I hope this is good.
Full Name: Nathan L. (Lambent) Morrow
Nicknames/Aliases: Nate, Rookie, Skill Thief, Copy Cat
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Gift: Eidetic Kinesthesia (Photographic Muscle Memory/Adoptive Muscle Memory)
-Eidetic Kinesthesia allows a person to copy and master various physical skills, from writing, to fighting, to parkour. It has its limitations, but it’s a useful gift to have.
Loyalty: Liberty, Rank: Trainee, Training Division (Currently)
Nate has short, messy hair, thin lips, a jaw line that comes down to a sharp chin, and small ears. He is physically average, not too muscular not to flabby, he is around 5'5 and has a vocal range around baritone to tenor. He usually wears what he already owns, a jacket, a few pouches, slack pants, rubber shoes and that’s about it. That’s not even counting the stuff he’s going to get in the military.
-Nate is a happy go lucky guy, he just wants to be able to do what he wants without Liberty shoving propaganda down his throat. He is also a crushing realist, he realizes that if he defects to Erubesco, it’s probably going to give him the same result, but he also realizes that it’s either Liberty, Erubesco, or the Ashlands; he doesn’t even want to consider a life in the Ashlands.
-Nate is also pretty talkative, but since he has to watch what he says he finds “Not Talking” to be the best viable option for him in his situation, so not only is he somewhat sad about his current predicament, but also brimming with very… ‘colorful’ things to say about Liberty.
-Nate is too curious for his own good, which is one of the reasons he joined the military and you know what they say about curiosity and the cat.
-Enhanced Perception and Observation
Due to his gift, once he examines something, he has somewhat of an innate knowledge of how everything works. This includes everything from being able to tell a lie, seeing through a slight of hand, to even how certain machines work just through a quick examination. CHARACTER NOTE – This also applies to how he sees certain organizations, or even his own country.
-Physical Skill Acquisition
His gift allows him to master physical fighting skills, calligraphy, musical talent, etc. As long as the skill is physical, he can copy it, master it and remember it.
-Match Pace
His gift allows him to match the pace of someone he’s copying up until Nate reaches his physical limit. This unfortunately means that if Nate isn’t faster, stronger, more agile, more flexible, or have more dexterity, he will be out paced.
-Shrewd learner
Many have said that Nate learns fast, and he does, as long as he can understand the concept and the reason behind the lesson, he will pick it up quite quickly. Unless he is completely cheating. CHARACTER NOTE – Math is still his least favorite subject
-Silver Tongued Liar
Being in a state that demands total loyalty and seeing through the various things that’s wrong with it, it makes you somewhat protective of who you really are. Nate has gotten through some tough times with a good lie. CHARACTER NOTE – This means he isn’t all that happy in Liberty, but he has no other choice, he can’t do a damn thing about it cause of his position in society.
-Physical Limit
Nate doesn’t have super human physical traits so he has to be careful when trying to do physical activities against people who are physically superior.
-Blind Eyes
Without his eyes he can’t use his gift, which makes him more or less useless.
-Physical Abnormality
Some people have physical abnormalities which Nate does not inherently have, which means Nate can’t always copy their physical abilities.
-Concept behind the Physical
Some physical abilities require base concepts before you can use them effectively, for example, yes he can learn to write in a different language, but he won’t exactly know how to use that language or yes he can learn how to shoot a gun and control the recoil, but he would need concepts like bullet drop and lead, or even something we deem as easy as swinging a sword can be problematic because of edge alignment and design, because not all swords are the same, nor are the techniques used alongside them.
Nate once lived in a dull, monochrome colored, somewhat small apartment flat, with a decent amount of allowance which was certainly much better than others. His parents were more loyal than most people, they ratted on their neighbors for the slightest misstep, as a result, for every act of loyalty their allowance increased; he lived a better life than most. His parents worked in loyalty affirmation, they made sure people stayed loyal. Nate could remember that even when they weren’t at work, they were working with him. Nate didn’t realize what his parents were doing to him until he was much older. Things were going well for his family. That was until one fateful day. His parents died of an accident and hours later, armed men in uniform stormed into his apartment – Homeland Protection – and whisked him away to his next of kin. He was asked multiple questions, mostly about Liberty, how much he knew about it, how he felt about its government. He answered them all truthfully, remembering what his parents had taught him. The Loyalty affirmation agent in the car that they were using to transport Nate nodded to the two Homeland Protection officers beside him, they removed Nate’s cuffs. Nate still dazed and confused asked, “What happened to my parents?” The agent looked at him through his shades, Nate was only a small child, couldn’t be more than six years old. “They died in a car crash.” Those words shattered him, for the rest of the ride he sat quietly, not a peep came from his mouth. He was in shock.
