Avatar of Leoven
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    1. Leoven 9 yrs ago


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Current When will my muse return from the war?
8 yrs ago
Where my gays at?
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Good night! Stay hydrated and keep safe! :*
8 yrs ago
Be back on Friday folks. Hopefully things over at uni will be okay then.
8 yrs ago
Why the fuck do I have a migraine???? The fuck???


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Two gunshots halted the increasingly loud muttering of the crowd. Prism, having been used to the sound of gunshot from the many times her father and brother brought her with them to the gun range, wasn't fazed at all, but she knew what the captain's appearance meant. The fight was over and her betting scheme was ruined.

"Settle down, loves. I have your money still. I'll return it to you and no one even dare think you can con more money than you gave," she stated with a stern look at the crowd before tapping her temple. "Photographic memory right here." That wasn't true, of course, but what the people didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

"Reaching land in maybe 15 to 20 minutes."

Prism had just finished handing the ten dollars back to one of the betters when she heard the captain's announcement. She looked on over to where the others had began to turn and felt the grin rise to her face. Tall buildings as far as the eye could see. It was a metropolitan oasis in the middle of the ocean and the buzz of magic that radiated from the island seeped inside Prism and warmed her to the bones.

The captain seemed in a hurry to get them off the boat, probably because he didn't like the thought of his ship being sunk by a couple of rowdy kids. Prism offered him a cheeky grin before pressing a kiss to the cheek of one of the girls in the crowd around her and promising them that she'd make it up to everyone who got their hopes up with the fight. She looked over to one of the boys involved in the brawl - Mikkish was what he was called - and approached him. She placed an arm around his shoulders and peeked at the map in his hand.

"Hey, love. You owe me a good fist fight soon. The people are waiting," she stated with a good natured laugh. "Say, you related to Finny boy over there?"

She glanced over to Fin. It was such a shame, really. He looked so much like a pretty girl from afar - totally Prism's type - but he was still a boy. It didn't matter. She liked the dynamic between Fin and Mikkish. They seemed like polar opposites and she just had a feeling that exciting things would happen if she hung around them.

Kriisa Acillus

Kriisa Acillus

Standing at five foot four with a rather slender physique, Kriisa is quite small compared to the bulky Nords of Skyrim. Her light blonde hair and pale countenance allowed her to blend in easily enough in compensation for her height. Hidden underneath her armor is a tattoo of the Thieves Guild shadowmark meaning "protected" placed on her back. More often than not, she can be seen in her armor either doing bounty quests for certain holds or hunting for her next meal. Inside cities, the Dwemer goggles that usually cover her light green eyes can be found hanging around her neck, which is a reminder of her fighting abilities despite wearing normal clothing.

Much like the other members of the Dark Brotherhood, Kriisa enjoys killing. She held no hatred for people and, in fact, finds that she enjoys their company. People simply fascinated her - the way they lived and the way they drew their last breaths under the tip of her dagger. Murderous - maniacal even - but never hateful. Kriisa also holds a strong sense of family and is someone who would always put the Brotherhood, the Guild, and all her other allies above all else. Being quite young, she also holds a somewhat childish attitude, sometimes acting ridiculously selfish or demanding, but only those close to her see this side to her.

The Lover
Dark Brotherhood

Major Skills:
Sneak | Speech | Archery | Illusion | Light Armor
Minor Skills:
Conjuration | One-handed | Lockpicking

Kriisa lived most of her young life in the rotting sewers of the so-called town of thieves, Riften. She had been born into the Thieves Guild - her father being one of the guild's members and her mother's identity then unknown to her - but she never had the affinity to steal material objects. Stealth nor the use of her skills in persuasion hadn't been the problem. It was the fact that ever since the guild had begun to send her out on jobs, she had never completed a task without something being faulty. Of course, they had expected mistakes from such a young thief and they had been prepared to tolerate it for the sake of their fellow member, but when the bodies began to pile up in front of their doorstep the guild knew what it had to do.

Kriisa's father had been given a choice. Come the 13th celebration of Kriisa's birth and she was still in the cistern without a flawless job to her name, she and her father would be thrown out like trash. Her father, not wanting the consequences of his daughter's constant outbursts, attempted to wane Kriisa's bloodlust during her missions. It was to no avail and the ninth of Sun's Dawn was fast approaching, so Kriisa's father had placed her on a carriage with a note tucked to her tunic. When she had awoken, she found herself in Falkreath with a blonde woman with a kind smile awaiting her. This woman, Astrid, had led her to her new home.

