Avatar of Liotrent


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7 mos ago
Current It has been 2 years since I focused on my finals, I have now returned.
3 yrs ago
Busy with college finals. :b
3 yrs ago
What am I doing to my life.
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3 yrs ago
Shameless advertising of a roleplay: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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3 yrs ago
Just to change up my status. I'm doing better than I did a year ago. Hopefully everyone else is doing okay.


I'm a space cat.

Most Recent Posts

@Liotrent I'm going to call it. I actually wrote up the unit, but not the character. I had several photos I was intending to add. but I know I will never get around to doing this. I work for a school system. I should know better. When school is in session, I don't get a lot of time for this hobby. I do have one excellent roleplay about the Firefly/Serenity Universe that has been going for 4 months. I should just stick to that one. Thanks anyway.

No problems man, but the door is always open if in case you get the time again.

Yup! Steampunk Victorian England with an alternate universe Queen Victoria. We also worked out a bit of history? I think we agreed that perhaps during Britannia's early forrays, they did manage to take, but not hold, some land, which would at least give some further motivation to Britannia's colonial ambitions. In a way, they want to make up for their embarrassing defeats as a proud nation. At least that's as far as we've discussed, as to what other shenanigans the Empire is up to, I don't think we've thoroughly discussed it because it depends heavily on some of the other players in different regions and on you as the GM.

I added a bit into this, I'll post this here since it makes sense to me to put it here first before final approval. (I am also still in search of a good looking plague doctor mask illustration.)


Thanks for the mask.

I'm thinking of adding some aoe taunt skill for the tortoises to further solidify their position as a tank. Size won't be too large with the regular tortoises having like 15 meter aoe and Iazok Qil having something like 25 - 30.

That's fine and dandy. That's all fine and dandy. I think it's balances out our coalition a bit. My boys are heavy infantry and skirmishers so I've basically got normal damage covered. We got you and a couple other beastkin as tanks, we've got fast cavalry, more heavy infantry, and light infantry. Overall we're quite well rounded.
<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

I think that I would be with the fleet. As for the enemies what do we expect to see and is the army with us or are we going to be the vanguard that will try to secure a landing for the main force to arrive?

We're the vanguard. As for enemies, expect the possessed... All manner of different races, whether they be elves, humans, dwarves, or other.
Still interested.
that is a good question. Are we on the ship or on the land where the ship is approaching? Is there one ship or a convoy of ships?

This is up to you. You could be on the ships going to make land fall and we'd be on different ships. However, if like Moon Man you choose to stay on the mainland, then that's where you'll be.
<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

Maybe, maybe not. Who knows~?

Hmmmmm Indeed.
Actually, if we're from the same country, does that mean we're working together?
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