Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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As the sun had not risen one breezy morning, a mysterious fishing boat left the coast of California. Where was it going? Not even the passengers aboard knew. Perhaps they were going to a spot far out in the ocean where the crew would slaughter them. They hoped, however, that they were off to a place most humans could never see.

One passenger sat in the very middle of the boat, staring at the ground so as to avoid motion sickness. He endured the stench of the gasoline and the smell of the bait, which hung in the air despite being kept in a cooler below deck. The boat, though it's motor running slower than before, was still moving steadily forward over the ocean where now no land was in sight.

Then the passenger could take it no longer. The young, blonde gentleman felt his breakfast from that morning and his dinner from the night before rushing upwards through his esophagus. He rushed immediately to the side of the boat, as chunks were blowing out of his mouth and over the railing into the sea.

This passenger, was Mikkish Callahan. Joseph Callahan, actually, but he preferred people just call him Mikkish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Finian Callahan

Where-ever this boat was going, it has to be somewhere pretty freaky. This boat wasn't that good of a looking and it was a bit dirtied up, a long golden haired feminine male stood up with his arms crossed over his chest as he stared out to the sea. A sigh escaped his lips, as he turned around to walk over to his adoptive oldest brother, Mikkish or in other words Joseph. Finian was took in by Joseph's family when he was a young age, and by that time the two of them looked at each-other as older brothers. Finian might have been called a 'trap' since he's features make others, especially males, get confused and always call him a 'her' but when they find out the truth they either want to beat Finian up or just call him ugly names.


Finian said softly before walking over to his brother, as he rubbed his back trying to help his brother out as he noticed the vomit coming out from his mouth. "That's disgusting..." Finian looked away, as he ran his fingers through his golden hair while patting his brother's back. Mikkish shouldn't have never ate what he ate yesterday and this morning. "See, this is why I always tell you to eat good things, healthy things."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Mikkish turned to his brother and smiled "What, you think its what I ate? Don't forget, I hit a new personal record yesterday."

He was referring to the two Four Locos he down back to back, to celebrate how close they were to being on the island. Now, he was going to find out just how long a hangover can last.

His focus changed, however, from his headache and unsettling stomach, to a girl on the other side of the boat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

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A boy with medium-length pink hair glanced across the piece of crap someone thought would be appropriate to think of as an acceptable sea vessel, and saw two blonde people on the other side of the boat. Better off scoping out the competition this boy, Joseph, thought as he walked over to the two.

"You two new here?" Joseph said abruptly, staring at the two of them with eagle eyes, literally. Joseph changed his eyes to appear to be those of an eagle as he looked at the two, subtly showing his magic and possibly psyching out these two idiots he figured are only competition to get in the way of him becoming stronger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Finian Callahan

"What, you think its what I ate? Don't forget, I hit a new personal record yesterday."

Finian rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest before looking away from his brother. He surely acted like eating a lot was a good thing, but that wasn't none of his business, but as a brother he did care for Mikkish. "Okay, and when you keep hitting that new personal record. You are going to gain weight and eventually get fat and instead of using the boat, you will have to be floating." he nodded with a giggle before his head turned slightly over to the newcommer. "Yeah, we are basically new here...." Finian rose an eyebrow while staring at Joseph before elbowing his brother so he would look at the pink-haired male.

There was something odd with Joseph, but Finian didn't really call it out and instead stood quiet while fixing his dress up a bit. "Are -you- new? I mean, you have to be new because you basically just asked us if we were new and I don't think you aren't like an oldie or something haha. I mean, I am not saying that you are old or anything because you look really really young and stuff, I was just talki--" Finian cleared his throat as he stopped himself from making an embarrassment, he cuffed a string of his golden hair behind his ear while staring at Joseph.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Mikkish chuckled. He was talking about the four Locos he drank. Any experienced partier/drinker knew that would fuck a guy up for days.

"Jesus." Mikkish said, to the guy, Joseph, who shifted his eyes to those of an eagle "Come on, man. Save it. Here I am, hung over, not in the mood for shit like that."