The Dark Brotherhood. Astrid knew the moment Kriisa stepped off the carriage that she had also been one blessed by Sithis. The bloodlust had arrived in her earlier than most, but in the Family that only served as a much appreciated advantage. She began her training under her new brothers and sisters, and she found that the way she performed the jobs pleased her fellow members, unlike in the Thieves Guild. She still maintained contact with her father - as there still existed the alliance between the guild and the brotherhood - and for once, everything seemed to be going well.

Then came Kriisa's 19th winter and a very high paying job that Astrid had reserved especially for her. Before, Kriisa's targets had mainly been simple - miners, farmers, and the like - and she had grown weary of sending their souls to Sithis after years of doing the same thing over and over, and Astrid had known this. That was why the job had been given to Kriisa. Astrid had no other reason, but it seemed as though fate did. Her target then was a thane of Markarth that a Forsworn leader had wanted dead. It seemed easy enough and the excitement of being asked to shed the woman's blood in a public area had been seductive. But then Kriisa's eyes met the woman and she stopped. Unable to draw the knife hidden inside her clothes or to move at all. There had been a recognition, something Kriisa could not explain. She had wanted to run, but then the thane was holding her, bawling about lost years. A crowd was starting to form around them and Kriisa seemed to finally gain control of herself again. Kriisa drank the invisibility potion to escape the commotion, but the blood in her hands was still warm and the woman's parting words still rang in her ears. I'm sorry.

Kriisa returned home to Astrid, determined not to let something like that stop her again. She had shown emotion, remorse for a target and that just wouldn't do. Never again, she swore. She had her family in the brotherhood and that was all she needed. She had them. She wasn't left wanting.

Meeting the Dragonborn had been, in a word, interesting. They had been after the same person - a slimy Argonian by the name of Jaree-Ra. The two of them had met at the entrance of the cave, weapons drawn, but both knew that there were bigger fish to catch. A temporary truce was formed as they slashed through waves of enemies and in the end, mutual appreciation bloomed. The Dragonborn had asked Kriisa to join him in his quest to destroy Alduin and Kriisa, after asking for permission from Astrid, had agreed. She had accompanied the small group of heroes the Dragonborn had rounded up whenever she could. There were times when she had to leave them at Astrid's behest but she was always prepared to help them. She could kill to her pleasure and she was helping a great cause while having fun with friends. What could be greater than that?

Power, apparently. Kriisa had been there in Whiterun drinking the same mead as Starkad when his dragons attacked and he announced himself to be Dovhahsken. Kriisa had been there to watch a friend fall. Kriisa had watched it all and been unable to do anything.

She had taken the lead at organizing a band of people to defeat Starkad. The bloodthirst inside her had awoken like a beast that had not tasted meat for centuries. It was a lust like no other and she swore on the life of the Dragonborn that she would have the Dovhahsken's head on a pike.

• She wears the Crimson Archer Armor (Immersive Armor) set during battle and Dwemer goggles(Wet and Cold) that improve her vision and accuracy.
• She uses a Stahlrim Bow smithed by the Dragonborn and given to her as a gift. The set of soul trap enchanted ebony bows she uses had been a gift from Starkad and she longs to use it against him.
• Some of her favourite spells are Bend Will and Trickster for the Illusion school of magic, and Conjure Winged Twilight for Conjuration (Lost Grimoire) but rarely uses them in normal combat since they take too long to charge.
Ignis Aurum Probat

Fire Tests Gold - A Skyrim Roleplay

This next song goes out to the Dragonborn, the saviour of Skyrim.
On the 19th of Frostfall, 4E 203, the legend of old sung by the bards reached its fulfillment. Alduin, World Eater, had been slain by the Dragonborn. The people of Skyrim thought themselves free and saved from the scourge that threatened their existence. For a while, they had been right. For a month and a half, the Nord hero had been celebrated. For a month and a half, dragons had disappeared from the face of Nirn. For a month and a half, all seemed right in Skyrim.

Of betrayal and adversity.
The Rise of Dovhahsken was unprecedented, swift, and deadly. The morning of what became known throughout Skyrim as one of its darkest days, armies of dragons attacked each of the holds. At Whiterun, the body of the Dragonborn was slumped on the floor on a pool of his own blood and the knife that cut his throat in the hand of his dearest friend and ally, Starkad. Before the Jarl or any of his hirthfellows could apprehend the traitorous Nord, three dragons smashed through the roof of Dragonsreach and allowed Starkad a means to escape. Thus began the reign of Dovhahsken, he who had betrayed the Dovahkiin and could command the minds of all dragons. Those who attempted to fight back met his army of dragons and powerful mages and, consequently, their death.

