Claret stands at five foot four, shorter than average for her age group, with a slightly athletic build. Her wine red hair is cropped short, falling just an inch above her shoulders and pointing in different directions, with a few strands styled into a small braid tucked to her left and dyed a sable black. Her eyes are a light green and are often narrowed into cat-like slits. Her clothing tends to be more casual, with a dark brown leather vest above a simple dark grey shirt, but no matter what she wears, she always has a wolf fang that hangs from her silver necklace.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Claret is easy-going and cheerful, with her lazy smirk and bright smile making her seem approachable to almost anyone. She finds it easy to talk to all sorts of people, from crooked criminals hanging out in deserted alleys to the posh nobles sitting comfortably in their thrones. This kind of behaviour makes it easy for her to persuade people into doing what she wants and seeing things her way. She does, however, have a tendency to become carried away especially when experiencing extreme bouts of anger or having her sadistic tendencies triggered. During these times, the cheerful Claret disappears only to be replaced with a bloodthirsty beast, which is why she tries her hardest to never reach this point. Not again.
W E A P O N:
Claret's weapon of choice is a pair of short swords, each made from a thousand layers of steel. Each sword had been made especially for her, allowing her ease in using them as though they're simply extensions of her own arms. She strikes from the shadows, fast and deadly with her swords, leaving her target either subdued or killed within seconds. Her fighting style, however, makes her an easy target as she has no way of defending herself other than a simple parry of her swords and her speed.
O T H E R:
Claret acts as one of the camp's agents and specializes in gathering information, through both spying and torture, from their targets. During one of her previous missions, Claret had been tasked to abduct a daughter of a nobleman in exchange for a hefty ransom, but found that the daughter wished to joing their camp. She now looks after Peridot.
They stand at five foot seven with short-cropped brown hair and light blue eyes. Their clothing is simple, but maintains the Fletcher family colours of green, black, and silver.
M A G I C:
Demonic Magic | Conjuration
House Fletcher have, for generations, summoned demons who provide their children with magical capabilities. The ritual is binding, involving a process wherein the current head of the House would inject the demon inside the body of the child – normally around the age of ten or so – in order to allow the flow of magic to enter the child's system. Control over the demon is then practised by the child under direct supervision from armed guards of House Fletcher. Once it has become certain that the child poses no threat, they are once again allowed freedom to utilize their new-found abilities for the betterment of the House.
The process is extremely dangerous and House Fletcher has suffered casualties many times. A child may not survive the initial phases of the possession or fall prey under the demon's wiles, eventually wreaking havoc in the household. The continued existence of the normally unwilling and vengeful demon also poses a threat and members of House Fletcher undergo a constant struggle of control over the demon.
The demons that have possessed Reagan's body gave them the power of conjuration. Conjuration is the magic of casting spells which would summon either a living or non-living thing to the conjurer's aid. The process of casting a conjuration spell depends on the type of item or creature that the conjurer is attempting to summon and the length of time they wish for it to remain with them. Spells that summon non-living items such as weapons or bound armour are easier to summon and maintain than spells that summon living creatures.
The conjurer is limited in a way that the casting process takes time and certain ingredients are required to summon a variety of items. For example, summoning a simple broadsword requires either a piece of an already crafted sword or one of the items utilized in the creation of the weapon. Summoning creatures requires more ingredients, such as a patch of fur to summon a wolf. Control over summoned creature also depends on the conjurer's abilities and concentration, and the amount of ingredients utilized in the summoning spell.
The most powerful conjuration spells require the use of rare ingredients and a magic circle. There have been reports that these spells can take the caster hours to complete and drains the conjurer's magic so much so that not even small conjuration spells can be attempted in the following days.
T E C H N I Q U E S:
Non-Living Summons
Non-living summons do not require the use of a magic circle, but does require an open space for the summoned item to materialize. A piece of item related to the item the conjurer is attempting to summon must be the core of the spell and is the indicator of where the item will materialize. Non-living summons can last longer than summoned creatures, as they require little maintenance once summoned.
Living Summons
Living summons require the use of a magic circle and an understanding of the creature's basic anatomy. The conjurer must then attempt to recreate this anatomy using simple items relating to the creature within the magic circle. For simpler creatures like golems, recreating the anatomy can be as rudimentary as the conjurer wishes, but for stronger creatures like dragons, it must be as detailed as possible. The summoned creature will maintain its intelligence and instincts, but will be guided by the conjurer like a puppet on strings. Maintaining control can range from easy to almost impossible, depending on the type of creature summoned.
Magnitude I
Most non-living summons comprise the array of spells categorized as Magnitude I. These spells are the most easily cast with little to no effort from an experienced conjurer and materialize almost instantly, depending on the mass. The summoned items are not durable enough to last long-term usage.
