Avatar of LogantheCat
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  • Posts: 59 (0.04 / day)
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    1. LogantheCat 5 yrs ago


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I am a 17 year old female named Logan. Yes, that name is unisex. I am a homeschooled Christian who loves animals (I have a cat and a rabbit, but there are many other pets living in this house.). Favorite color is blue, I like supernatural, horror, certain types of scifi, apocalyptic/post apocalyptic, fantasy... I guess a shorter list is what I don't like; romance and anime.

I plan on opening a completely allergy-free bakery one day, as there doesn't seem to be enough of those, and, being deathly allergic to eggs, I understand how important it is to not cross-contaminate. I may also someday have a gaming channel on YouTube. And I'm currently writing a book. And I give myself short deadlines to finish a whole year of school. Lots of stuff to do. I also plan on homeschooling any future kids I have. I really don't know how I'll be able to manage all of this, lol.

I like chocolate.

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Forcing herself to calm down and not be reckless, to avoid harming the sword lady, Katelin realised that the back of her head hurt slightly. "I guess when the monster knocked me down I hit my head," Katelin muttered to herself.

Putting away her bow for now, Katelin made her hand cold and placed it on the back of her head to sooth it. Cautiously circling around towards the girl with leaf armor, she looked down at the girl. She had a few deep looking puncture wounds from the spider-mutant's spikes.

Head no longer hurting, Katelin looked up to see the spider trying to wrap up the giant armor, while the armor was grabbing at the monster. They weren't too close - green girl had been knocked quite far. Lucky for her it wasn't to the other side of the fight.

Katelin had once had an arrow in her leg, and a medic had used hot metal to close the wound to stop the bleeding. It had hurt so much she had fainted, but barrier girl was already unconscious. If the girl woke up, Katelin just hoped the girl knew she was helping, not attacking.

Carefully making a controlled flame, Katelin burned the wounds til they stopped bleeding.
If you have a favorite gift, please tell us! Mine was a bunny.

One Christmas, I woke up and looked towards the other side of my bedroom. There was a cage there. I got up, walked over, and looked inside. There was a cute baby lop-eared rabbit in there! I thought I was dreaming for about two hours.
Once, there was a man. He lived in a land far away. Alone, he spent his days chopping wood and whittling small wooden people. One day he decided to whittle a different kind of toy. But then the ATF came. And shortly after, the Fire Nation attacked. Determined to end the war the man resorted to black magic to turn his figures into real life wooden soldiers. Unfortunately, a fighting force made out of wood was hardly effective against an army of pyrokinetics. The army caught on fire, panicked, and ran off into a forest causing a forest fire.
In Hivemind 4 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Digging a tunnel would be smart. The element of suprise is very important here. A distraction army would be a good idea, placed on the opposite side our main attack will come from. And if the decoy army can harm a few wasps in the process, then great! At the moment when our main army attacks, we should have a bunch of winged workers flying around, harassing them. If those workers can do any sort of damage and/or somehow trap the wasps(the workers need sticky spit for that) then they'd be of even more use.

I had wanted a flying warrior previously, but that wouldn't work then. But maybe it would work now. We should take our time perfecting a flying warrior, getting rid of the heavy weapons, and the armor can be lighter. I agree that the ability to inject acidic venom would be useful, and having a ton of them, growing fast, would be too.
Where'd everyone go? You peoples' characters need to go to the tavern. Then I'm guessing we go on an adventure.
I made a sort of ingame explanation as to why Katelin hadn't done anything, and I hope it's good. She is back to fighting now, and I'll try to keep it that way.

Once the spider turned towards her the world started to speed up around Katelin. She couldn't react as webs shot at her, causing a numbing effect. She watched, stunned, as people helped her, green barriers appearing, a girl with a mirror teleporting to her and using one of Katelins arrows to attack the beast - wait... Someone else using her enchanted arrows? That can't be good.

The fire burned around her, everyone was all over the place. Yelling, creaking, screeching were Katelin's only indicators of what was happening around her.

Katelin tried to fight off the panic. On the ceiling, then near the giant armor, the spider fighting in this strange speed-up way was too creepy. Katelin forced herself to get out of her daze, looking around. The fire had burned off the webs, as well as the numbness.

It hadn't been just the numbness that had caused her to freeze, though. She shook off the horrible memories of that prank her fellow archery apprentices had played on her with a giant fake spider. Strange, though. She wouldn't usually freeze like that.

Getting up, Katelin got the fire next to her back under control, making it just like a little puddle of flames. Looking up, Katelin saw the spider charging towards the leafy girl. The barrier that helped save Katelin had seemed to come from over there...

Quickly grabbing her bow, Katelin shot arrow after arrow at the beast, in quick succession, partly in rage at laying helpless for so long, partly because someone with the power to make a barrier is very important.

Out of the corner of her eye, Katelin saw that they had gotten the strange armor up. It was running towards the monster. Katelin walked as she shot, keeping just close enough for perfect accuracy(hopefully), but not too close.
Sorry, I haven't logged on for a while because of school and family stuff. I'll try to post more often so you don't have to wait for me.
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