This guy was probably just messing around, probably thinking nobody ever saw magic like that before, and Mikkish hadn't, but he wasn't all too surprised. He read about shape shifting in the book, but just didn't see the value of it.

Mikkish turned around again to let out over the railing once again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joseph gave a wide smile at the two blondes. One was hungover, and the girl was a stuttering idiot. Nothing I need concern myself with Deciding to voice these thoughts, figuring he can either assert his superiority or get a fight out of one of them, he opened his mouth.

"I was actually coming to see if either of you were anything to worry about, you know, possible competition. But neither of you seem like you're of any harm to anybody, a drunk and a stuttering fool. You seen anyone around here who are actually worth something, I like a challenge," Joseph grinned, looking at the two. He highly doubted the girl would do anything but feel bad, which would hopefully cause the hungover fool to get even more outraged than he would be at the slight towards him personally.

Hit me with your best shot Joseph sung in his head merrily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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This immediately struck a cord with Mikkish. Well, mostly just the part about being nothing to worry about, implying he wasn't a good fighter. Mikkish was slightly actually flattered about the part of him begin a drunk. Damn right, he was a drunk, and damn proud.

With incredible speed, thanks to his buff magic, Mikkish sped into Joseph and let a side kick into his gut, with great strength, also courtesy of his magic. He would thank Joseph for the drunk comment later (well...probably actually not) but right now was time to show this guy a lesson.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

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Hanging upside down in front of Puke Boy, Mykaela tilted her head and smiled. Oooh, that doesn’t look good. Rotating around, she idly walked alongside the boat, humming to herself. Of course, she wasn’t actually standing on the water. The others couldn’t see, hear or feel her dream-self, and her body was lounging in the back of the boat, apparently fast asleep. But, there was a significant difference between being asleep and being unaware.

Floating up into the boat, she listened in on the conversation. Pink Hair was talking to Girly Boy about something.

"Are -you- new? I mean, you have to be new because you basically just asked us if we were new and I don't think you aren't like an oldie or something haha. I mean, I am not saying that you are old or anything because you look really really young and stuff, I was just talki--"

"I was actually coming to see if either of you were anything to worry about, you know, possible competition. But neither of you seem like you're of any harm to anybody, a drunk and a stuttering fool. You seen anyone around here who are actually worth something, I like a challenge,"

Oh do you, hmm? Ain’t that interesting. A smile crossed Mykaela’s face, and a similar smile formed on her physical face. A smile that instantly disappeared when Puke Boy suddenly spun about, raced across the boat and slammed his boot into Pink Hair’s stomach. Awe dammit. Really guys? You’re starting a fight on a boat in the middle of the water?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

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Joseph sighed, coughing out blood. "I gotta admit, that was quite a kick. Maybe you're not so hopeless at fighting. Hopeless, yeah, but slightly less than I would expect from an idiot like you," he chuckled, planning on baiting the hungover fool into attacking again, this time when he was ready to snap his wrist or ankle depending on what attack he received.

Now, let's see if the idiot's as stupid as he looks Joseph thought to himself calmly, readying his stance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

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The small boat's acting first mate was a funny man, Prism concluded as she exited towards the main deck. He had cornered her the moment she entered the vessel, rambling endlessly about how he loved her movies and how he didn't believe the drug claims because Prism seemed like such a nice person. Prism had entertained him by smiling and nodding at his tales - the way her mother had taught her - but soon found herself enjoying her conversation with him. He was an enthusiastic person, to say the least. It was the captain's call that cut their conversation short and allowed Prism to walk out and appreciate the sea breeze... to see a couple of idiots fighting on deck.

Even from her position, she could smell the stench of alcohol from the boy that launched the first attack. Too, she knew that he was a mage like her. Magic and alcohol? It wasn't a good combination and Prism briefly wondered if she should attempt to intervene. A quick look at the boy who had been hit gave Prism the impression that he deserved it.

They can handle this, she thought with a slight snicker as she sidled next to the blonde girl that seemed to know the one hungover.