A few years later, Nate was enrolled in another school, it didn’t matter which school, it was just another school, all the schools were the same, same seats, same tables, same books, same computers, same same same. Nate was 13, he had been to several different state run schools, he was a different than the rest, he was trying to get away from the bullies that plagued each school; eventually he figured out that no matter what school he goes to, the bullies and jocks are always going to be there. He watched everyone else with special gifts use them in their Physical Evaluation tests, Nate had been through this fifteen times in fifteen schools and he had nothing to show for it. People thought he was a giftless human, he found it contradictory that in a state that professes equality, people aren’t born equal, with that epiphany he began to see the state as nothing more than a facade to make the people feel that there is an equal opportunity for everyone, he saw the gaping loophole in this facade. What if you were human? In a world where there are little to no humans left. What if your gift was useless? In a world where special gifts are what make you useful.
One examiner approached him, ”Nathan Lambent Morrow?” he asked, Nathan replied with a simple nod, ”people call you the… ‘Giftless freak’… Is that true?” Nate was obviously miffed, ”I… I don’t have a gift, at least not an obvious one. If it were obvious I would know, but I don’t notice anything.” the examiner looked at Nate closely, examining him as if he were sick in a clinic; finally he gestured another examiner over, ”We might need a DNA kit.” The other examiner plunged a needle deep into Nate’s shoulder, they were making sure that he wasn’t giftless, giftless humans are rare and are easy to modify in a genetics lab, the best guinea pigs one might say. After the whole examination, all he was told was ”We’ll be in touch...” and that was that.
He went on with his life, quietly questioning the government. In his Sociology Culture and Politics class – abbreviated as Soccupol – he learned that Erubesco might not have been better off either, a rampant caste system with inequality left and right, ugly poverty, and class struggles – was it any wonder why people in Liberty choose to stay in Liberty? He pondered more about it, there was certainly appeal in Erubesco’s theatrics, individuality was obviously their concern, but he found it bothersome that the price was literal, in order to even have that level of individuality one would have to climb the social ladder, which for some was impossible. He came home that day to a letter on the doorstep, it was from State Genetics.
The State Genetics letter went on to tell him the results of his DNA test.
The letter’s conclusion made sense, the state wouldn’t just help you for no reason, but at the same time he felt a twinge of suspicion, it isn’t a genetics researcher’s place to decide for the military or espionage. He stood reading the last part over and over; he came to two conclusions, one was they needed him for something, or two the researcher was trying to raise his allowance by kissing up to his boss. Both conclusions are equally dangerous and again he felt trapped. As time passed, he would use his gift to rise above the rest, using his perception and learning to grasp topics and becoming one of the top students. In physical education his ability was more useful, the obstacle courses grew more and more complex as they grew older; he figured it was to separate the army type from the desk job type. He of course aced each obstacle course as he was always the shortest, he always went last watching the others conquer certain obstacles, he carefully watched when people used gifts, and switched to watching other people, he ended up with the best time because he would refine each movement into a carefully orchestrated plan of attack against the obstacle courses.
