Avatar of Lord-Of-Frozen-Flame


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Apologies to everyone, responses are todays priority
5 yrs ago
Well i guess its time to start over again, responses are on the way just dealing with a fuckton of stress in all forms rn mostly emotional
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6 yrs ago
Can we get the unkillable glitch garuga back that deflected all colors of sharpness and scoffed at traps lmao, or heavenly rathalos lmao
6 yrs ago
Will respond to all rps later this evening
6 yrs ago
Doing beyond better and ready to rp again


Currently a resident of Infanus I lead a group of misfits by the name of the Obsidian Seraph. We are a bunch of Anti-heroes some of us our swords for hire but all in all we are a family. and I The Lord-of-Frozen-Flame likes to rp in my spare time and im into all sort of rps just ask no seriously I get all happy when you do it see:
I like to joke poke fun its me so lets rp and have all teh fun
Name: Eric or that guy LOL
Age: 29
Gender: Male
S.O: Straight
Location: Philly
Personality: I'm very chill and easygoing. not the greatest at writing but i assure everything is easy to understand. Anything else you would like to know, please ask :3

Some of my OCs

Most Recent Posts

"I'll stay in think I can do that especially if u really believe you can help but if you have to cut into my head I ask that if there is anyway possible that u number or dull the pain as much as possible but not put me under I tend to thrash around if I'm asleep especially if it's a nightmare." He said rubbing his scars at the back of his head.
Chris would take the pills and just at the feel of them in his hand he loosened up. “Thank you Ms.Whitney I really do appreciate it and if you really wanna help us and are his daughter then I guess there is no harm in sharing some info with you.” Christopher would say “as I told you my name is Christopher Holloway and I was among the initial few that were experimented on I guess, in so many words you could call me a failure” He chuckled “You see he…your father I mean opened up my head and made my brain hyperaware and did something that causes instantaneous evolution but the catch is for it to activate it has to be triggered from a dream it is a gift or was until I found out what happens if I have a nightmare. you see, I can have real harm done to me if I am harmed in these nightmares and if it’s a nightmare involving me being hunted whatever it is that was hunting me it will super impose itself onto whatever I am seein after I wake I’ve survived it only twice but not without complications.” He would say as he slumped in the couch
"Thank you my name is Christopher Holloway and i would really appreciate your help but you gotta understand i cant sleep everytime i sleep there is a chance i could die. i dont know what he did but i...i please i need those pills until you can figure something out it will make coping a bit easier please" He pleaded as he was deathly scared of sleep.
“He what” Chris cried out “No, no, no, this isn’t good he helped me and he made them not as bad as they could get I need…you don’t understand, he did things to me, to my mind and he’s the only one that can make them stop” Chris said pacing back and forth removing his glasses and rubbing away the tears that were beginning to form at the thought of him never being able to sleep like a normal person again. “Forgive me I’m sorry it’s just I need sleep but I can’t sleep and I really need these pills he had given me I ran out and they help to keep me awake” he said at this point he had begun to ramble nervously at lily
@katherinwinter hope the revision was cool
This Chris's worst fear, he had fallen asleep but it was no ordinary sleep his body was pushed beyond its limits thanks to the pills. This had not caused a sleep so much as his body revolting and shutting down when he could go no further.

He laid in a pit of utter blackness nothing could be seen but EVERYTHING could be heard he called out into the void and he prayed that whatever answered him was nothing malicious. A small child engulfed in the brightest light yet wore tattered clothing identical to what Chris wore looked at him and said but one word. "Run" and seconds after the word was uttered a hand grabbed the boy and squeezed.

In those moments a bone chilling blood curdling scream was heard as the faint sound of crunching bones followed. As Chris turned to run he slipped in a pool of blood and as he looked around he no longer saw the hand or the body that should have been left of the boy. He felt something begin to squirm in his hand, but no recollection of picking things up and as he opened his hand he saw the boy broken and damaged.

(He was the hand himself and the boy in short telling him to run away from himself and what he was capable of. But in turn gaining strength enough in his grip alone to break bones of any limb he grasped like a twig, but also a fear of himself unable to look at his own reflection without being reminded of what happened)

Slowly coming to hrs later. Chris would look around at the decor of the room he was taken to and look around until he found an able bodied person. As he made his way down the hall this became a bit easier as there seemed to be a conversation happening. Leaning against the wall he saw one of the people exit and they spoke to him after bowing? This confused Chris “He didn’t look at me like a junkie” He thought to himself. and before allowing @Kibaro to leave he would smile a weak smile and nod back. Before heading into the office. “Go..good afternoon my name is Chris I was looking for Dr. Whitney have you seen him I need…I was hoping he could help” Chris spoke his voice still a bit shaky and not definitely sure as to who the woman was @KatherinWinter he didn’t talk to much about why he needed Dr.Whitney’s help.
Im gonna delete and retype my post so it fits in better with what's going on

his only distinct differnce from the pic is that he is brownskin (chocolate if you will)

Age - Ageless

Gender - Male

Race - Spirit

How did you die – The woman that dreamt him up and pulled him into reality was murdered by her current boyfriend and as such he could no longer exist and had begun to fade away.

Brief History - Dorian wasn’t born. He was a literal creation an imaginary friend turned temporary boyfriend, she had no idea how strong her power was until she dreamt about him and when she awoke he was there sleeping on her floor and her screams startled him awake and he looked on at her and comforted her perfectly how she had always dreamed of him doing.
Things became amazing between the two and her want for him grew to the point of allowing some form of physical contact and everything came crashing down the day she met “HIM” a guy that didn’t have to focus to touch her one she didn’t dream up one that was there and knew what she wanted and needed w/o having it planted in him. This caused Dorian to grow beyond pissed she was his and he was being replaced and he would begin to thrash around in her room every time the other guy came over. And it was almost as if he could see Dorian because every time he kissed her and touched her in the ways that Dorian once did he would look in Dorian’s direction and smile.
Eventually the girl told Dorian it was ok and in so many words told him he had outlived his usefulness and tried to send him away but his will to stay wouldn’t allow that and he wandered the world for decades never aging beyond his current looks until the one day he met A Certain Voodoo doll that seemed to understand hima and things grew slowly great between the two. And their lives were happy they grew to love one another.
Meanwhile his creator had gotten into an accident on a night that he and Charley were growing intimate and ust as he leaned in to kiss her he began to flicker this could only mean one thing that his creator was dying but he didn’t wanna leave charley alone and by such he held onto her and as he began to unravel so did she until nothing remained of either of them.
@DisguisedDemon i understand completely i post from work a lot so i understand what your going through lol and i wont hate you lol
@DisguisedDemon his name is chris, ryland was dragging in chris
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