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    1. LeonNetallo 11 yrs ago


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Its not dead just yet because every time i make an effort to make the ooc its met with an influx of homework or i get called in early.
~gives Recon a clap on the shoulder.~ Good tah ave ya ack Mate!
Thats up to Aoi and Marius, I'm fine with it.
I was going to make the ooc today but work and car problems got the best of me
Yes all of it
Lianna watched Marius turn around, he seemed irritated, she'd given him a nod previously. She sort of watched him for a moment as he placed Mai in the vehicle, finally she took a step forward to get in too. Suddenly, Marius' voice boomed at Lianna making her flinch some, realizing that he probably couldn't tell she'd nodded yes to his orders the first time. As fast as she could Lianna limped to the open door and crawled in. She sat herself down next to the unconscious Mai, grabbing her she slowly pulled the brave girl onto her own lap and wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"Th-That little demon attacked us! Tried to tear our throats out. Jumped out of a pile of gar-garba-hey what the fuck why's it rain-" the trashman's lying is cut off by the arrival of Yuki. "Holy shit! FUCK WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYTHING?!" He's now collapsed on the ground freaking out, staring up at the Witch with one of her devils, Yuki.
Now that we have enough to start our trek let us discuss the first plot, the name of our roleplay and who'll generate a world and fort. We'll use its image and name as our world and that fort's name as well as the factions names in that world for the dwarves!

Okay im going to take a fock'n shower, if i even see so much as a drop of lava come out the head I'll execute you all!<3
Thrre could be an elvish trading Arc you sick elvish bastard! <3

And yes the options there. But since i was asleep and i can't moderate whilst sleeping we're going to allow eight dwarves on the expedition.

Anyone else that joins will be on the next immigrant wave in the fall.

Excuse my writing mistakes i just woke up at six am.
leonnetallo said Lianna's eyes slowly opened up again, now the man that'd been yelling was in front of her, carrying a girl on his back. Her mouth was agape, making her look dumbfounded as she looked up at him. Not sure as to what all had really just happened she simply nodded her head. she cocked her head to the side to see a woman quickly walking up on three men with a knife. She wasn't to sure why, they seemed familiar but she simply shrugged it off and waited for the Man to tell her what to do.

Marius Dx

Anyway your post is fine I'll just assume he didn't realize she meant she understood, which is understandable. Aoi, Marius and Mai I'll be posting tomorrow so lets try and get this ball rolling again! ^w^

Also about my previous post i wrote that at 6am and fell back asleep so...yeah
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