AJ Edmond
”Life is full of illusions - from the illusion of choice to the illusions I create - but rest assured that I am not one of them.” –
AJ Name;;Avery Josephine Edmond
Nickname;;She actually prefers to be called AJ instead of her full name because she sees it as too girly. Some people also jokingly call her 'Dud' or 'Pirate' because of her abilities, and she hates it even though there was no real malice behind those names.
Relationship Status;;Single
Role;;Edmond Family - Middle Daughter
Appearance;;AJ stands at five foot six with an athletic build. Her jet black hair is often left alone, as messy as it is when she woke up or pulled up in a ponytail, as she feels this adds to her image. While her vision is not the best, she almost never wears her glasses and opts for wearing transparent contacts to not hide her dark brown eyes. AJ mostly wears dark leather jackets and jeans, simply because she finds them comfortable. Most of her concentration goes to maintaining the illusion on her left leg, hiding the prosthesis and making it seem like normal.
xxx Likes;;People-watching | Sweets | Horror movies | Video games | Rain/Cold weather | Cats | Lazing around with friends | Gorgeous clothes | Music
Dislikes;;Dogs | Being mocked | Coffee | Embarrassing situations | Being called "Dud" or "Pirate", or anything implicating her as a liar | Waiting | Unnecessary tasks | Sports, specifically track
Hobbies;;Singing | Playing video games | Studying patterns for her illusions
Habits;;Dozing off | Pen-spinning | Can imitate other people's tone of voice almost perfectly | Inserting references that the people she converses with don't understand
Fears;;Her prosthesis being discovered by people outside her family | Dogs | Public humiliation
Personality;;♦ Honest ♦ Sensitive ♦ Warm ♦ Flighty ♦
While at first sight, one might think of AJ as intimidating or harsh due to her choice in clothing, or deceitful and manipulative once they find out what she can do, AJ is not even close to any of those things. Because of her ability, AJ made a promise to herself ever since she was a child that she would be honest in everything that she was and she had always stayed true to this promise. She always has a bright smile on her face simply because she likes what she sees in the world around her. She's optimistic and bright, despite her outward appearance, and enjoys all the little things in life. She's the type of person to always keep change in her pockets for beggars and hum a nice little tune under her breath as she walks down the streets.
Despite this, her ability still has a huge impact on how people perceive her and this has led to some unsavory developments. Even simple comments not meant to mock her causes AJ to lash out out of hurt, especially when it refers to her family or her ability. Bravery is also not one of her best points. Being physically weak in dangerous times, AJ takes advantage of her perceived image but when confronted, she will never take the offensive. Her impatience does not bode well for her, as it sometimes leads to bad decisions that causes more trouble for her than she can handle, and most of the time she cannot rely on her ability to get her out of it.
Ability;;Illusion - AJ can create illusions and project them on both herself and her surroundings. She can make people see, smell, and hear things that are not there or different from what currently exists. She mostly uses this abolity to change her appearance, to camouflage with her surroundings, and to create traps for anyone who opposes her.
Limitations;;AJ's illusions are not concrete and do not actually harm someone directly. She can also only create small and concentrated illusions with ease and bigger illusions that have stronger effects take an insane amount of concentration. Since the nature of her ability is widely known, it can sometimes lose its intended effect when her targets know she's there.
History;;AJ's earliest memory was of a day when she was merely three years old. She remembered a shabby little place, a number of toys strewn around the floor, and her mother. She remembered laughing despite the harsh conditions of their living space, and she remembered being happy. Perhaps it was then that her mother's upbeat and optimistic attitude rubbed off on her either due to her mother's ability or simply heredity. Still, it was what defined the two of them - smiling despite everything.
Her mother had only been eighteen when her lover at that time impregnated her. He had ran off, using his own ability to hide forever from AJ and her mother, and that left Leah to care for herself and her growing daughter on her own. Her family had urged her to abort the baby as they believed she couldn't handle the responsibility yet but Leah had felt something about the child inside her. She just knew that AJ would be bright and beautiful, and she had been right. Leah worked hard, striving to provide a good life for her daughter, but life was rough in Millbrook for those who weren't members of the mafia families that ruled the city. She had to struggle to even provide their meal for the day, and this level of hardship only worsened as AJ grew and time passed by.
Their saving grace came in the form of AJ's accident. She had been twelve then and had, in secret, ran off to try and help her mother provide for them. Young as she was, she hadn't known where to start and eventually wandered off into the wrong neighbourhood. One thing lead to another and several older kids began to bully her thinking that she had money. Their abilities were far more combat oriented than hers - which, at that time, had been weak - and it didn't take long for them to corner her. As fate would have it, the same group of kids had caused some trouble for Johnny Edmond and he'd come to their usual hangout spot to exact his revenge. He had caught them just as they loomed over AJ and a fight soon broke out. AJ's memory of the event had been fuzzy, and all she knew was that something that sounded like metal broke and unbearable pain rose from her left leg. She had passed out and when she awoke, she was in the hospital. Her leg had suffered from a major infection and the only solution was to cut it off before it spread throughout her body. In that operation room, the love story of her mother and Johnny began.
Leah and Johnny had married each other when AJ was fifteen, integrating the two of them into the mafia family. It hadn't been easy at first but AJ eventually grew closer to her step-siblings and she loved them unconditionally. She's not well adjusted to the mafia life, but enjoys it nonetheless. If it meant her mother didn't have to suffer anymore then that was all good with her.
Extra;;I really liked the bear from The Revenant