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@Liaison The movies? probably not. But Disney owns marvel now, and their comics just don't sell like they use to.

Comics, in general, do not sell "like they use to." Any attempt at correlating sales and Disney's "agenda" since ownership is unreliable. Especially since every comic was failing in the 90s for marvel besides Spiderman and the X-Men.
I'm not quite sure why we're talking about star wars in a thread about expanding horizons, as there are plenty of better places to do that.


The primary reason why Disney star wars/Disney Marvel/etc is doing poorly is because of the movement to make politically correct media. It's fine to have minority/female characters, but they work too hard at trying to make them perfect and flawless (AKA, the biggest writing sin ever). Rey is a hard core mary sue. Anikin had to actually learn how to use the force, and Rey just beats someone who was personally taught by luke with zero training. She also just "finds" Luke's lightsaber in a random pub. Not "A" lightsaber, LUKES lightsaber! Anyway, I could rant about this for hours, but other people have done this for me, in less time.

Disney Marvel is not doing poorly by any means.

I rp to create new concepts and contribute to building new worlds. Yeah, Star Wars is known setting but this entire pw is practically filler like rouge one.
It's pick your target at this point. The stage is set and there are a large amount of opportunities for anyone to spin into an angle for their character(s) joining.

Hop in wherever, Gun.
With the world in terror, Allure was the epicenter of it all. A mere branch of the galactic phenomenon punctured Spain's sky, spawning a limitless stalk of arcane energies emitting delphic rays. In some ways, the changes brought about were subtle; in others, more overt and less conspicuous. The one constant; the basic anatomy of every lifeform on this planet was altered.

Like most planets, EarthF67x's magnetosphere created a protective bubble that guarded the surface against different forms of space radiation. While this is mainly recognized as a veil of protection to solar storms, more underlying forms of cosmic radiation prevalent throughout all of the galaxy were affected.

Due to the impossibility of humans surviving in space without protection, The rays had no opportunity to realistically alter or influence human biology. Additionally, the energies were as such a low concentration, it would take generations for the effects to be noticeable. This all changed in a single instant once a single branch of the galactic engine punctured the sky, spawning a ludicrously powerful stalk right in the heart of what was once Madrid.

Many of its effects were unknown, but one ushered a new phenomenon upon human genetics. Polymorphisms, which are responsible for many of the normal differences between people such as eye color, hair color, and blood type, began to develop beyond their usual means. Within humans they began integrating the amplified energies of the engine, creating the potential for supernatural abilities within every lifeform on the planet and amplifying existing ones.

While many individuals were eliminated by the rays on the spot, it wouldn't take long for the more resilient to notice they were changing.


Deep Space

The relocation of the microorganism cluster was swift and precise. This did not mean it was eliminated but certainly out of sight out of mind was satisfactory in wake of current events.

The CNT prison was fortified in such a way it prolonged Panident's explosion of energy. Through a more subtle effect of its efforts, the carbon-carbon bonds of the nanotube weakened until it eventually had a tensile strength a mere fraction of a terapascal. Before it even got to half that point, it was free, but Panident found itself in a completely different star system dealing with a completely new crisis.


Slowly his eyes opened, feeling immeasurable fatigue. The reflection of light on the white walls made it hard for his eyes to adjust. Blurry vision plagued him as he detected movement in the room. Groggy and ineffective movement found his back caroming off the wall he previously perched his body against quickly after trying getting up. Detecting even more movement in the room, an individual could be made out opposite of him similarly attempting to gather himself.

"Who are you?"

When he spoke, the voice projected was not his own. The terrifying thoughts of his last moment of consciousness froze him in place.

"Quite a predicament we've found ourselves in, huh? Crazy that we actually survived that whole ordeal."

When the man opposite spoke to him, he was convinced this never-ending nightmare was just that, never-ending. When his eyes managed to adjust he realized he was looking in the mirror.


In a fit of rage, he stumbled forward, smashing his skull across his speculum opposer, shattering the wall, collapsing the entire dimensional space seemingly upon itself.

The next time he came to consciousness, his vision was red. He was restrained, a concoction of semi-dry blood and sweat clamping the corners of his eyes.

