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Ashbringer's presence alone told Earthshaker she was no simple foe. Having none of the bluster of a fresh faced Light Girl out to purify the land, yet holding an easy confidence even Schrade would have found laudable.

The Rule Keeper took all this in as she struck the Magical Girl into the ground like the first of a vengeful god. Narrowed eyes peered into the explosion of flame, dust, and ruptured roadway that wasn't already awash in the fluorescent glare of neon lasers, and even as she flung herself clear she knew she'd failed to strike true. Experience told her well the feel of crushing both Miseria and Magical Girl beneath her might and there was an absence of that satisfying crunch to be had.

She had come clear of the impact zone yet could only grit her teeth and raise a hand before her, shielding herself from the barrage of lasers that had grown hellish in their intensity. Left to watch as a subtle bulge in the street gave way to Ashbringer's meteoric rise, smashing aside Nyxia before hurling blasts of flame as large as houses towards the approaching Detention Club girls.

And Earthshaker was the only one who found herself pinned solely by the hostile girl's now hateful glare, and she held little doubt she would have remained untouched if the approaching signatures of friendly Magical Girls didn't send Ashbringer to flight. Even if she only left after laying down an ominous challenge.

"Damn it. That bitch took that without flinching." The tribal magical girl cursed before racing after Nyxia. Oros and Tsubomi could handle a bit of fire but Nyxia had never taken a blow like that before. Chasing after her with a bound that burned up her remaining charge of power, Earthshaker found the hunt easy when Nyxia was burning her own with rampant lasers against the sky.

"Nyxia!" She barked, skidding to a halt before grasping Nyxia's trembling shoulders tight. Holding her up, and making an attempt to silence the firing of the Omega Obliterator. "She's gone. And she won't survive coming back."

Earthshaker wondered what cosmic entity she'd angered to have her lot in life be such a cavalcade of messes and headaches. They find one tiny spark of peace in Nyxia's life that doesn't involve her brother, and it immediately gets burned to the ground by another Dark Magical Girl. One who mockingly mistakes them for a pair of Light Magical Girls.

The combination of that disregard and the destruction of the flower shop had set Nyxia off. The tribal Magical Girl released a heavy sigh as lasers streaked past, leaving the fire hydrant behind as the storefront was ruined beyond salvaging. Small consolation that at least the owner had fled clear of the mess, as she'd be awfully traumatized seeing what was about to go down.

"Just because you're a Dark Magical Girl doesn't mean you can be a bitch without consequences." She said mostly to herself, not expecting the words to be heard over a hurricane of lasers. For a Magical Girl they'd never heard of she didn't look a push over, and it would be on Roche's head to keep Nyxia from either getting her ass handed to her or from killing the dragon girl.

The dead can't beg for forgiveness, after all, and maybe with a bit of humility she could join the club. Eye candy aside, it was always nice to have a new girl to bully into doing all their chores.

Earthshaker lunged towards Ashmaker, her shield interposed between herself and Nyxia as she ran into the path of the lasers. Blocking the beams that were already more intense then what had been thrown around when they first fought saw Earthshaker's body glow with sudden power, the lines across her skin blindingly bright. Energized with a savage intent she leaped upwards, breaking from Nyxia's barrage to plummet towards Ashmaker with her shield now before her, ready to plunge through flame and dragon to crush her foe.

Earthshaker's focus was set on Oros' trail, and once it became visible she was focusing on the distant dragons. The dragons that were clearly kites, even if impressive kites. If her flight had gone unmolested she might have seen who was flying them and groaned at how obvious it was that there was only one girl in their school who could somehow fly four massive kites all on her own without issue. If almost every member of the club hadn't checked for themselves, none of them would have believed she wasn't a Magical Girl.

So naturally she was caught entirely off guard by the fireball streaking past her, a near collision with a fiery beauty whose mechanized, gleeful aspect was oddly similar to Nyxia. The tribal Magical Girl arrested her momentum, teeth grit from the sudden deceleration as she released a blast of stored energy to halt herself. When she landed and righted herself towards the crashed fireball, it was to see from the street level a Magical Girl clad in heavy metal with twin draconian heads rising over her shoulders.

And because when it rained, it poured upon Roche in excess, the girl had set fire to the flower shop that had proven the only source of tranquility she'd seen in Nyxia. "Well, diplomacy was over rated anyway."

Suki could cower and complain about Roche all she wanted, but if the choice was between the club and an outsider, Earthshaker would always back the club girls. Taking bounding steps she returned to the flower shop in time for Nyxia to blast off the fire hydrant. While it's rain would help it was undirected and slow. Manifesting her shield, Roche angled it over the hydrant and directed the outpouring directly into the store. To a bystander it might be quite remarkable, but Roche was busy storing the energy of the water blasting her shield till her tattoos glowed as bright as Nyxia's.

"We were hoping to talk to you, but first we're gonna need an apology for burning this flower shop."