"This is quite the show. It's the first time I'll be seeing what a mage fight might look like," Prism commented with a small grin towards the blonde beside her. "Not sure if it's smart to do it on a boat though."

She turned her attention back to the two boys, watching to see how the other one would react to the attack. It would be a chance to observe the different reaches of magic and that was an added benefit to the amusement of watching a fight.

A quick look around made Prism realize that she hadn't been the only one drawn to the fight. There were others, probably prospective students like her too, watching from the sidelines. With a huge grin, Prism held up a hand and raised her voice enough to be heard over the commotion.

"Bets, anyone? Place your bets on one of these foolish lads, my friends." She moved to the front of the growing crowd and held out a hand. "Here, I'll start. Twenty bucks says the drunk blonde wins."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Finian Callahan

Stuttering fool...? That was very insulting and it actually didn't bother Finian at -all-. He knew very well that this guy was trying to get to them, but Finian could control his anger but his brother..? Not so much. He quickly turned around towards his brother to see him already speeding over to the pink-haired male. "No no, stop it, Mikkish!" yelled the feminine boy before attempting to move him away from Joseph but his speed was pretty impressive. Finian took a few steps back, looking around the area to see if anyone would be gladly to help them out. He would use his water magic but tended to keep it to himself, just for the others to not see what kind of skills he possessed. Mikkish was obviously not that smart or responsible, he actually started a fight on the boat where it was filled with others like them.

"Mikkish, stop this! It doesn't matter what he said, just ignore him and show him that you are more responsible than he is!" yelled the girly-boy while slowly hesitating to pull his brother, but knowing Mikkish he would hit -anything- that comes his way when he was in this type of rage. As soon as he noticed Joseph coughing up a bit of blood, Finian quickly pulled Mikkish away so he won't be too close to the pink-haired male. "Stop this!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Fin, you really gotta toughen up. Worst thing that happens is I fall over a get a little wet." Mikkish said, before pulling away from Fin as he noticed Joseph had just took the hit. He was also bleeding, and as far as Mikkish was concerned, he was already going to win this fight. Pinky wouldn't get away with talking shit.

'Unbelievable, this guy is all shit talk. Doesn't even fight back. Well we're all about to see who is hopeless.' He thought, speed dashing at Joseph again, but this time it was a left hook to the jaw.

The boat was already rocking side to side from Mikkish' magic use. One of the crewmen walked over to see what was going on.

"Hey! Stop! you're going to flip the damn thing!" He shouted, but Mikkish didn't notice the man's pleas
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Prism began to collect the bets of some onlookers who had agreed to her terms. So far, the betters were equally torn between the blonde and the pinkette which made for an interesting bout indeed. She occassionally chanced a look over her shoulders to see what was happening with the fight and frowned when the drunk blonde's companion wanted to stop them from fighting.

When she heard the booing of several spectators, she quickly stashed the cash in her pockets and pushed the blonde - Fin as the drunk one had called her - away from the fight. "Hey love, let them have their fun. A little fight's not gonne hurt anyone." She eyed Fin up and down to see if she would attempt to stop the fight once more and almost stumbled back into the two brawling lads when she came to the realization. "Oh wow. You're not a girl, are you?" she muttered with a sheepish grin.

Before she could add anything, she heard one of the crew members fast approaching. Groaning aloud, she gave Fin one more look before walking over to the crew and holding him back from the fight. "Don't worry about this. Don't worry." She stumbled a bit as the two's magic rocked the both but still kept her reassuring grin as she gently pushed the crew away from the fight. "Maybe you'd like to place a bet as well?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Are you shitting me?" The crewman asked Prism "They're going to tip the boat over!" He yelled, running past her and putting himself between Mikkish and Joseph...just as Mikkish was going in for an attack. This resulted in Mikkish' punch landing dead on the crewman's face, leaving a big mark and knocking the man out.


Two gunshots went off. Another crewman had walked into the scene, gun in hand, firing it into the air.