"Seismic activity is regular. Wake up, Fearis. We require your assistance."



Resurfacing from the body of liquid took longer than Eddie projected. The trek to the surface was strangely long. When his head managed to penetrate the surface, his eyes were subject to astonishment. He now treaded the waters of some massive laboratory tank. From its apex, he could see a lab of fantasy stretching for what seemed miles. Thousands of workers slaved in a trance-like state, operating like a colony of ants on various tasks. Not a single one paid attention to the vampire it seemed; all but one. On a platform adjacent to him stood a middle-aged man, arms folded and carrying an irritated expression.

The man reached out, dipping a wine glass into the liquid Eddie resurfaced from and took a sip. Smacking his tongue repeatedly, he gauged the taste. It was bitter.

"I was expecting Claine... Eddie Goldman, is it?"

Somewhere deep inside, Eddie would know who this man was, or at least who he appeared to be. Surely the Syndicate member recognized him as the great fraud of EarthF67x, but before he could say so, the man before him spoke bluntly. "Despite how famous this face might be on this xenophobic piece of shit planet, the answer is no, I am not oDiS LyNdOn GaLlAgHeR. I just no longer have a face of my own."

Fearis Caldwell was alive, but lacking a lot of his signature bravado. How could he? Being the only individual on board with the relocation "plan", he felt responsible. Frankly, he was more pissed off than anything, but in wake of Merse's disappearance he recognized flying off the rail, as it rarely did, would not help the situation. Allure's citizen's, though he revered many, did not deserve the havoc currently in motion.

Figuring he should explain before Eddie reacted like a corned fox, he cleared his throat to project over the blaring sirens.

"All things considered, you're pretty lucky you weren't ceaselessly absorbed in Panident's highly unstable mass. Rejoice, you're in De Haute Taille. If all were to fail, I assure you this would be the last remaining structure on this planet. This Skyscraper might as well be a fortress. You are safe."

As he continued to talk, he dipped his glass once again, taking another gulp shortly after.

Normally, someone in my position would plead for you to fight with us and not against us the sake of the planet, but as the capitalist I am, I think I see a potential partnership brewing. You're quite the smart man. My information tells me so. One half of the White Syndicate's leadership, correct? You'll be compensated astutely."

Fearis Caldwell offered Eddie a fake toast before he quaffed down the final bit of the murky solution, swishing it from side to side like mouthwash before swallowing. Vents drained the water until it was at Eddie's feet, and shortly after he opened the gates. The Allure native took several steps down. And he sized Eddie Goldman up with a questioning stare.

"You don't really care about the majority of inhabitants of this planet, do you? Doesn't matter to me either way."

After saying such, he demanded some gold be brought his way and sure enough in less than a minute a bundle almost as tall as he was brought to the red syndicate leader.

"I assume this is enough?"

It was almost as if Fearis was reading his mind. Without permission Goldman reconstituted himself. The limbs his brother carried magnetized to the element and began molding before their very eyes. Promptly, several workers approached the reshaping gold with a charcoal colored premium Italian wool suit and sunglasses. It was time for bussiness.

An enormous wall lowered behind Fearis, dwarfing him. Once the projection started their negotiations could begin.


Margaret Iedeeren was confused, dazed, hysterical, but that was just "Margaret". What about her other bodies present within the studio, Allure even? Several thousand of her forms were working amongst the chaos, doing her deeds, as some even scrambled into Europe like frenzied cockroaches. They were quite busy, stuck on a series of tasks in efforts of the preservation of Allure.

Through several studio viewpoints, she could see them grab Merse, even in the brief stint of darkness bestowed upon them. Just like that, he was gone, but that wasn't the worst of her problems. Various perspectives flooded her senses with the image of full-blown anarchy within the commonwealth; war-like carnage, a harmful beam's arrival from space, the outright obliteration of several of her out and about forms, incoming floods. This all caused her heart to palpitate at near heart attack frequency. It was too much. So much, she stung the tip of her tongue tasting the chamomile tea brought to her. Her lips thinned, but her flamboyant attitude was curbed, indicated by her blank stare of focus.

