Avatar of Lotrix Molick
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    1. Lotrix Molick 7 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 11 yrs ago


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Maeve's outburst struck Kistal as somehow even more childish and bratty than expected. For someone like Kistal, that was an impressive feat. He said nothing, content to let her sabotage her own relationships. He was happy knowing she wouldn't remain a threat to the tinker imp, so he straightened up and put his hands on his hips, just watching the spectacle. As she approached the exit, he spoke a single sentence about her. "Good riddance to bad rubbish, then."

He then moved beside Nix, surprising her with some scratches behind her ears. "What do you think of all this, Nix? Politics and social hierarchies suck, don't they?" He looked at Allard, giving a small nod. "I had no intention of any further altercation unless she tried to harm anyone. I said my piece. She's the one that decided to treat everyone here like commoners that just spat on her favorite dress."

Chihiro crinkled her nose. Maeve's entire reaction reminded her why she tended to avoid the extremely wealthy areas of cities. That reaction was far more than necessary and far more hostile than reasonable. She decided not to comment and instead moved behind the bar, placing both hands on Suzune's shoulders. Leaning in, she whispered low about the earlier request. "Perhaps now would be better to discuss that topic. It's much lighter than this."

Tali placed her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle at the tirade. As much as Maeve tried to say she was different than the other nobles, she kept proving she was just like them. She needed a reality check and potentially someone to guide her to actually know how to act within normal society. However, Tali wasn't willing to follow her just yet. She was too angry and worked up to be in any way rational. Instead, Tali took it upon herself to take multiple helpings and enjoy the food before it cooled.
Though most seemed fine with not harming the imp, one even wanting to recruit it, Maeve instantly showed that she was far from versed in anything worldly. Kistal's nostrils flared and he glared at the Isoli. "Ah, yes, and we should apparently force our ideas of personal property onto a creature with no concept of it and an instinctual urge to scavenge. That would be akin to expecting an Isoli noble girl to ignore her nature and stop being a frigid bitch any time something doesn't go her way. Or, maybe we should tell the Isoli that enslaving people is bad, trying to deny their natural urge to put people like me in chains and kill their parents for nothing more than dropping a cheap cut of meat." He drew closer to Maeve, his lips curling into a cruel grin.

"Hypothermia happens if you can get cold. Magical ice or not, I am a goddamn satyr. The cold, high mountains are my home. Meanwhile, your kind sits in their palace, being their arrogant supremacist and racist selves, seeking to do nothing but ruin your homeland and shut out the world. At least I am honest about who I am and how many people I've killed and saved. You are threatening to kill over a useless bit of cloth. Can you say you are truly honest, Miss Frigid, after all those threats?"

Chihiro was focused on her food for a moment but soon looked up. Maeve's thinly veiled threat was bad enough, but now she was essentially asking Kistal to use his magic on her. Chihiro saw the handiwork of the satyr. He could mess with the mind of a sand worm and change people's bodies. That was far from an enemy she felt the frail looking Isoli would want. She stood up and drew her fans, choosing not to enter the situation yet as she hadn't decided who was more in the wrong. She had fought with Kistal and knew he was highly protective of certain types of people. She also knew he didn't hold back if he felt someone needed to die. But, she was tentative to side with Maeve since she was casually threatening the imp that could very well die from the attack she mentioned.

Tali, much like Chihiro, poised herself to intervene but couldn't figure out who she wanted to protect. The Isoli was cute and seemed to want to escape her past but Kistal was genuine and, in Tali's eyes, overall right in his assessment of Maeve. She was quite a frigid girl in the baths, jumping to a temper at the slightest thing. Kistal, though, was obviously also ready to get aggressive. Tali wanted no violence if she could help it, but she would show her full demonic strength if need be.


Khatia's arrival was both early, as usual, and before anyone was ready for her, which was unusual. She was so early that her coming in scared a few of her women. She just smiled and gave out a few notes of a whistle. "Alright, my dears, everyone that should be there should go to the planning room. All my other sweeties, get ready for a bit of a fun day. We have a target and it moves out within the hour."

She went to the planning room, a conspicuous amount of rolled scrolls under one arm and a package in the other. Passing her second in command, she smiled at Linoa sweetly. "Come along, dusky dear. We have so many things to discuss and so many plans to make."

