Avatar of Light the Dark


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Apparently I just love dropping off the face of the earth when I get even a little bit stressed. I wish I didn't.
1 like
9 mos ago
i've been rather out of sorts lately
11 mos ago
Been on my mass effect bullshit. currently focused on gaming when I'm not working.
1 yr ago
i have peopled so much today
1 yr ago
Thoughts: Do you have 12 pear trees at the end of the 12 days of Christmas? If so, that means you also end up with 42 swans a swimming and 42 geese a laying. And those birds are fierce.


Hey, Light the Dark here. I'm a mid-30's slightly crazy/somewhat obsessed with reading and writing/cute things loving/fantasy fan woman, with an apparent fondness for massive run-on sentences.

My current obsessions are The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, Monster Romances, Tamora Pierce, Disney, and re-told fairy-tales. (Though, I'll admit, the last three are pretty much always an obsession.)

I like my roleplays with a little (or a lot) of romance: I'm a sucker for fluff and the 'falling in love' sort of romances in RPs. And while I don't mind drama or angst, I like the end of the RP to at least be a bittersweet or happy-for-now ending.


Reclaiming Lost Secrets & The Shifting of Power (Demons, Bargains, Fantasy, Romance?) with @Shifter_Master (July 2017-present)

Twilight Marriage (Paladins, Necromancers, Arranged Marriage, Fantasy, Romance) with @Shifter_Master (October 2017-present)

It Takes Three (Arranged Marriage, Demons, OT3, Guard/Prince/Demon, Fantasy, Romance) with @Level_5 (March 2023-Present)

- - -

Updated November 22, 2023

Most Recent Posts

@Caits Pick up some dye and dye it! It's hair.

(Tbh I don't get why fun colored hair is considered 'unprofessional' because 'professional' should have to do with demeanor, not the fact that dying your a hair a fun color can make you happy. But that's a whole rant.)

Do you have purple hair, too???
@Caits Haha, sorry. I guess I didn't realize it was so close a name to someone's forum name. ^^;

I can change it if you want? Caidy is a name that works, just not as birth-year appropriate as Caity.
o.0 that escalated quickly
-smacks carrot away and falls to the ground- NO I DONT WANNA EAT A VEGGIE

Eat your carrot, they're good for you.
@dabombjk Okay~

*wonders how offended Kieran would be if Caity doesn't like his book* xD
It is called new voyage and its about a group of 4 young adults in a world where reality is constantly changing. they have to try to survive the changes, and try to live normal lives when nothing is hapening

What are the genders of the characters? Races? (Do you know?)

...I feel like I'm nitpicking, but I swear I'm not. ^^; The only person in this whole shebang Caity might know about is your character, and only through his book, sooo...

(And maybe Nico, but more in a 'oh yeah, he was in that movie and that one and omg is he Hollywood's new favorite?!' way. xD )
@dabombjk well, then tell me about Kieran's book while we wait. Caity will probably have opinions on it, so I need details. :P
We still have more girls than guys though xD
Most of the people I've RPed with lately either play women, or reply once a month. ^^;

If I could get those once-a-monthers to be on more often, I'd point them in the direction of this RP, buuut...
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