"Next one is going into one of you. Knock it off!" He commanded, as Mikkish noticed land was close by. It actually could have been noticed during the fight, but everyone was just so distracted by the chaos and threat of the boat tipping over (and Prism was distracted by the opportunity.)

"Reaching land in maybe 15 to 20 minutes!" Called the captain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Pretty much as soon as he got on the boat John decided that the roof of the cabin would be his spot for the trip or at least until it started raining. Using his parkour skills he effortlessly climbed up. Afterwards he looked for a good spot to sit, as soon as he found one he took a comic book out of his bag and started reading.

He was just about done when the sounds of a fight could be heard. Looking down at the deck he quickly learned that for some reason a blond and some guy with pink hair were the source of the commotion. At first he wasn't too worried as it seemed to be just a physical fight with no magic involved but the fact that the boat began to rock from side to side caused his opinion to change.

He was wondering if he had any way of stopping the fight, but the fact that there was no earth around pretty much limited to using fire or jumping in himself. Neither of those options seemed like a good way to calm things down. Luckily at that point a crewmember got them to stop and pointed out that they were getting close to their destination.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Being that it was still too early for the sun to be out (6am), city lights could be seen from the island. As they got closer, the city revealed itself to be more and more massive. Tall buildings stretched high into the sky. The city seemed to go on forever to either the right or left as they neared the docks.

For anyone who had been to New York City, this looked a lot like it. Mikkish had never been, but this was exactly how he imagined it might be.

He was amazed, even as the boat was being parked at the dock.

"As students, you will all get free maps of the city. The school as at the northernmost point." Called one crewman as another started handing out free maps (after picking himself back up from being knocked out of course).

Faintly, Mikkish could see what looked like the tops of mountains in the distance beyond the city. For a guy who hadn't seen much of the world, only the orphanage and the trailer park he was adopted to, this was exciting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Sera Kennithson

At the back of the boat sat a girl, not particularly tall with long blonde hair. She'd been there for most of the journey, just staring at what the passengers had left behind. A fight seemed to have broken out behind her, somehow it was the first one on the voyage. She wondered who it was?

Sera walked around the cabin to a view of the boats front, she didn't recognise either of the two fighters, or anyone else for that matter. Maybe she should have tried to get to know these people. Thankfully for the boat - the rocking wasn't the greatest sensation - the fight was broken up pretty quickly by some of the crew, with... varying levels of force.

"Reaching land in maybe 15 to 20 minutes!" Called the captain, followed by someone handing out some city maps. Sera moved to the front of the boat, squinting out into the distance as she tried to make out the shape of the mountains. What a strange turn her life had taken int he past few years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Seeing as the fight was over and they were getting close to the Island John decided he might as well spent the rest of trip mingling with the other students. From what he could see so far Golla Island didn't seem to be special, sure it resembled New York a bit. But he knew all too well that NYC wasn't all glamor.

After putting the comic back in his bag he climbed down from the cabin roof. He simply walked up to the group drawn to the scene of the battle."So, nervous as well?" He asked the closest noncrewmember, while stuffing his new map into his bag with his other belongings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Finian Callahan

"I really can't believe that this is happening... my brother is making a fool out of himself and he doesn't even know it. I-" he stopped talking before tilting his head slightly to see a girl speaking with him. Of-course he wasn't a girl, he just had an appearance as a girl but definitely wasn't. How dare she bet on her brother though? She was winning some money because of him, what an idiot. As soon as Finian was about to reply to her, everyone came to a halt when a sound of gunshots were heard, he quickly ran over to his brother making sure that he wouldn't get shot. "Come on, no need to shoot him. He's just a little uhh not himself right now but I promise he'll be fine." Finian said to the crew member, before elbowing his brother, it was so embarrassing sometimes but Finian knew whenever someone bothers Mikkish it's a different story for them.

Finally, there was land! And a beautiful city came to view, being that Finian was an orphan he didn't really see none of this stuff back at his town. The scene was beautiful and all the drama from the boat has quickly faded away, thankfully.
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