Magnitude II
Non-living summons using Magnitude II spells are more powerful and more concrete, allowing the conjurer to use them more efficiently, at the cost of a slightly longer casting time and concentration. The most basic of Living Summons can be attempted with Magnitude II spells, although control over the creatures is easily attained although they dematerialize easily.
Magnitude III
Magnitude III spells require more time and are more taxing on the conjurer. Most of these spells can take minutes for the summon to materialize, although the results can be worth it. Non-living summons using Magnitude III spells are more durable, faster, and deadlier than normally crafted weapons. Living summons last longer and Magnitude III spells aid the conjurer in controlling these creatures.
Magnitude IV
The overall strength, durability, and speed of non-living summons are enhanced. Additionally, Magnitude IV spells allow the conjurer to summon a number of weapons at once at a cost. More advanced living summons are also available to the conjurer and control over the creatures is fleeting. Some Magnitude IV spells can also substitute casting time in exchange for more magic from the conjurer, which can drain them as much as Magnitude V spells.
Magnitude V
Only the most powerful of living summons require Magnitude V spells. These spells take an incredibly long time and require all the strength of thee conjurer. Maintaining control over the summoned creatures is also difficult but most conjurers who attempt to use Magnitude V spells use them as a last resort, wherein they allow the summoned creature to wreak havoc without their control.
Zaebor is the original demon that House Fletcher summoned. She appears to Reagan as a woman with the wings of a dragon and scales coating her skin. Between the two demons possessing Reagan, Zaebor is the more benevolent one as she has come to care for the young human. She is the one who had given Reagan the power of conjuration, but had wanted to allow her the ability to summon only non-living items as she sees summoning living creatures as a horrible act. She is the more powerful of the two demons inside Reagan, but knows that she cannot maintain this strength for long, which is why she is insistent that Reagan grow stronger so that they could stop Keadal themselves.
Keadal is Zaebor's sworn rival and the one that altered the original Fletcher spell to allow him entrance into Reagan's body. He appears to her as a four-eyed wolf with silver white fur. His goals are more malevolent as he had not expected for Reagan to achieve control over the two of them. While he has no concern over the matters of mortals, he does wish for Zaebor's destruction and seeks to take control over Reagan in order to achieve that. Unfortunately for him, Zaebor has retained most of her power while he has not and thus he remains unable to break Reagan's control over him. He remains quiet to plot his next actions, but is most often the cause of Reagan's horrible feelings.
S K I L L S:
Reagan has been trained in archery since childhood and they have grown extremely skillful in the craft.
Reagan is capable of defending themself in melee combat, especially when using a pair of small daggers.
Through their travels, Reagan has grown knowledgeable about the different countries and cultures in the world.
E Q U I P M E N T:
Spell Book: Reagan carries around a large, tome-like book that is normally attached to their hip. It contains the different spells they use in conjuration.
A pack of broken items and scraps of fur: Reagan keeps the items they use for conjuration in a leather pack they sling over their shoulder.
House Fletcher bow: Reagan carries an exquisitely crafted bow made of rosewood and light steel that bears their family emblem on the grip.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Reagan's personality is heavily affected by that of the demons inside them. They maintain a kind demeanor towards most folks they encounter, offering a kind greeting whenever they can, but will keep almost everything to a casual interaction. They will never willingly extend a hand for help without first assuring that they would receive just recompense and even then, still has the tendency to turn against another should the odds shift. They are incredily selfish in this regard, but Reagan is not a person that would take a life simply because they can. Most of all, Reagan is extremely driven by their goal and has the tendency to be easily swayed by anger.
H I S T O R Y:
House Fletcher has ruled over Keinsfeild, a large piece of land in a country to the west, for generations. They are feared by foreign forces because of their capabilities in magic and are respected by their people due to the responsibility with which they ruled over them. Perhaps the only ones who dare rival Keinsfeild rulers is House Flatfoot of Mellowbrooke, a bigger land north of Keinsfeild. House Flatfoot has been the rivals of House Fletcher for decades, each declaring war on the other in simple shows of power. Despite the Fletchers magic, the Flatfoots maintain an equal standing against them due to their superior numbers and military prowess.
House Flatfoot recently uncovered the horrible secret behind House Fletcher's magic - that they allow demons to possess their body in order to gain power - and threatened to reveal this to Keinsfeild's people should the Fletchers refuse to swear fealty to them. Fearing that their people would revolt and hunt them down, the Fletchers openly declare war against Mellowbrooke, hoping to wipe out the Flatfoots before they can even begin to unleash their plot. It's an act that the head of House Flatfoot foresaw and therefore, he sent one of his children to travel to Rothar with the evidence against the Fletchers to wait in safety until the chaos subsides. After finding out about this, the Fletchers retaliated by sending one of their own to hunt down the Flatfoot.