We just lost a player for now, so I will talk to the GM and see what's up. Either way, we do happily let people into the discord to just observe and chat.
Kistal followed Neev's directions and stayed still as she did her work. Once she finished, he flexed his fingers and twisted his wrist around a bit to test the muscles. "Yeah, well soreness isn't much to me. A life of being whipped and hit will do that to you." He was about to start o move when Nix grabbed his arm and started licking the scar. He knew she was just trying to help, so he calmly let her follow her instincts. "I'll be alright. No long term harm done. First things first, though. Let's make sure no one here is going to antagonize the tinker or Nix." He glanced over the rest of the people there. "I imagine most of you wouldn't, but I would like a verbal agreement. I won't let any of you harm an innocent, let alone a fellow Beastman."

Chihiro watched Kistal being healed and picked at her breakfast a bit. Despite her age, she was still nervous about Suzune's response when they had her conversation. Finally deciding to eat something, she ate one of the dumplings, savoring the sweet flavor. She then nodded to Kistal's request. "I won't cause any trouble for anyone here as long as they aren't doing evil. I'm an inquisitor that roots out evil, so stay out of that and we can get along nicely."

Bidzil's assessment of the situation was surprising given how air headed he seemed at times, but the naga simply ate another dumpling and then started to speak. "Well, seeing as you all saw me in my true form, I guess no harm will come from me talking about it. So, let's start about...two hundred years ago, give or take a decade or two. Jeevak and I traveled together, fixing problems and making friends. Over time, he became increasingly more fixated on revenge for the genocide of his people, the Grusk. Eventually, I decided to part ways with him before getting caught up in his madness. I kept an eye out for signs of him either improving or getting worse, but nothing happened. Fast forward to today. Now, he has not only shown interest in relics but has also shown up. As of right now, he is assumed to be antagonistic. He may not quite be evil, but he cannot be allowed to exact revenge. That would result in innocent life lost on an almost unseen scale at this point. At least, that is what I can imagine he is after."
Kistal led Nix and the little tinker imp to the inn. Despite his injury and anger, his expression softened as he saw a familiar face at the inn. He stopped in front of Elena and ruffled the top of her hood, and by extension, her hair. "Hey there, Elena. I didn't expect to see you way out here. Is everything alright back at base? Did something happen?" He flexed his fingers on the injured arm, testing the pain. It still hadn't fully hit him yet, so he could stand a little more time before seeking medical attention. It only smarted thus far.

As much as most of the others probably considered him relatively unapproachable, he normally was much less so. Things had just been the worst possible brew for his ideology and soft spots. Now, Elren was here and he had to keep an eye on her to make sure she stayed safe. It seemed he had become the caretaker of a few of the group now, so he had to work harder. Luckily, he never slept and could fight and eat, so he was confident he could keep them safe and happy if he had the means.
Kistal let Kallen speak, but he also silently and switfly moved past him, into the shop, jumping the counter if need be. He made a beeline towards Nix, kneeling down in front of the girl and offering a hand to her. He looked back at Kallen then at the jar that the creature went into. "I highly doubt you will get very far with complex explanations. Whatever it is might not even speak our language, let alone have a concept of property like ours. Perhaps figure out something to trade for it. It will get everyone out of this without any harm done." The satyr then turned his attention back to Nix, a light, almost musical note to his voice, his tone and posture trying to keep her from turning the shop into an ice cube. "Hey there wolfgirl. I missed you at the inn last night. I gotta teach you a couple things about this town, alright? Also, you hungry? I can make you some breakfast at the inn."

By the time he began his attempt to soothe her, the gem suddenly appearing and then erupting into a lightshow made Kistal bounce forward and wrap his arms around Nix, his first instinct to protect her, her agitation secondary now. His previous calm demeanor split into a vicious snarl, his nose catching a new scent. He had mana to use and prepared to blind everyone around him if he needed to get Nix and himself out. He looked at Kallen, ready to leverage blame depending upon his reaction.

Suzune's words and wink got a light laugh out of Chihiro. "I won't turn down extras. It will let me pamper her a bit more. I do have a bit of a private question to ask once you get a free moment, though. About Hilde, nothing bad I promise." She occupied herself helping out Suzune get any materials from the back as she waited her turn. At this point, she knew the inn about as well as anyone given she had been here since before it was even made.