Little time passed before Margaret orchestrated her hive to temporarily switch Allure to a less conventional means of power; a battery, substituting crude chemical reactions for the infinite potential of transdimensional energy-entities, and the ambient power they ceaselessly discharged. This dimension they leeched from, unofficially titled The Sui Generis of Powers, gave Ms. Iedereen the horsepower to execute the endless chain of commands already in effect.

The remote operated tectonic plate system of Allure wedged all of its land and coastal borders at twenty-five hundredths of a degree from its center creating a "cone." By design, this introduced a controlled amount magma filling the gaps underneath before the magically propelled cooling systems immediately solidified the flow. This permanently fortified the elevation of lands with an edifice of molded basalt.

Distributed throughout Iberia were devastating tremors and shifts of land, but Allure would survive another day. Despite the havoc that ensued, it was the best card Margaret could play and the most cost-effective option. The devastation upon weaker installations of infrastructure was minor in comparison to what would have taken place. Had the massive swell been allowed to continue its rampage and swallow miles and miles of land from all sides, Allure would have been unrecognizable from itself not even a day before.

Only now could Margaret Iedereen plop her curvy posterior on an Oprah style couch to rest for a second, letting out a long sigh. From this day, Madrid would become an enormous basin. A landmark of this day of infamy.
That's diarrhea
What is fear?
Oh lawd.
Somewhere, several hundred light years away, a new star would be born…

Location: Prolix

What the second moon of Prolix became was more comparable to an additional sun. The last twenty-four hours had been continuous day with the surface of Zol, now smoldering any surface the hub planet dared to face it.

Deep within the natural satellite’s surface housed massive quantities of Creatirium Cobalt, a celestial element. Once thought to have been destroyed along with the previous plane of existence, it abstrusely appeared hidden under the guise of a moon in the current verse. For a near eternity, this trove of potential remained undiscovered with no impending threat of retrieval.

Though Zol’s exterior was hard, it’s rocky shell was obliterated with ease. Once the crust of the moon had been stripped, it revealed the element made up a whopping eighty-five percent of its mass. In a previous universe, a single SIM card-sized chip of creatirium could autonomously control and power entire civilizations.

Several hours after the initial impact, prolonged exposure to the sentient plasma’s radiation awakened the element’s carnal intelligence. A flash spanning mere picoseconds appeared in the vision of every living entity if they were capable of processing it.

This signaled the ancient computer's cosmic troubleshooting towards all planes of existence. It utilized Panident’s access to the information based realm The Datasphere and funneled it through The Nascent Core, a technological life matrix it housed within. With this, the initial reach of the Datasphere extended beyond its once universally bound domain. The very existence of this quasi-corporeal space created friction with the most basic of universal laws.

Panident was being force-fed ludicrous quantities of information from every corner of the multiverse to the point where its processors began to overload. As a result, many of its bodies spread throughout the galaxy reacted uncharacteristically as it scrambled to adapt to the influx of knowledge. In particular, the body of its closest host began to bubble, expelling the property changing microorganisms through weak points in his skin. This made for quite the scene.

Eal Sermonde awoke from his slumber to the lacerating of his flesh and sharp screams of his fellow train passengers. He came crashing down the aisle with his intestines shooting out like party poppers via the eviction of cells. Once on his back, he realized the microorganisms of Panident burst a hole in the ceiling of the train car. It was accelerating towards the structure that had replaced the moon. Coincidence Eal thought not and before the paramedics could arrive he was already gone, leaving the passengers wondering what they had just seen.

Reeling himself towards the space-bound object, an amber wire, which was mystic in its own nature, sufficiently lugged Eal's cumbersome frame. Despite weighing a metric ton, he beelined without a hitch. This brought the galactic cartographer to his least favorite aspect of space, however…

Suffocating to death.

In his ascension, he felt the direct correlation with the altitude and his body becoming ill. He was scared to take a breath knowing his innards might spill outwards. Ebullism was in full effect. Due to a lack of ambient pressure, his body bloated to the point where he resembled The Michelin Man. As if things couldn't get any worse, the temperature began to skyrocket. Whereas Prolix's space division struggled to get closer, Eal came torpedoing into the white-hot structure. The melting of his mutilated physique exposed his secret for surviving thus far; His resilient crimson skeleton, which was impervious to the trials of space. Not to mention, his existence had been forcefully bound to it, rendering his flesh as more of an accessory, really.