Given this duty, Reagan began to hunt down the Flatfoot across the world. They wanted for nothing more than to keep her from reachinf Rothar as they knew with certainty that the Flatfoot would be able to disappear in the neutral kingdom. For a year and a half, the war in their country waged on while the two heirs continued their chase. Unfortunatelt for Reagan, after an incident at a country filled with savages, they lost sight of the Flatfoot. They were unwilling to let this stump them and they headed to Rothar, determined to find and hunt down the Flatfoot at all cost.
O T H E R:
Reagan has a deadly allergy with primberries, a pinkish berry that's native to Keinsfeild.
They stand at five foot seven with short-cropped brown hair and light blue eyes. Their clothing is simple, but maintains the Fletcher family colours of green, black, and silver.
M A G I C:
Demonic Magic | Conjuration
House Fletcher have, for generations, summoned demons who provide their children with magical capabilities. The ritual is binding, involving a process wherein the current head of the House would inject the demon inside the body of the child – normally around the age of ten or so – in order to allow the flow of magic to enter the child's system. Control over the demon is then practised by the child under direct supervision from armed guards of House Fletcher. Once it has become certain that the child poses no threat, they are once again allowed freedom to utilize their new-found abilities for the betterment of the House.
The process is extremely dangerous and House Fletcher has suffered casualties many times. A child may not survive the initial phases of the possession or fall prey under the demon's wiles, eventually wreaking havoc in the household. The continued existence of the normally unwilling and vengeful demon also poses a threat and members of House Fletcher undergo a constant struggle of control over the demon.
The demons that have possessed Reagan's body gave them the power of conjuration. Conjuration is the magic of casting spells which would summon either a living or non-living thing to the conjurer's aid. The process of casting a conjuration spell depends on the type of item or creature that the conjurer is attempting to summon and the length of time they wish for it to remain with them. Spells that summon non-living items such as weapons or bound armour are easier to summon and maintain than spells that summon living creatures.
The conjurer is limited in a way that the casting process takes time and certain ingredients are required to summon a variety of items. For example, summoning a simple broadsword requires either a piece of an already crafted sword or one of the items utilized in the creation of the weapon. Summoning creatures requires more ingredients, such as a patch of fur to summon a wolf. Control over summoned creature also depends on the conjurer's abilities and concentration, and the amount of ingredients utilized in the summoning spell.
The most powerful conjuration spells require the use of rare ingredients and a magic circle. There have been reports that these spells can take the caster hours to complete and drains the conjurer's magic so much so that not even small conjuration spells can be attempted in the following days.
T E C H N I Q U E S:
Non-Living Summons
Non-living summons do not require the use of a magic circle, but does require an open space for the summoned item to materialize. A piece of item related to the item the conjurer is attempting to summon must be the core of the spell and is the indicator of where the item will materialize. Non-living summons can last longer than summoned creatures, as they require little maintenance once summoned.
Living Summons
Living summons require the use of a magic circle and an understanding of the creature's basic anatomy. The conjurer must then attempt to recreate this anatomy using simple items relating to the creature within the magic circle. For simpler creatures like golems, recreating the anatomy can be as rudimentary as the conjurer wishes, but for stronger creatures like dragons, it must be as detailed as possible. The summoned creature will maintain its intelligence and instincts, but will be guided by the conjurer like a puppet on strings. Maintaining control can range from easy to almost impossible, depending on the type of creature summoned.
Magnitude I
Most non-living summons comprise the array of spells categorized as Magnitude I. These spells are the most easily cast with little to no effort from an experienced conjurer and materialize almost instantly, depending on the mass. The summoned items are not durable enough to last long-term usage.
Magnitude II
Non-living summons using Magnitude II spells are more powerful and more concrete, allowing the conjurer to use them more efficiently, at the cost of a slightly longer casting time and concentration. The most basic of Living Summons can be attempted with Magnitude II spells, although control over the creatures is easily attained although they dematerialize easily.
Magnitude III
Magnitude III spells require more time and are more taxing on the conjurer. Most of these spells can take minutes for the summon to materialize, although the results can be worth it. Non-living summons using Magnitude III spells are more durable, faster, and deadlier than normally crafted weapons. Living summons last longer and Magnitude III spells aid the conjurer in controlling these creatures.