Bellum in bellum.
Despite the threat of the Dovhahsken, there remains the conflict between the different factions in Skyrim. The flimsy truce between the Legion and the Stormcloaks shattered with the Dragonborn's death. Vampires continued to plague the night with the Dawnguard valiantly trying to hold them back. Only Solstheim seemed free from chaos after the Dragonborn defeated Miraak and freed them, but even then Solstheim remained inhospitable.

Amici probantur rebus adversis.
Amongst the chaos a group of individuals have banded together joined by a common cause. Legionnaire, Stormcloak, Nord, Dunmer, Vampire, Lycanthrope, Dawnguard... Those didn't matter. All that did was that they were willing to fight. For Skyrim. For Tamriel. For the Dovahkiin.

Ignis Aurum Probat is an adventure focusing on both the story and character development. Knowledge of Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls franchise is necessary, but you don't necessarily have to be a lore master to join. Have fun!
@Princeofhearts yep she is
@MikkishtheLeprechaun I haven't finished watching it yet but yeah. I totally loved the intro narration.

Also, Prism's doing some damage control to keep the fight going.

Prism began to collect the bets of some onlookers who had agreed to her terms. So far, the betters were equally torn between the blonde and the pinkette which made for an interesting bout indeed. She occassionally chanced a look over her shoulders to see what was happening with the fight and frowned when the drunk blonde's companion wanted to stop them from fighting.

When she heard the booing of several spectators, she quickly stashed the cash in her pockets and pushed the blonde - Fin as the drunk one had called her - away from the fight. "Hey love, let them have their fun. A little fight's not gonne hurt anyone." She eyed Fin up and down to see if she would attempt to stop the fight once more and almost stumbled back into the two brawling lads when she came to the realization. "Oh wow. You're not a girl, are you?" she muttered with a sheepish grin.

Before she could add anything, she heard one of the crew members fast approaching. Groaning aloud, she gave Fin one more look before walking over to the crew and holding him back from the fight. "Don't worry about this. Don't worry." She stumbled a bit as the two's magic rocked the both but still kept her reassuring grin as she gently pushed the crew away from the fight. "Maybe you'd like to place a bet as well?"
@MikkishtheLeprechaun I watched a playthrough of that game on Youtube. V nice. V creepy sometimes.

The small boat's acting first mate was a funny man, Prism concluded as she exited towards the main deck. He had cornered her the moment she entered the vessel, rambling endlessly about how he loved her movies and how he didn't believe the drug claims because Prism seemed like such a nice person. Prism had entertained him by smiling and nodding at his tales - the way her mother had taught her - but soon found herself enjoying her conversation with him. He was an enthusiastic person, to say the least. It was the captain's call that cut their conversation short and allowed Prism to walk out and appreciate the sea breeze... to see a couple of idiots fighting on deck.

Even from her position, she could smell the stench of alcohol from the boy that launched the first attack. Too, she knew that he was a mage like her. Magic and alcohol? It wasn't a good combination and Prism briefly wondered if she should attempt to intervene. A quick look at the boy who had been hit gave Prism the impression that he deserved it.

They can handle this, she thought with a slight snicker as she sidled next to the blonde girl that seemed to know the one hungover.

"This is quite the show. It's the first time I'll be seeing what a mage fight might look like," Prism commented with a small grin towards the blonde beside her. "Not sure if it's smart to do it on a boat though."

She turned her attention back to the two boys, watching to see how the other one would react to the attack. It would be a chance to observe the different reaches of magic and that was an added benefit to the amusement of watching a fight.

A quick look around made Prism realize that she hadn't been the only one drawn to the fight. There were others, probably prospective students like her too, watching from the sidelines. With a huge grin, Prism held up a hand and raised her voice enough to be heard over the commotion.

"Bets, anyone? Place your bets on one of these foolish lads, my friends." She moved to the front of the growing crowd and held out a hand. "Here, I'll start. Twenty bucks says the drunk blonde wins."
I've placed Prism in the character tab and finished the last two parts of her cs. I also switched her gun and dagger skills cus I thought it would be more fitting.

Just a quick question before I write up a post for the ic... Do the characters know each other?
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