Fallenreaper said
Better then Naga at least.
Bah, the Naga! A collection of narrow sighted, narrow minded, ethnocentric serpents. Of course they lack respect for the dead
Fallenreaper said
Better then Naga at least.
Lucius Cypher said
Pft. You surface dwellers and your funeral rites. Orcs don't need graves. They just need an open fire and an appetite.
Lucius Cypher said
Well, now that this clusterfuck is over, it's time to head to the next one.But specifically, Lucilia is going to save Cynn and Locus's lives, find Khan, talk to him about what the heck just happened (Based the the first-hand information of one of the ficus plants) and try to figure out Xyden's fate. At some point Annabeth and Cynn would talk, so there's that. And before night falls, Tyrael comes back and gets the news that Mar just gave birth and would try to see the child himself, while at the same time mobilizing his demonic army to guard the entire school, this time by putting at least one guard every twenty square feet of the entire college. You know, so no students decide to try to kill one another or a bear shows up. Lucilia eventually comes back to her office and finished up patching up Grey and puts him on guard detail for tonight's dinner instead of whatever the other higher ups in the guardsmen corps would tell him.
Crossark said
Free, I'm going to PM you with a copy of the plan thus far for a thing that's going to happen and I'd like you to participate in.
The Irish Tree said