Magnitude IV
The overall strength, durability, and speed of non-living summons are enhanced. Additionally, Magnitude IV spells allow the conjurer to summon a number of weapons at once at a cost. More advanced living summons are also available to the conjurer and control over the creatures is fleeting. Some Magnitude IV spells can also substitute casting time in exchange for more magic from the conjurer, which can drain them as much as Magnitude V spells.
Magnitude V
Only the most powerful of living summons require Magnitude V spells. These spells take an incredibly long time and require all the strength of thee conjurer. Maintaining control over the summoned creatures is also difficult but most conjurers who attempt to use Magnitude V spells use them as a last resort, wherein they allow the summoned creature to wreak havoc without their control.
Zaebor is the original demon that House Fletcher summoned. She appears to Reagan as a woman with the wings of a dragon and scales coating her skin. Between the two demons possessing Reagan, Zaebor is the more benevolent one as she has come to care for the young human. She is the one who had given Reagan the power of conjuration, but had wanted to allow her the ability to summon only non-living items as she sees summoning living creatures as a horrible act. She is the more powerful of the two demons inside Reagan, but knows that she cannot maintain this strength for long, which is why she is insistent that Reagan grow stronger so that they could stop Keadal themselves.
Keadal is Zaebor's sworn rival and the one that altered the original Fletcher spell to allow him entrance into Reagan's body. He appears to her as a four-eyed wolf with silver white fur. His goals are more malevolent as he had not expected for Reagan to achieve control over the two of them. While he has no concern over the matters of mortals, he does wish for Zaebor's destruction and seeks to take control over Reagan in order to achieve that. Unfortunately for him, Zaebor has retained most of her power while he has not and thus he remains unable to break Reagan's control over him. He remains quiet to plot his next actions, but is most often the cause of Reagan's horrible feelings.
S K I L L S:
Reagan has been trained in archery since childhood and they have grown extremely skillful in the craft.
Reagan is capable of defending themself in melee combat, especially when using a pair of small daggers.
Through their travels, Reagan has grown knowledgeable about the different countries and cultures in the world.
E Q U I P M E N T:
Spell Book: Reagan carries around a large, tome-like book that is normally attached to their hip. It contains the different spells they use in conjuration.
A pack of broken items and scraps of fur: Reagan keeps the items they use for conjuration in a leather pack they sling over their shoulder.
House Fletcher bow: Reagan carries an exquisitely crafted bow made of rosewood and light steel that bears their family emblem on the grip.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Reagan's personality is heavily affected by that of the demons inside them. They maintain a kind demeanor towards most folks they encounter, offering a kind greeting whenever they can, but will keep almost everything to a casual interaction. They will never willingly extend a hand for help without first assuring that they would receive just recompense and even then, still has the tendency to turn against another should the odds shift. They are incredily selfish in this regard, but Reagan is not a person that would take a life simply because they can. Most of all, Reagan is extremely driven by their goal and has the tendency to be easily swayed by anger.
H I S T O R Y:
House Fletcher has ruled over Keinsfeild, a large piece of land in a country to the west, for generations. They are feared by foreign forces because of their capabilities in magic and are respected by their people due to the responsibility with which they ruled over them. Perhaps the only ones who dare rival Keinsfeild rulers is House Flatfoot of Mellowbrooke, a bigger land north of Keinsfeild. House Flatfoot has been the rivals of House Fletcher for decades, each declaring war on the other in simple shows of power. Despite the Fletchers magic, the Flatfoots maintain an equal standing against them due to their superior numbers and military prowess.
House Flatfoot recently uncovered the horrible secret behind House Fletcher's magic - that they allow demons to possess their body in order to gain power - and threatened to reveal this to Keinsfeild's people should the Fletchers refuse to swear fealty to them. Fearing that their people would revolt and hunt them down, the Fletchers openly declare war against Mellowbrooke, hoping to wipe out the Flatfoots before they can even begin to unleash their plot. It's an act that the head of House Flatfoot foresaw and therefore, he sent one of his children to travel to Rothar with the evidence against the Fletchers to wait in safety until the chaos subsides. After finding out about this, the Fletchers retaliated by sending one of their own to hunt down the Flatfoot.
Given this duty, Reagan began to hunt down the Flatfoot across the world. They wanted for nothing more than to keep her from reachinf Rothar as they knew with certainty that the Flatfoot would be able to disappear in the neutral kingdom. For a year and a half, the war in their country waged on while the two heirs continued their chase. Unfortunatelt for Reagan, after an incident at a country filled with savages, they lost sight of the Flatfoot. They were unwilling to let this stump them and they headed to Rothar, determined to find and hunt down the Flatfoot at all cost.
O T H E R:
Reagan has a deadly allergy to primberries, a pinkish berry that's native to Keinsfeild.