Tali perked up suddenly when addressed, causing a bit of jiggle in certain places and a light oh to come from her mouth. "Oh yeah, that. Well, I didn't get hurt during the attack. I was killed before that. Some...less than savory people came in and decided I had to die. Luckily, I can't. Well, not permanently." She smiled and straightened up before getting into a strong stretch. "Had I been able, I would've helped out in the attack. I am quite good in a scrap. Though, waking up after being dead and not getting any good meals has left me very hungry. A couple buns and some coffee or tea would be nice, but it won't do anything about me being hungry, sad to say, Lady Suzune."
Chihiro nodded along with Allanon, showing she agreed about making a plan later. However, she motioned to the door behind them. "Town celebration and party first, then we plan. A night of head start doesn't change the end result at this time. We have no clue to follow, so we need the light anyway." She took her leave and stopped by to visit Hilde in the temple, making sure they had her comfortable. Chihiro was a familiar figure in Kalla, so she moved among them almost like a native. She was technically a native of the deserts, but she kept her home monastery location and even that she was born in a hidden monastery very close to her chest.

She then went to partake of the party. She avoided dancing, but she did take the invitation to sit next to Hilde and her family. The newly healed Hilde would have a naga's arm around her waist most of the night if given the opportunity. She hummed quietly to herself, enjoying every bit of the celebration as best she could. Hilde and the party seemed to soothe her somewhat, bringing her simmering anger and annoyance at the stolen soul stone to a more palatable level for herself.

Kistal, meanwhile, had brought his freshly finished booze barrels out, tapping them all and setting them up for free usage. Kalla's people would get to taste his massively popular Portean brews, having a great variety and Kistal's considerable skill. He also helped in the kitchen, borrowing an oven and stovetop to add some of his best cuisine to the feast. He couldn't help it, a party needed good food and drink, so he felt obligated to use his skills. Later, after Valia's dancers, he began to do a skillful dance as well. His was far different, involving far more twists and turns as well as far more significant foot, or hoof, work. He also introduced a satyr drinking game to some of the braver partygoers. They had to dance with him, all of them holding a tankard of their drink of choice. The one to lose the most in the dance had to finish their drink and refill. The others got to just refill and continue to the next round. The last one standing was the winner.

Tali spent her time among the dancers and then doing her own dance following Kistal. Hers was obviously and unabashedly designed to be enticing. Each movement accentuated her body and made it a show for anyone watching. However, it was not a striptease nor a vulgar dance. It took elements of Kalla dancing and combined it with some of the dancing techniques learned among Isoli nobility and Portean high society. It was an enticing, vigorous dance intended to provoke but was very much always elegant and well suited to any dancing area.
Seeing the noble Isoli squirm and blush brought a smile to Tali. Her innate distrust of nobility was lessened by the fact that Maeve was helping normal people, but the former urchin couldn't help but enjoy a bit of gentle teasing of a noble. "Most succubi can be so. It's all about how hungry they are and if they think you will wanna get into bed with them. I don't feed through sex, so I get a bit more fun and take more time. So, since I thought you'd get flustered, I tried strong teasing. It worked, my dear, and that blush and fidgeting was oh so adorable." She slipped off the seat and sashayed a bit closer, making sure to bring attention to her bust with her arms folded underneath it. She tilted her head, her smile going from amused to surprisingly tender. Her tail stealthily snaked under the water and grazed along Maeve's outer thigh for just a moment. Even when trying to be a sweetheart, she was still sultry and sexy by nature.

The tender smile was paired with a look of genuine concern. Despite herself, Tali could never ignore seeing someone potentially suppressed. Despite the concern, Tali's voice remained in its natural sultry and lilting manner. If she was asked, it was one of teh few downsides of her voice. "As fun as teasing is, I am quite concerned from what I saw. You worry so much about being the perfect little noble girl that you forget to be yourself. Other succubi may just want you in bed, but I want people to learn, love, and live. Seeing the marks of Isoli society almost makes me shudder. You never had time to live and become your own woman, no?" Her tail became more insistent but far from sexual. It wrapped very lightly around Maeve's hand, the tip pressed gently to her palm. The gesture, while violating personal space, was intended to be affectionate and sympathetic.
While Valia told the story, Tali snuck closer to the woman, ending right next to her, still nice and deep in the water, only her head showing. She always enjoyed a good story, but she wanted to be a bit closer to the two pretty ladies. Unlike Sev, she was doing it to appreciate the beauty rather than perv over them. She would, of course, be happy to bed them if desired, but she was more focused on learning more about the area and making sure the town was getting back on its feet.

