closer.
"Kayal? You about ready to leave?" Nalla asked. Kayal slightly turned his head in her direction his eyes still watching Sharee and the Argonian. What are they talking about? Kayal asked himself before he answered Nalla, "Yeah, sorry just, got lost in my own thoughts." Kayal said as he fully looked to Nalla. Nalla nodded in response. "Alright, now that daydreamer here is back to reality we should get moving." Zana teased bumping Kayal with her elbow as she smiled softly. Kayal just chuckled and smiled in response. "yeah, yeah, lets get going." Kayal said rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. The trio then made there way away from the meeting place, for the most part they were some of the last people, though Kayal coulnd't help but notice Sarel was still there.
The group returned to the city, they were given little trouble by the gate guard and made there way to the inn by the docks. "So, what should we do about rooming?" Zana asked both Kayal and Nalla as they walked. "I am sure we can figure something out." Nalla answered. "You could room with one of us." Kayal offered. "Spare yourself the expenses of a room." He added. Zana nodded in agreement. "Alright, lets see who's room has the most space." Nalla answered jokingly. By this point the trio stepped into the bar and were greeted with the smell of ale, meats and other foods, the sound of laughter and obnoxiously loud voices and lastly the sight of a full tavern. Even after the events of the day the tavern was still full, if not more so then usual, perhaps this tavern being so far away from the noble district had become a area of preference to some casual tavern goers but Kayal had no way of telling.
"You know what? How about we celebrate a little? I think it calls for it, we just got ourselves a new job that should pay more then well, we deserve to celebrate a little." Kayal said hinting towards the bar. "You can count me in." Nalla said happily. Both Kayal and Nalla looked to Zana who was eyeing a mug of ale a tavern girl was carrying by regrettably. She looked back to Kayal and Zana with that same look of regret before she spoke, "I don't know, after last night, I don't think drinking is a brilliant idea for me." She said chuckling slightly. "Drink a few for me will ya guys? I think I am just going to go to bed. I will leave the door unlocked if you want." Zana said adding the last part directed toward Nalla. "We will and don't worry about it I will room with Kayal tonight." Nalla said bumping Kayal slightly. Zana chuckled lightly, "Alright you two, have fun, try not to get too drunk." She said as she turned to walk away. "No promises." Kayal said after her.
After Zana left Kayal and Nalla went up to the counter and ordered four bottles of Cyrodiil wine. Once they got the bottles the two made their way to Kayal's room after deeming the main part of the tavern too loud and over crowded. Once inside Kayal shut and locked the door before removing his arms and armor placing them in their respectful leaning and sitting on a dresser across from the bed. He turned to Nalla who was already laying on her side on the bed, she had already removed her armor and weapons setting them next to the bed on a nightstand. "Care to share?" Nalla asked holding up the first bottle as Kayal made his way over. He dropped down on his back laying along the foot of the bed before turning to his side so he would be facing Nalla who was laying along the opposite side of the bed. "Of course, but you get the first sip, after all ladies first." Kayal said smiling at her. Nalla smiled back, "Don't mind if I do." She said as she opened the bottle and took a long swig. Once she was done she handed the bottle to Kayal. Kayal took the bottle and gifted himself his own long swig of the content.
After long enough the two managed to down three of the four bottles and were beginning to get themselves rather inebriated. They had been chatting, laughing and joking through the entire time their laughs getting louder and more obnoxious with every sip of the wine. As Kayal opened the fourth bottle Nalla's eyes took on a devilish look as she laid back on the bed and stretched her arms out, her tail slowly rubbing along Kayal's leg. The two had slowly been working their way closer towards each other and were now laying with a mere few inches between them. Kayal took a sip from the bottle before he spoke, "You getting tired already Nalla? You want to head to bed?" Kayal asked managing to still sound mostly sober despite his inebriated state. "Sleep? No...but I did have something else in mind that sometimes involves a bed." Nalla said in a sly tone her eyes shindig devilishly. "Besides, I have to thank you for letting me room with you somehow. And I don't see why it can't be a thank you we both will enjoy." She added. Kayal smiled back at her and his eyes seemed to take on the same devilish light. "Oh really? And what kind of thank you did you have in mind." Kayal said as his eyes drifted over her admiring her form, she was in remarkable shape her form was intoxicating and riling. She was inspiring every emotion she wanted to in kayal. She finally had the pleasure of turning the tables on him in this fact.