At five foot five and clad in the common attire of scraggly and oil-stained clothing that marked the Wreckers, Tori doesn't stand out much. During times when she would tie her sable hair back in a messy ponytail and tuck it underneath a snapback bearing the gang's emblem, most people could mistake her for one of the boys, albeit only a little bit thinner. There had even been moments while working at the yard when she would borrow one of the ratty tops worn by the other Wreckers and little else underneath, allowing her to show off her rather athletic build. She isn't a big hunk of muscle like some of the others though, as she had never really given much time to working out.
While not in the yard, Tori opts for a more casual attire with graphic tees and ripped jeans. She's always seen with the handkerchief bearing her gang's emblem slightly peeking from one of her back pockets, and a silver chain necklace around her neck with a key dangling from it. What this opens, no one knows, not even her.
Tori has always seen herself as a survivor, using the resources around her to the best of her ability, but the truth couldn't be farther away. Tori is a scavenger, sniffing out dying animals that she would stalk and lull into a state of comfort before she lunged and devoured him one rotting piece of meat at a time. The way she uses her environment and the circumstances to her advantage is purely selfish and for the ambitious goals that dangle in front of her like a carrot on a stick, perpetually out of her grasp.
Time has taught her the methods she uses to tangle the situation between her fingertips, but it has failed to teach her patience. Like a child, Tori is subject to her whims. Perhaps the time spent chasing after her goals had actually fostered this, and Tori finds herself at the end of her rope. She has the tendency to jump into situations blindly and, while she has always found ways out of trouble no matter how bad, it would no doubt catch up to her and finally find her accountable for her actions.
G A N G:
The Wreckers
J O B:
College Student (Undeclared) | Part-time Mechanic
B I O G R A P H Y:
Victoria Bauman was born and raised in Meridia. Her nineteen years of existence had been spent memorizing the maze-like alleys of the city and offering whatever services she could to the local mechanic's auto shop for some extra cash. The shadow-filled nooks and crannies of the city became her home.
She grew up playing with the local kids on the rust-filled scrapyard that marked the Wrecker's territory, and her initiation amongst their ranks when she reached the age of sixteen had been nothing but natural. The gang resembled a makeshift family, but like her own, it seemed that many of the gang's members preferred to fill their minds with thoughts about the ongoing gang wars and their own respective lives inside Meridia. None of them ever thought about the bigger things they could achieve outside the city limits and they were content to continue playing pretend like a bunch of kids. Of course, Tori played along. After all, to get anywhere in Meridia, you had to live with a gang. They would take care of you and the Wreckers had certainly done as much for Tori. Lucas was helping pay for her education and inadvertently funding her one-way ticket out of the city.
Tori hated that she had to spend her days either boring herself out of her mind at the community college or labouring in the auto shop. She wished for nothing more than to get enough cash to finally get the wreck of a motorcycle tucked at her corner of the scrapyard to work so that she could ride it out of the city. Suffice to say, a part of her was beginning to lose hope. There was no way she would get out; Meridia had taken her as its prisoner.
Although, the rumours of a group dead-set on turning Meridia into a zombie town like it had done to three cities prior have piqued Tori's interest. They were obviously a powerful bunch and who knew what kind of help they needed. Maybe, just maybe, they would be her ticket out.
S K I L L S:
Despite what her looks might make people think, Tori is strong. Working at the auto shop has allowed her muscles to grow and she's one of the Wrecker's most powerful members. She could knock a man unconscious with one blow, and she's pretty damn proud.
Tori knows Meridia like the back of her hand, from the places one could use for a quick get-away to the people that she could talk her way into helping her. Her time scouring around the alleyways have also gotten the less than trustworthy faces to leave her alone as they knew her well enough to mess with her.
Much of Tori's survival has been thanks to her ability to use her surroundings to her advantage. Her skirmishes had been won by using whatever had been lying around as an improvised weapon. Having no formal training, she's also able to change her tactics in fighting to find holes in the fighting style her opponent is using.
W E A K N E S S E S:
No set fighting style
Tori has never had formal training in fighting. She doesn't specialize in anything other than swinging her fists or whatever improvised weapon she can find. While this is sometimes advantageous, there have been moments when her lack of training had gotten the better of her.
Tori doesn't set decisions in stone. She lacks the loyalty that some people have and her actions are based on what impulse calls to her at the moment. This attitude has already caused her to lose the trust of some people, and perhaps even more should she continue.
Low stamina
Tori is a glass cannon. She hits hard and she hits fast, but she tires easily. She can't sustain herself for fights that last longer than she's used to and she can also be knocked out easily by a well-placed hit.