She remained perfectly quiet during the telling, contrasting Maeve's vocal interest. Her facial expression gave away how much she liked the story, her face a small smile. Once done, she finally spoke up. "Well, not often a battlefield creates love, but it's nice to hear about one such time. Allard has been perfectly hospitable to me during my stay. That's a lot more that can be said for many folks. They see a succubus, especially one as well clawed as myself, and they grab the weapons before I can even open my pretty little mouth." She sat up and stretched out, making no effort to hide any bit of her body and almost showing off to the other two to accent her explanation. "But hearing about how accepting he was back then too makes me happy. Having someone so accommodating yet powerful explains a lot of why Kalla is so safe."

The succubus finished her stretch and then tilted her head, seeming to scrutinize Maeve a bit. "Now, I didn't expect to see someone so far from home, though. I was happy to catch Valia in the baths, but you, my dear Isoli lady, are very far from home. I can understand needing a bit of warming, but that is what a good lover is for. The desert is not good to your kind. So, what brought you here? You have an air of the nobility. Political games being touchy again? Maybe you needed to escape an arranged marriage? I can be much better than a husband if so."
Collab between Chihiro, Allanon, and Kallen.

Chihiro eyed Allanon calmly as he explained wanting a third party with him. Once he finished, she looked down at Hilde and then at him. "Very well. If he means us ill, you do of course realize I will be incapacitating him. I can also dose him with venom that makes him more...reliable in speech." She leaned down and kissed Hilde's forehead, a small smile creeping across her face. "After all, I have my happiness here, so let us get you yours."

Allanon smiled as Chihiro agreed to come with him. He took a breath in and out before responding. "Thank you, Chihiro. He said he had a room at Allard's inn." He turned towards the direction of the inn. "I'm not much interested in getting happiness. I simply have a promise to keep."

Allanon had truly not thought about achieving happiness in a long time. Certainly not after his contract with the Calabris ended, and absolutely not when it started. He closed his eyes, cleared his mind, and readied himself to confront a possible threat. In the moment he took to do this, a flash of a memory of his wife, and the promise he made to her hardened his resolve. This time he would not be alone. With that he strode forward to the inn to Kallen's room.

Upon arrival, he knocked upon the door. "Come on in," came the response from Kallen. Allanon opened the door to see Kallen had set up a small dining arrangement in his room. A small pile of books were set up to one side of the table, and Kallen closed a book in his hands. A history tome from what Allanon could see. An unopened bottle of wine rested on the table with a pair of glasses.

"I'm glad you came so soon," Kallen smiled as he glanced between Chihiro and Allanon. "I'll admit I was not expecting you to bring a comrade, but that's fine enough." He gestured towards the seat across from him. "Take a seat, and as for your partner. Hmm..." He clapped his hands twice. "Chester! Move to my right side on the table before me and settle down."

An unassuming chest sprouted many small human-like feet, and shuffled over the the ordered location before retracting the feet and settling down. "Not as comfortable as a chair, I apologize for that." He grabbed the bottle of wine. "Wine? Any good business talk should have some libations I believe."

Allanon took the seat staring Kallen straight into the eyes. "I don't drink."

Chihiro took the offered seat but also did not take any wine. "I'm content without wine. When in a business situation, I prefer to avoid anything that might distract me." She flashed a fanged smile at Kallen and crossed her legs, folding her hands in her lap. The chest, while odd, was far from being anything too weird for a 300 year old naga. "Now, let's begin. Kallen, I am Inquisitor Chihiro Aozaki of the Flores Sororibus Serpentis. I am here to mediate and act as a neutral party in this matter. Is this agreeable?"