When he finally graduated, he graduated with honors. A+ student all around, except in mathematics, he hated mathematics, the concepts weren’t as easy to grasp, and there were too many things that confused him, it was a structure within a structure within a structure, at best he got a D- in mathematics. Now the time came, would he join up and become a trainee or do something else? He weighed his options carefully, while it was true he wanted to have a life of adventure, it wouldn’t come as easily as going into the Ashlands, staying in Liberty, there weren’t many jobs that screamed adventure and on top of that life in Liberty was somewhat depressing, and defecting to Erubesco was like playing Russian roulette, he could end up as serf slave because he defected or he could become a knight, which could be like having the gun shoot a blank where it's a good thing he became a knight because he was in a good social position, or the gun being loaded with two bullets and it's actually a bad thing he's a knight due to the amount of attention they most likely garner. Again he felt trapped, the one thing he had, the one thing that the state would allow was music, as long as it was instrumental or the lyrics were promoting the state then it was fine; he used that as his escape from the troubles of politics and the problems of the state and the inescapable situation of his life. He played the Guitar, quietly as to not arouse the police for disruption of the peace. He pondered as he played a sad melody ”Even if people argued that everything was better after the war because society continued, it was just a new world, with new diseases. On one side the unfair caste system of Erubesco and the other the corrupt state of Liberty. The Ashlands were just another anarchistic state of nature.” after one song, he got up from his apartment, got everything he owned, and set off to join the military; he figured that it was better to just join the military, things might improve for him or might not, it was a hell of a lot better than joining loyalty affirmation like his parents did. Nate wanted to explore, he wanted to find something to change his fate, and maybe that's what the military could offer him. He lied through his teeth at recruit telling them that he wanted to join "To fight the Erubescian scum" and prove his loyalty by "Fighting for the peace and security of Liberty with his life. He didn't believe in any of those words, just like the state, he too had a facade to get what he wanted, for now he just has to bear it, he doesn't have a choice but to bear it. Maybe, just, maybe, he'll find a way out of his prison.
He is a lover of good music and he performs if he gets the chance. A quote from a friend of mine provides a reasonably good explanation for this.
“In an oppressive regime where there is a lot of censored information, propaganda, and media manipulation, music is a god send.”
Just to prove that point, here is some music from the Soviet Union
I hope this is good.
Will update as character progresses
Full Name: Nathan L. (Lambent) Morrow
Nicknames/Aliases: Nate, Rookie, Skill Thief, Copy Cat
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Gift: Eidetic Kinesthesia (Photographic Muscle Memory/Adoptive Muscle Memory)
-Eidetic Kinesthesia allows a person to copy and master various physical skills, from writing, to fighting, to parkour. It has its limitations, but it’s a useful gift to have.
Loyalty: Liberty, Rank: Trainee, Training Division (Currently)
Nate has short, messy hair, thin lips, a jaw line that comes down to a sharp chin, and small ears. He is physically average, not too muscular not to flabby, he is around 5'5 and has a vocal range around baritone to tenor. He usually wears what he already owns, a jacket, a few pouches, slack pants, rubber shoes and that’s about it. That’s not even counting the stuff he’s going to get in the military.
-Nate is a happy go lucky guy, he just wants to be able to do what he wants without Liberty shoving propaganda down his throat. He is also a crushing realist, he realizes that if he defects to Erubesco, it’s probably going to give him the same result, but he also realizes that it’s either Liberty, Erubesco, or the Ashlands; he doesn’t even want to consider a life in the Ashlands.
-Nate is also pretty talkative, but since he has to watch what he says he finds “Not Talking” to be the best viable option for him in his situation, so not only is he somewhat sad about his current predicament, but also brimming with very… ‘colorful’ things to say about Liberty.
-Nate is too curious for his own good, which is one of the reasons he joined the military and you know what they say about curiosity and the cat.
-Enhanced Perception and Observation
Due to his gift, once he examines something, he has somewhat of an innate knowledge of how everything works. This includes everything from being able to tell a lie, seeing through a slight of hand, to even how certain machines work just through a quick examination. CHARACTER NOTE – This also applies to how he sees certain organizations, or even his own country.
-Physical Skill Acquisition
His gift allows him to master physical fighting skills, calligraphy, musical talent, etc. As long as the skill is physical, he can copy it, master it and remember it.
-Match Pace
His gift allows him to match the pace of someone he’s copying up until Nate reaches his physical limit. This unfortunately means that if Nate isn’t faster, stronger, more agile, more flexible, or have more dexterity, he will be out paced.
-Shrewd learner
Many have said that Nate learns fast, and he does, as long as he can understand the concept and the reason behind the lesson, he will pick it up quite quickly. Unless he is completely cheating. CHARACTER NOTE – Math is still his least favorite subject
-Silver Tongued Liar
Being in a state that demands total loyalty and seeing through the various things that’s wrong with it, it makes you somewhat protective of who you really are. Nate has gotten through some tough times with a good lie. CHARACTER NOTE – This means he isn’t all that happy in Liberty, but he has no other choice, he can’t do a damn thing about it cause of his position in society.