They stand at five foot seven with short-cropped brown hair and light blue eyes. Their clothing is simple, but maintains the Fletcher family colours of green, black, and silver.
M A G I C:
Demonic Magic | Conjuration
House Fletcher have, for generations, summoned demons who provide their children with magical capabilities. The ritual is binding, involving a process wherein the current head of the House would inject the demon inside the body of the child – normally around the age of ten or so – in order to allow the flow of magic to enter the child's system. Control over the demon is then practised by the child under direct supervision from armed guards of House Fletcher. Once it has become certain that the child poses no threat, they are once again allowed freedom to utilize their new-found abilities for the betterment of the House.
The process is extremely dangerous and House Fletcher has suffered casualties many times. A child may not survive the initial phases of the possession or fall prey under the demon's wiles, eventually wreaking havoc in the household. The continued existence of the normally unwilling and vengeful demon also poses a threat and members of House Fletcher undergo a constant struggle of control over the demon.
The demons that have possessed Reagan's body gave them the power of conjuration. Conjuration is the magic of casting spells which would summon either a living or non-living thing to the conjurer's aid. The process of casting a conjuration spell depends on the type of item or creature that the conjurer is attempting to summon and the length of time they wish for it to remain with them. Spells that summon non-living items such as weapons or bound armour are easier to summon and maintain than spells that summon living creatures.
The conjurer is limited in a way that the casting process takes time and certain ingredients are required to summon a variety of items. For example, summoning a simple broadsword requires either a piece of an already crafted sword or one of the items utilized in the creation of the weapon. Summoning creatures requires more ingredients, such as a patch of fur to summon a wolf. Control over summoned creature also depends on the conjurer's abilities and concentration, and the amount of ingredients utilized in the summoning spell.
The most powerful conjuration spells require the use of rare ingredients and a magic circle. There have been reports that these spells can take the caster hours to complete and drains the conjurer's magic so much so that not even small conjuration spells can be attempted in the following days.
T E C H N I Q U E S:
Non-Living Summons
Non-living summons do not require the use of a magic circle, but does require an open space for the summoned item to materialize. A piece of item related to the item the conjurer is attempting to summon must be the core of the spell and is the indicator of where the item will materialize. Non-living summons can last longer than summoned creatures, as they require little maintenance once summoned.
Living Summons
Living summons require the use of a magic circle and an understanding of the creature's basic anatomy. The conjurer must then attempt to recreate this anatomy using simple items relating to the creature within the magic circle. For simpler creatures like golems, recreating the anatomy can be as rudimentary as the conjurer wishes, but for stronger creatures like dragons, it must be as detailed as possible. The summoned creature will maintain its intelligence and instincts, but will be guided by the conjurer like a puppet on strings. Maintaining control can range from easy to almost impossible, depending on the type of creature summoned.
Magnitude I
Most non-living summons comprise the array of spells categorized as Magnitude I. These spells are the most easily cast with little to no effort from an experienced conjurer and materialize almost instantly, depending on the mass. The summoned items are not durable enough to last long-term usage.
Magnitude II
Non-living summons using Magnitude II spells are more powerful and more concrete, allowing the conjurer to use them more efficiently, at the cost of a slightly longer casting time and concentration. The most basic of Living Summons can be attempted with Magnitude II spells, although control over the creatures is easily attained although they dematerialize easily.
Magnitude III
Magnitude III spells require more time and are more taxing on the conjurer. Most of these spells can take minutes for the summon to materialize, although the results can be worth it. Non-living summons using Magnitude III spells are more durable, faster, and deadlier than normally crafted weapons. Living summons last longer and Magnitude III spells aid the conjurer in controlling these creatures.
Magnitude IV
The overall strength, durability, and speed of non-living summons are enhanced. Additionally, Magnitude IV spells allow the conjurer to summon a number of weapons at once at a cost. More advanced living summons are also available to the conjurer and control over the creatures is fleeting. Some Magnitude IV spells can also substitute casting time in exchange for more magic from the conjurer, which can drain them as much as Magnitude V spells.
Magnitude V
Only the most powerful of living summons require Magnitude V spells. These spells take an incredibly long time and require all the strength of thee conjurer. Maintaining control over the summoned creatures is also difficult but most conjurers who attempt to use Magnitude V spells use them as a last resort, wherein they allow the summoned creature to wreak havoc without their control.
Zaebor is the original demon that House Fletcher summoned. She appears to Reagan as a woman with the wings of a dragon and scales coating her skin. Between the two demons possessing Reagan, Zaebor is the more benevolent one as she has come to care for the young human. She is the one who had given Reagan the power of conjuration, but had wanted to allow her the ability to summon only non-living items as she sees summoning living creatures as a horrible act. She is the more powerful of the two demons inside Reagan, but knows that she cannot maintain this strength for long, which is why she is insistent that Reagan grow stronger so that they could stop Keadal themselves.