"Shame," Kallen murmured glancing at the bottle of wine. He did not like the idea of being the only one drinking, so he slid it aside. "Certainly agreeable, Inq-"

"So," Allanon abruptly spoke arms crossed. His focus was on the potential threat before him and not a magical chest. "Kallen, care to explain why a Calabris family member like yourself asked me here tonight."

Kallen cleared his throat. "Branch family member. I am Kallen Peregris. I am... dead as far as they know. I'll be direct. I want to work with you. I hate the way the Calabris family is right now. They've lost sight of their original purpose. Certainly, our great founder was a tyrant, but he worked to protect humankind. Now, all I see is a hunger for power at all costs. I know very little about the Ironblades you were a part of, however, I know you were retired in a most unnecessary fashion. I want to either take over, or replace the Calabris family. I want to stop terrible things like your experiences as an Ironblade. If we work together, we might actually be able to change them for the better."

Allanon leaned back into his seat to consider for a moment. This was not a small decision to make. He certainly did not trust Kallen, but he hesitated to believe Kallen was an enemy. If Kallen was being honest, his help would be a massive hand in achieving his promise to his wife. Even so, he was uncertain about working with Kallen.

Kallen leaned forward. "If it will help you feel assured about my intentions. I am willing to sign a contract with you, and m'lady Inquisitor Chihiro here as witness."

Chihiro leaned back, crossing her arms under her bust and scrutinizing both men throughout the whole conversation. "Hmm, if it is as you say, then give me more context. I'm not as familiar with the family and history. Have they always been slavers? What changes do you wish to see in it? These are important topics to consider within this context as changing for the better is not a singular event. It is a devoted decision for continual improvement. Any contract made with me arbitrating is specifically tied to my code of conduct and thus my order's mission." She leaned forward and quietly drummed her fingers on the table. "As I would imagine, Allanon here would likely generally agree upon my mission to create the greatest possible good. That leaves you as the wildcard here."

She looked Kallen in the eye, her countenance becoming severe unlike her usual warmer demeanor. "And if you break that contract and go down the path of evil, you will be visited by me. Do not take my redemptive preference as safety. You will be redeemed or destroyed should you fall. Redemption is the first course. Refuse the rose, and I'll remove your life to save those around you."

Allanon crossed his arms and looked at Kallen expectantly. He said nothing, and simply waited for the young man to continue speaking.

"Context," Kallen repeated leaning back in his seat. "Very well. The Calabris family is one of the three major families of Portea. They rose to prominence as a part of the fall of the Grandis Empire. They were in fact one of the primary leaders in the war itself. The founder was a strict leader and history remembers him as a tyrant, but it's more complicated than that. He was always pro-human, but he was also a meritocrat who had even a few non-humans within his advisory. Slaves certainly existed and were used by the Calabris family. The institution of slavery goes far back, and I know of few merchant families that would not use at least a few slaves to reduce costs. The Red Saints are actually one of those rare families to have never used slave labor in any way as far as my studies have taught me. Anyways, thanks to the influence gained after the war, the Calabris family basically became the foremost military leader in Portea, and they proceeded to continue efforts to strengthen themselves against future threats, and the possibility of the return of the Grandis Empire. Over time that culture of self-improvement changed and corrupted itself into the form it is right now. Now, all I see is a hunger for more power at all costs without purpose. It's something that will cause the Calabris family to eventually collapse, but if they aren't stopped now that collapse could cripple humanity."

He looked at Chihiro with a serious expression. "I'll admit. I don't look at the world as good or evil, because it is never as simple as that. I'm sure the leaders of the Calabris family and all branch families believe what they are doing is good in some twisted way. I know well enough the tenants of the Inquisitors thanks to my studies of history. I would not offer a contract if I were not prepared for that. I don't need to be redeemed."

Kallen dragged over his bottle of wine and popped the cork to pour himself a drink. "The Calabris family does."

Chihiro's severe look didn't move, but she nodded, knowing most of this history except the inner Calabris workings. "Be that as it may, now would be the time to kill the slave trade within the family. So, I am asking you if you are for or against slavery. There are some true evils in the world, slavery being one. I agree that most of the world is much more complicated." She leaned back and flipped out a fan, running fingers along the outer spine of it. "As far as the Calabris family is concerned, we will deal with each in the most appropriate fashion, don't fret. That leaves our current issue at hand."

