Avatar of Lord Santa
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    1. Lord Santa 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Opening a jar of honey didn't go so well. Washed most of it off, but my wrists are still sticky for some reason.
9 yrs ago
Summer is sooooo sheeeeeeeeeeeet
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9 yrs ago
Finally have decent internet. Got connected to the National Broadband Network, see. With this speed, I can finally rule the world.
9 yrs ago
You know that rabbit I mentioned? Turns out there's 3 of them.
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9 yrs ago
So, there's this rabbit outside my house, and I'm not sure what to do with it. It sits there sometimes, eating grass and staring into space. It isn't mine, though, so it runs off when we approach.
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Most Recent Posts

Yeah, sorry 'bout that. In light of recent events, would you mind if I took some time off?

I'd like some time to at least clear my plate so I can fix my mistakes without having to rush out some stuff, since real life things have prevented me from thinking properly.

More my fault then anything, I've never had the time to really focus on this, which has obviously proven detrimental for everyone involved. Probably should've thought more in light of that, so give me a few days to clear my plate so I can really fix my mistakes.

Say what you will, but I'll need some time. I know I fucked up and I wanna figure out how to fix it, but the things I've done recently have all been pretty bad so I'll try to fix up myself before I fail further.
I think it's just me reading too fast, frankly. It's been a weird few days, so I think I missed it.
Real short, but there you go.
"Hm. That's true." Steven said.

Steven carefully dismounted the horse before walking to where a slightly shell-shocked Satuur sat. He picked him up as gently as he could and gingerly placed him onto the horse. If it had to be done, then he'd have to do it, so he'd have to do it quickly. However, considering the rough experiences the boy had just gone through, Steven could probably do with being gentler this time.

"I'll do it, but I'll have to do it fast." Steven said out loud. "Do you know where his house is?"
Actually, I should take the time to discuss the next course of action - because I'm sure Illumina's wound is quite pressing, she probably needs the doctor asap. It'd be nice, at least, and Steven would probably assume so. But you've made a point that Satuur needs to be taken home, so he has to do that too. So what I was about to have Steven do was delegate the job because he's sure that Satuur isn't exactly comfortable in his presence and he has to get to the doctor quick.

In short, I'm essentially debating whether to take Satuur or whether to ask your character to do it.
Well, I'll see to that in a little bit. Got stuff to do, so I might end up doing it tomorrow.
Does that mean I should be posting right about now?
There you go. Figured I'd forget something. Hopefully that'll do.
alright, I'll get to that
Steven sighed with some relief, glad that he'd made the journey intact enough. He stood up straight and took the cup the old man had offered.

"You know," Stevn said before draining the contents of the cup. "A horse sounds like a good idea."

Steven was glad for the cool liquid, making a vague noise of appreciation as he handed the cup back. Setting his back straight, he walked to where the horse he'd been offered stood, examining the creature. It was sturdy and seemed well-looked after. Chestnut in color, its eyes looked Steven up and down quizzically. It was still attached to the wagon, standing in place loyally.

Steven unhitched the horse from the wagon carefully, hoping that the creature would take kindly enough to him to allow riding. The horse pawed the ground a little but was mostly settled in his presence. Gripping the reins, Steven climbed up to sit on the horse. It buckled a little under his weight but didn't try to run or buck him off.

"Your horse is very well trained." Steven noted to the old man.

He shifted his position slightly before turning to address the man.

"So, where's the square again?" He asked.
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