As cinematic as his entrance was, further inspection revealed he would not be the first to venture into the space anomaly. Just at the tip of his perceptual vanishing point, he could make out a silhouette.

"Empress, help me if that is actually someone..."

Only time would tell.
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Name: Phage
Age: ***
Species: Sentient Bacteriophage
Affiliation: Self-Serving


The resiliency of the Val’gara to survive even in their worst hour caught the attention of this entity whose function as long as it’s known, has been to consume plague. Whether it was physical or mental, he viewed it the same. Viewed by some as a paragon of purity, it wasn’t so much that Phage desired to make the universe a better place. His actions were always in line with his self-determined existence.

Using his skills he was able to coerce a sector of space ridden with hundreds of Val’gara occupied civilizations under his control. The most impressive aspect of all of this is that it was done so without conventional means of war.

His successful campaign was far from propaganda. Though he initially marauded as one of their own, his regime was not one established off lies or deceit. The philosophy he taught challenged all the cataclysm knew up until this point, yet his message was understood. Without The Idea of Evil dominating their judgment, the thought of purpose fueled an existential crisis for the Val’gara. All across the multiverse, many of the abandoned colonies battled for supremacy and control with no end in sight. This began to slow upon his emergence.

Capitalizing off of this, Phage conducted a process he dubbed Lysogenicide. With this, he could potentially rid the universe of the Vesuvius virus for good. Being the natural predator of hive-minded societies that he is; it was no surprise he slithered his way into the Val’gara during its time of weakness. Those who were above his means of coercion were assassinated, most of the time by their own kin in which he’d send about to different parts of the multiverse.

Voice: Phage is noted to speak in trochaic heptameter. The manner in which he spoke gave him a charismatic charm and at times he used it to his advantage. With clarity, his deep voice echoed within the mind of whoever he spoke to, all while possessing a subtle gentleness.

Anatomy: A large bulk of its body was its multicolored Icosahedron head. Often it shifted hues within a mood-based holographic spectrum containing hundreds of colors the majority of creatures could not visually comprehend. It was mesmerizing to the eye and had hypnotic qualities. It possessed a long tail with many legs like fibers along the bottom. Inside its large body was a hidden near- indestructible hypodermic needle, which has never met a surface it could not penetrate.

– There are two components of the Lysogenicide process; Physical(Supercell) and audibly(Logic Plague), with both equality devastating.

Lytic Supercell: With the potential to spread clarity and open minds to the absurdist nature of the universe, the supercell is often described as "thinking muscle.” It closely resembles both neurons and glial cells in terms of its physical structure and can be produced by Phage at will. If introduced to a feral creature, the Lytic Supercell had the ability to bring a desired level of sentience, often mutating the neural system and brain of a creature.

The most frightening aspect is its connection to the soul. Any organism influenced ever so slightly by the Logic Plague posed the potential for Phage to spawn a cell inside them. This left the door open for psychic and illusionary games. The mass production of these could potentially erase memories, resurface forgotten ones and even create false ones if desired. Alternative uses for the cells have been the curing of plagues attacking virus as a bacteriophage would. This did not exclude plagues of the mind.

Logic Plague: In what may appear to be something as innocuous as a simple conversation, Phage is capable of using insidious arguments to convince beings and even Ai to consider its views without bias. When swooned, an ideology can spread verbally with the converted serving as a vector for the plague of logic. It can spread knowingly or unknowingly.

The logic plague should be thought of as a philosophical corruption through logic rather than a mere computer virus or software infection. On the most basic level, it takes the form of facts or arguments delivered with carefully engineered deliberation to directly or indirectly persuade the targeted intelligence to act in a certain way. This often takes advantage of the entity's existing ideas and values to achieve the desired result.

In the case of the Val’gara, Phage used this to spread his influence throughout an entire sector of space thought to be conquered by the Val’gara long ago and became the de facto leader without traveling individually.

Bacteriophage General – Phage had the ability to influence, manipulate and control bacteriophages, the most common life source in the universe.
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