-Physical Limit
Nate doesn’t have super human physical traits so he has to be careful when trying to do physical activities against people who are physically superior.
-Blind Eyes
Without his eyes he can’t use his gift, which makes him more or less useless.
-Physical Abnormality
Some people have physical abnormalities which Nate does not inherently have, which means Nate can’t always copy their physical abilities.
-Concept behind the Physical
Some physical abilities require base concepts before you can use them effectively, for example, yes he can learn to write in a different language, but he won’t exactly know how to use that language or yes he can learn how to shoot a gun and control the recoil, but he would need concepts like bullet drop and lead, or even something we deem as easy as swinging a sword can be problematic because of edge alignment and design, because not all swords are the same, nor are the techniques used alongside them.
Nate once lived in a dull, monochrome colored, somewhat small apartment flat, with a decent amount of allowance which was certainly much better than others. His parents were more loyal than most people, they ratted on their neighbors for the slightest misstep, as a result, for every act of loyalty their allowance increased; he lived a better life than most. His parents worked in loyalty affirmation, they made sure people stayed loyal. Nate could remember that even when they weren’t at work, they were working with him. Nate didn’t realize what his parents were doing to him until he was much older. Things were going well for his family. That was until one fateful day. His parents died of an accident and hours later, armed men in uniform stormed into his apartment – Homeland Protection – and whisked him away to his next of kin. He was asked multiple questions, mostly about Liberty, how much he knew about it, how he felt about its government. He answered them all truthfully, remembering what his parents had taught him. The Loyalty affirmation agent in the car that they were using to transport Nate nodded to the two Homeland Protection officers beside him, they removed Nate’s cuffs. Nate still dazed and confused asked, “What happened to my parents?” The agent looked at him through his shades, Nate was only a small child, couldn’t be more than six years old. “They died in a car crash.” Those words shattered him, for the rest of the ride he sat quietly, not a peep came from his mouth. He was in shock.
A few years later, Nate was enrolled in another school, it didn’t matter which school, it was just another school, all the schools were the same, same seats, same tables, same books, same computers, same same same. Nate was 13, he had been to several different state run schools, he was a different than the rest, he was trying to get away from the bullies that plagued each school; eventually he figured out that no matter what school he goes to, the bullies and jocks are always going to be there. He watched everyone else with special gifts use them in their Physical Evaluation tests, Nate had been through this fifteen times in fifteen schools and he had nothing to show for it. People thought he was a giftless human, he found it contradictory that in a state that professes equality, people aren’t born equal, with that epiphany he began to see the state as nothing more than a facade to make the people feel that there is an equal opportunity for everyone, he saw the gaping loophole in this facade. What if you were human? In a world where there are little to no humans left. What if your gift was useless? In a world where special gifts are what make you useful.
One examiner approached him, ”Nathan Lambent Morrow?” he asked, Nathan replied with a simple nod, ”people call you the… ‘Giftless freak’… Is that true?” Nate was obviously miffed, ”I… I don’t have a gift, at least not an obvious one. If it were obvious I would know, but I don’t notice anything.” the examiner looked at Nate closely, examining him as if he were sick in a clinic; finally he gestured another examiner over, ”We might need a DNA kit.” The other examiner plunged a needle deep into Nate’s shoulder, they were making sure that he wasn’t giftless, giftless humans are rare and are easy to modify in a genetics lab, the best guinea pigs one might say. After the whole examination, all he was told was ”We’ll be in touch...” and that was that.
He went on with his life, quietly questioning the government. In his Sociology Culture and Politics class – abbreviated as Soccupol – he learned that Erubesco might not have been better off either, a rampant caste system with inequality left and right, ugly poverty, and class struggles – was it any wonder why people in Liberty choose to stay in Liberty? He pondered more about it, there was certainly appeal in Erubesco’s theatrics, individuality was obviously their concern, but he found it bothersome that the price was literal, in order to even have that level of individuality one would have to climb the social ladder, which for some was impossible. He came home that day to a letter on the doorstep, it was from State Genetics.
The State Genetics letter went on to tell him the results of his DNA test.
Dear Nathan L. Morrow,
The State Genetics DNA test revealed something quite interesting about your DNA. It wasn’t easy, but I managed to convince my higher up to release the results to you. You have a gift, albeit a very hard to notice gift, the DNA results have shown that the Protein combinations are more numerous towards the eyes, brain, and muscles. Rather than explaining the exact science, I’ll put it into an easy to understand perspective.