She tilted her head a little, her eyes narrowing. "So, set your word on the table, please. It will affect how this moves going forward. In addition, there will be an addendum to this stating the ability to dismantle more if needed. For example, if we find torture chambers or inhumane experimentation, we will of course end it. Understandable, I assume."

Kallen tapped his finger on the table while he drank a swig of his wine. He stopped once the wine glass settled back onto the table top. "Am I for or against slavery? I would say neither. Nor do I believe it is evil. I know of evils that have been committed to slaves, and I know of slaves that are treated better than... family. How slaves are treated is simply a reflection of their owner. Some slaves are voluntary slaves as it will improve their lives in some way. Some slaves become free and are pushed into a higher social strata than they were before they became a slave. Some are treated like trash. Just straight up abolishing an institution like slavery isn't a simple process, and those with power will make moves to maintain a legal equivalent to slavery if you do. There is a certain responsibility that owners take when they get a slave, and the worst of them forget that responsibility. The Calabris family is one that has forgotten that responsibility."

Kallen stretched his arms before continuing. "I certainly agree though that the experimentation must stop. I've been away from the family for several years now, so I am unaware of what they have been working on over the years, and even before that my access to information was limited, however, I would not be talking with you if I did not see an opportunity to make a change for the better in that regard." He looked straight at Allanon. "I don't know all of the details of what you were a part of while you were under the Calabris family's thumb, but I am aware that it was dark and sinister, and you were treated as a threat after they were done using you. Work with me and we can make things right again."

Allanon could not deny that Kallen was convincing. The fact that he was willing to enter a contract with an Inquisitor as witness clarified his good intention. "I don't care for your view on slaves, but I can put that aside for now. I do believe your intentions are good."

He then extended his hand across the table. "I will be putting my trust in you." He was sure Kallen was smart enough to know how he would react if he were going to betray that trust.

Kallen smiled brightly and met Allanon's handshake. "Excellent well. I will do my utmost to honor that trust."

The inquisitor's expression was a bit dour, but she nodded to Allanon. "We can work on ridding the world of slavery, but at least he will not desperately grip to it. I do not agree, but it shows he would at least work to guarantee quality of care in the meantime." She was far less satisfied with his answer than she let anyone know, but she also knew that his culture was massively steeped in the removal of the free will of others. He was further along than most, but she would keep an eye on him and prod him towards abolition over time.

"All that has been stated as goals and desires to be contracted will be set in stone. Thus far, we have enumerated slavery being legal but well regulated, the Calabris family being dismantled and reestablished in a manner consistent with the above table elements of the world, and that only the guilty will be killed. For his side, Allanon will provide personal assistance in the aforementioned goal of dismantling the Calabris. I will maintain my vigil to root out and prevent corruption or tainting of the cause as well as preventing collateral damage and innocent harm as much as physically possible. Any breach of contract will be dealt with and punished in accordance with the severity and reasoning of the breach, as determined by me, the mediator and present lawful enforcer. Are both parties in agreement to the stated terms, requirements, and end goals?" She looked between the two men, making it clear she was setting the verbal contract in motion and acting as the holder and prime enforcer of the contract as befits her position. Kallen, given he knew some about her order, would know that they were extremely strong contract holders, keeping the letter and spirit of the contract in mind. In addition, an ageless, forever vigorous inquisitor could also maintain it till the death of the mortals making such contracts.

Kallen noticed the Inquisitor's serious expression as he completed the handshake with Allanon. He imagined she was not at all pleased with his views on slavery. He doubted he could do much to change her mind on the merits of such an institution. He imagined this would not be the end of their conversation on the topic either, but he certainly welcomed such a discussion. It would be a challenging bit of fun. As Chihiro finished her clarification of the terms, Kallen nodded his head. "I find these terms agreeable. I accept!"

Allanon nodded in agreement as well. "I accept these terms as well."

Kallen clapped his hands together in joy at his success. "Excellent well! Now, shall we celebrate with a meal and some other libations? I am sure Allard's kitchen has quite a bit of decent options for the celebration of an agreement such as this. On me, of course." Kallen's adventures finding relics and his experience with negotiations over the last several years had left him with a fair amount of liquid currency. A decent portion had gone into investigation and research, however he always had a healthy reserve set aside exactly for moments like this.
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