I've been searching around for a good RP forum and this seems like a really friendly and lively one! Also nice job on the colors of the site.
I've been roleplaying for a while now, possibly 7 to 8 years now but the last year I've been falling out of it but this will be my first time participating in a forum instead of a chat dedicated to rp and i'm hoping that I'll come home every day excited to write something like I had use to do and just enjoying the company of other people who share the same interests. I tend to do 1x1 rp but am open to a small group. I have tried the style of turn base and DnD and i don't exactly find it appealing but I may try again.
I have a number of characters, not more than 20 but 3 of them really stand out as developed characters that I've been pushing along for 3 or so years now. I'm hoping to develop more of these characters so they can have their own lives and not just vague ideas of what they're suppose to be.
I hope to rp with a number of you lovely people and once again hello!