Your eyes, muscles, and brain have made a very special connection in your body, essentially – at least from what we’ve been able to predict based on results – you have a gift called Eidetic Kinesthesia, this may sound familiar if you’ve heard of Eidetic Memory (Photographic Memory). The ability allows you to copy physical movements and skills exactly and completely grasp each movement to the point of mastery. It has certain side effects such as enhanced perception and quick learning. This ability is useful, though not as directly potent as reality warping or mind altering or superhuman strength, it is an gift that is potent when used in conjunction with intelligence.
Now I’m sure you’re wondering, why am I helping you? If what the test says is true, then you must be wondering why a state that preaches equality would be helping an individual such as yourself. A gift like Eidetic Kinesthesia and its side effects is an important asset in the field of espionage and military command. I managed to convince my higher ups that, if we told you the truth then you would be an asset in the future, however, the choice is still yours. We hope to work with you in the future when you’re much older Nathan.
Sincerely, The State Genetics Institute
The letter’s conclusion made sense, the state wouldn’t just help you for no reason, but at the same time he felt a twinge of suspicion, it isn’t a genetics researcher’s place to decide for the military or espionage. He stood reading the last part over and over; he came to two conclusions, one was they needed him for something, or two the researcher was trying to raise his allowance by kissing up to his boss. Both conclusions are equally dangerous and again he felt trapped. As time passed, he would use his gift to rise above the rest, using his perception and learning to grasp topics and becoming one of the top students. In physical education his ability was more useful, the obstacle courses grew more and more complex as they grew older; he figured it was to separate the army type from the desk job type. He of course aced each obstacle course as he was always the shortest, he always went last watching the others conquer certain obstacles, he carefully watched when people used gifts, and switched to watching other people, he ended up with the best time because he would refine each movement into a carefully orchestrated plan of attack against the obstacle courses.
When he finally graduated, he graduated with honors. A+ student all around, except in mathematics, he hated mathematics, the concepts weren’t as easy to grasp, and there were too many things that confused him, it was a structure within a structure within a structure, at best he got a D- in mathematics. Now the time came, would he join up and become a trainee or do something else? He weighed his options carefully, while it was true he wanted to have a life of adventure, it wouldn’t come as easily as going into the Ashlands, staying in Liberty, there weren’t many jobs that screamed adventure and on top of that life in Liberty was somewhat depressing, and defecting to Erubesco was like playing Russian roulette, he could end up as serf slave because he defected or he could become a knight, which could be like having the gun shoot a blank where it's a good thing he became a knight because he was in a good social position, or the gun being loaded with two bullets and it's actually a bad thing he's a knight due to the amount of attention they most likely garner. Again he felt trapped, the one thing he had, the one thing that the state would allow was music, as long as it was instrumental or the lyrics were promoting the state then it was fine; he used that as his escape from the troubles of politics and the problems of the state and the inescapable situation of his life. He played the Guitar, quietly as to not arouse the police for disruption of the peace. He pondered as he played a sad melody ”Even if people argued that everything was better after the war because society continued, it was just a new world, with new diseases. On one side the unfair caste system of Erubesco and the other the corrupt state of Liberty. The Ashlands were just another anarchistic state of nature.” after one song, he got up from his apartment, got everything he owned, and set off to join the military; he figured that it was better to just join the military, things might improve for him or might not, it was a hell of a lot better than joining loyalty affirmation like his parents did. Nate wanted to explore, he wanted to find something to change his fate, and maybe that's what the military could offer him. He lied through his teeth at recruit telling them that he wanted to join "To fight the Erubescian scum" and prove his loyalty by "Fighting for the peace and security of Liberty with his life. He didn't believe in any of those words, just like the state, he too had a facade to get what he wanted, for now he just has to bear it, he doesn't have a choice but to bear it. Maybe, just, maybe, he'll find a way out of his prison.
He is a lover of good music and he performs if he gets the chance. A quote from a friend of mine provides a reasonably good explanation for this.
“In an oppressive regime where there is a lot of censored information, propaganda, and media manipulation, music is a god send.”
Just to prove that point, here is some music from the Soviet Union