Avatar of LordInquisitor
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    1. LordInquisitor 9 yrs ago


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It has been a long time since I've written a character I've liked as much as Derek.
The underworld of Neo-Seattle has some very strange holdouts. While the humdrum, typical street crime favors back allies and abandoned warehouses of the "historic" district, the top tier criminals can often be found in the same places as mega-rich and powerful. Cafe Thernardie is just one of these places. Here, mob bosses, CEOs, and the criminal elite gathered to discuss business and pleasure. To Derek, it was just another meeting place.

While Derek didn't often enjoy wearing it, he did have a suit that could be prepared for more public dealings. It restricted his movement, limited his gear, and didn't allow for his ever-present glider pack, but it kept him incognito. With nary but a single pistol hidden in his jacket, Derek strode into the restaurant where Myles was waiting for him. Taking a seat at a little table in the corner, Derek joined his friend and business partner.

"Derek, my friend!" Myles cried out in delight. "Punctual as always, I see. Although, I must say you always look impressive in that suit."
"You can try all you like, but I won't wear it unless I have to," Derek quipped in response. "Anyway, that isn't why I'm here. First, I'm here for business. Second, I believe I was promised lunch."
"Yes, yes. Your usual is on its way," Myles responded. "Now then, about your catch..."

Derek stuck a hand into his jacket pocket, and casually slid the necklace over. Myles covertly cupped it in his hands, and gazed at it in all. "The Madreka necklace," Derek commented. "I did my homework. The gemstone in the housing was cut from a perfect ruby, the necklace itself crafted by the greatest artisans on the planet, and housed in one of the most secure vaults in the city. Or rather, was, as you can see."

Grinning ear to ear, Myles pocketed the masterpiece. "I don't know why I'm surprised by your successes. You haven't let me down, yet. The funds will be sent to your account immediately. Now then, I know you don't discuss business while eating, but I have another job for you."
Derek raised an eyebrow. "If its Ares Macrotech again, you know my answer. I don't do jobs for megacorps. No matter how well they pay."
Myles shook his head. "No, not quite. I guarantee you will be impressed. It's quite sensitive, though, so I sent it through the terminal. Read it on your own time. Now then, I believe our lunch is here."

After about another half hour, Derek strode into an alleyway about two blocks away from the restaurant. Stashed within a hidden cache was his standard gear and his glider pack. It didn't matter what he was doing. Derek always made sure his gear was on hand.
I'm gonna continue Derek's prologue. I'm not doing anything with them yet, but should I be worrying about the spooky scaries (for lack of a better name) yet?
Plot twist

You were an Alpha Legion plant all along

I cannot confirm or deny being an Alpha legion plant. Mostly because you wouldn't believe my answer. Or you would.

Alpha legion's just confusing.
<Snipped quote by LordInquisitor>

Where do I know you from?

*Takes off inquisitor hat*

I don't know what your talking about. I certainly haven't purged any cults you may or may not have recently been in.
I know I haven't posted in OOC in a while, but I'm still here. I'm just very quiet.
Most people believed that the top of Tetradyne Towers was abandoned. Governmental bureaucracy mixed with corporate bribery and kickbacks from the city's underbelly had seen to that. What was once supposed to be the top of one of the finest apartment towers in the city has been left abandoned and forgotten by all but the savviest of criminals.

The perfect place for the finest thief in Neo-Seattle to hide.

Inside of what should have been an abandoned upper level of a skyscraper was a clearly lived in apartment. That being said, it certainly didn't look very standard. It seemed to border between some recently "acquired" room for a squatter, and a museum of various jewels and devices. On what little could be considered walls, jewelry of various appearance and rarity hung from various hooks. A number of tables littered the room, with strange, half-finished inventions littering the space.

In the center of this odd mess was a man. He was dressed in what would pass in this part of town as nice clothes that were worn with wear and tear. A pair of safety goggles covered his eyes as he worked on a strange glider contraption. Removing his goggles to reveal his blue eyes, he looked over his work with pride. Another job, another successful flight. The old girl had yet to let him down.

The man, who was known as Derek, walked over to a nearby table. On it rested his latest "acquisition"; a necklace with a bright red ruby nearly the size of his eye. Derek bounced it on his palm a few times, and got a closer look. It was his habit to ensure that his catches were the real deal before delivery. It wouldn't do well to give a customer shoddy service. Certain that it was the real deal, Derek pocketed the necklace and sent a message to Myles, his personal fence, through a private message terminal he had set up.

"Goods secure. Ready for delivery at signal"

With that, Derek plopped down on his couch, and watched the sunrise through the opening in his wall. Today was going to be another excellent day to make a profit.
One more question. How much of our powers are we in control of at the beginning? I'm going to assume none for now.
So, can those of us not on the ship start doing stuff?
Eyyyyyy. Almost time to get started. I like it.
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