Name: Mercy Coleman
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: Mercy stands at an average height of five foot five with a somewhat athletic build. Her light blonde hair perfectly accentuated her light grey eyes. Her clothing style mostly revolve around dark tank tops and ripped jeans. Unlike some of her heavily inked friends, Mercy only has one tattoo - an upside down horseshoe on her left thigh. She almost always has her signature beanie on and will flip out if she ever loses it.
Skills:• Streetsmarts - She knows every nook and cranny inside the city
• Agility - Mercy is light on her feet. While not a parkour expert, she can be hard to catch when she's trying to run away from you.
• Mechanics - Mercy's truck is old and died a lot. Thankfully, Mercy had always been there to revive it and any other vehicles that needed her help
Weakness:• Physically weak - She may be fast but Mercy is not one for fist fights.
• Hot-tempered - Even before the Overdose Incident and the fear of becoming an Addict, it had been easy to piss of Mercy.
• Addict - Working at a Pond meant you had easy access to Drips and that used to be a benefit. Now, Mercy wished she'd chosen to work at Starbucks instead.
Fears:• That she would become like one of the Addicts
• Claustrophobic
Occupation: Delivery Truck driver for Kolana's Pond
Is your character a Drip user?: Yes