"So it would seem, Nyxia." Roche sighed, her cloak ruffled as she rolled her shoulders as the emerged onto the curbside, standing beside the oblivious flower shop owner as she fussed over locking up for the day. She'd long since been inured to the oddity of being invisible to the mundane world of Miso, only the greatest spikes of magic and the collateral damage borne from smashing Miseria being the only evidence of their existence.

The benefits of being a ghost that could touch and steal far eclipsed the costs. She didn't even need to pay for takeout if she could just take it off the counter.

With Suki flying over head, screaming her head off like a loon, she found yet another reason to be grateful no one else could hear them. It was simply balanced against the despair that the fastest among them was also the worst suited to making first contact with an unknown magical girl.

"This is going to be a mess. I only hope it doesn't turn violent." Earthshaker's head shook ruefully, knowing they weren't that fortunate as she took off at a loping run. When she glanced back and saw the flower store owner was far enough away she leapt, a crack of stored force sending her hurtling up to the rooftops as she chased after the sight of surging blood stretching out after the kaiju girl.

"Huh." Earthshaker stood transformed, leaning against a table of potted azaleas as she watched a shockingly lax Nyxia. It was inevitable that the laser-fetishist had to have a soft spot that wasn't entirely due to lasers or her departed brother, but she really hadn't expected it to be anything this flowery.

She looked back over her shoulder, spying Suki and Tsubomi perched on a rooftop, as unsubtle as could be expected of the pair. Yet again failing to let her have an actual conversation and try to dispel this bizarre belief that she wanted to pound Suki's face into hamburger meat.

Not that it wouldn't be a little cathartic after all the trouble she's caused me. Earthshaker would admit in the safety of her mind, only to resume her silent vigil of the flowershop. While Nyxia was enjoying the sights and smells like a woman starved, the dark-skinned magical girl was keeping an eye upon the regular customers and employees.

After all, if normal people couldn't see them, then whomever reacted to their strange appearances would have to be a Magical Girl, transformed or otherwise.

"Though I suppose if this washes out we can always pick up some flowers for the club room....."

Some of the former vibrancy returned with Nyxia and Tsubomi entering with their respective aplomb and passivity. Roche would have once called the feeling rising within her the beginning of a migraine but it was more a warm familiarity that just so happened to hurt.

If nothing else, Nyxia's caustic tongue seemed enough of a lashing to force Suki off the floor and to begin explaining just what this meeting of hers was about. There was a not insignificant part of the Track Captain that though the Laser fetishist was correct in assuming this was a prelude to another picnic, as even though the blood manipulator had a compulsive need to cower before Roche she didn't let that stop her from conspiring to host poorly planned get togethers.

"Huh, color me surprised. This is reasonably well thought out." Perhaps it was a tad offensive to sound genuinely impressed that Suki's presentation- Barring the garish drawing fashioned from a serial killer's idea of how to cut up a magazine- was well thought out and actually worth their time. She had a goal, a location, a time, and the prospect of a dragon themed magical girl was mildly interesting for the much-depleted club.

"Well done, Suki. I think it's a great idea to investigate this together." she favored her ex-partner with a toothy grin, hoping against hope that she wouldn't misinterpret it as a threatening expression and skitter off like a beaten spouse once more.

Life had taken some funny turns. Average life into orohan-dom, then swinging around into the life of a Dark Magical Girl trying to wrangle a pack of girls who were the antithesis of the word 'conformity.'

And as Summer approached, Roche was having to contend with a downward trend in activity. Or, in layman's terms, she was running out of distractions from her train wreck of a social life. Well, that would imply one existed in the first place to be a ruin of, whereas the reality was more akin to a disaster that had long since been cleared up, paved over, and replaced with a parking lat that was used largely for drug dealers.

"Guh." Her noise of disgust was limp as she paused in the halls outside the appointed meeting room, a sag to her shoulders she only indulged for the lack of company. Her eye panned to the doorknob and she slowly drew in a breath. Feeling the air fill her lungs she straightened her posture, her track team wind breaker shifting noisily.

For as much stress as having an entire club of super powered young women was, the absence of most of them was leaving her feeling a tad rudderless. Even the track team was noticing she was being less abrasive with them, though it was far past the point she could hope for a friendlier connection with that mundane lot.

Feeling like she was projecting a sure enough facade she stepped inside, finding the room initially empty.

If not for an untied shoelace trailing out from a table.

Roche pinched the bridge of her nose and counted internally back from ten. It was ineffective to say the least, but it kept her from saying the first thing that would come to mind when finding Suki hiding from her.

"Get off the floor, Suki." She said, the command coming across as tired and weathered as her prior efforts to pacify the flighty ex-partner. "Or don't. I'm not going to force you either way, but that can't be comfortable."

Damn they really ninjas me
Well that's most of us. Now for out Gatorade dealer.
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