As Kayal finished speaking, Nalla, who had been putting on a bit of a show when she caught Kayal's eyes wandering, sat up and leaned in close to Kayal and spoke in a smooth whisper, "Why don't you set the bottle down and let me show you." Nalla whispered before pulling her head back smiling slyly. Kayal smiled in kind back at her and reached over his head as he set the bottle on the floor, as he did, he felt Nalla climb on top of him, by the time he turned his head back towards her she was already leaning in for a kiss.
The morning light illuminated to a dim point, at points the sun would peek through the blinds and create slivers of bright sunlight along the floor and walls. Only when one of these rays shined onto Kayal's eyes was he roused from his sleep. He turned his head slightly as his eyes slowly creaked open. Slowly Kayal lifted his head, as he did he felt a sharp pain in his skull as a headache fought his movement. He ignored the pain as he took in the room. The first thing he noticed was Nalla who had her head and arm laying on his chest. One of her legs and her tail was wrapped about his left leg as she cuddled up towards him. The second thing was the articles of clothing scattered on the bed and as he noticed around the bed. The rest of the room was more or less intact. He let his head drop back to the pillow and groaned softly as the nausea and headache made their appearance. He closed his eyes again, completely content to stay in this spot and if the gods were willing fall back to sleep.
This hope was contested as Kayal felt Nalla stir on his chest then go to stretch before groaning and moving her hand to her head. "....Oh my head..." She groaned through gritted teeth. "Morning Nalla." Kayal said quietly, still unwilling to open his eyes. "Why must the sun be so bright?" Nalla complained before burying her head into Kayals chest and pulling the covers over her head. "Looks like we are on the same page." Kayal mumbled before falling silent. The two remained as still as possible perfectly content to just remain in this spot and avoid the day.
Alas this hope crumbled to dust around them as there was a knock on the door. "Kayal, Nalla, it's time to wake up." Zana said from the other side of the door. The two groaned in annoyance at almost the same time.
The rest of the morning went by excruciatingly slow for both Nalla and Kayal. But as the afternoon rolled around their hangovers subsided and the two were able to enjoy their day. The trio spent the day preparing for their coming mission and for the hoped for journey after, there was not much to prepare for, seeing as they had most everything they needed on them. Their preparations were done rather early and the trio spent the night and the coming day relaxing about the inn and the town. The guards had been on edge after everything and they were still prosecuting Khajiits all over town, but they had managed to avoid the guards ire.
As the third day rolled by and it came time for the meeting the three prepared themselves gathering their weapons and armor along with the rest of their supplies. "I must admit, though I was here for barely more then four days, I can't say I am sad to be leaving. Leyawiin is nice and all but, it can get rather dull after long enough." Nalla said as she closed her pack. "I have to agree with you there, I have been itching to get back on the road." Zana said as she slung her pack over her shoulders. "Well if all things go as planned then we should be avoiding Leyawiin for a while. Though I don't think there are many roads where we are going," Kayal joked as he grabbed his coat from the bed and put it on. The day before him and Zana had gotten Allaina a few pairs of trousers for to wear instead of the Argonian trousers she had been wearing. Both Zana and Nalla waited by the door as Kayal got his pack and looked over the room, making sure they hadn't forgotten anything. "Are we all ready to go?" Zana asked directing the question mostly to Kayal then Nalla. "Seems like it." Kayal answered as he joined them at the door. "Good, lets get moving then, don't want to keep the others waiting." Zana said as she opened the door.
The trio made their way out of the city, the gate guard gave them a little trouble but Kayal managed to convince the guards that they were adventurers who had been staying in the city and how they had taken the recent attack as the gods way of saying, "time to move along". The guard did not protest after that. Once out of the city the trio then began making their way to the meeting place. As they arrived Kayal looked over the already present faces, it seemed aside from Sharee and Allaina, only Tagorn and the Breton Cynric had been yet to arrive.
They arrived just in time to hear Sharee's response to something Tagorn must have said giving the fact she was looking at him. "Seems our captain has already taking precautions to see our success. Best we see our part through and not let her down." Kayal said as he nodded his head in greeting to both Cynric and Tagorn before looking towards Sharee and saluting casually saying, "Morning Captain." as he did. "It's good to see we aren't the only ones that wanted to arrive a little early." Kayal said mostly talking to Cynric and Tagorn. Kayal unslung his pack and set it down next to a nearby rock, both Nalla and Zana followed in kind.