Keadal is Zaebor's sworn rival and the one that altered the original Fletcher spell to allow him entrance into Reagan's body. He appears to her as a four-eyed wolf with silver white fur. His goals are more malevolent as he had not expected for Reagan to achieve control over the two of them. While he has no concern over the matters of mortals, he does wish for Zaebor's destruction and seeks to take control over Reagan in order to achieve that. Unfortunately for him, Zaebor has retained most of her power while he has not and thus he remains unable to break Reagan's control over him. He remains quiet to plot his next actions, but is most often the cause of Reagan's horrible feelings.
S K I L L S:
Reagan has been trained in archery since childhood and they have grown extremely skillful in the craft.
Reagan is capable of defending themself in melee combat, especially when using a pair of small daggers.
Through their travels, Reagan has grown knowledgeable about the different countries and cultures in the world.
E Q U I P M E N T:
Spell Book: Reagan carries around a large, tome-like book that is normally attached to their hip. It contains the different spells they use in conjuration.
A pack of broken items and scraps of fur: Reagan keeps the items they use for conjuration in a leather pack they sling over their shoulder.
House Fletcher bow: Reagan carries an exquisitely crafted bow made of rosewood and light steel that bears their family emblem on the grip.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Reagan's personality is heavily affected by that of the demons inside them. They maintain a kind demeanor towards most folks they encounter, offering a kind greeting whenever they can, but will keep almost everything to a casual interaction. They will never willingly extend a hand for help without first assuring that they would receive just recompense and even then, still has the tendency to turn against another should the odds shift. They are incredily selfish in this regard, but Reagan is not a person that would take a life simply because they can. Most of all, Reagan is extremely driven by their goal and has the tendency to be easily swayed by anger.
H I S T O R Y:
House Fletcher has ruled over Keinsfeild, a large piece of land in a country to the west, for generations. They are feared by foreign forces because of their capabilities in magic and are respected by their people due to the responsibility with which they ruled over them. Perhaps the only ones who dare rival Keinsfeild rulers is House Flatfoot of Mellowbrooke, a bigger land north of Keinsfeild. House Flatfoot has been the rivals of House Fletcher for decades, each declaring war on the other in simple shows of power. Despite the Fletchers magic, the Flatfoots maintain an equal standing against them due to their superior numbers and military prowess.
House Flatfoot recently uncovered the horrible secret behind House Fletcher's magic - that they allow demons to possess their body in order to gain power - and threatened to reveal this to Keinsfeild's people should the Fletchers refuse to swear fealty to them. Fearing that their people would revolt and hunt them down, the Fletchers openly declare war against Mellowbrooke, hoping to wipe out the Flatfoots before they can even begin to unleash their plot. It's an act that the head of House Flatfoot foresaw and therefore, he sent one of his children to travel to Rothar with the evidence against the Fletchers to wait in safety until the chaos subsides. After finding out about this, the Fletchers retaliated by sending one of their own to hunt down the Flatfoot.
Given this duty, Reagan began to hunt down the Flatfoot across the world. They wanted for nothing more than to keep her from reachinf Rothar as they knew with certainty that the Flatfoot would be able to disappear in the neutral kingdom. For a year and a half, the war in their country waged on while the two heirs continued their chase. Unfortunatelt for Reagan, after an incident at a country filled with savages, they lost sight of the Flatfoot. They were unwilling to let this stump them and they headed to Rothar, determined to find and hunt down the Flatfoot at all cost.
O T H E R:
Reagan has a deadly allergy to primberries, a pinkish berry that's native to Keinsfeild.
@Weird Tales So I made a character. They're still a work in progress since I want to run their magic by you first. I'll get through the other parts of their cs once the magic part is okay with you.
House Fletcher have, for generations, summoned demons who provide their children with magical capabilities. The ritual is binding, involving a process wherein the current head of the House would inject the demon inside the body of the child – normally around the age of ten or so – in order to allow the flow of magic to enter the child's system. Control over the demon is then practised by the child under direct supervision from armed guards of House Fletcher. Once it has become certain that the child poses no threat, they are once again allowed freedom to utilize their new-found abilities for the betterment of the House.
The process is extremely dangerous and House Fletcher has suffered casualties many times. A child may not survive the initial phases of the possession or fall prey under the demon's wiles, eventually wreaking havoc in the household. The continued existence of the normally unwilling and vengeful demon also poses a threat and members of House Fletcher undergo a constant struggle of control over the demon.
The demons that have possessed Reagan's body gave them the power of conjuration. Conjuration is the magic of casting spells which would summon either a living or non-living thing to the conjurer's aid. The process of casting a conjuration spell depends on the type of item or creature that the conjurer is attempting to summon and the length of time they wish for it to remain with them. Spells that summon non-living items such as weapons or bound armour are easier to summon and maintain than spells that summon living creatures.
The conjurer is limited in a way that the casting process takes time and certain ingredients are required to summon a variety of items. For example, summoning a simple broadsword requires either a piece of an already crafted sword or one of the items utilized in the creation of the weapon. Summoning creatures requires more ingredients, such as a patch of fur to summon a wolf. Control over summoned creature also depends on the conjurer's abilities and concentration, and the amount of ingredients utilized in the summoning spell.
The most powerful conjuration spells require the use of rare ingredients and a magic circle. There have been reports that these spells can take the caster hours to complete and drains the conjurer's magic so much so that not even small conjuration spells can be attempted in the following days.
T E C H N I Q U E S:
Non-Living Summons
Non-living summons do not require the use of a magic circle, but does require an open space for the summoned item to materialize. A piece of item related to the item the conjurer is attempting to summon must be the core of the spell and is the indicator of where the item will materialize. Non-living summons can last longer than summoned creatures, as they require little maintenance once summoned.
Living Summons
Living summons require the use of a magic circle and an understanding of the creature's basic anatomy. The conjurer must then attempt to recreate this anatomy using simple items relating to the creature within the magic circle. For simpler creatures like golems, recreating the anatomy can be as rudimentary as the conjurer wishes, but for stronger creatures like dragons, it must be as detailed as possible. The summoned creature will maintain its intelligence and instincts, but will be guided by the conjurer like a puppet on strings. Maintaining control can range from easy to almost impossible, depending on the type of creature summoned.
Magnitude I
Most non-living summons comprise the array of spells categorized as Magnitude I. These spells are the most easily cast with little to no effort from an experienced conjurer and materialize almost instantly, depending on the mass. The summoned items are not durable enough to last long-term usage.
Magnitude II
Non-living summons using Magnitude II spells are more powerful and more concrete, allowing the conjurer to use them more efficiently, at the cost of a slightly longer casting time and concentration. The most basic of Living Summons can be attempted with Magnitude II spells, although control over the creatures is easily attained although they dematerialize easily.
Magnitude III
Magnitude III spells require more time and are more taxing on the conjurer. Most of these spells can take minutes for the summon to materialize, although the results can be worth it. Non-living summons using Magnitude III spells are more durable, faster, and deadlier than normally crafted weapons. Living summons last longer and Magnitude III spells aid the conjurer in controlling these creatures.
Magnitude IV
The overall strength, durability, and speed of non-living summons are enhanced. Additionally, Magnitude IV spells allow the conjurer to summon a number of weapons at once at a cost. More advanced living summons are also available to the conjurer and control over the creatures is fleeting. Some Magnitude IV spells can also substitute casting time in exchange for more magic from the conjurer, which can drain them as much as Magnitude V spells.
Magnitude V
Only the most powerful of living summons require Magnitude V spells. These spells take an incredibly long time and require all the strength of thee conjurer. Maintaining control over the summoned creatures is also difficult but most conjurers who attempt to use Magnitude V spells use them as a last resort, wherein they allow the summoned creature to wreak havoc without their control.
Zaebor is the original demon that House Fletcher summoned. She appears to Reagan as a woman with the wings of a dragon and scales coating her skin. Between the two demons possessing Reagan, Zaebor is the more benevolent one as she has come to care for the young human. She is the one who had given Reagan the power of conjuration, but had wanted to allow her the ability to summon only non-living items as she sees summoning living creatures as a horrible act. She is the more powerful of the two demons inside Reagan, but knows that she cannot maintain this strength for long, which is why she is insistent that Reagan grow stronger so that they could stop Keadal themselves.
Keadal is Zaebor's sworn rival and the one that altered the original Fletcher spell to allow him entrance into Reagan's body. He appears to her as a four-eyed wolf with silver white fur. His goals are more malevolent as he had not expected for Reagan to achieve control over the two of them. While he has no concern over the matters of mortals, he does wish for Zaebor's destruction and seeks to take control over Reagan in order to achieve that. Unfortunately for him, Zaebor has retained most of her power while he has not and thus he remains unable to break Reagan's control over him. He remains quiet to plot his next actions, but is most often the cause of Reagan's horrible feelings.
@Jangel13 aww man, I really can't tell you. I just searched for gifs of Taylor Jardine here. I'm not really sure where this one is from since it doesn't seem to be from a music video.